Security Guard’s Romance



2After calling, Huang Xing directly said to Wu Qianqian: Come, everyone is waiting for you.    


Wu Qianqian said with slight hesitation: "Are you sure ?" Are you sure I won't be beaten?    


Her humorous spirit made Huang Xing unable to refrain from smiling: "I'm sure."    


Wu Qianqian was still a little worried and asked: "Are you sure that everyone has already accepted me?" Or ? Are you sure I'm going to get beaten up?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: With me here, no one can touch you. Moreover, your sincerity has moved everyone. I believe that everyone has accepted you.    


"Really?" Is it true? Wu Qianqian actually sobs a little: Students, you really forgive me? That's great, that's great, wait, I'll... I'll be right there.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing's heart suddenly felt a wave of worry. After continuously working hard, on the surface, it was true that a majority of the students had accepted Wu Qianqian. However, there was a small group of people among them that was difficult to forget. What if this small group of people made things difficult for Wu Qianqian when she arrived?    


After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing picked up a cigarette from his mouth and thoughtfully raised his wine cup: "Come, students, let's drink together before Wu Yawen comes over." Drinking this glass of wine is the same as giving an old classmate who sincerely repented, an opportunity. I believe that her arrival will make our gathering more meaningful.    


Huang Xing secretly observed the movements of the students and discovered that more than 90% of them had drunk the wine in their cups.    


This meant that a few people did not quite agree with Wu Qianqian joining.    


But now that the situation had turned around, Huang Xing felt that this small group of people were nothing to worry about. Just think of a way to prevent them from finding trouble with Wu Qianqian at the gathering.    


A few minutes later, the beautiful sound of a High-heeled shoes could be heard outside the door. He could tell that the footsteps was hesitating, as though he had mustered up a lot of courage before Wu Qianqian walked into the banquet hall. The entrance was decorated with gorgeous attendants who led the way.    


Huang Xing took the lead and clapped his hands. The applause gradually turned from sparse to thick.    


"Welcome, old classmate Wu Yawen!" Huang Xing looked at Wu Qianqian with a smile, but in his heart, he was still afraid.    


Wu Qianqian kept walking, and he was not very confident as he walked in. The look in her eyes was somewhat blurry, and her expression was somewhat shocked. The stone in her heart gradually calmed down with the applause, so much so that when she was about to reach the front, she finally dared to straighten her chest.    


To be exact, the beautiful and noble Wu Qianqian had an extraordinary elegance. From the moment she entered the door, she was destined to be like a phoenix tree branch, unbearably beautiful.    


Huang Xing moved to the side a little to give Wu Qianqian a spot on the stage.    


Wu Qianqian walked to the front and stared at the scene deeply. He said, "Thank you, students."    


Then she bowed deeply to them all for a long time.    


Seeing that Wu Qianqian did not get up for a long time, Huang Xing walked up to her and supported her, laughing softly: It's fine, are you not afraid of getting away?    


When Wu Qianqian straightened her waist, her eyes were already completely wet. She looked around, seeing all the familiar yet unfamiliar faces, she said: I, Wu Yawen, am guilty. There were negative home, negative relatives, and negative classmates. Please see my performance in the future, I will use practical actions to make up for my mistakes, this will never change!    


Without waiting for Huang Xing to clap, everyone spontaneously started to clap.    


Applause filled the air for a long time.    


Huang Xing took the chance to pass Wu Qianqian a cup of wine. Of course, Wu Qianqian understood what he meant. I want to borrow this glass of wine to thank my classmates.    


As the alcohol was poured, Wu Qianqian lifted the bottle and drained it dry.    


All the students responded in succession.    


Huang Xing pointed to the table in front and said: There's your seat, take a seat.    


Wu Qianqian nodded.    


However, at this time, a student stood up and said: Wu Yawen is a popular host. Why don't we let her host this gathering? I think it must be... It was something completely different!    


This suggestion made Huang Xing's eyes light up, and he suddenly realized what was going on. It was a good idea, but he did not think of it before, so Wu Qianqian probably had not made any preparations either. Huang Xing glanced at Wu Qianqian and asked softly: Can you?    


Wu Qianqian laughed gently, as if he had already thought of a plan.    


This time, Huang Xing was relieved.    


Wu Qianqian held onto the microphone and said: It's my honour to be able to carry out such a huge task temporarily, it's just that I have stolen Huang Xing's job. Many years had passed, but the students were still young and enthusiastic. Some people said that time was a sword that killed people without bloodshed. However, I feel that it is precisely because of the passage of time that I feel that my life is precious and that I have memories that I will never be able to forget for the rest of my life. So at the beginning, please allow me to sing "You at the Table" to express my yearning for you. Thank you everyone, Wu Yawen is here to make a fool of himself.    


Gently, gently, she skillfully began to sing that representative song which symbolized the friendship between students:    


Will you think tomorrow of the diary you wrote yesterday? Do you still remember tomorrow, you who loved to cry the most... You used to be so careful, you asked me to borrow half a eraser... At that time, the sky was always very blue, and the days passed too slowly. You always said that graduation was a distant date, yet in the blink of an eye, you had already left ?    


Although it was a clear song and there was no accompaniment, Wu Qianqian grasped the melody and rhythm of the song very well. Coupled with her sweet voice and her gentle expression, it made all the students completely enthralled by her words.    


Everyone was agreeing, but only in their hearts. No one wanted to make a sound to disturb this heavenly music.    


In this familiar melody, memories were deeply imprinted into the students' minds. Some cried, some laughed, some quietly drank a few mouthfuls of wine to savor the taste of lost youth.    


For a moment, Huang Xing was also stunned!    


How touching was the Wu Qianqian in front of him! As they sang and danced, their actions carried with it the unique aura of a noble woman. Her calmness, her expression, and her slight movements seemed to have overshadowed the current atmosphere of many young girls. She was so professional, so dedicated, so captivating.    


At the end of the song, the applause never stopped.    


Drunk, everyone was drunk.    


From the praising gazes of the students and the warm applause, Wu Qianqian could tell that they had truly forgiven him.    


This kind of excitement was clearly expressed in her words, and it caused her to be extremely excited in her heart. How many sleepless nights she had spent for this day; how many days and nights she had planned for it; how long, how long she had waited for it.    


At this moment, another person walked in from outside the door.    


His arrival caused more than a hundred students to involuntarily stand up.    


The teacher in charge of the Middle School Age, Wang Renkui.    


Back then, when Teacher Wang was in charge of his class, he was only twenty-eight and had just gotten married and had children. However, after not seeing him for a few years, he seemed to have aged a lot. There were already some white hairs on his head. With his shiny little back and fine wrinkles on his forehead, he was no longer that childish little gardener.    


'Teacher Wang...    


"Good morning, homeroom teacher. The homeroom teacher is here..."    


'She's still called teacher, but now she should be called President Wang... '    


Wang Renkui smiled faintly, as if he was extremely intoxicated by the situation of the students he brought out and how they called him enthusiastically. He nodded and walked inside, his gaze landing on the organizer of the gathering, Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing walked over and extended a hand: Greetings class teacher, it has been a while since we last met, you are now Vice-Chancellor.    


Wang Renkui laughed: How can Vice-Chancellor compare to the general manager of such a large company? Fine, I didn't expect that among the students I brought, there would be a Thousand-Li Horse.    


Huang Xing quickly replied: "homeroom teacher, you're embarrassed about me." Come, come, there's your seat. Today, this place is full of your students. You can drink a few more cups.    


'Of course, of course! ' Wang Renkui said: Happy, happy! I am truly happy to see you all have your own careers and families.    


Huang Xing emphasized: "I heard that after you became the Vice-Chancellor, we were all happy for you. You have made so much contribution to the cause of education that you must have a great future ahead of you.    


'I really know how to talk! ' Wang Renkui patted Huang Xing's shoulders gently: As expected of the general manager.    


But he immediately shifted his gaze towards Wu Qianqian, and could not help but be startled.    


Wu Qianqian approached Wang Renkui and took the initiative to extend her small, white hand. "Teacher Wang, hello. Do you remember me?    


Wang Renkui's face revealed a look of doubt, but his expression turned serious: Ha, if I didn't say it, I really wouldn't have remembered that you're called Wu Yawen. I only know, Wu Qianqian. In our Shandong province, there are only a handful of popular hosts. Big Star!    


Wu Qianqian heard a few hints of ridicule in Wang Renkui's words. The teacher spoke with skill. He blamed a person, but he didn't need to say it directly. Instead, he skillfully hid the reprimand in every sentence. He was undoubtedly brooding over the matter of Wu Qianqian forgetting his roots. Thus, when they met each other, they used this sentence to start the conversation for Wu Qianqian's army.    


Huang Xing tried to smooth things over as he jokingly said, "No matter how skilled she is, she is still your student."    


'I don't dare to accept it! ' Wang Renkui asked: "Is she a student of our class?" No way. She's from the next class, right? I feel like I'm... How could he have the ability to teach a student of the Big Star?    


Wu Qianqian's face suddenly turned green!    


Huang Xing also thought that it was unexpected, he thought that the arrival of the class teacher would give some special meaning to this student gathering, but he never thought that his prejudice towards Wu Qianqian would increase even further. To the point, his every word was filled with denunciation and shame towards Wu Qianqian. However, he had already reached the level of perfection in the art of scolding people.    


Wu Qianqian stammered out. Head teacher, you are really forgetful. I was sitting in the second row. You often praise me for writing so well. I remember one time, I represented our class in a competition of calligraphy and took second place in the entire school. You touched my head and said, "Yawen will be a calligrapher in the future ?"    


'Is that true? ' Wang Renkui frowned, as though his memories were blurry.    


How could Huang Xing not see that Wang Renkui was pretending, thus he emphasized: Yes, I remember it clearly.    


Oh, oh, oh..." Wang Renkui nodded exaggeratedly and asked Wu Qianqian, "Oh, by the way, you ?" What are you doing here today?    


When these words came out, Wu Qianqian was even more ashamed.    


This was too much!    


Huang Xing felt that the homeroom teacher had gone a little overboard today!    


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