Security Guard’s Romance



4Room 107.    


With the door shut, Huang Xing knocked on the door.    


After a series of small footsteps, the door opened. What appeared in front of him was Xiao Yan's dignified and graceful face.    


To be exact, her noble temperament was a legend. Usually, the body of a rich woman would carry a hint of the stench of copper. But the impression Xiao Yan gave people was of copper fragrance. Just by looking at them, one could tell that they were wealthy. However, even the most vengeful of men would not be able to hate her.    


Xiao Yan blinked his eyes, and laughed lightly. With his light shade, he said in an enchanting tone: If you're late, then I might as well call you late, okay?    


'I'm sorry, Director Xiao, 'he said. Huang Xing smiled apologetically: There was indeed something that was delayed.    


Xiao Yan walked in first and sat down. He extended his hand, indicating Huang Xing to sit as well.    


Xiao Yan asked: Do you want some?    


Huang Xing immediately shook his head: No, no, I'm not drinking anymore. I still have to work in the afternoon.    


Xiao Yan commanded Huang Xing: "Look how nervous you are, I'm not insistent on drinking. Drink some drinks, such as mineral water."    


Huang Xing nodded: I think so! Actually, White Water was the best drink in the world.    


Xiao Yan waved the key in the air: Then, I'll have to trouble you to get a few bottles of mineral water from my car.    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, and said while taking the key: Bringing my own mineral water.    


When he walked out of the door and arrived in front of Xiao Yan's Lamborghini, Huang Xing discovered that there were two bottles of mineral water inside. Both of them looked like high-grade mineral water. But when Huang Xing looked carefully, he could not help but be shocked!    


It was actually a Yiyun mineral water!    


This kind of Yiyun mineral water was also sold in the Xin Meng Merchant House, so Huang Xing had a certain understanding of this kind of luxurious drinking water.    


Yi Yun's name came from the Celtic language 'evua', which meant 'water'. With its back against the Alps, the small town of Evian, France, where the natural mineral water comes from, facing the Laiman Lake, far from any pollution or human contact, and after 15 years of natural filtration and mineralization of the glacial sand layer, the long natural filtration process has injected the Yiyun mineral water with natural, balanced and pure mineral elements, which are suitable for the human body's needs and safe and healthy. Yichun natural mineral water in the water source directly filled bottles, no human contact, no chemical treatment, daily more than 300 water quality inspection.    


Yi Yun's glass price for mineral water was 200 yuan per bottle.    


Drinking this kind of mineral water every day would be quite extravagant. Five bottles a day would make a thousand dollars a day.    


Of course, this thousand yuan was nothing to a super rich woman like Xiao Yan.    


Taking out two bottles of Yiyun mineral water s, Huang Xing unwittingly discovered that beside the two boxes of Yiyun mineral water s, there was actually a case of LUCID beer. LUCID Beer is a limited number of beer in Europe and the United States, generally only appear in some of the top private clubs in Europe and the United States. It's hard to buy in the market. Its exorbitant price was enough to make people cower in fear. For a bottle of LUCID beer, you can refer to three bottles of Maotai...    


This was a truly rich person! The amount of beverages on the cart was more than enough to build a house in the countryside.    


He was filled with emotions.    


He took the two bottles of Yiyun mineral water and returned to the private room.    


Huang Xing carefully placed the water on the table and smiled at Xiao Yan: "Isn't it a bit too extravagant to drink this?"    


Xiao Yan smiled faintly: It's nothing extravagant, it's just two bottles of water. Give it a try. If you like, I'll give you a box.    


Huang Xing quickly shook his head: "I ? I can't afford it.    


Xiao Yan pointed at Huang Xing with his finger: You can pretend, you really know how to pretend! Is it fun to cry all day long about being poor? You are also a person with status. You are in charge of the largest company in Shandong Province, with hundreds of millions of yuan flowing every day. Yes, people had to keep a low profile, but that was too low profile. It was equivalent to showing off.    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: Then what should I say, what should I say, if I can afford it, buy ten boxes from him to try it?    


Xiao Yan smiled: If there is anything to drink, then let's order some food.    


Huang Xing stressed: To be simple, to be simple. At noon, he didn't have such a big appetite.    


Xiao Yan tsk-tsked, "It's coming again! It's coming again!" Lunch was important, second only to breakfast. Then I'll have a nutrition pairing. So, a donkey meat platter, a salmon sting, a...    


She ordered seven or eight dishes in one go. But there was no doubt that a few of them were dishes that Huang Xing would normally prefer.    


Huang Xing waved his hand and quickly said: "That's enough, that's too much, don't waste it."    


Xiao Yan said: It's not a waste, let them take a small part in it. Another soup, fresh pigeon soup.    


Huang Xing nodded.    


It could be said that it was an honor for the Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant to have Xiao Yan as a guest. Xie Yundan was naturally aware of this logic, so she personally brought the menu into the private room.    


Huang Xing glanced at Xie Yundan, and felt that she was becoming more and more like a boss. Although she still wore a clean and colorful apron around her waist, it was definitely not misunderstood that she was a nanny or a waiter. She even thought that she was walking at the vanguard of fashion and was intentionally wearing something like that.    


Xiao Yan reported all the dishes that he mentioned to Huang Xing one by one.    


Xie Yundan frowned slightly as he listened, and said to Xiao Yan probingly: Director Xiao, there's only the two of you, there's no need to order so many dishes, right?    


Xiao Yan retorted with a hint of anger: What, no? You, all of you, give me a small plate. Make a fine pocket. Do you know what I mean?    


Xie Yundan nodded: I understand, Director Xiao. Then I'll... It's all in those little pocket-sized plates.    


Xiao Yan said: That's more like it.    


Xie Yundan turned his head and glanced at Huang Xing, then laughed as if he had thought of something and prepared to leave.    


Xiao Yan suddenly raised his hand, and said: "I think, you guys need to change it."    


Xie Yundan was startled: "You ?. You said, I remember.    


Xiao Yan tapped on the table lightly with his hand: It's too troublesome to order dishes, there's just a little bit of simple dishes. You can just... In each room, a user could install a single PC. The customer only needed to press a few buttons in the room to finish ordering, and at the same time, they could transfer the orders to the kitchen. This way, both you and the guests will save time. Also, this room of yours ? There was a walkie-talkie installed on the wall as well. If there was anything you needed, you could use the walkie-talkie to contact the front desk. This way, it would seem a bit more humane.    


Xie Yundan laughed and said: Installing the plate ordering machine? Yes, it's convenient, but ? But I think, if something is too intelligent, it is not good, lack the warm atmosphere of communication between people. After all, the machines were stiff, and it was better for a living person to stand before you, smile at you, and give you some reasonable advice in person.    


Xiao Yan said: You seem to have your own way of thinking. Alright, now go and serve the dishes.    


Xie Yundan nodded slightly: Then you guys wait a moment, I'll immediately go and arrange it.    


After Xie Yundan left, Xiao Yan opened the bottle of Yiyun mineral water s and took a sip.    


Huang Xing also took a sip, he felt that this water was too extravagant, one mouthful would cost him close to ten dollars!    


Xiao Yan said thoughtfully: To be honest, Xie Yundan's management is not bad. But I daresay a lot of people come here to eat, perhaps not for the food.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What was the purpose of that?    


Xiao Yan burst out laughing: What else can I do, care about the Lady Boss's looks? This was what it meant by a beautiful woman who could be eaten.    


Huang Xing shook his head slightly. However, there are also factors in this regard.    


Xiao Yan emphasized: If you want to be the pinnacle of cooking, then you must take into account your customer's feelings. It's like selling cosmetics. You go and promote a pimple cream, but as a clerk, your face is full of pimples. Do you think there will be any customers who will buy it? It was the same for cooking. If a restaurant was very beautiful and considerate in service, from boss to waiter, there would naturally be more guests. On the other hand, if you came to eat, how would you feel if a waiter who looked like Sister Pomegranate stood in front of you? His appetite was gone. Who would come next time?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That makes sense! But the key point was, how could so many beauties be willing to cook? Furthermore ? Furthermore, he had to make way for the Lady Boss of the restaurant, go to Korea, and then come back to open a hotel. This kind of investment was a bit too much.    


'Shallow! ' Xiao Yan stretched out her slender jade finger and gestured in the air: "So, you must be willing to give it up! Just like the unique big shops and big residences in our Southern Restaurant, the waiters there are all selections that are even stricter than picking a flight attendant. Their welfare benefits, however, were much greater than that of the air stewardesses. With the advantage of welfare, it doesn't matter if you are a undergraduate or a master's student, you can't resist the temptation of a high salary. This was the power of money.    


Huang Xing said, but this type of waiter is undoubtedly someone who eats youth food. Their future, including after the age of thirty, who would pay them to be a waiter?    


Xiao Yan emphasized: "That can only mean that she is too inflexible. To be able to work as a waitress in a mansion, the real temptation was not to have a high salary. Rather, it was a personal relationship that he came into contact with. Anyone who went to the mansion to spend money was either rich or noble. Any one of them would be worth more than ten million yuan. Government, business, film circle, all sorts of successful people were present. A visionary waitress would never focus solely on serving her guests.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but ask Xiao Yan: "You mean, we should give her to those tycoons to be Xiao San'er, Xiao Si'er, Xiao Wu Xiao Liu?"    


'Superficially, you're still as superficial as ever! ' Xiao Yan laughed: If a woman only relies on destroying other people's families to rise to the top, then she has already lost the qualifications to succeed. What I want to say is, near to the red, near to the black. Often dealing with the top people in all circles, you will learn from them the valuable qualities they possess. Sometimes, just a casual word from him could earn you tens of millions. A truly intelligent Waitress would let go of her schemes and focus on some details that others would think was insignificant. As far as I know, the separation rate of the staff at the mansion is very, very low. However, as long as it was a waitress leaving the mansion, she would have a pretty good career and good idea.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: This, I agree with with with both of my hands. Director Xiao, you have seen too much, haha.    


Xiao Yan suddenly raised his chin gently, he blinked his eyes and changed to a different tone of voice, and said: "But even if I can see through the entire world, the only thing I can't see through you!"    


Huang Xing was stunned: Me?    


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