Security Guard’s Romance



0Tonight I had a night's dream.    


After going through all sorts of strange things in his dreams and waking up the next day, Huang Xing felt really tired.    


He pressed a few buttons on the massage chair and felt a bit spirited. They had agreed yesterday that they would go to the Merchant Shop to pick Fu Jie up. After Huang Xing had washed his face and brushed his teeth, he quickly went out. In a fast food restaurant, he bought breakfast and drove towards Fu Jie's residential area.    


Fu Jie stopped his car and quickly entered the elevator.    


He pressed the doorbell, and in a moment, the door opened.    


Fu Jie wore a set of cotton pajamas and yawned lazily. I just got up.    


As Huang Xing walked in, he said: "You slept very late last night, right?" Be careful of your body. It was a good habit to go to bed early and get up early.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing: Your eyes are still dark, and you're still talking about me.    


Huang Xing looked at himself in the mirror, and sure enough, he laughed bitterly: I'm not staying up late, I'm dreaming.    


Fu Jie countered with a question: Do you really have black circles under your eyes when you're dreaming?    


Huang Xing replied: I did too much dreaming, and it wasn't good resting when dreaming, so I grew dark circles under my eyes.    


Fu Jie became the general of Huang Xing's army: Wishing for the day, dreaming for the night. It looks like you're thinking too much. What are you thinking about? All day long.    


Huang Xing giggled: I missed you, what else can I think about?    


'Fuck you! ' Fu Jie laughed and scolded, he turned and went into the bathroom, after he opened the door, there was the sound of water.    


Huang Xing arranged the breakfast neatly. He did not rush to eat it first, but waited for the beauty to wash and come out.    


Fu Jie's house was decorated simply, but it was very warm. It was filled with a faint fragrance. Huang Xing believed that it was only because Fu Jie had bestowed enough spirit energy to this house that it seemed to be of such high quality. Everything seemed to match Fu Jie's beauty and personality. It was as if one could guess that there lived a peerless beauty just by looking at the house and the furniture.    


Ten minutes later, Fu Jie came out from the bathroom. She had already changed into a new set of professional clothes.    


Huang Xing could not help but praise it: It's really beautiful. Whatever you wear, it looks good.    


'Slut! ' Fu Jie was secretly pleased in his heart, but he scolded him with his mouth: Hurry up and eat something to cover your mouth.    


The two of them sat together for breakfast.    


Huang Xing moved his butt closer to Fu Jie, trying to get a better look at his body. Fu Jie sensed Huang Xing's little movements and turned to look at him. In such a big living room, was there a need to squeeze?    


Huang Xing smiled sinisterly: Come closer.    


Fu Jie shifted his body: Don't, I'm not used to being pasted on while I'm eating. Not comfortable.    


Huang Xing said: Then I'll only stick to you after you eat your meal.    


The two of them seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, finishing their breakfast at almost the same time.    


Fu Jie ran over to rinse his mouth, while Huang Xing lay on the sofa, looking at the ceiling and lost in his thoughts.    


When Fu Jie came out, Huang Xing seemed to have thought of something and asked: Fu Jie, you said that ? Xiao Yan, will you still go today?    


'What do you think? ' Fu Jie said: "Since she wants to find trouble with us, of course she wouldn't easily let go." She was afraid that she might have other tricks up her sleeve.    


When Fu Jie sat on the sofa, he suddenly stood up straight: "Then, do you think we should continue to evade today, or ??!" Face to face?    


Fu Jie said: "Didn't you want to go back to your homeland today? When you go back, I will continue to meet her."    


Huang Xing said: How can I be at ease with you staying? Otherwise, I will return to my hometown in the afternoon and accompany you in the morning to meet Xiao Yan and see what other tricks she can play.    


Fu Jie emphasized: Don't! This is your doing. The more you appear, the easier it is for the other party to gain the upper hand.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then nodded: That's fine, then you can call me.    


Fu Jie replied: Alright! Then, let's go!    


She stood up and stretched her arms. Her beautiful figure was vividly displayed.    


Huang Xing rubbed his nose, why did he feel like he was going to bleed. No matter how you look at it, my dear, it's not enough. Huang Xing also stood up, and unexpectedly gave Fu Jie a hug.    


Fu Jie was stunned, her face full of suspicion: What are you doing, it's so early in the morning!    


Huang Xing acted like he didn't know what was going on and explained, "I want to hug you guys for a bit before going to work. All kinds of good luck have come!"    


Fu Jie chuckled: It's quite the rhyme!    


Huang Xing seized the opportunity and gave chase: Carry him before going to work, the God of Fortune will smile at you!    


Fu Jie on the other hand somewhat admired his Gu style of impromptu doggerel, and did not resist as he hugged her. He tilted his head and asked: "Then what about hugging 3?    


Huang Xing was secretly happy in his heart, as he stammered, "Three hugs ?" Hugging three times before going to work... Hug Three Hug... Hugging her three times before going to work, Xiao Yan did not dare to make trouble anymore!    


'Absolutely! ' Fu Jie could not help but have a whole new level of respect for Huang Xing's talent: You are truly a talent!    


Huang Xing immediately raised his head as he took the opportunity to stroke Fu Jie's face with his hands. There were still four hugs and five hugs left, do you want to hear it?    


Fu Jie spoke in a serious and suddenly enlightened manner: "I finally understand how those poets chased after girls in the past, it's just like you!    


Huang Xing burst out laughing: I'm more reserved, more reserved.    


'Come on! ' Fu Jie extended a finger and scratched Huang Xing's nose: You? Humph, your words can sing the song for the two of them from Northeast China. They hugged and hugged. The meat was extremely numb.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and quickly added, "Carrying four times before going to work, screaming at you like a magpie; Carrying five times before going to work, not needing to take medicine when sick; Carrying six times before going to work, lamenting how wonderful life is ?"    


Fu Jie pounded Huang Xing's chest with her small fist, interrupting his words: Hugging seven times before going to work, Huang Xing is not one to be embarrassed! All right, all right, I'm going to finish it for you. Just hold it here. I'm so impressed with you. What's in front is a rhyme, what's behind ? That's a little outrageous. My great scholar, can you let go of me now?    


Huang Xing shook his head and twisted his face: Since you already said I won't be embarrassed anymore.    


Seeing the evil look on Huang Xing's face, Fu Jie was shocked. She did not dare look Huang Xing in the eyes that were as gentle as water. She tilted her head and used her hand to tug at Huang Xing's hand, signalling him to let go of her.    


Huang Xing tried to think twice, but could not resist as he lowered his head and kissed it.    


Fu Jie's face dodged to the left and right, but in the end, he was still unable to avoid the kiss and was forced into a corner by Huang Xing.    


With this kiss, Huang Xing concentrated and poured all of his strength into it.    


There was no banquet in the world that did not disperse, just as there was no endless kiss in the world. No matter how deep the kiss was, there would always be an end to it. Otherwise, the mouth will either become swollen from kissing, or it will be inconvenient to breathe.    


Fu Jie's face flushed red. She looked at Huang Xing shyly and pouted her lips.    


Huang Xing could feel the lingering fragrance on her lips, and lightly scratched her face: I can't stop, my heart is all here with you. If I were to leave you for even a minute, I would feel as though my soul had left my body.    


Fu Jie forcefully suppressed the sweetness in his heart, raised his hand and said: "Alright, alright, stop being so bored, let's go!"    


'Go! '    


Huang Xing seemed to have absorbed an extremely strong energy from Fu Jie. The word "go" was like thunder, shaking the air in the living room, causing it to scurry around.    


Receiving the beautiful woman's kiss, the beauty in Huang Xing's heart bloomed like a flower. As he drove towards the Xin Meng Merchant House, he continued to giggle foolishly. From time to time, he would turn his head and look at Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie felt his strangeness and urged him: What are you laughing so foolishly for, drive your car properly, don't be so distracted.    


Huang Xing said while grinning: I'm driving steadily.    


In his heart, he couldn't help but start humming an old song: Hug, hug, hug, hug my little sister, she's so cute ?    


Feeling that it was not enough, Huang Xing switched on the music in the car, and the sad and bitter love song resonated in the car.    


Good, sad, intoxicated.    


Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Huang Xing snorted as he walked into the office. As usual, he saw his secretary, Tao Fei, intently wiping the table with a cloth. Coincidentally, while she was wiping it, she was also humming a little song.    


Sensing that Huang Xing had arrived, Tao Fei immediately stopped his singing. He stood up and greeted him: Director Huang is here.    


Huang Xing laughed: What did you sing, just now?    


Tao Fei's face flushed red: I ? I was groaning blindly. I didn't tune out, and got laughed at by the Director Huang.    


Huang Xing replied: It's fine, hmph, hum, pretty good. Just pretend I don't exist.    


From Huang Xing's expression, Tao Fei could sense his high and mighty emotions. Director Huang is so happy, what kind of beautiful things are you doing?    


Huang Xing chuckled: You can even tell that? But, what shouldn't be asked, don't ask.    


Tao Fei laughed and said: Then I won't ask, as long as Director Huang is happy, I will be happy in my heart as well.    


Huang Xing said: Alright, Secretary Tao. You sure know how to speak.    


Tao Fei said innocently yet mischievously: This is not fawning on me, this is from the bottom of my heart. Actually, the real Director Huang is what I do every day just because I see your expression. You're happy. I've been working all day and I'm full of energy. If you are in a bad mood or have met with some trouble, then I don't have a spirit for the whole day.    


Huang Xing said to Tao Fei: "I didn't say anything!" Okay, go get me a glass of water and two youtiao in the morning. It's a little salty.    


Tao Fei put down the cloth in his hand and picked up Huang Xing's cup.    


Huang Xing sat in front of the desk and crossed his legs. Actually, in his subconscious, he was still singing that 'hug'. It was just that he didn't make a sound.    


He couldn't help but think back to that beautiful scene at Fu Jie's home. Even his conversation with Fu Jie had to be recalled.    


The scene was too beautiful, Fu Jie was too beautiful, and love was too beautiful ?    


Huang Xing secretly laughed.    


Only when the sound of hurried footsteps woke him up from his stupor.    


Ouyang Mengjiao appeared in front of him with a serious expression, placing a newspaper on the table: Director Huang, something happened, look at this!    


Huang Xing was startled and asked: "What happened?"    


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