Security Guard’s Romance



0Faced with Zhang He Yi's questioning, Huang Xing could not help but frown.    


Seeing that Huang Xing did not say anything, Zhang He Yi stood up and said: "I think you are not holding a reunion with your classmates, is it true that you are helping Wu Qianqian in his name?" What did you take from her, really? Just like that guy said, the two of you fooled around together after graduation, didn't you?    


Huang Xing's prestige was high among the students, his sarcastic and mocking words, made many of the students unable to watch any longer, a few of them stood up, and started to attack Zhang Hanyi.    


Zhang Hanyi sat down and took a sip of his liquor.    


Huang Xing pointed at the screen and said earnestly, 'Students, I know that everyone has a prejudice against Wu Yawen, that is inevitable. These years, I met Wu Yawen, also known as Wu Qianqian, in Jinan. We've been through a lot together. Just this morning, Wu Yawen was at my house. He didn't even care about his own life. She repented every day, repenting for her past. If one was not a saint, how could he not be one? In the past, she was indeed very vain. For this vanity, she had done many things wrong. But I hope my classmates will give her a chance to start over. Okay?    


The entire audience was silent.    


Huang Xing continued to speak: "Now, everyone please look at the video on the screen, regardless of whether or not you all have a similar opinion of Wu Yawen, I hope that you all will patiently finish watching it." Thank you.    


When he reopened the video, he saw that Wu Qianqian was fresh and elegant, but her eyes were filled with tears.    


This time, no one objected. They all stared at the screen.    


In the video, Wu Qianqian waved his hand to greet everyone, and then said in a sincere tone: "Hello everyone, I am Wu Yawen." My purpose in recording this video is to apologize to you all. A few years ago, when I was young and vain, I did a lot of things that let down my classmates in my hometown. I regret it. It has always been an unquenchable pain in my heart. How stupid I was then! I'd like to say something to you here, whether you'll forgive me or not. I, Wu Yawen, am ashamed of my home, of the countless students who have helped me to learn and live with. The last time I attended a reunion, I still remember the neglect I received at that reunion. No one paid any attention to me. No one said a word to me. I wash my face with tears, I leave in pain... Students, there is no medicine for regret in this world. If it is wrong, it must be changed. Whether you accept my change or not, you are still my best and most memorable classmates... Here, I would also like to thank my old classmate, Huang Xing, for your hard work all this time. Thank you, thank you students...    


Wu Qianqian's words were a bit incoherent, and didn't mean what she said, but as she spoke, she was already sobbing.    


Even after the video ended, the entire studio was still silent.    


Huang Xing took a deep breath and said: If you know your wrongs and can change them, then there's nothing much you can do. I believe that Wu Qianqian sincerely repented, and hope that everyone will give her a chance. Thank you.    


The leader clapped.    


Occasionally, someone responded and applauded.    


At this time, someone stood up and said: Let's forgive Wu Yawen! It seemed like she was sincere and really wanted to correct it!    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Then, still in opposition, another student stood up and said sarcastically: I can't forgive her! If you all want to be on the side of a star, then so be it, I don't want to be on the side of a star anyway. Even if she wasn't on Earth, she still wandered around. How could this show of hers smooth things out for everyone ? Injuries?    


Another student responded: Yes! She was a star, a host, and she knew how to perform. It was just a show.    


Huang Xing sighed and said: Performing? Did she have to perform? She's famous now, so why bother trying to establish a relationship with us old classmates? This was the friendship of a classmate that filled her heart. Couldn't everyone understand it?    


'Humph! ' Another female classmate stood up. She had seen it on the internet, and there were too many people scolding her in the Tieba. She was trying to win the hearts of everyone and stop scolding her.    


"Yes, that's right!" "She's making up for it!"    


'It's too late! '    




Even with all these efforts, they still could not change the deep hatred they had for Wu Qianqian.    


Although there were many different opinions, some of the students expressed that they could accept Wu Qianqian's changes. But the majority are skeptical and wait and see.    


This may be the celebrity effect. If Wu Qianqian was just an ordinary person, then she definitely wouldn't attract the hatred and opposition of so many people. However, she was, after all, a celebrity, and everything that celebrity did was easily exaggerated. People prefer to focus on the color of the stars' clothes rather than care about how many gold medals they win at the Chinese Olympics; to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a star concert rather than do something meaningful with the money; to talk about the families of celebrities rather than to do more for their parents and families ? In short, the reason why Wu Qianqian's act of vanity had elicited such a strong reaction was only because she was a star, a celebrity.    


Huang Xing looked at the time and felt that it was about time, so he said: For this gathering, Wu Yawen has spent a lot of effort and courage. In order to atone for her sins, in order to atone for her youthful vanity, she did not hesitate to gamble her public image. Next, let's take a look at our local television station.    


"Television station?" "What television station?" A classmate asked.    


Huang Xing opened up the screen, used the remote control to search a few times, and stopped at a section of the local television station.    


On the screen, the female news anchor was calmly broadcasting the main points of the news: This afternoon, the famous program host Wu Qianqian came to my television station's Recording Center. She proposed a seemingly simple but heavy wish to us. In truth, Wu Qianqian's original name was Wu Yawen, she was a shining star that walked out from our place. Let's find out what this well-known and influential host wants. Please read the detailed report of our station's independence!    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the timing was quite accurate.    


All the students were shocked.    


Huang Xing had done a lot of homework for Wu Qianqian this time. Of course, the person who worked the hardest was Wu Qianqian.    


Once again, Wu Qianqian appeared in the video. The host held the microphone and talked to her for a while, then the host began to get down to business: Then, what exactly is Wu Qianqian's wish right now, we ask Wu Qianqian to help us find the answer.    


Wu Qianqian was silent for a moment, then his expression became serious: I am a local born and raised, I drink yellow water and grow up. Here, there are my parents, my relatives and friends, and some of the students I've known since primary school. I grew up with their company and encouragement, but when I began to gain a bit of fame, I made a terrible mistake. Vanity, is vanity, is a strong vanity, let me... Let me forget Ben. I began to resent my birth, to complain about my parents, not having been born in a precious family, not having been born in a big city. So I changed my name and invented a good birth and place for myself. At the time, I thought I was so smart. I suddenly felt like I had turned from a chicken into a phoenix. When asked about my hometown, I shamelessly told him that I was from Qingdao and from a big city. My parents are both civil servants... I used this lie to deceive myself and everyone else. In a nonexistent world that I weave myself, I enjoy this unreal dream in vain. It wasn't until later that I grew up and matured that I understood how foolish and laughable my actions were, how absurd and ignorant they were. I'm wearing such a terrifying mask. How many friends have I lost? How many ? Friends and relatives, classmates ? I want to, all this is just a dream, it does not exist, this does not exist how good! My current wish is to let my homeland know that I am Wu Yawen. I am Wu Yawen who grew up like all of you, drinking yellow river water. My parents set up stalls to sell breakfast. My family was very poor, but very happy. I love my parents, my hometown, my classmates and friends. I apologize for my ignorance. I hope you will forgive me. To that end, I am willing to take on all... Price...    


After he finished speaking, Wu Qianqian bowed deeply towards the camera for a long time.    


This program shocked everyone!    


It could be imagined that a celebrity host, who had already achieved fame, would lower his dignity, sob and repent on television and reveal his privacy. What kind of courage was this?    


The program ended, but the gathering was silent.    


From the students' expressions and reactions, Huang Xing could tell that a majority of the students had already been infected by this sincere apology program. Or perhaps, they had already accepted Wu Qianqian's confession in their hearts?    


After the silence, a student stood up and said: Wu Yawen doesn't even care about her image, what reason do we have not to forgive her? I think she really regretted it. Right now, I feel that Wu Yawen is back. She's still that kind classmate of hers, and she's even the Wu Yawen that gets along with us day and night ?    


Huang Xing took the lead and applauded. Unexpectedly, all the students applauded at the same time.    


He succeeded? Huang Xing felt as if a huge boulder had been placed in his heart.    


Huang Xing continued: As I mentioned earlier, this reunion is not because of me, Huang Xing, but someone else. I think everyone has already guessed that this person is Wu Yawen! I think that without her, tonight's party would be perfect. Because she has returned, she is still the student Wu Yawen that we knew in the past!    


Someone asked, Where is she now? She must have come back, right? Why didn't she come with him?    


Huang Xing emphasized: She's at this restaurant. But he didn't dare face his classmates, so he kept hiding ? Hide somewhere else. She wanted to meet everyone, but she didn't have the courage.    


"Let her come!" Tell her to come here! '    


Someone shouted.    


Huang Xing nodded slightly and dialed Wu Qianqian's cell number.    


At this moment, Huang Xing was extremely excited.    


As for his hand, it was trembling slightly.    


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