Security Guard’s Romance



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Huang Xing was immediately shocked!    


What big words!    


Huang Xing saw that she had already clenched her fist and muttered something.    


As the saying goes, a person's heart can change. Huang Xing never would have thought that Ouyang Mengjiao, who had only been with him for a few years, would actually become such a person. He was unable to give Ouyang Mengjiao a good or bad definition of this method, but he was able to realize that the little clerk who slept together with him in the past, would almost never come back.    


Many emotions surged in his heart. Huang Xing was extremely confused.    


Actually, there was only one female at the scene, and that was Hu Yanyan. She wasn't really a sociable person. She carried a bottle of beer and drank it as she walked. Some of the managers who had drunk too much would come up to her and ask her to dance, but she rejected them all.    


Hu Yanyan's looks were not bad, but when compared to Sha Mei and Ouyang Mengjiao, she seemed insignificant. Furthermore, Huang Xing could tell that in Ouyang Mengjiao's eyes, there were always elements of disdain. So much so that when Huang Xing noticed Hu Yanyan, Ouyang Mengjiao casually said: Is a woman like Hu Yanyan very pitiful?    


Huang Xing might be able to guess the hidden meaning behind Ouyang Mengjiao's words, but he still asked: What's so pitiful about it? If you have money and status, you won't have to worry about anything.    


Ouyang Mengjiao snorted and said: "For a person like her, it's better to not have any money." If you have money, you can't bear to spend it. If you have luck, you can't enjoy it. What's the use of money? Can you imagine, her family had more than a billion dollars in assets, but the clothes she wore were all outdated, even a few years ago. She kept Rolls-Royce open, but she drove a three-hundred-thousand-dollar car. Don't you think this kind of person is pathetic? Women are not worth money. They are spent. A woman who doesn't know how to spend money, be careful that she doesn't make men feel that she's worth a lot of money.    


Huang Xing said: You drank too much, right?    


Huang Xing suddenly felt that this Ouyang Mengjiao had the same thoughts as Sha Mei, and from a certain point of view, they could not help but agree.    


Think about it," Ouyang Mengjiao said as she clinked glasses with Huang Xing. "As far as you're concerned, which woman would you treasure more if you took a wild rose and tricked her into giving her a villa with a smile?" The latter, of course, so a woman who wants to capture a man's heart has to spend his money first. Many times, men learn to love for the sake of pain. Isn't it?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "Right now, you are becoming more and more gold-worshiping." How did you become like this?    


Ouyang Mengjiao replied: I haven't changed, it's the times that are changing. Okay, let's not talk about these things. Let's talk about you, what's the situation between you and Fu Jie?    


Huang Xing said: Can we talk about anything else?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: It seems that you are not optimistic?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Our relationship, is very good.    


Ouyang Mengjiao sneered: Stop lying to yourself. You think I can't see it? Although you have been trying to smooth things over for Fu Jie, she does not seem to appreciate your kindness. A woman of her looks and ability would not put any man in her eyes. Unless you were more capable than her, and could control her. When I was in Xinyuan Company, I discovered that there was a whole company of suitors behind Fu Jie, regardless of the successful people in the business world, there were also elites from the political world. She was once refused by a senior official who offered her 100 million yuan a year for her support. Perhaps even the current A-list celebrities would not be able to get such a price? Among women, she was a legend. However, what I admire about her the most is that she can still control the bottom line.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Are you praising her or criticizing her?    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook his head. Right now, it seems to me, you can't handle her.    


Huang Xing said: I don't want to control her.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: You are only deceiving yourself. I've never seen a man who didn't like conquering women. Unless, this man was really weak.    


Huang Xing said: What a mess of logic. Well, get down to business. Your performance at the welcoming banquet today was truly a bit too much. At the same time, you slashed both Fu Jie and I with your blade, a blade without blood.    


Is there? Ouyang Mengjiao innocently shrugged his shoulders, casually raised his wine cup again, raised his neck, and drained all the wine in his cup: "I didn't! I am just showing off. Let the people of Xin Meng Merchant House know that I know you and make it easier for me to work in the future.    


Huang Xing immediately took her down: "Do you dare to say that you really think that way?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: I admit, I have my own selfish motives. But I had no choice. This is my first time here in Xin Meng Merchant House, I have to accumulate some chips for myself.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Is it like this?    


Ouyang Mengjiao sized up the bustling scene and the boiling crowd, and said: There's no choice, there's no one that doesn't like liveliness, and doesn't like to play around. Me too, and them too.    


Huang Xing said: Then continue playing, be careful of burning yourself to death, I'll be leaving first.    


Yellow Star turned away, as if realizing that he had gone too far. But thinking about it, his words seemed to be on Fu Jie's behalf. Ouyang Mengjiao's arrival had caused Fu Jie to fall into an endless predicament. As Fu Jie's lover, Huang Xing was in a dilemma. After all, the two ladies had special relations with Huang Xing. One of them was his current lover, who was in a very delicate period. The other was his former confidante, whom he didn't want to harm.    


Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to be angry, as she stood in front of Huang Xing, her scarlet face revealed an expression that seemed to denounce him: "You seem to care about Fu Jie a lot?    


Huang Xing snorted: What do you think?    


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: Could it be that you've never cared about me?    


These words stunned Huang Xing!    


He asked himself, did he care about Ouyang Mengjiao before?    


Did he care about this beautiful girl who had accompanied him through countless good times?    


The answer was obviously yes! So much so that when Ouyang Mengjiao questioned her further, he suddenly remembered the complex feelings from the past. He would never forget. Ouyang Mengjiao's passion was like fire, he would never forget the deep obsession Ouyang Mengjiao had for him, and he would never forget that even more. Every morning, when Ouyang Mengjiao woke up, he would prepare breakfast.    


How lovely, how sexy, how tender. That was the happiest time Huang Xing had been since he lost Zhao Xiaoran.    


had even thought of giving Ouyang Mengjiao a name. However, he felt very inferior. After all, he was just a small character with no money, no power, and no status. Furthermore, he had once failed to get married. But Ouyang Mengjiao was a beautiful and cute little girl, how could he bear to hurt her? Maybe, when she really walked into the palace of marriage with him, she would still turn into a replica of Zhao Xiaoran. Although Huang Xing had once hinted to Ouyang Mengjiao that he wanted her to become his wife. However, Ouyang Mengjiao's performance was extremely calm. She even told Huang Xing before that she didn't need him to take responsibility. These words would sometimes make Huang Xing feel relaxed, but most of the time, he felt helpless and miserable. Unquestionably, Huang Xing still had a very deep feeling toward Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Ouyang Mengjiao saw Huang Xing was startled, and immediately followed: "What, you can't answer?"    


Huang Xing stammered, as if he had just woken up from a memory: It looks like you really drank too much.    


Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly walked forward, and started to stick close to Huang Xing: "Then, can you send me home later?    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned.    


From the looks of it, Ouyang Mengjiao was not joking.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Sorry, I still have things to do in a while.    


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: What's the matter? Looking for Fu Jie again?    


Huang Xing said: Private matters.    


Ouyang Mengjiao was a little angry: It's up to you.    


He drained his glass in one gulp, turned his head, and walked onto the dance floor, frantically swinging his body.    


This twist of hers won cheers from the entire hall.    


Huang Xing secretly laughed bitterly, and then left the big room.    


However, his heart was filled with all sorts of questions.    


About Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Sha Mei was still drinking in the small room beside them. She also ordered a few delicate fruit plates. Anyone who saw her would be moved by her noble demeanor.    


Seeing Huang Xing coming back, Sha Mei tilted her head, her face revealing an expression of the yearning of a mature woman.    


Sha Mei said, "Can we go now?"    


Huang Xing was startled: Where to?    


Sha Mei frowned. In front of me, how can I not pretend?    


Huang Xing said: I'm sorry Big Sister Sha, I might be late, but I still have something to take care of.    


You always do that.    


She looked at her watch and said, I'll wait until eleven o'clock tonight.    


Huang Xing gritted his teeth and said: "I, I'll try my best."    


The two of them walked out of the private room, Huang Xing watched Sha Mei get into her luxurious car, turned around and left.    


Huang Xing took a cigarette and thought for a moment. Then, he drove his Passat straight back to Fu Jie's home.    


Just as he entered, Huang Xing saw a familiar figure.    


It was none other than the pretty girl who went to the Xin Meng Merchant House for an interview not long ago, Zhuang Shuwen.    


Although the lighting in the area wasn't very good, it revealed Zhuang Shuwen's beautiful face and exquisite skin. Under the faint light, her face had a kind of intoxicating charm.    


Huang Xing thought, should he greet Zhuang Shuwen? After weighing the pros and cons, he still opened the car window and shouted towards Zhuang Shuwen: Zhuang Shuwen!    


Zhuang Shuwen did not seem to realize the source of this greeting. After looking around, he realised that it was coming from the carriage in front of him. She leaned over to look, and could not help but be startled, exclaiming: Yes, it's you! Huang, Director Huang!    


Maybe it was because of the unfathomable change in Huang Xing's image in her heart. So much so that she began to stutter as she spoke. After all, at the beginning, she had thought that Huang Xing was just a security guard in the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


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