Security Guard’s Romance



4Facing his classmates' indignation, Huang Xing was somewhat helpless.    


He knew how difficult it was to take responsibility, and he also knew that it would be difficult to get his classmates to acknowledge Wu Qianqian. Her impression of her in the eyes of her classmates was already deeply ingrained.    


Huang Xing raised his wine cup and said: "Actually, everyone is still mistaken about Wu Yawen ? She was actually very regretful right now. She had always been trying hard to correct the mistakes she made that year. For this reason, she was restless.    


At this time, one of the students shouted out, "Who doesn't know? At that time, Wu Yawen had always been secretly in love with you. Also...    


Huang Xing frowned, interrupting the student's words: Zhang Gang, you're the one who likes to talk nonsense! It's not easy for us to get together today. Many of the students had flown back from all over the country or even from abroad to attend this class reunion. Although this gathering is mainly for our class four, of course there are some students from other classes who are very grateful for your arrival. As far as our class is concerned, this should be the most complete gathering after graduation, right? Anyone who could come was here. Students, fate is the same day, today we meet again, how many past memories, still in mind. I hope that we are more concerned with your feelings than with your words.    


Zhang Gang stood up and smiled, "I was joking with you. Can't I tell that it's a joke?" Alright, everyone's here. Shall we drink?    


'Wait! ' Huang Xing waved his hand and said, "Before we drink, I want everyone to watch a video. A very precious video.    


All the students were focused as they watched the big screen.    


On the screen, a blurry yet recognizable image gradually appeared. It was a scene from high school where students were gathered to study, train, and live. It wasn't easy for Huang Xing to gather all these information through various methods and broadcast it during the reunion between fellow students, allowing everyone to relive their old days and to rekindle their memories of those youth.    


To be exact, this was something that the students had never imagined.    


'Look at me, there's me in there too. I was so thin back then... '    


"There's me, there's me." "Why can't I remember? I studied so hard back then, and look at those rows of books on the table ?"    


'Teacher, did you see that? Teacher, damn it, who is so talented? Even the teacher who criticized the class has been recorded. It's been said that our teacher in charge is now in the Vice-Chancellor.    


"Wu Yawen, isn't this Wu Yawen? She used to sit at the same table with me for two days... "It was so ugly back then!"    


"It's Wu Yawen! Wu Qianqian! How could she become a Big Star? "It's a plastic surgery, it's been designated as a cosmetic surgery!"    




Everyone was talking back and forth, immersing themselves in this young and beautiful high school.    


It could be seen that everyone was enjoying themselves as much as they could. They were trying their best to find the memories sealed away in this precious photo and video.    


At the end of the video, before everyone could finish, Huang Xing took the opportunity to say: For the sake of our precious schoolmate friendship, for the sake of us getting together again after so many years, I suggest that we toast!    


Huang Xing was the first to dry the wine in his cup, using the back of his hand to wipe the moisture at the corner of his mouth.    


In fact, many of the students had tears in their eyes at this moment. Their heroic spirit made them respond one after another. Even the students who didn't usually drink wine, or even the women, had shown a rather heroic spirit.    


Huang Xing put down his wine cup and said: Other than this video, there is another video.    


All the students were stunned as they stared intently at the screen.    


Someone asked, What else? Let it go, hold it tight and let it go. To us, these are the most precious! Huang Xing was truly considerate to actually be able to find such a large amount of information. We should thank properly!    


"Right, right!" "Thank you, old classmate Huang Xing!"    


"We should all be like Huang Xing, even when we get rich we shouldn't forget our relationship with him, we shouldn't learn from him and forget about him, we shouldn't forget about him! Look at Huang Xing, he's doing so well, I believe that with his current strength, it won't be a problem for him to keep a few stars. But he didn't change his personality and didn't forget us old classmates ?    


Huang Xing waved his hands. Are you praising me or insulting me?    


Seeing that his classmates were still so against Wu Qianqian, Huang Xing's heart felt like a rock had gathered, and he was unable to breath.    


However, he had no other way out. Borrowing this opportunity, he had to think of all sorts of ways to redeem Wu Qianqian's image, so that Wu Qianqian could have the chance to once again integrate himself into his hometown and his classmates' side.    


Huang Xing was quiet for a moment, before someone already urged him: Go, hurry up and let go, you have not seen enough just now. So many years had passed, really ? Time flies!    


A female classmate also stood up with interest and said, "Huang Xing, don't keep us in suspense. You've prepared such a big surprise for us, we'll all have to toast to you later."    


'Yes, I should drink with Huang Xing more. If I don't bring him down today, I swear I won't go back! '    


'Haha ? '    


Everyone agreed with the female classmate's suggestion.    


Huang Xing laughed: No problem! But in fact... Actually, I'm going to tell you one thing... A truth.    


All the students were shocked.    


Huang Xing continued: Actually, the biggest credit for this reunion was not me, Huang Xing, but someone else.    


'Who is it? ' Some of the students stood up and asked, "Who is that? A form teacher? It can't be a form teacher, right?" But he ? But why didn't he come today?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Not my class teacher, but my class teacher will be a bit late.    


"Who is that?" If it wasn't the teacher in charge, who else could it be? Oh, I know. Is it Student Chen Huaiqian, Company Commander Chen? He's out of the country for peace, so he can't come to the party, so... So he paid tonight? "Hahahaha..."    


Huang Xing shook his head: Chen Huaiqian was not able to contact him at the moment. How about this, please watch a video with me.    


The screen lit up again.    


But in Huang Xing's heart, he was actually somewhat uneasy.    


He had a nagging feeling that he hadn't laid out enough. However, the current situation couldn't be spread any further. After all, the students had a deep prejudice against Wu Qianqian. If he continued to lay the groundwork, it might cause a backlash.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to explain: This video was not the old one. It was recorded a few days ago. I hope my classmates can finish reading it.    


On the screen, a beautiful face appeared.    


Wu Qianqian!    


The students were all deeply shocked.    


There were even people who exclaimed: Wu Yawen? How could it be Wu Yawen?    


The person in the video was Wu Qianqian. This video was specially prepared by Huang Xing for this gathering.    


However, what Huang Xing did not expect was that as soon as the video appeared, a student angrily stood up and said: "Huang Xing, what are you doing?!" What did you do with Wu Yawen? Could it be that if everyone looked at this disgusting face, they would no longer have the mood to eat or drink?    


In the meantime, a few other students also agreed and stood up to denounce Huang Xing's actions.    


What's more, a student named Guo Lei said angrily: Many of my classmates know that I have always been doing some decorating work outside. A few years ago, there was a refurbishment of a building, but I never thought that the owner would be Wu Yawen! Guess what? I recognized Wu Yawen, and at first I felt very happy to have met my classmate. Who knew that Wu Yawen would actually tell the people beside him that she did not know who I was. Then I'll go back to where I was a classmate. What did she say? She said that she was from Qingdao and had never studied in the Second National Male Middle School. Where did she get this from? What was even more infuriating was that Wu Yawen seemed to be worried that her secret would be exposed, and even found an excuse to dismiss me and have someone else take over the decoration for him. Are you all mad?    


The moment he said this, it was echoed by many of his classmates.    


Someone said: Wu Qianqian has already been expelled from our group, she is not worthy to be our student!    


Another female classmate said, "As long as you are famous, you will forget your roots!" When she was in school, her family was very poor. I also called on my classmates and relatives to go to her breakfast stand and support her business and eat more of her breakfast. I took care of her at school, too, and often bought her meals. I even bought her toiletries many times. I also gave her a mountain bike... Anyway, I was so nice to her, but for her, I've been writing letters to her ever since I graduated. Even if she went to work at a television station, I've still not given up writing letters to her, but for the past few years, she hasn't replied to me! What right do we have to acknowledge such an ungrateful person as our classmate? Students say, don't they?    


"Yes!" "Just pretend we don't have this student!"    


'I'll just treat it as being dead! '    




Wave after wave of complaints forced Huang Xing to temporarily close the screen. He was worried that if he forcefully played this video, it would cause an opposite effect.    


The sounds of war rose and fell unceasingly.    


But in reality, Huang Xing had thought of such a scenario. For this, he even bought a few students who were on good terms with him at the time, letting them act as lobbyists. One of the classmates stood up and said, "Indeed, Wu Yawen's actions have made us all sad." However, she wasn't as useless as everyone thought. He didn't know if anyone would watch the Life Channel's programs, but Wu Yawen had gone to the disaster area three times to see the victims and go to the poor mountain area to ask for help from the out-of-school children. Furthermore, she even donated over 200,000 yuan to do philanthropy ?    


It wasn't easy for someone to speak up for Wu Qianqian, but before he could finish, a classmate had angrily criticized: "Do you believe the news from the television station? Visiting the masses and the children in need was something that the television station was putting on as a show. It was something that the television station had arranged for them! What does it have to do with her, Wu Qianqian? Donate two hundred thousand yuan? You believe that? There were many cases of celebrities cheating for their shows. You'll find out when you check on the internet. This Wu Yawen's character, must be a fraud!    


"Yes, she can do charity too?" Come on. "I would rather believe that there is a ghost in the world than a celebrity to sincerely do charity."    


'This can't be trusted... '    


"Alright, let's not discuss Wu Yawen anymore. Today, I want to ask Huang Xing, what are you trying to do?"    


The topic changed to Huang Xing. Huang Xing raised his head and saw that it was Zhang He Yi. While Zhang He Yi was still in school, he had some conflicts with Huang Xing. Although so many years had passed, they still felt a little awkward every time they met. It was as if all the disputes from the past had been resolved in his heart.    


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