Security Guard’s Romance



2Huang Xing, who had already drank a lot, was clearly a little angry. He really wanted to slam the table and happily scold this happy and somewhat snobbish Waitress, but this rage that had been suppressed, in the end, followed the rise and fall of his chest and was slowly calmed down. Huang Xing tried to use a kind tone to ask the Waitress: "You drank too much, right? What do you mean by that?"    


Just as Waitress wanted to argue, he saw Xiao Hui suddenly stand up, staring at the Waitress angrily, he opened his mouth and scolded: You, you, you ? ? Are you tired of working, waiter? Do you know who he is? If I say it, I'll scare you to death! Are you really not afraid of getting into trouble? Call your boss!    


Huang Xing quickly waved his hand, signalling for Xiao Hui to pay attention to the impact.    


Xu Wenguang did not miss an opportunity and replied: You waiter, you're still stepping on your nose and face aren't you? He had to trade, he had to! From today onwards, I don't want to see you in the main house again!    


Waitress snorted: I say, brother, you are the boss here, why don't you allow me to appear if you want me to? Come on, drink your wine and befriend your friends, and don't meddle in what you shouldn't!    


Damn, this tone is pretty tough!    


This was truly a boundless universe full of wonders! This kind of waiter was a wonder in the service world!    


At this time, Xiao Fei also joined in the denouncement of Waitress, pointing her finger and launching all kinds of attacks on her. Huang Xing did not want to blow the matter any further, so he waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down.    


The Waitress quickly left this place and went to serve another table.    


Xu Wenguang frowned as he watched her back. He raised his wine cup and said to Huang Xing: Director Huang, don't be angry. He had no idea how thick the sky was. Come, let's drink!    


'Drink! ' Huang Xing took a deep gulp, letting the anger that was filling him flow into his stomach along with the alcohol, and digest it.    


The performance on the stage continued. The singing and dancing continued. The lights were dazzling, one after another.    


Xiao Hui, who was beside Huang Xing, seemed to be more spirited as well. Along with the music, she shook her body gently, and her mouth was even humming a melody. Xiao Hui who was at the side was also infected, he gently shook his head, feeling the passion from the music.    


After about ten minutes or so, the music gradually stopped. A beautiful female host stepped onto the stage and said in a carefree voice, "Today's show has come to an end here. I hope that distinguished guests can have a good meal and have a good drink. You have come to our house with great luck." I also hope that you can continue to support us and the house. In addition, it is worth our gratitude that two rather extraordinary guests came to the house tonight, at the behest of our boss, to express their warmest welcome and gratitude for the arrival of these two guests. Thank you for your trust and support to our big house. Our boss will personally pay his respects to you in a moment!    


An extraordinary guest, who was that?    


Huang Xing pondered in his heart. Someone who could get the host to point out their name on stage and get the boss to personally give instructions must be someone with a huge influence in the entire Jinan City. He was either an official tycoon, a tycoon in the business world, or even a major official from the capital who came to do some work in Jinan.    


At this time, Xu Wenguang was holding a toothpick in his hand, slanted his head, and raised his teeth with a complacent look on his face.    


Huang Xing suddenly became addicted to smoking, and restrained herself for a long time, as though not smoking at all was itchy in her heart. After weighing the pros and cons, he stood up.    


Xu Wenguang was startled: Director Huang, you are ?    


Huang Xing said: I'm going out to smoke some cigarettes.    


Xu Wenguang looked at Xiao Hui who was beside him and said, "Go and accompany Director Huang for a while.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Old Xu, you think too highly of me, don't you? You need someone to accompany you for a cigarette? Save it, you eat here first.    


But Xiao Hui still insisted on following Huang Xing out of the house. The moment they came out, Huang Xing quickly took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Xiao Hui, who was quick on the uptake, immediately pressed the lighter, bringing the fire over respectfully.    


He lit it up and inhaled deeply, feeling comfortable.    


Xiao Hui giggled: Big Brother Huang's addiction is really big, you don't have to hold back smoking, huh?    


Huang Xing nodded his head slightly. Dependent, used to it. Actually, this was just a habit. When a habit was formed, it was very difficult to change it.    


Xiao Hui laughed: That's right. However, the way Big Brother Huang smoked was very cool.    


Huang Xing retorted: What's the point of smoking a cigarette?    


Xiao Hui emphasized: "Not everyone smokes, but Big Brother Huang smokes. You have a story in your cigarette.    


Huang Xing burst out laughing: You really know how to speak.    


During the process of smoking, Huang Xing subconsciously glanced at Xiao Hui, and couldn't help but be startled.    


Under the moonlight, the neon lights gave off a sexy glow and covered her face with sexy elements. A light wind was blowing, and her hair was gently fluttering. Her beautiful figure was like a breathtaking scene, causing people to be unable to stop themselves. Her beautiful big eyes were full of stories, full of youth, full of youthful colors. She gently stepped on the ground with the heels of her High-heeled shoes s. The sound was surprisingly sexy and seductive, as if it would cause anyone who heard it to be enchanted by it.    


Xiao Hui smiled and stared at Huang Xing, her eyes filled with a mysterious longing, she asked with interest: Director Huang, you are so young, yet you already have such a great result, I really want to know what kind of story you have experienced. I heard Brother Xu say that you started from scratch, and even ? Was it true that he had been a security guard before?    


Huang Xing was stunned: This Old Xu!    


Xiao Hui asked in a spoiled tone as she shook Huang Xing's arm: "Is it true, Big Brother Huang?"    


Huang Xing nodded: That's right. I was a security guard for a few years.    


Xiao Hui scoffed, "Wow, it's really true!" Big Brother Huang is too amazing!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Is being a security guard really that impressive?    


Xiao Hui emphasized, "Oh, security, you're not a security guard at all. It was a Security officer, and he actually... What should I say? That's right, who would have thought that a blind Security officer could become the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House in such a short period of time? This was simply a myth, a myth that could not be realized.    


Huang Xing laughed: Maybe it's fate that is taking care of me, these few years, I have been rather smooth.    


Xiao Hui shook his head: That's not true! Do you still believe in fate? This only meant that the Big Brother Huang was capable. Big Brother Huang was a giant dragon that was hiding in a small stream. As long as there was an opportunity, it would immediately soar into the sky like a dragon or a tiger.    


Huang Xing waved his hand: "Enough, enough, in a moment you have already blown me to the sky!"    


Xiao Hui argued: "I'm not bragging at all." Do you know how many girls think you're their idol?    


Huang Xing laughed: To vomit.    


'It's true! ' Xiao Hui emphasized: Anyway, I admire you a lot!    


Huang Xing replied. I'm not as godly as you think. Actually, I'm just working!    


Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk..." Little Hui pouted. How low-key! They were even working! You laborer, support Ji Nan! Dream of the Moon Merchant House, this is ?    


Huang Xing interrupted her: "Alright, alright, stop flattering me." Tell me about you. What are your plans for the future?    


Xiao Hui scratched his head. I don't have any plans. Newly graduated students like us, in the city a lot of them. Sigh, it was difficult. Looking for a job to take advantage of was even harder than looking for one!    


Huang Xing said: Take your time, son. Don't even think of eating a fatty in one bite. If you want to learn how to fight steadily and steadily, there will be a day when you will be able to hold your head up straight.    


Xiao Hui pouted and said: "I don't feel like there's any hope at all, surviving in this big city is really too difficult."    


Huang Xing said: Your diploma is very high and your looks are not bad. How hard is it to find a job?    


Xiao Hui touched his own face in surprise and said, "What you mean is, I still look like a ?." Not bad?    


Huang Xing nodded, embarrassed.    


Xiao Hui giggled: Then why don't you raise me!    


Huang Xing was suddenly startled, and knew that she was only joking. He smiled in relief. "Let's go back." Huang Xing waved his hand and started walking in.    


'Wait for me.' Xiao Hui caught up, and they stood shoulder to shoulder.    


Huang Xing felt that she was very close to him, and her body emitted waves of fragrance. This kind of fragrance and alcohol are very easy to react with each other, giving people a feeling of intoxication.    


Returning to the dining table, Xu Wenguang and Xiao Fei were drinking, and seeing that Huang Xing had returned, Xiao Fei looked over and said: Big Brother Huang, you walked for such a long time, where did you bring my Xiao Hui?    


Huang Xing was startled at first, then turned his head to look at Xiao Hui.    


Xiao Hui pouted. What nonsense are you talking about? The relationship between me and the Big Brother Huang is extremely pure, is it the Big Brother Huang?    


After he finished speaking, Xiao Hui gently placed his hand on Huang Xing's shoulder, looking calm and at ease.    


Huang Xing was stunned. This kind of explanation, was better not to explain. Huang Xing shook his shoulders slightly, but Xiao Hui acted like nothing had happened and continued to giggle, as if she was deliberately trying to blow up her relationship with Huang Xing. How could such an ability to create something out of nothing be learnt in a day and night?    


Xiao Hui finally took his hand off Huang Xing's shoulder and raised his wine cup.    


Xiao Fei took the opportunity to say: Just now, while you guys were out, I and Brother Xu had already bumped into each other quite a few times.    


'Who's afraid of who? ' Xiao Hui turned to face Huang Xing. Big Brother Huang, come.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You really want to drown me out?    


Xiao Hui raised his head: How can little sister inculcate you, Big Brother Huang, you are magnanimous. Come, let me drink first as respect!    


This girl was indeed extraordinary. Her alcohol capacity was extraordinary.    


How could a girl these days be so good at drinking? Just as Huang Xing was hesitating, a gentle voice came out from the side: Director Huang!    


Huang Xing turned his head, to see that it was a very charismatic middle-aged woman, who had unknowingly appeared behind him.    


This woman had a very dignified appearance. From a single glance, one could tell that she was not an ordinary person. His entire body exuded an extraordinary aura. With a chuckle, it revealed the beauty of being immersed in others.    


Huang Xing was startled, thinking, who is she?    


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