Security Guard’s Romance



4At this moment, everyone in Huang Family was sweating profusely.     0


Although Han Ergou had always been a soldier in the army, his name was definitely heard loud in the village. In the eyes of many, he was a legend.    


A legend who was invincible in battle.    


But the moment he saw Han Ergou, what Huang Xing was not thinking about was revenge, but the scene when he was young where he fished out a bird's nest and shot a catapult together with Han Ergou. Although he had a fiery personality, he still had a sense of justice. Huang Xing did not want him to become his cousin's lance, hence he said: "Ergou is back to visit?"    


'Retired from the army. Han Ergou said softly, as his tightly clenched fist slowly loosened.    


Huang Xing saw that Han Ergou's killing intent had been suppressed a little, and continued to speak: For troops like yours, you must give them a good job, right?    


Han Ergou frowned: Arrange a ball! Let me go to the riot squad and report that I get six hundred a month in salary, who's going to do it!    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: It's such a pity. What kind of job are you looking for, I'll help you find it.    


Han Ergou emphasized: No skills, no culture, able to act like a bird?    


Huang Xing said: You have been a soldier for a relatively long time, and have the ability to manage, you can come over to my place and try. First, become the captain of the Security Department.    


Han Ergou was startled: Xin Meng Merchant House?    


Huang Xing nodded.    


"That's true..." Compare to... ' Han Ergou muttered.    


To be exact, although Han Ergou had been in the army for the past few years, he had heard of the Xin Meng Merchant House. For example, this year, there was a new recruit in their class. This recruit was from Shandong, and his mother worked in Xin Meng Merchant House, as if she was a floor manager with a monthly salary of over ten thousand. Furthermore, Han Ergou had heard that the Huang Xing that had grown up naked in his village was the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. Initially, he had even wanted to look for an opportunity to chat with Huang Xing and see if he could find an official and a half position in the Xin Meng Merchant House. However, he did not expect that under such circumstances, Huang Xing would actually take the initiative to invite him to work in the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


This was undoubtedly a good thing.    


However, the conversation between the two of them was completely different from the situation they were in right now.    


Han Shengli felt that this Han Ergou was crazy, she thought that he was here to help her fight, but unexpectedly, he came here to apply?    


'Ergou, do you think this atmosphere is so harmonious? Han Shengli took the opportunity to remind her.    


Han Ergou frowned: Brother Victory, why did they start fighting?    


Han Shengli pointed his finger at Huang Xing: Oh, it's swollen! You sure are cocky! He thought that after becoming some kind of general manager in Jinan, he would want to shit on our Han Family's neck just because he had some looks! He's really good at burning buns! Look, it broke my leg, quick.    


He touched his thigh, his face a mask of pain.    


Han Ergou's wife, Pingguang Pingguang, quickly ran over and added fuel to the fire: "Aiya, brother, you don't know about this, it's too bullying. Just now, your brother passed by and looked at his car ? That one over there, the four-circle thing. He wasn't happy. He wanted to fight with your brother, and he even pushed your brother to the side ?    


Huang Xing asked: "Did you say that?"    


'That's right! Pingguang Pingguang emphasized his words, then said: Brother, it's up to you. Your brothers can't do it, you're all trash, and you still have to fight for our Han Family! Beat him up, let him know that our Han Family isn't someone to mess with!    


Perhaps, Han Ergou was even more agitated by his sister-in-law's actions. He couldn't help but ask Huang Xing: "My Brother Sheng can be considered as your elder. Did you really make a move on me?"    


Wu Qianqian turned and took a step forward, and said angrily: Why are you speaking nonsense with your eyes wide open? Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell who was bullying who. This Village Branch secretary drank too much and ran to his house to curse. Huang Xing had always respected him as a senior, and had some respect for him. Huang Xing acted in self-defense!    


Han Ergou turned his head and glanced at the Han Family brothers. Although he was younger than Huang Xing by two to three years, but in terms of seniority, he was Huang Xing's elder. But at this moment, he was extremely conflicted. On one hand, it was to save face for the clan. On the other hand, it was for an attractive job.    


Pingguang Pingguang continued to fan the flames: Brother, although other people are here to watch the show, you are the main force of the Han Family, and will definitely be one of the leaders in the village. If we don't destroy the prestige of the Huang Family today, then our Han Family won't be able to stand up in the village anymore. If you were to watch the show, would you be able to face the Han Family ancestors? Our Han Family was so wealthy that we were bullied by Huang?    


Han Ergou coughed lightly. He felt as if something was choked in his throat and he couldn't say it.    


He froze, his heart pounding.    


Han Shengli urged her: Er Gou, what are you waiting for?    


Han Ergou bit his lips and said to Huang Xing: Throw that guy away, I don't want to make a move.    


Huang Xing was startled, but he immediately understood Han Ergou's intentions. He wanted to give himself a way for the Han Family to take the initiative to step down, this way, not only would he save face, the two families would not continue fighting.    


Huang Xing made up his mind. He threw the steel bar in his hand onto the ground, and it made a loud, clear sound. Then he turned to his father and said, Dad, just throw it away.    


His father hesitated for a moment before following suit, throwing away the shovel in his hands.    


Han Shengli immediately roared: Who said we should stop here? It won't be that easy. If you continue to work, my Han family will not rest until your family is wiped out!    


Hearing that, Huang Xing frowned, he wanted to pick up the steel bars on the ground, but Han Ergou turned his head and said: Brother, let's do it like this, we are all from the same village. Besides, aren't they surrendering now? What are we going to do about it?    


Seeing that the Huang Family had put down his weapon, Han Shengli's expression became even more tyrannical: No way! If you want to surrender, that's fine. Kneel down and kowtow to me!    


When his father heard this, he immediately replied, "What do you think?"    


Han Shengli emphasized: Either kneel or continue working! Today, the Han Family and the Huang Family will make a bet!    


Han Ergou said: What, what? Let them go and let them go. They had already let go of the boss, so there was no need to cause a ruckus. What should he do if his life was in danger? Go home, everyone go home.    


Pingguang Pingguang suddenly shouted: "They don't have anything left, beat them up!" Beat them up!    


The Han Clan brothers' fighting spirit was ignited by these words. They tensed up and prepared to charge through the door.    


Han Ergou suddenly took a step forward, turned his body, and waved his hand. Bro, forget it, just treat it as giving me face.    


Han Shengli coldly snorted. Er Gou, you can't bear to part with the Smoke Bomb he threw at you, right? Giving you a job, an empty cheque, and so you were tricked? I'll give you face, okay. But, who gave our Han Family face? Who's going to take back our Han Family's face?    


Han Ergou was about to continue speaking, but he saw the Han family's brothers rushing past him like crazy.    


Seeing this, Huang Xing thought that this was bad!    


In a moment of desperation, he picked up the steel bar from the ground, and shouted to his parents and Wu Qianqian: Go in, go in, I'll take care of this!    


However, at this moment, from not too far away, the sound of hurried footsteps could be heard.    


Seven or eight people were rushing over at a speed of a hundred meters.    


It turned out to be Huang Xing's two uncles. They had brought a few people with them and were carrying some stuff with them as they ran over to help out.    


As the saying goes, his first and second uncles were all uncles, and the pickaxes and spades were all made of wood. Uncle came to the rescue with a piece of wood in his hand as a weapon. The surrounding villagers automatically opened up a path.    


They aggressively rushed to the door. Seeing this scene, the Han brothers were in no hurry to make a move.    


Huang's mother heaved a sigh of relief and held his chest. The feeling of lack of oxygen just now had been relieved to a certain extent.    


The two groups faced off. In this way, they were basically evenly matched in terms of numbers.    


However, what made Huang Xing angry was that even though they had arrived, the people from the police station had not arrived yet.    


Did he have to wait until someone died before coming to collect the corpse?    


But the arrival of Uncle Huang Xing and his family did not pose much of a threat to Han Shengli. On the contrary, Han Shengli had even become more famous. The people from the other villages all ran over here to fight! Why, do you think our village is so easily bullied? Beat them, beat them out, get them out of here!    


Huang Xing's first uncle reached out his hand and emphasized, "We're not here to fight, we're here to mediate. They were all from the same village, what conflict was there that couldn't be resolved? They had to fight. I want you to... I can sit down and have a peaceful talk.    


'Talk about a ball! ' Han Shengli snorted: Who the hell do you think you are, someone from a village who needs you to come over and talk nonsense? If you know what's good for you, then scram back to your village. Otherwise, it would be a waste.    


Pingguang Pingguang continued to fan the flames in front of Han Ergou. Brother, did you see that? If he didn't make a move, the Han Family would be at risk from both inside and outside. They wouldn't be able to keep their foothold in the future.    


Han Ergou was silent for a moment, he did not know what kind of mentality he was in, but he stood forward and said to the first uncle of Huang Xing, who was leading the way, "About our village, you outsiders, do not meddle.    


My sister, my nephew, they are surrounded by a dozen of you. So I got involved. Ergou, I know you. You're the soldier, right? I have been in the army and have been educated by the Party. You should know how your big brother Sheng performs in the village, bullying the market. I don't care if he bullies people, but he can't bully my nephew. I have to.    


Han Ergou's face darkened, he pointed at Huang Xing's eldest uncle and warned him: "Try managing this for me!    


Huang Xing was shocked! This Han Ergou, why did he change his mind faster than a book could be flipped? Just a moment ago, he was just trying to calm the battle, but now, why did he suddenly change his mind?    


Huang Xing could not help but shout out, "Er Gou, what are you doing?    


Han Ergou turned and said to Huang Xing: "Shut up!    


Then he added, I'm sorry, my surname is Han.    


Huang Xing was startled, from the looks of it, Han Ergou had still not gotten rid of the idea of a clan, being bewitched by Han Shengli and Pingguang Pingguang, he had decided to fight for the Han family!    


The flames of war were about to erupt.    


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