Security Guard’s Romance



2For a moment, Huang Xing could not help but break out in cold sweat!     0


He remembered that one of the cars that looked completely different after being hit was actually Li Rong's car!    


How could this be?    


Was that Li Rong and the other accident car owner on the 120 ambulance that was just whizzing past?    


Fu Jie seemed to have noticed Huang Xing's nervousness and was extremely surprised. He quickly questioned Huang Xing: "What's wrong, what are you doing?!    


Huang Xing stammered: No, nothing. I was sweating over the people in these two cars. and the car crashed like this, and they... They must have sustained serious injuries.    


Fu Jie sighed: Yeah, when driving, you must pay attention. A car accident is fiercer than a tiger. In our country, car accidents account for eighty to ninety percent of abnormal deaths. Pray for them.    


Huang Xing seemed to have thought of something and said: That ? You must be careful on your way home!    


Fu Jie was stunned, he had a nagging feeling that Huang Xing was merely giving the order to expel him. Fu Jie frowned: What, you want to chase me away?    


Huang Xing shook his head: No, no. Just a warning. However, if you don't leave now, I will be even more at ease.    


Huang Xing used a move to capture her, he wanted Fu Jie to quickly drive back home so he could quickly contact Li Rong to see how severe her injuries were. After all, Fu Jie was present, so he was worried that she might be able to see through him. After all, Fu Jie was an extremely sensitive person.    


'What are you thinking, you! ' Fu Jie pushed Huang Xing away: Alright, I'm going to leave now, rest quickly!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Are you really not staying anymore? So late...    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing: Stay? What are you thinking? What do I have to do with you? I want to stay. Then wouldn't my illustrious reputation be ruined?    


Huang Xing could not help but sigh. Be careful when you're on your way!    


The two of them began walking back.    


Fu Jie realized that Huang Xing's footsteps had become extremely fast, and he was barely able to keep up with her pace. After jogging a few steps to catch up, Fu Jie called Huang Xing over. What are you in such a hurry to go back for?    


"Oh." Huang Xing explained: You saw through all of this! According to scientific research, every night to adhere to a straight 100 steps, it is beneficial to adjust the human muscle energy, heart and spleen...    


'You believe that? ' Fu Jie said. However, although it was not as godly as the scientists had boasted, the function of strengthening the body was still there.    


In front of Fu Jie's car, she did not get on the car for a long time.    


Huang Xing felt that he was missing something, so he went forward to give her a hug and lightly patted her back: "Darling, be careful on the way!"    


Fu Jie's body trembled slightly as he complained: F * ck you! His flesh was not numb!    


Huang Xing opened the car door for Fu Jie and waved his hand: "Please get in!    


Fu Jie was startled, but he still sat on it.    


As he watched Fu Jie drive off, Huang Xing's originally worried heart became even more anxious!    


I wonder how Li Rong is doing now!    


Without thinking too much, Huang Xing drove the car and quickly rushed to the scene of the accident! At this moment, a trailer had arrived and was about to drag away two of the cars.    


Huang Xing stopped his car at the side of the road, anxiously walked to the front of the police car, and asked one of the officers: "Police Comrade, may I ask, how is the situation with the people in these two cars?    


The policeman asked with a straight face, "Why are you asking this?"    


Huang Xing emphasized: One of them is my friend!    


The policeman pointed to the two cars and said, This car, it's a man. In the car, it's a woman. Both men were fast when they hit the car. As a result, both of them were injured and sent to Victory Hospital (alias) in an ambulance.    


Huang Xing asked further: "That female Fang, how are her injuries?"    


The policeman emphasized, When I was carried away, my face was covered in blood. Estimate... The situation might not be any better!    


Ah? Huang Xing was burning with anxiety!    


At this moment, another policeman came over, stuffed something into his mouth and said smilingly: "Damn, these two idiots, you said there's such a wide road, yet you can crash like this!" I'm convinced!    


Police A said, Someone must have had a drink! They even drank it all!    


Police B sneered: "Do as I say, driving while drinking, you deserve to be knocked to death!" Damn it, even if he was alive, he would still be a road killer!    


Police A:...    


The two chatted happily as Police B chewed on something that looked like chewing gum and giggled from time to time. It was as if he was not handling the scene of the accident at all, but watching football with his colleagues and discussing.    


Huang Xing was not used to being angry, he pointed to a pool of blood on the road and scolded the two policemen: "How can you laugh when people are already like this?"    


Police B frowned: What do you mean? F * ck! None of your business!    


Huang Xing emphasized: The one who was injured, was my friend. They're all injured, you know, and you're not... Instead ? Instead, they chatted and laughed. Is your heart made of iron?    


Police B still acted as if nothing had happened: I have seen this kind of thing too many times! Don't you ever see one or two of them. There were many that were more miserable than this. Those with missing arms and legs were considered light. Some were directly smashed into meat patties by the huge chariot while their bones were shattered into thousands of pieces. This was the result of not abiding by the rules of the city. There was nothing to sympathize with!    


The attitude of the police officer was a little better than his colleague. He waved his hand towards Huang Xing: Alright, stop blabbering nonsense here, hurry up and go to the hospital to see your friend!    


Police B immediately added: "Oh yes, if your friend can wake up by a fluke, I have to trouble you to warn her. Don't ever drive again." Ask her if she has any memory? He drove so fast and was in a hurry to get lost!    


Huang Xing was furious enough, and asked the policeman: Can you not be so harsh with your words?    


Police B was a little angry, spitting out the food in his mouth, he took two steps forward, and cursed: Damn it, what's wrong with it! If you know what's good for you, hurry up and get lost!    


Police A quickly stepped between the two of them, worried that they might have a physical conflict, and advised them: Okay, okay, what do we do now? Du!    


Huang Xing could almost smell the alcohol coming out from Police B's mouth. Did he drink?    


If drunk driving is against the law, what is the nature of being a public official?    


However, Huang Xing was not in the mood to waste time with these stone-cold policemen. What he wanted to do the most right now was to quickly rush to the hospital and check on Li Rong's injuries.    


Returning to the car angrily, Huang Xing flared his flute at the police officer who didn't have any manners.    


The policeman was so angry that he stomped his feet and cursed. Then, he actually wanted to jump into the police car to chase Huang Xing, but was stopped by his colleagues.    


In Huang Xing's heart, it was not a pleasure!    


The desperate situation signified that Li Rong's injuries were definitely going to be severe.    


In his mind, he could not help but think of Li Rong's bloodied face, the cold sweat on his face kept hitting on's helpless heart.    


What should he do? What should he do?    


Huang Xing really wanted to call Li Rong. After thinking about it again and again, he felt that if he called Li Rong again, it would be a waste of time since he might be in surgery right now. So he gave up.    


Along the way, Huang Xing's heart felt like it was blocked by a boulder. The location of Li Rong's accident happened to be near his own district. This also meant that not long after Li Rong left, he was in a car accident. This made Huang Xing feel even more sorry for himself, and even blamed himself. After all, no matter what, Li Rong's accident had something to do with him.    


'I have to hold on, I have to hold on! ' Huang Xing prayed and prayed in his heart, tears almost falling out of his eyes.    


Recalling the scene between him and Li Rong, Huang Xing's heart felt even more sour. A beautiful girl in the prime of her youth, with a bright future ahead of her, had not even had the chance to enjoy her life when she was met with such a serious car accident. Her life was in danger. This was too unfair!    


If he could reverse the flow of time, he wouldn't have driven Li Rong away tonight. Huang Xing clearly remembered that after he returned from Fu Zhenxin's home, Li Rong appeared in front of him like a ghost, wanting to give him a pleasant surprise. Despite the surprise in this way, Ray was as frightened as he was. But it undoubtedly confirmed the intentions of this infatuated little girl towards him. As for him, he kept chasing her away, forcing her to leave in agony. Her eyes sparkled with tears as she left.    


These details roasted Huang Xing's heart, making him feel guilty.    


The distance between the hospital and Huang Xing's home was not very far, Huang Xing was surprised, why did he not choose the nearest hospital to undergo emergency treatment, and instead chose a certain hospital 10 kilometers away.    


There was a traffic jam at night, yet there was a traffic jam?    


At an intersection, looking at the grow dragons and their carriages, Huang Xing's eyes almost popped out!    


What the f * * k was it? There was still a traffic jam! Huang Xing scolded as he fiercely pressed his horn a few times. He tried to go around to the side, but found that it was impossible. There were cars all around. It was even more impossible to turn around and take a detour.    


The car moved like a snail.    


From their discussion, Huang Xing knew that the road ahead had collapsed and was in an emergency for repair. Adding to that, there was already a car in the middle of the collapsed hole, which caused the entire road to collapse, leaving behind only a two meter wide side road for them to pass through. As a result, there was a serious traffic jam.    


A phone's ringtone sounded, causing Huang Xing to be in no mood to answer it. However, the phone still rang one after another.    


Opening it, he saw that it was Fu Jie.    


With uneasiness in his heart, Huang Xing took the call and asked: "Are we home?"    


Fu Jie said indifferently: It's downstairs.    


Huang Xing was stunned: It's under my house? You are not... You're back?    


Fu Jie remained silent for a moment, then said: "There's something wrong with you tonight." What are you doing driving out so late?    


Huang Xing said in shock, "I ?." I... I came out to do something.    


'What do you want to do? ' Fu Jie commanded Huang Xing: "It's almost midnight, what are you guys going to do? This is it. Other than the nightclub's nighttime, where else can I open the door? Sure, you have plenty of nightlife.    


Huang Xing was simply a mute. He could not speak of his grievances: "I ?" How could I have such thoughts! I am... I am...    


Huang Xing's mind worked quickly, he did not want Fu Jie to know about the accident that happened to him. After all, she had come to find Huang Xing before he had gotten into a car accident. And it was when they were just leaving Huang Xing District, that they had gotten into a car accident.    


Seeing that Huang Xing did not make a sound, Fu Jie continued to speak: "What, do you have something on your mind?    


Huang Xing emphasized: What the hell do I have in mind, me! I came out to see a patient. Has Friends... A friend was hospitalized!    


Fu Jie countered with a question: Go to see a patient in the middle of the night? Just lie to the devil! Well, fortunately, I wasn't in a hurry to leave tonight, so I drove back to take a look. As expected, my intuition was right. You are in a hurry to let me go, not because you are afraid that I will delay my rest, but because there is something else ? Nightlife's starting, isn't it? No, no, it's possible that you don't want to say it. Could you be going to meet a little lover?    


Huang Xing was stunned, he could not say anything for a long time.    


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