Security Guard’s Romance



2Fu Jie was startled, but he did not show any signs of resistance. Maybe she was already accustomed to Huang Xing using the method of holding hands to express his feelings.    


Her hands were still as smooth and exquisite as before. Even though the light was dim, Huang Xing could still vaguely feel its beauty and whiteness. Her eyes shone with the most moving brilliance in the world. Every movement, every frown, and every smile made his heart pound.    


Huang Xing wanted to quietly hold her hand for a lifetime, until eternity.    


Fu Jie's hand twitched slightly, but he did not separate himself from Huang Xing's hand. She calmly looked at Huang Xing and said: "I still remember one ?." Is there a skit? It was played by Cai Ming and Guo Da. The one holding the hand.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That's right. The name was forgotten, but it was a touching little item.    


Fu Jie said: If one day, my hand is also like sandpaper, will you still hold me like this?    


Huang Xing said firmly: Catch! Grabbing your hand is something that will last a lifetime.    


Fu Jie stressed: Come on. All you men know how to do is say nice things. Time is unforgiving. I already clearly feel that I am no longer what I was before. Whether it was energy or something else. Old. His strength couldn't match his heart.    


Huang Xing said: You're old? Even if one day you are really old, you are still a peerless beauty.    


'Tsk! ' Fu Jie took this opportunity to withdraw his hand from Huang Xing's palm: Listen carefully if you're lying. Men always liked to coax women as if they were little children, but this sort of constant coaxing was something that women were willing to take in. It wasn't easy for a woman to live her life. If you get married the wrong way, you will live your entire life ? The pain of a lifetime.    


What a touching look!    


Huang Xing looked at the familiar face and sighed in her heart: You are right. What, you really want to get married?    


Fu Jie's eyes lit up, and mysteriously said: I do, but I don't dare to. How about you advise me?    


Huang Xing was startled: What about staff officers?    


Fu Jie blinked his eyes lightly: Staff officer, what kind of person should I marry?    


Huang Xing really wanted to pat his chest and tell him that I am your only choice. But he knew in his heart that Fu Jie was purposely playing tricks on him. Therefore, he laughed evilly and said, "If you want to marry someone, the standard must not be low, and there's no need to be particular about the status quo. The other party at least has a common language with you, and it's best if they share the same interests and have some accomplishments in their career." As for you, you are already nearing your peak in your career. It's almost impossible to treat someone like that. Then, according to your birth date, you'd better marry someone with the surname Huang. Only in this way would they be able to complement each other and compete in terms of wings and flight. Most importantly, this person must be someone that you are familiar with. It would be best if he had a few years of contact with you, someone who knows his limits. Also, this person had better be a bodyguard or something like that. If he knows how to protect you in the future ?    


He talked a great deal.    


Fu Jie's mouth revealed a faint smile: So strict? Your job is more or less like a radish, a carrot, a pit.    


Huang Xing became even more agitated, and once again held Fu Jie's hand: Other than me, no one else can take on such a task!    


'Fuck you! ' Fu Jie raised his hand: You sure are narcissistic! You, when the time comes, it's better to be my best man.    


She tilted her head and stared at Huang Xing, a mischievous look reflected in her eyes.    


Huang Xing was stunned: A best man? Me as best man?    


Fu Jie replied: What, you don't want to?    


Huang Xing said: Then I have two positions, am I now Erlang Shen?    


Fu Jie asked: What's Erlang Shen?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Groom, groomsman, the two of them working together, isn't that Erlang?    


Fu Jie extended a finger and pointed at the tip of Huang Xing's nose: The groom is not you! No matter who it was, they couldn't work part-time.    


Huang Xing frowned: Who is that?    


Fu Jie shook his head, showing an innocent look: You're asking me, but who should I ask? Just leave it to fate.    


Huang Xing tried his best to get closer to Fu Jie's body, as if he wanted to use the elements of love in his body to infect her. He grabbed Fu Jie's hand tightly and stared at her as if he was staring through autumn water: "Fu Jie, I know that during this period of time, I have indeed done a few things that you are not satisfied with. Some of these things are misunderstandings, and some are indeed my mistakes." But no matter what, it can't change my feelings for you. In my entire life, ever since I met you, I have treated you as my only one. I am willing to be the person who will protect you for the rest of my life, never leaving you, always staying together for the rest of my life. I hope you won't give up on me and let us be the same, okay?    


Fu Jie tilted his head: Like before? That's easy to do, it's just like when you first came to Xinyuan Company. You were after the sale, one after the sale.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Later.    


Fu Jie said: Later, and later... You became an office Deputy Director.    


Huang Xing said.    


Fu Jie obviously knew what Huang Xing wanted to express. The intense love between them, was naturally still fresh in her mind. It was an unforgettable happiness, but also an unforgettable pain. She even gave him her most precious thing. Until now, she didn't regret it. However, everything that had happened recently had forced her to re-examine this love affair, to re-examine this man who had made her happy and worried. She didn't even dare believe that she was really going to marry him. Or, there were other options. After all, this was the first time she had officially fallen in love, and it was also the first time she had given her all for a man. She was afraid, afraid that once she was married, once she was bound by marriage, it would be too late for regret.    


Fu Jie sighed lightly, he looked at the turbid sky and became troubled.    


Huang Xing caressed Fu Jie's hair, the soft and smooth hair released a familiar fragrance.    


Fu Jie shook his head: You have messed up my hair.    


Huang Xing said: It's not chaotic.    


Then, unable to control himself any longer, he pulled her into his arms.    


Fu Jie resisted but Huang Xing's strong hands were like steel bars binding her tightly. She was unable to break free.    


'Release me.' Fu Jie said softly.    


Huang Xing kept saying 'don't loosen' three times as he stared at her: "I love you!" I will always love you!    


Fu Jie opened her eyes wide and used a hand to push against Huang Xing's chest. The firm muscles made her heart tremble. The man in front of you has been able to protect you all from danger more than once. Her thick chest and elastic muscles give her a sense of security. At least, it used to be like this.    


Just as Huang Xing wanted to take this opportunity and express his feelings to Fu Jie, to bridge the gap between them, a phone suddenly rang.    


There was no doubt that it was Xiao Yan again!    


Not accepting! Huang Xing muttered to himself, but in his heart, he was actually a little vexed. How could a woman who was so good to him before run to the Xin Meng Merchant House to cause trouble for him today?    


Taking out his cell phone, he confirmed that it was Xiao Yan.    


Fu Jie asked: "Is it Xiao Yan?" From the looks of it, she had been put out of her mind.    


Huang Xing nodded: It's her. He continued to hang around. I want to see what she wants to do!    


Fu Jie frowned in worry.    


The night wind suddenly intensified, and a cold wind that couldn't be considered to be bone-piercing mixed with a trace of a fishy smell assaulted over.    


The sky was getting colder.    


However, Huang Xing did not realize that his beloved was right in front of him. Even if he had to stay here for the night, he would not complain at all. Love was a magical power. It could make people forget the heat and the cold, and forget the hardships and the hardships.    


At this time, Fu Jie's bell rang again. She thought that it was Xiao Yan calling, but when she opened it, she saw that it was an unfamiliar number.    


Fu Jie thought for a while, then pressed the answer button, but there was silence. Fu Jie could not help but ask: "May I ask who you are?"    


After a moment of silence, he said, You're finally going to answer the phone.    


Not good! It's Xiao Yan!    


Clearly, she had switched to someone else's cell phone and called.    


Fu Jie was a little surprised and a little worried, but she calmed herself down and said: Director Xiao, whose phone number are you using? I almost didn't take it, I don't really want to pick up the phone with a stranger.    


Xiao Yan laughed sinisterly: You aren't accepting calls from strangers? You said the other way round, right? You're not accepting calls from acquaintances, are you?    


Fu Jie replied: Of course not, Director Xiao.    


Xiao Yan said coldly: No one answered your phone call with Huang Xing. Where did you go? But I have to remind you, you can hide from fifteen, you can't hide from thirty. I'll wait. I can't wait today, I'll come back tomorrow. I don't believe that you two will hide from me for the rest of your lives just for this.    


Fu Jie emphasized: Why would I hide from you? I was just here because I suddenly have something urgent, so I came out with Director Huang.    


Xiao Yan said: Don't do that to me. This move is not good for me. I say, Fu Jie, you are also a figure, with such a small matter, do you have to hide? Just do it face to face. You're wasting your time, and you're wasting my time. I'll give you another twenty-five minutes. If you don't hurry over now, don't blame me ? Don't blame me for not showing mercy.    


Fu Jie led Xiao Yan forward: That's right Director Xiao, it's such a small thing, look at you ? How about this, you go home and rest first. In the next few days, I'll do a thorough investigation of the matter and give you an explanation, okay?    


Xiao Yan said: Again! Was there a need to investigate further? If you insist on making a small thing bigger, there's nothing you can do about it. As you know, I have plenty of time and plenty of ways.    


Fu Jie said.    


After hanging up, Fu Jie sighed.    


Huang Xing said as if he thought of something: It seems that she is really determined to make trouble for us!    


Fu Jie emphasized: She's messing with her, let's wait and see. Tomorrow, I will think of a way to find Xiao Yan's husband. I really want to see, just what kind of medicine is this Xiao Yan trying to sell!    


Huang Xing said: I will accompany you.    


But then he seemed to realize something and asked, Aren't you going to Beijing tomorrow?    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: How would I even have the mood to go to Beijing after what has happened? Let's settle this matter and talk about it later. Although this was a small matter, there must be a big secret behind it.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: I think so too.    


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