Security Guard’s Romance



1Half an hour later, at Zhao Xiaoran's building.    


This was a middle-class district. There were fake mountains, man-made canals, and even greenery. However, it was very simple and wasn't the type that was meticulously designed.    


Zhao Xiaoran squatted in front of the entrance and had been looking around. Until Huang Xing's Passat came to a stop, she slowly stood up and took a step forward.    


Huang Xing got off the car and locked the car by remote control.    


Huang Xing nodded slightly. The light outside was very weak, and he could barely make out the other party's face. He could only vaguely make out a familiar silhouette. She was still beautiful, sexy.    


Zhao Xiaoran brought Huang Xing upstairs.    


She lived in two rooms and a living room. The room was very simple, but it was very clean.    


In her memory, she had always been a germaphobe. When he was living in the rented room, Zhao Xiaoran loved to clean up. She cleaned up the house neatly without a speck of dust. The house she was currently living in was unknown whether it had been bought or rented, but with Zhao Xiaoran living here, it would definitely be spotless. "Unfortunately, a house can be spotless, but a person can never be able to do it.    


The light in the room was much brighter than outside by a lot, so Huang Xing could finally see Zhao Xiaoran clearly. She hadn't changed much from before, but her demeanor had changed to that of an old and steady one. Maybe she was no longer the vain woman who was ambitious and liked to enjoy the material life. However, when he recalled how she cheated, Huang Xing still somewhat rejected her.    


Zhao Xiaoran poured a cup of beverage for Huang Xing and then sat down.    


Huang Xing asked: Can I smoke?    


Zhao Xiaoran froze for a moment, then nodded his head: Of course you can.    


Huang Xing could see the reluctance in Zhao Xiaoran's tone. She really didn't want anyone to smoke in her house, and the smoke would scatter all over the place. However, Huang Xing felt that there was no need to pretend in front of her. After all, they were already passersby, and the injuries she had caused to him were already very difficult to heal.    


Zhao Xiaoran agilely folded out a square shaped window and handed it over to Huang Xing: There is no ashtray at home, use it whenever you want. Next time you come, there will be.    


Huang Xing lit up his cigarette and said: It's already so late, why are you looking for me?    


Zhao Xiaoran replied with a question: Why can't I find you to talk if there's nothing else?    


Huang Xing frowned as he stood up: If there's nothing else, then I'll be leaving.    


Zhao Xiaoran quickly replied: Something's wrong, something's wrong! Sit down and listen to me, will you?    


Huang Xing sat down, he did not dare to carefully examine his ex-wife, who had once made him love her so dearly. He was even willing to treat her as a dream, a shattered dream, a perfect dream but ultimately all of his dreams come to nothing.    


Zhao Xiaoran bit his lips, drank a mouthful of fruit juice and said: Thank you for accepting me, and letting me stay in the Xinyuan Company, I have reached this step.    


Huang Xing was not surprised that she would start with these words. Other than this, she did not have any other suitable point to start with. Huang Xing shook his head, and said: "I did not accept you, but Fu Jie did. At that time, I was against it.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: But in the end, didn't you still accept me? Anyway, I'm grateful to you.    


Huang Xing replied: No need for that. The fact that you can have this day is the result of your own hard work.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Life is like a game of chess. One step wrong, one step wrong. The person I'm the most sorry about in my life is you.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Is there any use in saying all these now?    


Zhao Xiaoran said: I still have to say it even if it's useless. I've always wanted to tell you something, but I've never had the courage or the face to face with you. But today, I had the courage to call you. I thought you wouldn't come to see me.    


Huang Xing said: I, Huang Xing, was born to be despicable, I thought you really had something on your mind.    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: Yes, there is something I need to tell you, but I am - still hesitating, whether I should tell you or not.    


Huang Xing said. If you want to say it, say it. If you don't want to say it, then don't say it.    


Zhao Xiaoran could feel the indifference in Huang Xing's words, and could only blame herself for it. She shook her head mockingly at herself and said: I'll tell you later. Huang Xing, do you remember the few months we lived in the rented room?    


Rental again! It seems like I only have this much memories left in my life! Ouyang Mengjiao also mentioned it when he met her, but Zhao Xiaoran also mentioned it when he met her. Huang Xing frowned slightly and said: What's wrong with the rented room?    


Zhao Xiaoran raised his head and looked at the ceiling, as if he was trying to hold back from releasing some of his emotions: I had always thought that that period of time was the worst period of time that I, Zhao Xiaoran, had experienced. Even at night there was noise and sleep. I feel that I, Zhao Xiaoran, am too wronged. I am not willing to give up my fate, not willing to give up on such inferior conditions. Only now did I realize that those few months were actually the most cherishing months of my life. People could eat worse than others, but being able to be together with someone they liked every day, even if it was noisy, was still a happy time.    


Huang Xing felt that she should not have said those words, because she no longer had the qualifications to do so.    


When she ran away from home and got along with Huang Jinjiang, she was already destined to lose her qualifications. She knew that her state of mind at that time had practically been like the heavens collapsing.    


Huang Xing asked her: Is there any meaning in saying all this?    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: There is. Of course. People will be the past for the rest of their lives, won't they? In conclusion, my past is only a few short months away. I know that I have let you down the most in my life. I was vain and infatuated with grandeur. I did not think that I would be able to walk all the way here by myself. "Did you eat well, did you wear warm clothes, did you wash clothes in time?"    


Hearing this, Huang Xing wanted to say that even when you were here, you hadn't washed my clothes. But he was worried that he would be infected by Zhao Xiaoran's rhythm of reminiscence and confession, and be unable to extricate himself from it.    


Zhao Xiaoran continued: My vanity has received retribution, this cannot be blamed on anyone, it is my fault. Actually, I know that you have always treated me with a heart of tolerance, tolerance for all my shortcomings. But I can't let you. I hate you because you are poor and cheap. I hate how shameful you are being a security guard. I hate how you can't make money. During that time, indeed, I disliked you and thought you a useless man. I, Zhao Xiaoran, have been with you for eight lifetimes. But only now do I understand that you are the man who most cherishes me and understands me. But unfortunately, I didn't treasure it.    


Huang Xing bit his lips lightly, the cigarette in his hand had not been smoked for a long time, so the ashes automatically fell off: "Can we say anything else?"    


Zhao Xiaoran was a little agitated as he said: "Can you let me finish expressing my feelings first?" Facing you now, this is what I want to say the most.    


Huang Xing emphasized: The problem is meaningless.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: "If there's no meaning, then say it. Otherwise, if you bury it in your heart, you will feel uncomfortable."    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile: It's better to cherish this now, you have done a good job in Xinyuan Company, your future is very bright, Director Fu Fu Zhenxin still values your relationship a lot, as long as you don't betray her, she will not treat her badly.    


Zhao Xiaoran replied: I know that, Director Fu is a very good person. To be honest, Huang Xing, I'm really happy for you.    


Oh? Huang Xing was startled: What are you happy for me for?    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Business, love, double harvest. You are now the General Manager of Xin Meng Merchant House, how many people are envious of this position? You are a good man in the business world.    


Huang Xing shook his head: I am just a worker, working for Dream Group.    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: You're being modest. Also, you have received love. Fu Jie is a very good person, and she's also beautiful, a few tens or even a hundred times better than me. The two of you are very compatible.    


Huang Xing frowned: Are you going to praise everyone around me?    


Zhao Xiaoran's cheeks tightened, as if he was smiling bitterly, and couldn't squeeze out a word: The person I really want to praise and praise is you. Others, you are the foil.    


Huang Xing thought, you truly know how to kiss ass. But he changed his expression: I am not worthy of your praise and praise.    


Zhao Xiaoran seemed to have suddenly realized something and said: Wait for me for a moment.    


She got up and went into the kitchen.    


Huang Xing looked at her suspiciously until she walked out of the kitchen.    


Zhao Xiaoran picked up a bag of items and placed it on the table, saying: "I brought this from my home, how about we enjoy the taste of our home together?"    


The smell of home? Huang Xing was baffled.    


But when he opened the bag and saw the pile inside, he couldn't help but have a special feeling.    


It was filled with food, canned Stewed Fish with Soy Sauce, country bumpkin eggs, drunk peanuts, and so on. In Huang Xing's impression, the appearance of these bags of food signified some beautiful and sour memories.    


These food were the ones that Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaoran would frequently eat when they were in a relationship. At that time, they would go to the Yellow River almost every week to have a picnic, and they ate the most of these kinds of food, almost never changing their style. This seemed to have become the most beautiful memory of Huang Xing's love affair with Zhao Xiaoran.    


Huang Xing was startled, thinking, she doesn't want me to taste the taste of my home, this is clearly the taste of my first love.    


As Zhao Xiaoran took out this pile of food, he said: "I went to our place today, your uncle and aunt are still so kind. It was only until now that I found out that you had never told them about my mistake."    


Huang Xing was startled: "You went to my house?    


Zhao Xiaoran nodded. I went to see your uncle and aunt.    


Huang Xing said: How can you not? They had already gotten used to it and were living a peaceful life.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: I owe them! He owes you more! I have always feared that you would add insult to injury. When I leave you, you will belittle me with all your might in front of your relatives and friends. But you didn't. I can tell you didn't mention anything negative about me to your uncle or aunt. Otherwise they wouldn't be as good to me as they always were.    


Huang Xing said: That was my parents' tolerance. What's the use of belittling you? Everyone has their own right to choose. I have no right to stop this.    


Zhao Xiaoran was startled, his expression suddenly becoming serious.    


'Do you remember that? '    


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