Security Guard’s Romance



1Wu Qianqian seemed to have also noticed that Village Branch secretary Han Shengli's walking posture was strange, after looking at him for a moment, he muttered, "He must have drunk enough, it's so in the morning, and he even drank so much!"     2


Huang Xing emphasized: This is our Village Branch secretary, Han Shengli. He was always like this.    


Wu Qianqian said in realization: Village Branch secretary? No wonder. Right, right, that was the image of all Village Branch secretary s.    


Huang Xing replied: It cannot be generalized. Most of them are good, just a few special phenomena.    


Wu Qianqian took it seriously: What's so special about that, when I was a reporter at the Life Channel, I used to interact with the Village Branch secretary when I went down to interview them. Once, they were almost beaten by a Village Branch secretary from Zi Min County ? To... Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. Talking about the past really pissed me off.    


Huang Xing continued to ask: "How were you taught this by the Village Branch secretary ?" Beated?    


Wu Qianqian felt wronged and said: It's all light! In the beginning, it was another reporter who went. Why did he go? As for our television station, after receiving the report, we will follow up on the investigation. After that colleague of mine went there, that Village Branch secretary was like a mountain king, cursing and attacking him. Earlier, he hit our camera and broke it. Then, my colleague went to find him to reason with him and was slapped twice hard by Village Branch secretary. The reporter helplessly called the police, but the police came to investigate the situation, and brought Village Branch secretary back to the police station, where he was released less than an hour later. By the next day, my colleague was afraid to go again. I tried to recommend myself to go meet this Village Branch secretary, but... In the end, what happened to me was even worse than her!    


'More miserable? ' Huang Xing was stunned: You also got beaten up? He also received... Other injuries?    


Wu Qianqian sighed fiercely: He almost succeeded! At that time, he also drank. I argued with him and he forcefully dragged me into a thatched cottage ? Sigh, thinking about it, it was really dangerous. The police arrived in time to stop him. However, after this matter was exposed, the results were quickly determined. Still in jail. From then on, I was especially afraid of going to the countryside, especially dealing with the Village Branch secretary.    


Huang Xing said: I never thought that you would have such an experience. It's not easy.    


While they were talking, Han Shengli had already arrived in front of the two of them. He stood with his hands behind his back, suddenly pointing at Huang Xing with an excited look on his face, he pointed his index finger at them and cursed: "You! You! In the village, you're the one who burns the most money!    


Burn a bun, in Chinese, is the meaning of swelling, insolence.    


In fact, Huang Xing had rarely met Han Shengli before, but of course, he had never had the chance to point at his own nose and scold her. However, they often heard some feedback from the village. The matter of Han Shengli bullying the villagers never stopped. There were even one time when Han Shengli came to Huang Xing's house to cause trouble after drinking too much, scolding Huang Xing in front of his parents, saying that he had forgotten his roots due to being rich, and did not know how to come back to buy things to visit him. She even scolded Huang Xing for getting some dog shit luck, saying that he was the leader of a company outside, and that he couldn't be prepared to go to some large hotel to be a duck. That thing came fast! His parents were a little angry at Han Shengli for finding trouble with him.    


His parents were afraid that Huang Xing would cause trouble and did not dare to mention it to him. However, through other channels, Huang Xing heard some news about this.    


After seeing Han Shengli drink too much and meet him with his own mouth, as a ten or so year old junior, Han Shengli subconsciously had a little idea about the situation, thus he frowned and said: "Uncle Han, this thing of yours ?." Why did you start cursing right away? Did I offend you?    


Han Shengli stuck out his stomach, shook his body and stressed: You've offended me!    


Huang Xing questioned back: How did I offend you?    


Perhaps it was because of what happened a few years ago, but Wu Qianqian subconsciously had a very strong sensitivity towards the three words "Village Branch secretary". As such, after seeing this unreasonable victory, her heart had been clenching and unable to calm down. She even wanted to hold Huang Xing's hand and hide inside the house. But another voice reminded her that she was no longer the little journalist she had once been. She was now the most popular celebrity host in the entire Shandong Province. How could ordinary people imagine the background and connections she had? With just a few words, she would be able to make a sesame seed official like the Village Branch secretary fall into danger, or even squat. Thinking about it here, Wu Qianqian's restrained heart relaxed a little. He leaned in close to Huang Xing and said softly: With me here, don't be afraid!    


Huang Xing was surprised for a moment, she was not afraid either, she just lied there and helped strengthen her courage!    


Han Shengli walked forward majestically and pointed to the Audi, then pointed at Wu Qianqian beside Huang Xing. Han Shengli even stomped his feet and cursed anxiously and hatefully: I just don't like you! Putting on airs, what are you bragging about? You drove back to the village and showed off your big Audi while hugging a little beauty, right? Only you have money? You did well? What are you being cocky for, be cocky!    


Is that a reason?    


Huang Xing couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "Uncle Han, aren't you being too unreasonable?" Is there a need to do this? I've already done it myself, why are you looking for trouble here?    


'Who is looking for trouble? ' Han Shengli straightened his face, his expression fierce. As the number one leader of the village, he was dressed seriously. He wore a windbreaker and his shoes were polished to the brightest, allowing him to shine out like a shadow. However, it was very obvious that one of his feet was stained with some sort of dirty mess. From the looks of it, he must have been drunk and vomited. He accidentally vomited into his shoes, but he didn't notice it. Han Shengli said confidently: "I, Han Shengli, your uncle!" As the village chief, boss! What did you say to me... Did he live his own life? I have the right to control you! Because you are my villager! Do you understand?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What, do I have to live my own life? Uncle Han, don't go too far.    


Han Shengli was immediately enraged, and scolded: Rabbit, you dare to speak to your uncle like that! Today, I will teach your mother and father a lesson.    


As he spoke, the more he cursed, the more unpleasant the sounds became. His expression also became increasingly hideous.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh in his heart. To be exact, Han Shengli was not like this before he became a Village Branch secretary. He remembered that when he was young, Han Shengli was already a child king. She was already sixteen to seventeen, and she often brought children over ten years old to play games of digging out birds' nests, playing hide and seek, and playing catapult. Later he had built sheds to house the small projects, and he had paid for roads in the village. It was because of this benevolence that his image in the town suddenly became big, and he even became a member of the Party. Furthermore, he was elected as Village Branch secretary by the villagers a few years ago. However, ever since he had become the Village Branch secretary, he had become a completely different person. He would climb on Widow Wang's kang today and smash Old Man Li's door tomorrow. He also often interacted with some of the society's delinquents, ate and played with them, and squandered them to death. He had gradually degenerated into a villager, a scoundrel who would make any villager angry but not dare to speak a word!    


Huang Xing chided him: Can you keep your mouth shut a little, don't scold me so easily!    


Han Shengli sneered: So what if I'm scolding you, I still want to beat you up! If you have the ability, then act cocky with me, and make a ruckus with me. See if I don't ? Kill you! Let me warn you, you stinking brat. I don't care how much money you have, or how well you muddle along, but in the village, you are still under my, Han Shengli's, management and leadership! Look at what you can do, and your dad and your mom, what the hell are you doing here? Blowing all day in front of others, his son was as amazing as he could be. He had become a director, become a general manager again, and was buying a house in Jinan again ? This is typical capitalist style! On behalf of the village, I denounce you and curse you!    


Wu Qianqian was so angry that her face turned green, comparing Han Shengli with the Village Branch secretary she had met all those years ago, she could not compare.    


Isn't this too unreasonable?    


What logic!    


What, you don't like it when people get rich and buy a car and a house? As a Village Branch secretary, the leader of the village who had grown rich, when he saw the villagers get rich, instead of encouraging them, he became jealous. When such a person sat in the position of Village Branch secretary, the whole village would not have the day of prosperity.    


In fact, Huang Xing was extremely angry as well. After listening to his scolding and cursing, and recalling the fact that he was the strongest in the village, Huang Xing really wanted to help the entire village and teach this arrogant and evil Village Branch secretary a lesson. However, he endured it. For the sake of his parents, he had to leave a way out for himself. Although he had always been in Ji Nan and couldn't return for more than two days every month, his parents were still villagers, under the leadership of Han Shengli. If he were to fight with Han Shengli today and beat him up, who knows how this guy would bully his parents in the future.    


But tolerating it like that, was not Huang Xing's character.    


At the very least, they had to let him think it through. They had to let him know that if he did too many bad things, he would receive his retribution.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and said: "Uncle Han, I will still address you respectfully as Uncle Han." You were the one who brought me up, and you were so naive and kind at that time ?    


Who would have thought that Han Shengli would wave his hand and interrupt Huang Xing: Don't try to get close to me, it's useless! It's no use here. Just a word of advice, pick up your tail. Otherwise, if you reveal a part of it, I will stamp it off! What I'm f * cking disgusted about is that there are two pieces of stinky money in the village. Cars are good, but do you believe that I'll throw them at you right now? Without a camera, it would be useless to smash it!    


Huang Xing continued with what he had just said. But now, what do you think you have become? Have you thought about yourself, under the trust of so many villagers, letting you be the Village Branch secretary, but you, how did you do it? Besides causing trouble all day long, they were all drinking and going mad. If this continues, it won't be long before you'll be knocked down and sent to jail. You might even end up going to jail!    


Han Shengli coldly snorted. Who are you trying to scare, you? I go to jail? Huang Xing, I am not bragging, even if I beat you up or smashed your car, the police station would still have to rely on me, do you believe me?    


Huang Xing pointed to the Audi, and said: My car is right here, it is parked properly here. May I ask Uncle Han, what is it stopping you from doing?    


Han Shengli stressed: It's obstructing my view! You think I don't dare? Fine, I'll smash it for you!    


He looked around, picked up a brick from the side, and lit it up in the air.    


This guy was insane!    


Is this a Village Branch secretary, is this a normal person? This was simply an animal without humanity or reason!    


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