Security Guard’s Romance



4What is the police doing here?     4


Following the waves of questions in his mind, Huang Xing stood up and looked over. Only then could he see clearly that these people were not police officers.    


It was the Town Security!    


Could it be that she was doing it for the Town Security?    


A fat Town Security officer with a fierce-looking face glared at them for a few times. He used all his strength and shouted, "Who is the organizer and who is the organizer?"    


With regards to the Town Security's interference, everyone was puzzled. The rest of the students looked at each other, their gazes landing on Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing stood up, walked over, stood in front of the Town Security and said: I am.    


The fat Town Security looked at Huang Xing up and down, and frowned: You guys are drinking really well, pay up to two hundred yuan.    


Two hundred dollars? Huang Xing was stunned: What do you mean?    


The chubby Town Security officer explained, "Management fees."    


F * ck me! Huang Xing was a little dumbfounded: "No way?" You even have to pay management fees for a gathering? Sir Town Security, are you crazy about money?    


Maybe it was because of the alcohol, but Huang Xing was extremely furious about the Town Security charging him so much.    


The fat city guard glared and raised his voice. Health management fees! You set off fireworks in front of the restaurant. According to the regulations, we will charge you a certain amount of health management fees. I hope you will cooperate.    


Huang Xing had an innocent look on his face: We didn't set off the firecrackers!    


'If you dare say another word, you won't release it! ' The fat officer said in a threatening tone.    


Huang Xing stressed, "No way, I just didn't."    


At this time, Wang Renkui also came over and took the initiative to speak to the fat Town Security member: Town Security comrade, I am a Vice-Chancellor from the Experimental High School.    


The fat Town Security waved his hand and said, "I don't care who you are. You will have to pay the management fee for setting off the firecrackers." For these two hundred dollars, I don't have time to waste here with you.    


Huang Xing continued to emphasize: There really were no firecrackers.    


The fat city guard pulled Huang Xing's arm: Come, come, come. Come and see!    


Under the 'escort' from the Town Security, Huang Xing was forced to follow them out of the hall, and upon seeing that, the other students also followed out.    


At the entrance of the hotel, beside the arch, there were indeed traces of firecrackers.    


The fat officer pointed at the shards of the firecrackers and asked, "Do you see it? Could it be that these fragmented firecrackers came from underground?" Still refusing to admit it!    


Huang Xing asked in reply: We are not the only people eating in this hotel. What right do you have to insist that we were the ones to fire the firecrackers?    


The fat Town Security member raised his head and pointed at the words written on the circular arch: "Did you not make this arch?"    


Huang Xing said: "This, we did it." But the firecrackers weren't really set off by us.    


The chubby guard stressed, There's a fee for the arch too. One hundred and fifty yuan to clean the garbage, and another fifty yuan to cover the cost of the facilities. In accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council, Article 37 of the Regulations on Urban Road Management of the State Council, the relevant provisions of Article 2 of the Circular Concerning the Formulation of Measures for the Administration of Occupy Expenses of Urban Road of the Provincial City and Rural Construction Committees, the Provincial Fiscal Affairs Department and the Provincial Commodity Pricing Administration shall be collected, and all fees paid shall be turned over to the financial authorities. If you do not cooperate in the payment of the money, we will impose measures on you.    


Huang Xing coldly snorted: Occupying the Dao? Which path did he take? The entrance to the hotel was still far from the road. Did it affect traffic? Or did it affect something?    


The fat Town Security was furious, "You are occupying the path!" Do you want the sanitation workers to clean up the trash that fires firecrackers? There is no such thing as a free lunch.    


Huang Xing ordered the fat Town Security army: Cleaning up such a small piece of trash, is it worth a hundred and fifty yuan? What's more, these firecrackers weren't fired by us. If you don't believe me, you can check the video at the hotel. It was true that the arch had been built by us, but it did not take up the road, nor did it affect traffic. So you have no right to fine us!    


After hearing that, a few Town Security came over and surrounded Huang Xing. They glared at him like tigers stalking their prey.    


The party that was originally quite happy had been interrupted by the Town Security. Although two hundred dollars wasn't a sky-high price, but he couldn't just hand it over so casually, right?    


However, who in the world didn't know of the prestige of the Chinese city police. They even dared to demolish the courtyard of the Public Security Bureau, let alone deal with the commoners. The fat city guard reached out his hands to push Huang Xing, sending him the last plate: Are you handing it over?    


Huang Xing raised his head: No.    


The chubby one reached out to push him again and cursed, Are you fucking looking for trouble?    


Huang Xing stuck out his chest: The ones looking for trouble are you!    


The other Town Security members also started to curse. Seeing this scene, the few classmates that followed after them immediately went into a state of confrontation with the Town Security members. There was even a girl who ran over to call for reinforcements.    


Some of the guests and passersby at the entrance stopped to watch when they saw this scene. A few people took out their cell phones to record.    


The fat Town Security officer noticed that someone was taking photos and immediately scolded, "What are you taking, what are you taking..." It closed!    


The other Town Security officer simply walked over quickly, trying to snatch the phone from a lady. The lady argued: Bandits, who are you? What right do you have to steal my phone?    


For a moment, the battle was deadlocked.    


Huang Xing warned her in a stern voice: "You are violently enforcing the law!"    


The fat Town Security sneered and said, "When dealing with people like you, you have to be violent." If you cooperate obediently, we wouldn't need to use force. For two hundred dollars, is it worth it? I'm warning you, even if you get beaten up today, you will still pay two hundred yuan!    


Huang Xing said: You will pay the price for your actions!    


"Oh?" The fat Town Security laughed out loud. Afraid of you?    


Huang Xing emphasized: You don't have to be afraid of me, and you don't have to be afraid of me either.    


Huang Xing took out his phone. In his fury, he wanted to directly make a call to County Lord Fang so that he could personally administer these lawless personnel.    


As the general manager of Xinmeng, he was one of the best businessmen in Jinan, and his name had been circulating in the county for a long time. Almost every time he returned to his hometown, a county leader would contact him in an attempt to catch him. In name, it was a conspiracy to develop his hometown. At the beginning, Huang Xing had used all sorts of reasons to reject his invitation, but later on, due to his politeness, Huang Xing still approached him twice and chatted with him for a bit.    


However, the Town Security would not give you the chance to make a call. The fat Town Security saw Huang Xing taking out his phone and immediately warned: Put your phone back! Believe it or not, I'll throw it over for you!    


He scratched Huang Xing's nose, acting like a bandit.    


Borrowing the alcohol, Huang Xing really wanted to teach this Town Security who did not know the limits of heaven and earth a lesson, but he was still sober, and warned himself one word, endure.    


However, the students who were already drunk didn't care at all. They jostled with the Town Security, and from there came the sound of limbs moving as they punched and kicked.    


Huang Xing berated them fiercely: Stop, all of you stop!    


There was a temporary truce between the two sides, but neither side was willing to give up.    


The fat city manager was dancing with joy as he scolded, "Sure, you're rebelling aren't you?" Fighting against the staff, just based on this, you have the chance to be detained!    


Wang Renkui went forward again to give the fat city manager some cigarettes, but was smacked to the ground by him.    


Wang Renkui pleaded: Town Security comrades, we are just going to have a gathering, a reunion of our classmates. Please be convenient and don't make things difficult for us. Well, let's turn in the fine, shall we?    


Then, he turned to look at Huang Xing and said with a frown: Hand it over, it's two hundred yuan.    


Huang Xing shook his head: This is my principle. No.    


'Look... ' The fat Town Security said resentfully, "He won't cry until he sees the coffin!"    


At this time, the manager of the hotel also came out to coordinate. He was more familiar with the Town Security, so his words were less explosive.    


But after the manager confirmed it, the firecrackers were not set up by Huang Xing and the others, but by another restaurant, which was holding a celebration banquet for their child, the Full Moon. They didn't sign the arch, but they did put out a plate of twenty thousand firecrackers.    


In this way, it would be a misunderstanding.    


They had originally thought that after learning of the truth, the Town Security would no longer bother them. Who would have thought that the fat city guard would charge Huang Xing fifty yuan to pay the entrance fee?    


His wanting to beat him up made Huang Xing a little angry. In addition, he was pushed back by the fat Town Security a few times while they were still fighting. If he hadn't tolerated it, this fat city manager might have started beating him up!    


This was too much!    


However, at this moment, a police car was approaching with its whistle in the air.    


The fat city manager laughed proudly and warned Huang Xing: "It's good that you came. If you don't cooperate, we won't bother you!"    


Behind this police car, there was also a highly equipped Passat. The police car and Passat came to a halt, and a few people got out of the Passat.    


"The County Chief Song is here! "The County Chief Song is here!" Wang Renkui said somewhat excitedly, and then bowed his head and bowed as he walked over.    


~ It seems that Wang Renkui is more familiar with County Chief Song, seeing that the situation was in a deadlock, he secretly called him. In this short period of time, County Chief Song called for a few policemen and personally rushed over.    


In fact, there was another reason why he had come so quickly.    


The key point was, when Wang Renkui called the County Chief Song, he even mentioned Huang Xing. Furthermore, he told the County Chief Song that Huang Xing had agreed to donate 500,000 yuan to the Experimental High School.    


Which leader wouldn't be excited when they heard of such a sum of money?    


Furthermore, Huang Xing could be considered a young and promising legend in the county. County Chief Song had long wanted to meet this person who was renowned in the business world of the provincial capital.    


When County Chief Song saw Wang Renkui coming over, his first sentence was: Where's Director Huang, which one is Director Huang?    


Wang Renkui casually pointed.    


County Chief Song hurriedly walked forward a few steps, extending his hand from far away, laughing as he said: "Director Huang, hello, Director Huang, look, you've returned here, and you didn't even bother to greet us. I'll arrange for you, let's eat together."    


Seeing the County Chief Song being so courteous to this young man, and even calling him Director Huang, the Town Security couldn't help but be stunned.    


They were all wondering in their hearts, just who was this kid?    


Wang Renkui took the opportunity to introduce her to Huang Xing: This is County Chief Song, I have hopes of being your registrar this year.    


Hello, County Chief Song. Huang Xing shook hands with him, then turned to look at the Town Security members.    


This look made the Town Security feel a little bit more fearful.    


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