Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing obviously knew what Han Shengli meant by "the main show".    2


These days, there are not many people who would keep their word, much less Han Shengli. He wasn't even trusting himself to his family, let alone himself.    


Han Ergou was also a little angry at Han Shengli for going back on his words. He couldn't help but say to Han Shengli: "Brother, don't be like this." Since I've lost, everyone should just leave. A villager, do you really have to fight to the death?    


Han Shengli coldly snorted. Life is not worth much, what's valuable is face, and dignity. If you lose, you lose face. I will help you get it back.    


'You... ' Han Ergou said somewhat angrily: "If you don't keep your promise, you're the one who has no dignity." What we just agreed on ?    


Han Shengli interrupted him: That's only your one-sided wish! Ergou, listen to me, we're fighting for the Han Family! He couldn't afford to lose face for his ancestors. He couldn't afford to lose it.    


Pingguang Pingguang immediately responded to Han Shengli's decision: Be good, Ergou. You have been a soldier for a long time, you do not understand family matters. He also took it out for you to drink. Although it was defeated, it also injured the vitality of the Huang Family, so to the Han family, you are still a meritorious general.    


Han Shengli emphasized: You've hit the nail on the head! You spent a lot of energy fighting Huang Family just now. To deal with him now, it was like stepping on an ant to death. This was called 'one doesn't get tired of fighting'. The most common tactic used by Sun Zibing. Ergou, stand by the side and rest for a while. Take a look at the excitement, and see how our Han Family destroyed the Huang Family!    


Huang Xing, who was still gasping for air, took a cigarette. The anger in his heart was boiling, he frowned his brows, wanting to attack Han Shengli's sinister character, but he felt that even his words were pale to him. He was him, a scoundrel with no credibility and no sense of reason.    


The Han family of about ten, under Han Shengli's hints, once again surrounded the Huang Family's gate.    


They were like a pack of wolves eyeing their prey, ready to attack them at any moment.    


His father sighed and calmly took out another shovel from the side. Holding it in his hand, he felt that it weighed a thousand pounds.    


In a moment of desperation, Huang's mother thought about calling Huang Xing's uncle. They probably hadn't gone far yet. However, after he dialed the number, the other side told him that his phone had been shut down.    


How could his phone be turned off at this critical moment?    


Huang's mother's tears were about to flow down her face.    


After all, Wu Qianqian was the host of the television station. She looked at the surrounding villagers, who were all old and young. Like a battlefield commander, she passionately said: "Fellow villagers, aunts, uncles, siblings, siblings, siblings, do you see? Does your Village Branch secretary suppress the villagers to such an extent?" Could it be that you all want to be suppressed like this forever? Wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance? I'm afraid we'll be scared and paralyzed. In this battle, not only were the Han Family and the Huang Family fighting, he was also challenging the entire village. Everyone could think about it. If the Han Family were to win, they would only become more arrogant and tyrannical. Our villagers' bitter days will be even more bitter. So only if we work together and force our way through, can we...    


Without waiting for Wu Qianqian to finish mobilizing his forces, the sixth brother of the Han Family shouted to the villagers: Whoever dares to help his Huang Family, try! I'll be the first to mess with him!    


Actually, at this time, there were still a few people in the village who were ready to make a move. The Huang Family had always been unknown in the village and had always been honest, but today, they were treated so viciously by the dozen or so members of the Han Family. Moreover, before this, which family in the village hadn't been bullied and humiliated by the Han Family? If he fought back with the Huang Family at this time, he had the absolute confidence in destroying the Han Family's imposing manner, and even this Village Branch secretary himself. However, in their hearts, there was another voice that was stirring up trouble: What if he failed, and if no one else stood up to support Huang Family, then they would definitely be taken care of by the arrogant Han Family, wouldn't their future in the village become even more miserable?    


At this moment, the Old Lady Wu took a step forward.    


She was the oldest member of the Wu Family, everyone called her Grandma Wu. She was already ninety-six years old, but her body was strong and strong.    


Grandma Wu could be considered one of the village's most respected ancestors. With an extremely high seniority, he was already an elder. In the past, when he was young, he had also done many things that made the villagers believe him. In the entire village, probably only she would dare to scold Han Shengli face to face. After all, she was an old man. According to seniority, Han Shengli should call her grandma.    


Grandma Wu immediately stood in front of Han Shengli, looked him up and down, and said: "Child, it is wrong to do this, please forgive me when it is necessary." I watched all of you grow up, and all of you are like my children, there's no need to be so angry. Just listen to your grandma and forget it.    


Han Shengli did not expect the Grandma Wu to rush over. This old lady had two hobbies, one was to play mahjong, and the other was to watch TV. After all, there was no one her age in the village anymore, so she could only use these methods to mediate the loneliness in her heart. As a result, she rarely left her home and rarely participated in any of the village's chaotic disputes.    


Han Shengli laughed as he walked over, supporting Grandma Wu by the arm: Grandma Wu, Old Ancestor, you seem to be so old, to be able to watch TV at home, what are you doing out here? Grandmother, you are too old now. You don't understand the matters of the new society. But don't worry, I know what I'm doing. We know in our hearts who should be dealt with and who should be respected.    


Grandma Wu looked at Huang Xing, and asked: "Look at this Huang Family, such a good child, do you have the heart to do it?" Come here, child, Grandma touched it.    


Huang Xing was moved. At a critical moment, the only person who dared to speak up for him was this Grandma Wu.    


Grandma Wu caressed Huang Xing's head and sighed. "Why did you offend him, child? Don't you know who he is? A big family, number 120, your Huang Family only has one. He was alone.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Grandma Wu, he has gone too far!    


The Grandma Wu said: Children, listen to grandmother, they are all from the same village. If you go over and apologize to him, wouldn't that be the end?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I am not wrong. Grandma Wu, thank you.    


Grandma Wu grumbled: "Child, why are you so stubborn?" Life was worth more than anything. Me? People who are about to be buried in the ground. I really don't want to see you descendants fight and fight before I die. Listening to his grandma's words, it would be fine if he just admitted his wrongs. Be good.    


The Pingguang Pingguang said impatiently: Old Ancestor, don't meddle in this. This has nothing to do with you, what are you meddling in? Go home and light the stove, don't freeze, this cold day.    


Grandma Wu glanced at Pingguang Pingguang: Whose daughter-in-law is she? The Shengli family's daughter-in-law, right?    


Pingguang Pingguang frowned: Are you not confused? Everyone recognized him quite well.    


Han Shengli swore at Pingguang Pingguang: Who are you talking to? This is the Grandma Wu, this is our village's birthday, we have to respect it!    


Pingguang Pingguang snorted: Not respecting yet? It's a good thing that she's a dying old lady. If she was a younger one and dared to interfere with our family's business, I would definitely slap myself in the face. Seriously, with your age, what kind of nonsense are you trying to worry about!    


For an old man who was almost a hundred years old, the thing he hated the most was the word 'death'. Seeing that the Pingguang Pingguang's words were so unpleasant to hear, the Grandma Wu was extremely angry. He covered his chest and was so angry that he could not speak.    


Pingguang Pingguang's attitude towards him had angered everyone.    


Including Han Shengli.    


Although Han Shengli was tyrannical and tyrannical, he still understood the most basic of common sense. Grandma Wu was the oldest person in the entire village. To put it bluntly, she had watched hundreds of people grow up. For such an old man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life, how could he not respect him?    


Perhaps it was because of his anger, Han Shengli rushed over and slapped Pingguang Pingguang in the face, and scolded: "Your mouth is the only thing that can make you fall for, you don't even know how to do it!"    


Pingguang Pingguang did not expect Han Shengli to make a move, and immediately pushed him: Han Shengli you bastard, you dare to hit me!    


Han Shengli emphasized: Beating you up to the point of being an ignorant shrew!    


Pingguang Pingguang scolded back: Han Shengli you bastard, if you have the ability, don't go to my bed at night! "As long as I nod my head, there will be men who will make you all green hats ?"    


This move was indeed vicious!    


Everyone in the village knew that if Pingguang Pingguang was anxious, he could say anything unpleasant.    


Han Shengli felt that she had lost a lot of face, and scolded a few more times with a red face.    


The couple had started an internal conflict that filled the entire village with joy. Fight! It would be best if there was a flame war. They would kill one person and one pair at a time. If either of these two were killed, no one in the village except for the Han Family would feel sorry for them. On the contrary, most of them were clapping and cheering.    


In actuality, this internal strife between husband and wife had instead bought valuable time for Huang Xing's family.    


At the same time, it also gave Huang Xing, who had just used up most of his energy, the chance to rest. His breathing gradually became even, and his physical strength gradually recovered. That's right, the big battle with Han Ergou just now was too damaging to his vitality.    


The couple started bickering and even started pushing each other from time to time. Until the Han brothers got used to it, they all went over to mediate and warned them that they were here to take care of the Huang Family, and not to let the whole village watch the Han family become a joke.    


Only then did Han Shengli and Pingguang Pingguang manage to control their emotions.    


Pingguang Pingguang was also regretful that she had lost face here with her man. Instead, she put her important matter to the side.    


"A woman's face is much more ferocious than a man's." Victory! Let's beat him up! "After taking care of the outsiders, we'll settle our scores later!" Pingguang Pingguang waved his hand towards the Han Family brothers, signalling for them to get ready for battle.    


Han Shengli nodded his head, and ordered once again: Do it, do it to the death! Don't let him catch his breath!    


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