Security Guard’s Romance



3Huang Xing swayed his body, and this slap solidly landed on the spirit lady's face!     2


The strength behind this slap could be imagined. How could the Spirit Demon possibly withstand such a powerful attack? With a 'Ah', she shrieked and unconsciously released the bindings on Huang Xing. After a short while, half of his face had swollen into a steamed bun.    


The big bloke was stunned on the spot.    


The temptress waited until the golden star in front of her gradually receded. Then, she turned around and scolded the big bloke, "You son of a b * tch, why are you shedding so much light on me?!" Trash! Trash!    


The big size man looked at his own palm, then looked at Huang Xing, clenched his teeth, and waved his hand again to welcome him.    


Huang Xing did not give him any more chances to show off his strength, and with a series of kicks and punches, he knocked the big sized guy down.    


Originally, he was not a person who would go easy on others, but the big size man had continuously challenged his bottom line. In his fury, Huang Xing rode on the big size man and his fists were like raindrops that bloomed on his body.    


This time, that female demoness didn't dare to start a fight. Seeing that the big guy got beaten up to his heart's content, she didn't even have the courage to cheer for him.    


There was another round of discussion.    


'This fatty is really unlucky. I've met an expert, I've met a powerful one! '    


'Take your own life, take your own! Tough, no matter how horizontal it was. 'One thing subjugates another, there's always someone who can treat him.'    


'Looks like driving an Audi isn't easy to deal with. It's either a leader or an expert. This aura, awesome! 'She seems to be a rather gentle person, but when it comes to fighting, it's just too fierce! '    




Huang Xing shone his fist on the big sized guy's face: Are you still looking for trouble?    


The big guy was still stubborn, "Let go of me if you dare, let go of me!"    


Ye Zichen punched the big guy on the shoulder: I'll ask you one more time, you're being dishonest, do you still want to bully people?    


'No... "No." said the big man, as thin as a mosquito.    


Huang Xing stressed, "Louder, you can't hear me!" Have you changed?    


Big Al: Change... Change... The appointment had been changed! Let me go, brother. I'm in a hurry.    


Huang Xing scolded: What the f * * k did you do? Why are you in such a hurry to cause trouble?!    


Big guy: I'm not going to mess with you anymore, I'm really not going to mess with you anymore.    


Huang Xing got off the big size man, but after fighting with him, Huang Xing had consumed a lot of energy. He took a cigarette and took a few deep breaths.    


The big guy stood up from the ground, and the female goblin whose face was already swollen like a steamed bun walked to his side, whispered something in his ear, and the big guy nodded.    


Huang Xing knew that he shouldn't stay here for long, so he returned to the Audi's car and prepared to leave in his car.    


Big Al called out, Big Bro, hold on.    


Huang Xing frowned: Is this not enough?    


Big Al said, Leave a name. Maybe we can be friends!    


His face was really thick! Huang Xing emphasized: I really do not want to be friends with someone like you!    


The big guy's face changed, but he still kept smiling. "Then you have really underestimated me." To tell you the truth, who I am can frighten you with my words. But I won't reveal it today.    


Huang Xing was startled, but quickly mocked: "I don't care who you are! I don't care if you are the second generation, or the second generation, or whatever. There is justice in the world, and men do it, and the heavens see it. If you commit too many sins, you will receive retribution!    


With just a sentence, 'justice exists in this world', everyone who came to watch the show was excited! Some people couldn't help but clap. Immediately after, quite a few people also applauded.    


The big guy looked a little embarrassed, he bit his lips and said, "Alright, brother, we'll meet again!"    


Huang Xing waved his hand: Don't, better not!    


The female demon pinched the big guy's arm. Weak! Hot faces always pasted their cold butts on others! Furthermore, he even boasted that he was black and white to both of them, and that he was boasting that he was...    


The big man interrupted her sharply. Shut up!    


Huang Xing sat on the car, exhausted. He did not expect to encounter such an embarrassing situation after going to the hospital.    


There were all kinds of bird people!    


They headed straight for the hospital, and on the way there, there was no more trouble.    


Victory Hospital's emergency room.    


Through the information he gathered from the window, Li Rong was currently hospitalized in the Inpatient Department.    


Huang Xing rushed to the front of the sickroom and looked inside. He confirmed that the person lying on one of the sickbeds was none other than Li Rong.    


However, at this time, she was peacefully sleeping with a bottle hanging from her waist. Drops of medicinal liquid dripped from the storage tube. There was no sound, and it was very quiet.    


Her face looked pale.    


Huang Xing sighed and covered her with the blanket.    


She looked fine. According to the doctor, she had some facial injuries and a comminuted fracture of her elbow. A fracture operation can only be performed after the local swelling has been removed. Currently, drugs are being used to help her reduce the swelling.    


Li Rong was sleeping soundly, and the faint sounds of her breathing were a little uneven. She was really tired.    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief. Luckily, Li Rong was lucky, the scene of the car accident was so tragic, Huang Xing had thought that ?    


He was lucky!    


Huang Xing quietly sat down and waited for Li Rong to wake up.    


There was a seventeen or eighteen year old girl sitting on the bed next door. It seemed like she had been living in the hospital for quite some time. She was sitting cross-legged, fiddling with her phone.    


After playing with the phone for a while, the girl asked Huang Xing: "Who are you to this big sister, a boyfriend?"    


Huang Xing shook his head: No, I'm her ? Her colleague.    


'Colleagues? ' The girl pouted. "How weird, how come no one from her family showed up when we were in a car accident?" And you, too, came so late. You don't know, just now, this big sister was crying miserably. He couldn't even persuade her otherwise. The doctor and the nurse!    


Huang Xing continued to ask: "What time did she fall asleep?"    


The girl thought for a moment. "It looks like ?" I think I've slept for twenty minutes.    


Huang Xing nodded: Thank you. Thank you.    


Why are you thanking me? It's not like I did anything. By the way, I think you should go and get something to eat. She must have used up a lot of energy and needed some nourishment after crying for so long.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Where are you going to get food in the middle of the night?    


The girl emphasized, Go home and do it! Is your house far from here?    


Huang Xing said. Not too far away.    


The girl frowned slightly. "Bro, what are you saying? It's not far, is it near or far? If it's close, then go home and do it. If it's far ?" Far... Then I don't have a break.    


Huang Xing felt that this little girl was very caring and innocent. He couldn't help but ask: "Where did you get hurt?"    


The girl clicked her tongue. I've been living here for a long time! My injuries had long since healed, but my parents insisted that I stay longer to consolidate them. What else is there to consolidate? I'm already acting like a normal person. How boring!    


Huang Xing continued to ask: "Then where were you injured?    


The girl shook her head lovingly. I won't tell you! This is... This was a secret!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Then I won't ask anymore!    


The girl said matter-of-factly, "According to my analysis, this sister should be sleeping for another hour. You can go home and get her some food!" Of course, I'm just suggesting that you decide whether to do it or not.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: Alright, then I'll have to trouble you to take care of it for me, I'll be right back.    


The girl raised her hand. Let's go!    


Huang Xing walked to the door of the ward, then turned and looked at Li Rong who was lying on the sickbed.    


The girl suddenly shouted, Wait, wait!    


Huang Xing looked at the girl: What else do you want?    


The girl looked embarrassed and stammered, Can you... Can you help me too... Help me with something to eat, I have a little... Hungry.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: No problem! You can have her! Wait for me, I'll be back in a minute!    


The girl excitedly said, "Thank you, thank you brother!"    


Huang Xing asked doubtfully: You, you don't have a bed companion? Why is it just one person?    


The girl pursed her lips and said, My mom was with me. I thought she was nagging and annoying, so I chased her away. Well, anyway, I'm pretty much... Basically, he could take care of himself. He was completely healed. Du.    


Huang Xing replied: Then why aren't you leaving the hospital in such a hurry?    


The girl sighed and said, "I want to as well." My parents disagreed and insisted that I consolidate. You said there was something to consolidate, right? He was already acting like a normal person.    


Huang Xing said: That's true, that's true. But your parents are doing it for your own good.    


The girl seriously said, "Right, right. I will invite my parents over tomorrow. Can you help me persuade them?" I'm bored to death staying here!    


Huang Xing was a little embarrassed as he said: "I'll do it tomorrow ?" I may not be able to... Not necessarily.    


The girl said unhappily, "Your girlfriend is injured, but you still ?" You don't think so. You have to stay with her. At this moment, a girl was the easiest to move! He was the one with the least company. Is Most...    


Huang Xing interrupted her and emphasized, "She's not my girlfriend. Like I said, we are... A colleague.    


The girl clicked her tongue and said, Who the hell would believe that! It doesn't look like it! You must be... It must be a couple!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Why are you so sure?    


The girl said, You guys have a lot of... Very spousal. One was handsome, the other was beautiful. I see how beautiful this sister of mine is, she's much prettier than me.    


Huang Xing quickly replied: Alright, it's already so late, you should rest for a while. I'll bring you some food later, and I'll call you.    


The girl raised her hand. Let's go, let's go. Don't forget my share!    


Huang Xing emphasized: I won't forget.    


As he walked out of the sickbed, Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief.    


At least Li Rong was alright, so he relaxed a little. But from the looks of it, he would probably have to stay up all night tonight.    


But in reality, even though it was already late at night, Huang Xing still did not have a trace of sleepiness. Recalling all the care and benefits Li Rong had for him, he felt that being able to stay by her side and do whatever was within his capabilities when she was in an accident could also be considered as a form of soul comfort.    


In the car park, Huang Xing opened the lock remotely and opened the car door.    


Just as he was about to get in the car, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was very bad. When he turned his head to look, he noticed that there were more than ten unfamiliar young men who were coming over from three different directions.    


What was going on?    


Huang Xing realized that the danger was closing in on him.    


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