Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing took out a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth. He then retrieved the other one and handed it over to Wang Renkui, waiting for a reasonable answer.    


Wang Renkui took the cigarette, but didn't hold it in his mouth for a long time. Huang Xing, you are one of the most promising students I have ever taught to a group of students that have been here for more than ten years ?    


Huang Xing interrupted him: I don't dare, how can I be counted.    


Wang Renkui emphasized: Don't be modest. To be able to become a General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building at such a young age, I believe you relied on your own strength. Sigh, look at your classmates today. Most of them live in small towns and rely on small businesses or their previous class to survive. Compared to you, it's like the difference between heaven and earth. There were also those who went to war, such as those who went abroad to maintain peace. They lived their lives in terror and danger every day. I can't compare to you. Look, I've taught them for more than ten years. It can be said that peaches and plums fill the entire world. But... But do you know that my Vice-Chancellor is just a fake name, just a fake name. The task that leader gave me... Guess what?    


Huang Xing asked: "Then... What was that?    


'Let me... ' Wang Renkui coughed lightly, and then said: Forget it, forget it, I won't say anymore, I'm sad. Actually, 90% of the reason why I came to participate in this gathering is for your sake. But I didn't expect you to have another purpose to this party. On our side, it can be said that Wu Yawen is shameless. How can you stay with her? And for her ? I really don't understand. He still remembered a few years ago, when Wu Yawen was in the lead. As a candidate who mentioned the Vice-Chancellor beforehand, I shamelessly went to find her. I wanted her to give my alma mater ? Give some support to your alma mater. You should know that Wu Yawen lives in the Big Double, and opened a big BMW. To her, a sponsorship of tens of thousands of yuan is like a drop in the ocean. Besides, sponsoring public facilities for her alma mater was a good thing. But she ? Even though I was fat, I couldn't bear it. I said I couldn't afford it and couldn't afford it. How laughable. As a human teacher, I am already so thick-skinned. I, Wu Yawen, this Big Star, actually did not even bother with food and returned dejectedly. My face, my old face... Sigh ? To change his name and forget about his home, to become rich and heartless, to become conceited and devoted to money, how could such a person be worthy of being my student?    


Huang Xing was startled, thinking, could it be that the reason Wang Renkui had such a deep prejudice against him, was simply because he went to Wu Qianqian's home to ask for Wu Qianqian's sponsor, and got himself a secret?    


Isn't this too exaggerated?    


Huang Xing said. President Wang, it's not worth it to get angry over. Every family had their own problems, but behind Wu Qianqian's Halo, he too was filled with pain. Perhaps at that time, she really had met with financial difficulties, so ?    


Wang Renkui interrupted Huang Xing. If you continue to speak up for her, I won't even acknowledge you as a student. I firmly believe that you are not the same person. You are a businessman with a conscience, a rich person. Last year, you sponsored a multimedia equipment for our school. Every time you are mentioned, the school leaders and teachers are full of praise. This was a way to repay kindness without forgetting his roots. But what about her, Wu Yayan? She was such a big celebrity, yet she lived in a million dollar luxury car and didn't even have the money to sponsor her? Ridiculous! Later on, it was a student who sold fertilizer in the county town. He sponsored the school for thirty thousand yuan and improved some of the school's public facilities. It was precisely because of this thirty thousand yuan that I was able to be promoted to vice principal. How much money does a fertilizer seller earn in a year? How could he not forget his alma mater, not forget the roots, and compare himself to Wu Yawen? She had the nerve to come to a party!    


Huang Xing could not help but be deeply shocked!    


He didn't expect Wang Renkui to be so disgusted with Wu Qianqian, and it was only because of the benefits he gained from the past, and not because he failed to achieve anything.    


With regards to Wu Qianqian, who was more absurd, who was more ridiculous, and who was more ignorant?    


However, Wang Renkui continued to pour out his grievances in front of Huang Xing: As the leader of the Vice-Chancellor, my main job is to recruit and sponsor me. As for sponsorship, it was the same nature as getting along with monks. However, it was not as effective as the monk. It was only natural for monks to change their fate. I, as a Vice-Chancellor, have the cheek to go and change fate everyday. For people like Wu Yawen, I was already injured that time. Now, the school in response to the county leaders to promote the spirit of inter-class culture, ready to build a library, but you know, the school has no money ah. If you can't build without money, you can't fundamentally respond to superior policies. In the end, the heavy responsibility of fate was once again placed on me, a Vice-Chancellor. Besides, when the principal was in a meeting, he stressed that no matter what I did, I had to get the sponsorship. If you can't get it in three months, then... I will be removed from my post. However, building a library would cost a lot of money. I had no choice but to add a school building fee of five hundred yuan per student per year to the tuition fee. That's reasonable, isn't it? But guess what? Those parents actually teamed up and sued me, causing me to almost lose my black veil hat!    


He sighed repeatedly with a helpless look on his face.    


After Wang Renkui's complaints, Huang Xing had finally understood. As a teacher, how could he blame others for not being successful in supporting him?    


Huang Xing asked tentatively: President Wang, how much does it cost to build a library?    


Wang Renkui sighed: At least... A few hundred thousand at the very least.    


Huang Xing said: The school collects so many tuition fees and studies for two to three thousand students every year. Every person will receive three thousand tuition fee, which is about ten million or so. In addition, assistance can be requested from the Board of Education. This amount of several hundred thousand shouldn't be a problem, right?    


Wang Renkui emphasized: "It's easy for you to say. For such a large school to cost ten million yuan a year, was it enough? Just School Leader and the teaching staff alone numbered one to two hundred. In addition to the other expenses, he couldn't make ends meet every year. Ai, why do you think I should tell you all this ? Alright, alright, you go eat first. I think I'll go home and cook a bowl of noodles.    


Huang Xing quickly said: "Wait."    


Wang Renkui countered: What's wrong?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: "I am willing to offer three hundred thousand to my alma mater!"    


Hearing this, the cigarette in Wang Renkui's hand trembled all of a sudden and fell to the ground. He couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief as he asked a question in reply: Really ? True... Really?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: I am duty-bound to do whatever I can for my alma mater. Whenever President Wang needs it, I will transfer the money to your school account.    


Wang Renkui waved his hand: No, no. No, no, I mean don't put it in the school account, just do it in mine. I'll give you a card number later. The card number is my real name, Wang Renkui.    


His hand suddenly shook, and he took a pen from his pocket. He took out a cigarette case, took out the foil, and skillfully wrote a card number on it.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly in his heart, money was indeed a good thing.    


Truly, money can make a fool out of a man!    


Wang Renkui passed the written card number to Huang Xing and asked hesitantly. I said ? This... You won't go back on your word, right?    


Huang Xing shook his head: Rest assured President Wang, I will keep my word.    


Wang Renkui pulled Huang Xing's arm, and gently bit his lips, and said: How about this, look... Xin Meng Merchant House has plenty of money, so wouldn't his profit in one day be more than a million? Sponsorship? Even if it's three hundred thousand, it's still a sponsorship. Even if it's five hundred thousand, it's still a sponsorship. How about an integer, five hundred thousand? Just a word of advice. If you sponsor 500,000 yuan, I'll give you 80,000 yuan as a reward...    


Huang Xing interrupted Wang Renkui: President Wang, take this three hundred thousand. In my own name.    


'What?! ' Wang Renkui was startled: That's true too. It was only natural for you to pay millions a year and take out three to five hundred thousand to do public service work. Then I'll... I'll give you a list of five hundred thousand and then... Then, when the library is ready, I would suggest that the school write your name on the building or in the library.    


Huang Xing emphasized: That won't be necessary. I'll visit the alma mater later and sit with the principal. Discuss. I hope that my three hundred thousand dollars can really be used on the blade, on the students.    


Wang Renkui couldn't help but frown. Wasn't it five hundred thousand? He promised five hundred thousand, how did it become three hundred thousand?    


He scratched his head and went straight to the number theme in embarrassment.    


Huang Xing could not help but be stunned!    


Perhaps at this moment, he could understand why Wu Qianqian did not sponsor Wang Renkui back then. Not only did he raise the price, he even increased the price. If three hundred percent fails, he still wants five hundred thousand! Doing good things while getting haggled like this probably made Huang Xing speechless.    


Although it was not a business, but a charity activity that could be felt at will, Wang Renkui still spoke big as if it was a business deal. This made Huang Xing feel a little unwell in his heart.    


Huang Xing had been travelling in the business world for many years, if he was to use the business perspective to deal with Wang Renkui, it would naturally not be a problem. Huang Xing said: Don't be in such a hurry, President Wang. This three hundred fifty thousand, isn't a small sum even to me. At the very least, you have to allow me to observe and understand. Right?    


Wang Renkui replied with a question back in a displeased manner: "Then ?" Then you don't believe me?    


Huang Xing emphasized: President Wang, you're saying this ? I will not believe you, there is no first sponsorship of multimedia teaching equipment, and there is no library this time. I just want to help my alma mater a little, but I hope that this strength can be used on the blade. Do you understand me?    


Wang Renkui was silent for a moment, then forced out a smile: If you understand, then it's a promise. I will call the principal to report it now, don't leave me alone.    


Huang Xing waved his hand and said: "Why are you in such a hurry? Let's go in and eat." Let's go, our classmates are waiting for you!    


'I... ' Wang Renkui waved his hand and took the initiative to walk a few steps back to the banquet hall.    


At this moment, Huang Xing's heart was in turmoil.    


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