Security Guard’s Romance



1Yu Mengqin immediately followed: "Also, I will have Supervisor report to the Merchant Shop tomorrow, she will bring my recommendation letter.    3


Fu Jie was startled, but immediately nodded his head: "Thank you Director Yu for your concern and support, we will definitely work with you to manage the business.    


That night, Fu Jie and Huang Xing drove back.    


Downstairs, after stopping the car, Huang Xing asked Fu Jie: Go up and take a seat?    


Fu Jie shook his head, and then turned to leave.    


Huang Xing sighed, the more he felt that the distance between the two of them was growing wider.    


After going upstairs, Huang Xing took a hot bath and watched TV for a while. In his mind, he kept thinking about what happened recently.    


His cellphone suddenly rang.    


Opening it, it was Li Rong.    


Huang Xing did not want to accept it, because Li Rong had previously sought her out. Her goal was clear, she wanted to make use of this opportunity to enter Xin Meng Merchant House. But the matter between him and Fu Jie had already made him extremely busy, how could he have the leisure to start things with Li Rong? Furthermore, even if this stage were to work, it would be useless for a blind person to light a lamp.    


Huang Xing did not pick up the bell for the first time, but it was followed by the second time.    


Helpless, Huang Xing picked up the call and frowned: Li Rong is so late, what's the matter?    


Li Rong replied: Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you.    


Huang Xing urged.    


Li Rong said: Are you home right now?    


Huang Xing said: It's already so late, so let's rest early. We'll talk about it tomorrow.    


Li Rong felt wronged: What happened to you? Oh, now that you have become the General Manager of Commercial Building, why don't you care about these old friends of yours? Tsk, so snobbish.    


Huang Xing questioned further: What exactly do you want?    


Li Rong countered with a question: Does it have to be something before I can contact you, Director Huang?    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: Alright, you can come over, but I don't have much time.    


Li Rong said: Alright, I will drive there immediately.    


Half an hour later, Li Rong rang the doorbell.    


Opening the door, seeing that Li Rong was smiling at her, she tilted her head and took out an exquisite box from her back. She handed it over to Huang Xing: Meet me soon, Director Huang will accept it.    


Huang Xing accepted it, looked it up and down, and asked: What is it?    


Li Rong did not treat herself as an outsider. She took off her shoes and stepped onto Huang Xing's pair of men's shoes, pulling him inside. As she walked, she explained: Won't I know if I open it?    


Huang Xing saw that her little feet were stepping on his slippers, making her look extremely unsuitable for him. Huang Xing smiled bitterly: Aren't you afraid that you'll lose your temper by taking off your shoes when you're wearing me?    


Li Rong glared: Are you stupid?    


Huang Xing nodded: Just a little.    


Li Rong raised his head: "I am not afraid."    


Then she took off her rose-red coat, threw it on the sofa, and lazily sat down. Then he simply pulled his feet out of his slippers, swaying slightly.    


Huang Xing also sat over and opened the exquisite box. Inside was an exquisite jade thumb ring. With one glance, one could tell that it was quite valuable.    


Li Rong urged her to try wearing it.    


Huang Xing tried it out and found it to be really suitable. However, he still placed the jade ring back into the box and handed it over to Li Rong: Sorry, I can't take such a precious item.    


Li Rong frowned: Why? Don't like it?    


Huang Xing emphasized: This is not a matter of liking or not, it's a matter of principle.    


Li Rong laughed: "Principle?" Star, can you not be so funny! What do we have to do with each other? Why are you still talking to me about principles? I've already given you my person, a small ring, what do you dare not take? I'm telling you, I spent a lot of effort to get my jade thumb ring, and Tian Yu's. Star, you are an expert, you should know the weight of this jade ring, right?    


Huang Xing replied: Then even more so, I can't take it.    


Li Rong laughed bitterly: I think that in this world, other than you, no one else is worthy of this jade ring. Look at its luxurious luster and delicate lines.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Li Rong, let me tell you, if you come to visit me, and carry two kilograms of fruit and bananas with you, I will accept them. But I won't take this jade ring no matter what. I'm not at ease.    


Li Rong countered with a question: What's there to be unsure about? Aiya, now that I have something good to share with you, not only will you not appreciate my kindness, but you will also hurt me. Why are you doing this!    


Huang Xing replied: I can share it, but I can't take it in principle. This year, my family doesn't accept gifts, they only receive cheap drops.    


Huang Xing used his hometown language to randomly create a smooth mouth, using it to soften his firm tone.    


Li Rong said. Look at you, you even dragged it up. So you're saying, I'm a cheaper person? It was too humiliating.    


Her words caused Huang Xing to be greatly startled.    


It was very obvious that Li Rong was hinting at a relationship between them.    


Huang Xing pondered for a moment, then mustered up his courage and said: "Li Rong, I think we should end this abnormal relationship now.    


What? Li Rong was so shocked that he almost stood up from the sofa: Director Huang you ? you think that our relationship is not normal? Or ? well, I see. In your heart, you've always thought I was trying to get a higher position, didn't you? What I want to tell you is that I like your people. I liked you the first time I saw you, and I'm willing to give my all for you. Really. If I were to put you together with someone in the upper echelon, I would rather choose you. Only, I know that I, Li Rong, am not worthy of you. Only a peerless beauty like the Director Fu is the true love of your life. I don't expect you to love me and like me. I only hope that I can see you often and confide in you.    


Huang Xing said: In Xinyuan Company, from the moment you entered the company, I chose a path of no return. I'll let a lot of people down.    


Li Rong frowned: You mean, you have a lot of women by your side?    


Huang Xing said: What are you thinking, Li Rong! I am glad that you have achieved what you did today. I hope that you can be like Fu Jie and continue forward. When the chance comes, you may be able to become a legend in the business world like her.    


Li Rong muttered: What are you trying to tell me, and it's even a legend. You won't even give me a chance to enter the mall.    


Huang Xing stressed: It's not that I don't want to give you a chance, it's just that the current situation doesn't allow it. There are a lot of things I can't tell you right now. It's not that I don't want to give you a chance, but do you understand me?    


Li Rong shook his head.    


Huang Xing said. I will help you fight for it when I have the chance, but you must be patient.    


Really? Li Rong smiled, took the initiative to move his butt closer, and naturally wrapped a hand around Huang Xing's neck, laughing: Don't worry Star, I won't urge you anymore. I know you will definitely help me. My Star is the greatest noble person in my life.    


Goosebumps immediately rose all over Huang Xing's body! He felt that he understood Li Rong very well. In order to achieve his goal, he would do anything. However, his shoes were already wet. It was impossible for him to end things that were similar to the unwritten rules.    


Li Rong rubbed his hand on Huang Xing's chest: Star, you don't miss me either? It's been so long, everyone.    


Huang Xing countered: How long, just a few days?    


He tried to stretch his body, trying to get rid of Li Rong's pestering, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.    


Before he could react, Li Rong's lips moved closer to him passionately, leaving a sweet smell on his lips. Immediately after, Li Rong took an inch and bit Huang Xing's cheek, using a finger to poke his chest, laughing sinisterly: I will take you down on the spot!    


No, no, no! Huang Xing said quickly.    


But it was too late, Li Rong became enthusiastic, like a fire in winter, he could not stop it.    


Her body was already pressing down on Huang Xing's body without any suspense. Her aura, her sexy curves, and the fact that she could speak with such big eyes, both frightened and nervous Huang Xing.    


However, most of them were at a loss.    


Huang Xing really wanted to end his intimate relationship with Li Rong, but every time Li Rong flirted with him, his thoughts would immediately go away. Moreover, he would always use the 'never again' proposition to cover up for his false promise.    


In this ambiguous atmosphere, Huang Xing quickly fell for direction!    


There will be no more examples! Huang Xing thought in his heart and began to respond positively. Soon, the two of them tore each other's clothes and coiled around each other on the bed.    


Amidst the raging waves and raging waves, he was completely moved.    


Half an hour later, Huang Xing and Li Rong laid in the same bed. Li Rong laid on Huang Xing's arms, intoxicated for a long time.    


Huang Xing held out his hand, swallowing the clouds and puffing out mist. At this moment, his heart was exceptionally bold and unrestrained. As far as men were concerned, there seemed to be nothing more glorious than conquering a woman. Moreover, Li Rong could be considered a rare great beauty. She was sexy and passionate. When she was in front of Huang Xing, she was fiery and unrestrained, causing Huang Xing to almost experience a kind of shock and pleasure he had never experienced before.    


Li Rong reached out and drew circles on Huang Xing's chest: Star, you are more and more powerful.    


Is that so? Huang Xing smugly flicked his ash: What are you talking about?    


Li Rong said.    


After Huang Xing finished smoking, he found that Li Rong was still beside him, smiling sweetly with her eyes closed.    


Huang Xing patted Li Rong's thigh and said: It's getting late, why don't you put on some clothes and go home?    


Li Rong suddenly opened his eyes and gently shook his head.    


Huang Xing replied. I have no precedent for keeping people at home, especially women.    


Li Rong caressed Huang Xing's body randomly: Can't you make an exception for me?    


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