Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing lowered his head and saw that it was a newspaper.    


To be exact, it was a newly-formed newspaper that wasn't particularly famous in Jinan, but was known by its circulation as the Quancheng Business Newspaper. Note: Under an alias, please do not take your seat.)    


Ouyang Mengjiao pointed to the second page of the newspaper, whose title stunned Huang Xing: "Xin Meng Merchant House's Violent Management Office, is this how you treat clients with shame?"    


Huang Xing skimmed through the content in the book. It was as the title stated, it said what happened in Xin Meng Merchant House yesterday afternoon. However, the true situation inside had gone through a lot of ingenious embellishments. This article mainly revealed the management loopholes of the Xin Meng Merchant House, as well as its violent attitude towards its customers. The article also had a vague drawing, which was exactly a moment of negotiation between Huang Xing and himself. Both sides had been hit in the face by the mosaic, and no one's real name had appeared. However, they couldn't help but admire the person who took the photo. The scene that was captured by the photo made it look like Huang Xing was savagely insulting the customer as if it was the title of the photo.    


Huang Xing slammed the table heavily, and cursed: This is too much! Xiao Yan was too much! This is clearly a plan, to discredit our building!    


Ouyang Mengjiao sighed lightly: It's really going too far! However, this newspaper was very efficient and had been out since early morning. Looks like they must have obtained some benefits from Xiao Yan.    


Huang Xing said: They have made their moves, but we can't do anything about it! No, I must get an explanation from Xiao Yan today!    


Ouyang Mengjiao emphasized: She even yearned for it! She's after you right now! Otherwise, it's fine to invite my mother out, I want to see if she, Xiao Yan, will buy it or not!    


Huang Xing said: Not yet. Alright, you go back first. Let me think about it.    


Ouyang Mengjiao nodded his head. Xiao Yan did not dare to use her real name, which proved that she still had some reservations and left some leeway.    


Huang Xing said: She is ruining the reputation of the Xin Meng Merchant House!    


After Ouyang Mengjiao left, Huang Xing picked up a cigarette. He had been secretly delighted just a moment ago, but now he was filled with a strong sense of anger.    


He read through the contents of Quancheng Business Newspaper once more, wrote down the number left on it and dialed it with his cell phone. He decided to reprimand the newspaper for its irresponsible behavior and to ask them to declare their apologies.    


But after a standby ring, there was no answer.    


He continued dialing, but still no one answered. After another call from the newspaper, someone finally answered.    


Huang Xing said in anger: You all are writing all sorts of nonsense, don't you all need to be responsible?    


On the other side was a soft female voice: Hello, sir, can you be clearer? Which article do you think is not very detailed?    


Huang Xing emphasized: The second edition, the chapter about how Xin Meng Merchant House treats customers violently! I really don't understand, how can you people be so all-pervasive! Just how many benefits did you receive from others to discredit the Xin Meng Merchant House? Let me warn you, Xin Meng Merchant House is not one to be trifled with.    


The voice came again: So, sir, you are the leader of the Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Huang Xing said: I am the person involved in this article! Immediately, I will pick up your chief editor's phone!    


On the other side of the phone, someone said, "Our chief editor..." Not today. Tell me what you need, and I'll tell him.    


Huang Xing said: Tell him that the person who wrote this article, as well as him and your entire newspaper, has gotten into big trouble! I'm not threatening you, I'm just warning you, write articles about the news, and live up to your conscience! Don't play catch, don't get greedy. Don't betray the conscience of the industry just for a little benefit!    


I can understand your feelings, but our newspaper has a duty and a right to reveal the truth. If you find our report untrue, please provide the appropriate evidence...    


Huang Xing could not help but scold out loud: "Do you dare say that your reports are true? Then please show me the evidence!    


The other side said, "The drawing of our article is the most direct evidence." In order to protect the privacy of our clients, we did some work on the pictures...    


Huang Xing realized that the person who answered the call was not one of the core members of the newspaper. Therefore, Huang Xing calmed himself down and said: "I'll have your chief editor give me a call as soon as possible." Tell him that the trouble you've caused this time is very troublesome. You have severely damaged the Xin Meng Merchant House's reputation. All of you, take responsibility for this!    


I will convey it for you, sir. Excuse me, do you have anything else... Anything else?    


On the other hand, Huang Xing was very surprised. This staff member who answered the phone was calm after encountering a problem.    


This was a very shrewd customer service!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing lit another cigarette, his heart feeling extremely troubled.    


He decided to take this newspaper and look for Fu Jie to discuss the countermeasures. But after thinking about it, he still thought that he should call Xiao Yan.    


But to Huang Xing's surprise, he did not pick up the phone.    


After continuously calling, there was still no reply.    


~ Does this Xiao Yan actually want to play with me? This move was learned rather quickly!    


Huang Xing then took out the newspaper and went to look for Fu Jie. Outside the office, when he was about to knock on the door, he heard faint sounds of men and women discussing inside.    


The male voice was Bao Shijie, and the female voice was Fu Jie. Bao Shijie said: Director Fu, I feel that there is only one way to resolve this matter regarding Xiao Yan, and that is ? Eliminating the poisonous tumor called Huang Xing.    


Fu Jie said: This matter, Xiao Yan is not only going against the Director Huang, she is going against the entire Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Bao Shijie said: But if we do not do this, Xiao Yan will not stop. Today, there were already several newspapers that were serving as firearms for Xiao Yan. If this continued, the reputation of the Xin Meng Merchant House would probably be greatly affected.    


Fu Jie replied: I will not expel the Director Huang, I do not have the authority. Manager Bao, I know that you and Director Huang had conflicts before, and he did indeed do something to you ? Something too excessive. But I hope that you can set your mindset and work together to deal with Xiao Yan. Not to me, to each other.    


Bao Shijie said. it was also for the Xin Meng Merchant House, and there was no other way.    


Fu Jie emphasized: If I do as you say, then Xiao Yan will only push himself even further! Alright, leave the newspapers here, you can go back first!    


Bao Shijie said: Director Fu, you should consider it a bit more. There's really no other way out.    


'Shut up! ' Fu Jie said: "I hope that you won't make such a joke in front of me again." Director Huang is the same as me, we live and die together! Even if I were to exterminate your Manager Bao, I wouldn't even think of doing anything to him. Do you know what I mean?    


Bao Shijie replied: "Of course ?" Of course I know that you and Director Huang fought their way here together. But... Alright, if Director Fu doesn't want to take this path, then I can only go for broke!    


Fu Jie asked in reply: How are you going to throw caution to the wind?    


Bao Shijie said: As the messenger of the Xin Meng Merchant House, please allow me to talk to Xiao Yan!    


Fu Jie blurted out: "Your level is too low, will Xiao Yan even bother to talk to you?    


Bao Shijie said: Then let's try it.    


Fu Jie said: You really do not know your depth. Alright, since you have this idea, I won't pour cold water on you. But you must remember one thing, this matter wasn't our fault from start to finish, you shouldn't hold your head up in front of Xiao Yan!    


Bao Shijie emphasized: This ? I understand.    


Outside the office, Huang Xing could faintly hear all the conversations taking place inside.    


The f * cking Bao Shijie actually came to Fu Jie's place to impeach him, and wanted Fu Jie to expel him! You're f * cking overestimating yourself!    


In regards to what Fu Jie had said to Bao Shijie, Huang Xing was slightly moved. He had always thought that Fu Jie took his suggestions the most seriously. But today, it seems that he had truly wronged Fu Jie. Especially those words of Fu Jie, "Even if I want to get rid of you, Bao Shijie, I will not do so ?", which caused a wave of warmth to rise in Huang Xing's heart.    


Bao Shijie walked out of the office and stood in front of him.    


Bao Shijie was startled for a moment, then said: "Director Huang, please give way."    


Huang Xing frowned his eyebrows and asked tentatively: "Why are you looking for Director Fu so early in the morning?"    


Bao Shijie raised his head: Reporting!    


'Reporting? ' Huang Xing snorted: You're here to report, aren't you? They must be bragging in front of the Director Fu, right? Bao Shijie, let me tell you, I have done too many bad things.    


Bao Shijie also replied: It doesn't matter who you thundered.    


He leaned to the side and moved around.    


Huang Xing clenched his fist and waved it fiercely in the air.    


Bao Shijie's figure, with a provocative posture, slowly walked out of Huang Xing's line of sight.    


F * ck!    


Huang Xing scolded, the anger in his heart could not be quelled.    


After adjusting his mood, Huang Xing still decided to exchange views with Fu Jie and discuss countermeasures.    


But just as Huang Xing was about to knock on the door, Fu Jie opened it and welcomed him.    


Fu Jie's expression was solemn. She parted her lips and said: "I was just about to go look for you. Come, come in!"    


Huang Xing followed Fu Jie into the office and sat opposite of her. He discovered that there were a few new newspapers that were different from each other on Fu Jie's desk. All of these should have been passed to him by Bao Shijie just now!    


Fu Jie pointed to the newspaper on the table: Did you see that? There are already three newspapers reporting on yesterday's incident. It was very obvious that Xiao Yan had already begun his public opinion attack on the Xin Meng Merchant House. However, she still kept it to herself, because these newspapers were all tabloids that did not appear on the news. She seemed to be testing our reactions.    


Huang Xing nodded and said: I just called Xiao Yan, but she did not pick up.    


Fu Jie replied: There's no need to call her. She will definitely come looking for me. What exactly does this Xiao Yan want? We don't even know her cards right now.    


Huang Xing said in a testing manner: "Otherwise, I will do as Bao Shijie suggests and sacrifice me to protect Xin Meng Merchant House."    


Fu Jie was startled and said in shock: "You ? You... You heard it?    


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