Security Guard’s Romance



4It was very obvious that the homeroom teacher, Wang Renkui, had a lot of prejudices against Wu Qianqian.     4


Originally, it had taken a lot of effort for the students to accept Wu Qianqian's repentance. However, this ridicule from Wang Renkui caused the scene to once again fall into an awkward situation.    


Huang Xing frowned, he could only helplessly continue to smooth things over: President Wang likes to joke so much, Wu Yawen is an outstanding student in our class. If she could come, it could be said that ? It will be a great boost to our gathering.    


Wang Renkui scratched his head and clicked his tongue. "If I had known she would come, I wouldn't have come. Fine then, you guys play, I'll go home first."    


She turned to leave, but Huang Xing tugged on his arm: "Teacher, what are you doing?" Since he was already here, he might as well settle for now.    


'I can't settle down.' Wang Renkui looked around at the bustling scene. The hundred students could be said to be taught by him. He could have enjoyed the glory of having a plum blossom in the sky, but after seeing Wu Qianqian, he insisted on leaving. What did this mean?    


This meant that his prejudice against Wu Qianqian was very, very deep. So much so that they were like fire and water.    


When they reached the entrance, he suddenly turned around and pointed at Wu Qianqian with an excited expression. He said: "I have been teaching for over a dozen years, you could say that I am like a peach popping out of the world." But one of the most shameful things in my life was teaching you, a student! Blushing, blushing...    


He pinched his cheeks with his hand and continued with a sharp expression: "For someone who doesn't recognize their home and parents, no matter how good you are at living, I, Wang Renkui, will not be able to act shamelessly!"    


Wu Qianqian was stunned by his righteous attitude, but she still felt like she was being bitten by thousands of ants. Her mind was in a mess. Her excitement just now and her depression at the moment formed a clear gap, making her feel ashamed.     


Huang Xing emphasized: Teacher, Wu Yawen did some wrong things before, but she came to the reunion this time, just to make up for her mistakes.    


Wu Qianqian quickly nodded his head: That's right ? Yes, Teacher Wang, I used to admire vanity, and I paid a heavy price for my own young and insensible life. I really have... I was really wrong. I hope you'll forgive me.    


'Forgive you? ' Wang Renkui coldly snorted, and said: "Do you know, Wu Yawen, in the education world, your name is also like thunder piercing one's ears. In addition, there was a teacher who wrote a seven - word stanza for you. Do you want to hear it, I'll recite it for you ? The best Wu Yawen in the world, also known as the Evil Sobbing Ghost God. "May I ask who is this woman's teacher? Her surname is Ren Kui, and her upbringing is in vain ?" Do you need me to translate it for you? All right, then I'll translate it into white for you. In order to be famous and conceited, he changed his name and abandoned his hometown. He did not recognize his hometown, but he knew his place. Even the ghosts and gods were flustered and exasperated. This anger was not from the sobs, it was anger that was difficult to calm down! It's the qi god, do you understand? Next, may I ask, which teacher taught this top quality girl? It was Wang Renkui, the homeroom teacher. He had enlightened this person and made him his teacher for nothing ? My heroic name has been ruined by you, do you know Wu Yawen ? No no no, Wu Da-jie Wu Qianqian?    


Wu Qianqian was momentarily stunned. She truly did not think that the vanity she displayed a few years ago would actually bring back such a great deal of trouble to her teacher in charge of the Middle School Age.    


Wang Renkui continued: This Seven Ultimate Skill Book was written by a colleague of mine who ridiculed me in an impromptu fashion. But the poem soon spread widely. The entire education world, no, the entire county. I, Wang Renkui am famous! He had become famous! Thank you for your help, Mr. Wu. Let me ask you, what are you doing back here? You came back to show off your achievements, didn't you?    


Wu Qianqian shook his head fiercely. I'm sorry, Teacher Wang, I didn't think that ? I...    


Wang Renkui sighed deeply, then shook his head and continued to walk outside.    


Huang Xing took a step forward and held onto Wang Renkui's arm, and said: "Class teacher, you cannot leave."    


'Good! ' Wang Renkui let out a loud harrumph, pointed at Wu Qianqian, and said: "I'm not leaving, she's leaving." I didn't teach such a student. She was a self-taught genius!    


Huang Xing anxiously said: The other students have already forgiven her, why are you still ? As a teacher, now that you are the principal, can't you be more magnanimous? Understanding your mistakes and being able to correct them ?    


Wang Renkui waved his hand: What, you're lecturing me? I tell you, my heart is as wide as the sea. However, no matter how broad-minded he was, he could not tolerate such a laughable person who had renounced his hometown. I have always believed that when a man lives in the world, his home and his father are the root and source of his existence and growth. If he didn't acknowledge either of these things, then there was no cure for him. Just now, you said ? What did you say? Her classmates had already forgiven her ? I don't believe that the students that I, Wang Renkui, brought out would allow such a rat shit to spoil a pot of good soup here!    


He was becoming more and more inarticulate and direct.    


Then, facing the other students, Wang Renkui asked them a question in return. Taken her in? Zhao He Gui, Sun Ran, Ran Chang ? Ha, you all want her to stay and attend this reunion?    


He called out a few names, his eyes burning, his expression grave.    


Zhao Hegui, who was called, scratched his head and said, "Teacher, actually, we didn't forgive her in the beginning, but then we realized that she has really changed now."    


That's right, Teacher Wang, she's not the same as she used to be. It seemed like she really had changed this time. I think... I think we should give her a chance.    


Wang Renkui frowned, and almost shouted: What benefits did she give you, ah? What benefits? You... You've all been bought, haven't you? She doesn't even recognize her own parents, nor does she acknowledge her own school, her own hometown. She says that she was born in a big city and studied in a famous high school ? Have you forgotten all this? For such a vain and hypocritical classmate, you guys actually... Unexpectedly ? Sigh, alright, you guys have a big heart, I, Wang Renkui am petty. I'll go. Starting from this year, let's have a class reunion. Don't give me any more notice. I won't come again. Just treat it as if I didn't take any of you students with me!    


Huang Xing never thought that he would be so intense!    


Logically speaking, as an old teacher who had taught for more than ten years, he could be said to be full of peaches and plums. Among the students he taught, there were bound to be those who were skilled and those who weren't. The situation was even more hateful than Wu Qianqian's, there were definitely a few who committed crimes. Even students who treated their own crimes didn't need to be so disgusted, right?    


At this time, some of the other students had come over to ask Wang Renkui to stay.    


After all, he was the homeroom teacher. Without his reunion, of course there would be some flaws.    


However, his intense performance surprised everyone. Especially Huang Xing, he felt that Wang Renkui was being a little too serious. Was this really necessary?    


Not really.    


Seeing that his painstaking efforts to gain understanding and forgiveness, and that the appearance of his teacher, Wang Renkui, was about to disappear, Wu Qianqian became anxious.    


Perhaps it was due to her kneeling on the ground in a moment of desperation!    


Everyone was stunned!    


Even Wang Renkui was startled, but he immediately waved his hand and said sternly: I can't take it! My, Wang Renkui's, fate is low. I can't bear your kneeling, do you wish for me to die?    


Wu Qianqian's tears couldn't help but flow out as she pleaded pitifully, "Teacher Wang, I know I've disappointed you." I hate myself. I sincerely beg your forgiveness, I am willing to pay any price. As long as you give me a chance.    


Wang Renkui coldly snorted as he flung his sleeves: It's true that dogs can't eat better ? Something like that.    


He did not say that word, but it was even more intimidating than saying it.    


When the students saw this scene, they also came up to advise him. Some of the students thought that Wang Renkui was making a big fuss out of nothing. Wu Qianqian had already knelt down, why would he be so overbearing?    


Wang Renkui ignored the persuasion of his classmates and said excitedly: "She! It's her! A few years ago, her parents had missed her and gone to find her in her luxurious home in Jinan. However, our noble Miss Wu actually told others that she was here to beg for food and she did not know who it was. Her parents had left with hatred in their hearts. Who could imagine how those two elders felt in their hearts? Being pregnant in October, you are just pretending that you don't know her when you return the favor. Just dislike? There was probably no one else who could achieve such a feat. Wu Yawen, let me tell you, not to mention you are a host now, even if you become a host for Central TV, I would still disdain to be your partner! Shameless!    


The moment he said this, the entire audience was shocked.    


How could this happen?    


Huang Xing was a little disbelieving of Wang Renkui's words. After all, Wu Qianqian had only lied and told her where she came from and her parents' occupation because of her vanity. She wouldn't be able to do such a shameless thing.    


Wu Qianqian was also very surprised, he could not help but ask: "Teacher Wang, who did you hear it from? This... This... There was nothing to it! I didn't do that!    


'No? ' Wang Renkui coldly snorted. You dare say that you've never done it before?    


Huang Xing couldn't help but interject: "I don't believe that Wu Qianqian would do such a thing either. Perhaps, it was all just a rumor.    


Wu Qianqian nodded his head fiercely. No matter how shameless I am, I would never refuse to acknowledge my parents and chase them away. Teacher Wang, please believe me, I really did not ? This matter, was not real ?    


Wang Renkui said: Whether it's true or not, your own heart is the clearest. Well, I lost control again today. My loss of control gave me a headache. I'm leaving, you guys continue with the party. Remember, do not notify me if Wu Yawen participates in any gatherings in the future. I think... Two words, disgusting.    


After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and quickly walked out.    


Huang Xing followed closely behind.    


He had already made too much effort, he could not let the arrival of Wang Renkui cause this effort to fail, and he would cause the Wu Qianqian who had been suffering internally to suffer even more.    


Huang Xing stopped Wang Renkui in the main hall of the hotel and stood in front of him. Huang Xing raised his voice and said: "President Wang, please listen to me."    


Wang Renkui looked up and glanced at Huang Xing and frowned.    


Huang Xing said anxiously: The reason why you treated Wu Qianqian like this is definitely not just on the surface, right?    


Wang Renkui was immediately stunned.    


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