Security Guard’s Romance



4Li Rong continued: Big Brother Huang, I found out that I'm already relying on you. After you left, I didn't work actively, my thoughts no longer improved, and I no longer live in that place anymore. I even started to get lost quite often when I went out walking.     2


She also shyly shook her pretty little head, as if she was reciting a poem.    


Huang Xing was so amused by her that he couldn't help but pat her thigh. "When did you change to a talk show?    


'Of course ', Li Rong proudly raised his head.    


Huang Xing stretched out his thumb towards her: Impressive.    


Li Rong snuggled in Huang Xing's embrace like a little bird. At the beginning, Huang Xing was not used to it, after all, this kind of flirtatious scene had already happened for a very long time. However, as his memory recovered, this seemed to become somewhat logical.    


Looking at it from such a close distance, Huang Xing realized that Li Rong even had eye shadow. No wonder when he saw her just now, he always felt like she was wearing a thick layer of makeup. "The light blue eye shadow really made her eyes sexy. With a light blink, it was as if her soul was being sucked out of her.    


Huang Xing said: It's so late at night, why are you dressing up like this?    


Li Rong drew circles on Huang Xing's chest: It's all so that I can wait for you, to give you a completely new feeling.    


Huang Xing said: It's not that exaggerated, right?    


Li Rong said as he pouted. You still don't know how important you are to me. Then, she tilted her head and looked straight at Huang Xing, blinking her eyes lovingly. Big Brother Huang, tell me, am I beautiful today?    


Huang Xing shook his head.    


Li Rong was shocked, and immediately revealed a look of disappointment.    


Huang Xing laughed and said, you are beautiful wherever you go. Not just today.    


Li Rong giggled, he was happy like a flower that had just bloomed. She was so happy that her hands and feet were dancing, and she repeatedly kissed Huang Xing's face a few times.    


Huang Xing felt a cool and fragrant feeling on his face. "Don't be so enthusiastic, it's not quite right." Huang Xing said, but he couldn't help but return the kiss to her. He could no longer control himself. This little demoness was extraordinary in her charm. He did not have such a strong immunity to her.    


Then, they quickly immersed themselves into it.    


Cloudy mountains surrounded by mist, coiling dragons surrounded by clouds and sea. This emotion seemed to have been hidden for a long time. Finally, it erupted with an unprecedented madness.    


When it was over, Li Rong threw Huang Xing into Huang Xing's arms tightly: Big Brother Huang, you are becoming stronger and stronger, who did you train with?    


Huang Xing didn't react for a moment, and casually asked: "Practice what?"    


Li Rong's face flushed red: What do you think? You scoundrel, you must have a lot of women by your side, right?    


Huang Xing took the chance to feel around for a smoke. Li Rong took a lighter from under the tea table and lit it up for him.    


Li Rong rested his feet on Huang Xing's thighs, continuously moving his feet. His dyed red toenails were especially eye-catching, as it emitted a kind of sexy brilliance under the light. Her little feet were indeed beautiful, small and delicate, with delicate luster. A few fine capillaries could be vaguely seen.    


Huang Xing said: "Speak, why have you called me here?"    


Li Rong was startled, and retorted: "If there's nothing else, I won't be able to see you? Look at what you're thinking, as if it's profitable to call you here.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Nothing really?    


Li Rong shook his head, but quickly nodded.    


Huang Xing leaned his body against the back of the sofa and took a deep breath. Then, he couldn't help but start humming a little tune.    


A beauty like a painting. After being separated for so long, he was once again entangled with Li Rong in a completely different frame of mind. He still remembered the first time that the vast scene at Li Rong's rented house. She was as passionate as fire, setting off layers of raging waves for him. But this time, she seemed to have an air of wildness, like a wolf or a tiger, or a docile sheep.     


Yes, she was.    


It was even a bit like the Ouyang Mengjiao replica back then, passionate, hot, crazy.    


Just as he was thinking, Li Rong suddenly added: To say that it's fine, there's still a small matter that I need to discuss with you, Big Brother Huang.    


Huang Xing extended his finger and pointed at the tip of her nose: Look, the fox tail has finally been revealed.    


Don't say it's so bad. Li Rong frowned slightly and said: It's this kind of Big Brother Huang, I feel that when I was with you in the past, I meant that when I was working as your assistant, I had a lot of passion and motivation. But ever since you came to the Xin Meng Merchant House, my entire being has been dejected and dejected. Actually, I still want to stay with you. I want to be your assistant, and I also want to be your secretary.    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: "What you mean is, I should return to the Xinyuan Company, and become there?    


Li Rong quickly replied: That's definitely not the case. You are now the General Manager, the General Manager of Xin Meng Merchant House, and your position is high, so you will definitely not be condescending to your original position. However, there is another way that I can be your assistant as I wish.    


Huang Xing had long guessed a few things in his heart, but he still asked knowingly: What method?    


Li Rong bit her lips lightly a few times and said softly, "Everything is settled after transferring me to the Xin Meng Merchant House to work!    


What a cunning girl!    


She was a smart person and naturally understood that the size of the Xin Meng Merchant House was not just a hundred times larger than the Xinyuan Company. The space in which the Xin Meng Merchant House could develop was naturally also much wider. On the surface, she wanted to be his assistant, but in reality, she wanted to use this reason to convince herself to move her to Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Huang Xing retorted: "Do you think changing people is so easy? Especially you, you are already an important pillar of the Xinyuan Company, if I were to dig you out, wouldn't Fu Zhenxin kill me?    


Li Rong asked: What does it have to do with her? You've been listless all this time, and you don't even care about the government. Late every day. Sometimes he didn't even go to the company. The company's performance had plummeted.    


Huang Xing 'oh', and a special type of bitterness rose in his heart.    


Li Rong continued: Big Brother Huang, you are the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. Anyway, I don't care. You have to transfer me over. Otherwise, hmph hmph, I'll haunt you every day, suck your blood every day until I've sucked you dry. Big Brother Huang, I really want to follow you.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "A gang, ah, they're still messing around."    


Li Rong corrected him. That should be fine, right? He was even careful to keep it under wraps.    


Huang Xing intentionally teased her: What?    


Li Rong said: To do work.    


Huang Xing said: It's the same no matter where you work, the Xinyuan Company needs you even more, and Fu Zhenxin needs you even more. Think about it, once the Xinyuan Company grows stronger, or even become as strong as the Xin Meng Merchant House, what would you become? You are at least a vice president! So, in my opinion, take your time and do it well, with a great future ahead of you.    


Li Rong felt wronged: "You tricked me." Big Brother Huang, you tricked me from the beginning. When I first came to Xinyuan Company, you said that I was recruiting for you, and in the end, I became your assistant. Now, if the other party still wants to be your assistant, you have to stop me. You have to let me hide in a small place like Xinyuan Company. I felt as if all the energy in my body had been bound and I couldn't release it.    


Huang Xing replied with a question: Must you follow me so that you can be released?    


Li Rong laughed evilly, revealing two rows of neat and white teeth: Of course. Weren't we already released just now?    


Huang Xing kindly patted Li Rong's head: Not big, but my heart is so evil.    


Li Rong emphasized: Big Brother Huang, I only let go a little when I'm with you. To tell you the truth, they haven't slept with any man since your first time. Really not.    


Huang Xing replied: That's hard to say. This thing can't be tested. Only you know the truth.    


Li Rong replied: What, you don't believe me?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I wouldn't believe it even if I were beaten to death.    


Li Rong drooped his head in disappointment before raising his head again. Big Brother Huang, why don't you just show me your attitude, are you going to help me or not?    


Actually, if Huang Xing wanted to help her move to the Xin Meng Merchant House, it wouldn't be difficult. After all, he was the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. Moreover, Fu Jie had just talked about one idea with him, which was to pull the backbone of the Xinyuan Company to the Xin Meng Merchant House so that the backbone could train and develop more. This thought just happened to cater to Li Rong's current needs.    


Huang Xing said. Let me think, first. Give me some time.    


Li Rong nodded, and said, Three days, is that enough to think? I feel that with your status, it's just a matter of a few words. You can't keep dragging me on, I don't want to stay in Xinyuan Company for even a day.    


Huang Xing said: Is that so? Don't forget, it was Xinyuan Company who created you.    


Li Rong replied: Of course I know. But I would rather admit that it was you, Big Brother Huang, who created me. If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be a horse like me today.    


This girl really knew how to kiss ass.    


Huang Xing extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, took a deep breath, and said: "This Li Rong, you sure have a lot of brains." You know how to invest. From the moment you came to my office today, I knew that you would not come for no reason. Look, let me be right. Let me solve the problem for you.    


Li Rong giggled: There's only rewards if there's a price to pay. I helped you solve your problem, do you have the nerve to not help me?    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned. Although Li Rong's words were very kind, it even sounded like a joke. However, Huang Xing still felt that his heart was a little choked up.    


It looked more like a deal! A trade with authority! Li Rong used his body to continuously exert pressure on himself to obtain benefits. If this wasn't a transaction, then what was it?    


As if seeing through Huang Xing's thoughts, Li Rong hurriedly added: Big Brother Huang, that is not what I meant. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, then forget it. Anyway, I care more about you, Big Brother Huang. Don't make it sound like we're doing some undercover work. Big Brother Huang, even if you don't help me, I will still be grateful to you, and I will still welcome you to my house. I'm your wife here. As you wish.    


Huang Xing did not know what to say.    


But suddenly, Li Rong's soft body wrapped around Huang Xing's neck and asked him: Big Brother Huang, do you want me to serve you again?    


Huang Xing shook his head and said, No need.    


Li Rong saw his reaction and giggled. Big Brother Huang, you liar!    


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