Security Guard’s Romance



2Fu Jie thought about it again and again but still did not answer.    


However, she immediately sent an assistant, Yun Lu, a text message: If there's anything I need here, please help me entertain Xiao Yan and the others.    


Yun Lu quickly replied: No problem, leave it to me, Director Fu.    


He took a detour to the front of the villa. Looking at this luxurious building from a close distance, it seemed a little desolate. The cold Great Iron Door seemed to carry an even colder aura for this cold winter. The courtyard wasn't very spacious. It was completely empty and filled with a desolate and depressed feeling. If it weren't for the fact that they already checked into this luxurious residential complex, these villas might have been treated as haunted houses.    


Fu Jie thoughtfully said: "This villa is also extremely scary." Too cold. Living alone, afraid.    


Huang Xing was surprised by Fu Jie's confession. How could a strong woman like her be afraid? Hence, he could not help but lead Fu Jie: "If even you are afraid, who would dare to stop you?    


Fu Jie was startled, but continued to mock himself: "I am a woman.    


Huang Xing immediately shook his head: That's not what I meant. Indeed, if you want to live alone, don't say that you're afraid, I ? I don't feel at ease either.    


He had already entered the ranks of the middle-aged. He was over ten years older than him, and was almost two generations older. At this time, they were not waiting for anyone! So f * cking fast! Sha Mei then added on to the list of villas. In front of them was another winding path. On both sides of the path, there was a bamboo forest. It could be seen that the bamboo forest must be exceptionally thriving in other seasons. However, no matter how vigorous the plants were, they were unable to resist the cruelty of winter.    


At the end of the bamboo forest, Fu Jie led the way and sat down as he stared at the small bridge over the artificial lake.    


The bridge was beautiful, all red and European. But there was no water under the bridge. It was unknown if the winter had frozen the water, or if the water had quietly slept, enjoying the comfort of this piece of land.    


Huang Xing sat down beside Fu Jie and asked with concern: "Are you tired?    


Fu Jie shook his head: Not tired, just tired. Huang Xing, can I ask you a question?    


Huang Xing replied: Of course, speak, I'm listening.    


Fu Jie thoughtfully lowered his head. A moment later, he raised his head. You and Manager Bao, just when will you be able to ? You can live in peace?    


Huang Xing was startled, he never thought that Fu Jie would actually ask him this question after calling him out for a walk. To be exact, this question was one that Huang Xing did not want to answer and it was difficult to answer. Fu Jie's protection of Bao Shijie, made Huang Xing feel extremely helpless.    


Fu Jie saw that Huang Xing did not reply, and sighed with a serious expression.    


Huang Xing truthfully said: "I already said it." Between us, there is an irreconcilable contradiction.    


Fu Jie countered with a question: Is there anything in this world that can't be reconciled? Do you know that one of the things that gives me the most headache in the Merchant Shop is the opposing relationship between you and the Manager Bao?    


Huang Xing said: Fu Jie, you know that I have always believed in the kindness of others. Unless there was something wrong with this person's character.    


Fu Jie said: Are you saying that there is a problem with the character of the Manager Bao?    


Huang Xing emphasized: That's quite a problem! This person was very devilish, and his heart was not in the right place. Putting aside his plans and plans, he was definitely a piece of trash. I have never had such an assessment of my subordinates and employees. But towards Bao Shijie, I dare to pat my chest and tell you for sure, that you were mistaken!    


'I made a mistake? ' Fu Jie said: I feel that this is truly your personal prejudice.    


Huang Xing said: "Long time no see, one day, you will see his true appearance clearly." Actually, in Xin Meng Merchant House, the thing that makes me feel the most helpless and painful is ? It's because you have turned against me many times because of Bao Shijie. He wasn't worth it. I really don't like people who speak ill of me behind my back. I just hope that the person I love doesn't get cheated or hurt by others.    


Fu Jie looked at the artificial lake in front of her with a serious expression. The beautiful small bridge didn't fit her current state of mind at all. There were many times when Fu Jie was actually a very emotional person. Her intuition and judgement were different from ordinary people. However, there were times where she would make a mistake. It was because she was in too much of a hurry to achieve success.    


The two continued to walk forward. As they walked, they reached the small bridge.    


The small bridge seemed to be swaying slightly. It was unknown if it was just an illusion on one's senses, or if the texture of the small bridge itself contained a certain degree of flexibility. Or was it because of the sound of the water under the bridge?    


In the center of the lake, there was an even colder feeling.    


However, Huang Xing enjoyed this feeling very much. At least, to be able to walk with Fu Jie was a wonderful thing.    


Perhaps it was to resolve the awkward silence that Fu Jie asked her this question: "What do you think is the name of Zhen Xin's new phone?" Xin Duo RA5, how about this machine?    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: As for the quality, I am unable to comment on it right now. But in terms of appearance, I think it suits the modern aesthetic. In addition, its large screen design also met everyone's requirements on visual clarity and comfort. There was also the phase resolution. If there was no water in it, then it was sufficient. If all of these were not a problem, then its pricing would determine its future sales and popularity.    


Fu Jie nodded his head: I think so too, but right now, it is still the world of copycat machines and high mimicry machines, making a brand is not easy. Because the brand is destined to be a lot more expensive than the copycat. R & D costs, employee salaries, advertising costs, and taxes. It was not easy for us to cross over from the era of high level imitation machines to become a true hard power handset vendor. There was a saying that goes, 'It is easy to beat the rivers and mountains, but difficult to guard them'. Xinyuan Company was in this kind of situation, but wasn't Xin Meng Merchant House also in this kind of situation?    


Huang Xing said: Actually, I feel that since our company has developed to this point, we can't blindly pursue any growth rate. We should, first, seek stability.    


Fu Jie countered with a question: If you don't want the growth rate, then what do you want? Seek stability, performance each year stable decline, also considered stable.    


Huang Xing stressed: "I mean, under the premise of stability, we should pursue growth." This was the best development trend. Xin Meng Merchant House was destined to have a set number of customers by now. Of course, these customers were all high end customers with very strong financial power. We should focus on stability, maintain the old customer base, continue to absorb the expansion of the new customer base. In addition, the counter of the mall had once been placed in a very comfortable state, giving the customers a feeling of relaxation from shopping. But if the blind pursuit of performance of additional counters, the elimination of leisure, for customers, it is a psychological and physical imperceptible impact. As time goes by, everyone will gradually feel unwell and tired from shopping. A mall is not a market, the closer the better. On the contrary, a suitable location in space was also a crucial factor.    


Fu Jie frowned: There is something in your words. You are still denying that we are the Manager Bao and I, that improvement plan.    


Huang Xing said: I've been opposed to it from the beginning, but I still have reservations.    


Fu Jie argued: However, the key point is that we did not destroy this comfortable experience in shopping. You have brought up the point of view of growing close to each other many times, I admit that growing close to each other is required for crops to grow, but the planning of reusing the space in our merchant house really did not break this coordination of shopping space and leisure space. Compared to most large companies, our space is relatively loose.    


Huang Xing really wanted to say that this is just an illusion created from your eager thoughts.    


However, he was also worried that if he continued to debate this issue, it would definitely lead to a conflict of words and cause it to disappear into thin air. So he gave up.    


Huang Xing thoughtfully said: "Alright, let's not talk about work anymore." It was rare for him to come out for a walk and talk about some relatively easy topics.    


Fu Jie asked: For example?    


Huang Xing pointed to the artificial lake below him. For example, after winter, we can go fishing on the lake.    


'Fishing? ' Fu Jie said: You're in quite a good mood. Fishing in here was very expensive, several times more expensive than the market price outside.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I mean, we don't necessarily have to fish here. Although the percentage of girls in the fisherman was very small, there was no doubt that fishing was the most effective way to adjust one's stress and mental relaxation. One. I suggest you come with me and relax during the weekend.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but click his tongue. No patience. Feeling was meaningless.    


Huang Xing said: Once you invest in it, I believe that you will fall in love with this type of leisure activity.    


Fu Jie lightly shrugged his shoulders, using silence to reject Huang Xing's point of view.    


Huang Xing sighed in his heart.    


He clearly remembered that when he was with Fu Zhenxin in the past, she would often accompany him out fishing on weekends. The two of them had a great teamwork and had fun together. Sometimes, one would fish while having a picnic. That kind of romantic feeling was not something that could be expressed with words.    


Fu Jie was clearly a different kind of person from Fu Zhenxin. When he was with Fu Zhenxin, he could relax completely, and do whatever he wanted to do. However, when he was with Fu Jie, there would always be an invisible pressure that restricted his movements.    


But even so, Huang Xing still wished to be together with Fu Jie. Indeed, it was impossible for her to become a qualified girlfriend. She would not be like a coquettish girl who would coax you to be happy and give you comfort. But that might be her unique point. She had a resolute and decisive character, but there was no lack of gentleness in her. Her beauty of looking down on the common people, her business philosophy of being true to her words, and the noble air she exuded were things that no woman could ever surpass. In other words, her existence was a legend.    


Watching beauty in the night made one even more intoxicated. Her figure was beautiful, her face was beautiful, and she was covered in a veil of darkness. She was even more beautiful than a celestial being descending from the sky.    


If he had her with him in this life, what would he need?    


Ever since he had met Fu Jie, this kind of thought had become his eternal conviction.    


Watching her get drunk and thinking about it, it was hard for her to not be tempted by it. Huang Xing unnaturally grabbed Fu Jie's hand.    


It was a soft, familiar, beautiful little hand.    


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