Security Guard’s Romance



0Fu Jie's arm, was already crisscrossed with green and red.    


The swelling was in stark contrast to the normal skin color on her arms, and it made her want to cry. Even the doctor, upon seeing her, could not help but say, "Who is it? Who has the heart to do such a thing to such a beautiful woman?"    


After the doctor's preliminary diagnosis, he let Huang Xing go to the window and pay up. Then, he brought Fu Jie to the first floor of the radiology department to take a film to see if he had injured his bones.    


And it seemed that there were a lot of people waiting to be filmed today. In front of Fu Jie, there were around ten people lining up. Huang Xing could not help but worry, and laughed bitterly: How long are we going to wait?    


However, Fu Jie appeared to be extremely optimistic: "Then that's just right." Let's take advantage of the time we have while we are waiting for the film to take off and study the unfinished topic again.    


Huang Xing was startled: "Even like this, you still have the mind to research?    


Fu Jie replied with a question: Why not? I'm not very ill. It's just a little skin wound.    


Huang Xing sighed, and said: You are truly a workaholic.    


Fu Jie laughed at himself and supported his injured arm to a more comfortable position. Seeing that, Huang Xing said, I'll help you. Then, he placed one hand on Fu Jie's leg, and together with her, they stabilized and propped up the injured arm. Fu Jie stared blankly at him, realizing that Huang Xing indeed did not want to take advantage of him, so he allowed him to do as he pleased.    


Huang Xing intentionally sat next to Fu Jie, closer to her. For some reason, when Fu Jie was injured, he was even more anxious than Fu Jie. Moreover, Fu Jie had blocked the attack for him. If not for Fu Jie blocking the attack, then the one who would be injured would be Huang Xing. But from Huang Xing's point of view, he would rather be injured than himself.    


Fu Jie said: "After your car is repaired, don't drive it anymore."    


Huang Xing asked: Why?    


Fu Jie said: The car that had an accident was unlucky. I'll get you another one, match one.    


Huang Xing said: What kind of car do you want for me? I remember that a few days ago, Ouyang Mengjiao also mentioned that he wanted to give me a carriage.    


Fu Jie frowned, as if he was very sensitive to the four words Ouyang Mengjiao: Ouyang Mengjiao? She mixed in with something. This is an internal matter of our building.    


But then she added, What kind of car does she want you to have?    


Huang Xing said: She hopes, hopes to give me an Audi. She said that the car was high-end and high-end and high-end. It was not ostentatious, reserved, low-key, and luxurious.    


Fu Jie was startled. She smiled wryly. She actually agreed with me in this aspect. The person who drove the Audi was the most unfathomable person. Unlike BMW, it wasn't brash and high-profile. At the same time, it gave people a mysterious feeling. This is good for increasing the leverage of communication and negotiation. So I agree with you. Of course, there are a few other models for your reference. There's a Cadillac and a Lexus, and they're all good for business. Go online and check it out and see which one suits you better. As it happens, I'm planning to purchase a batch of utility vehicles for the mall a year ago. When the meeting starts tomorrow, I'll announce this matter. Including Director Ouyang, once he took office tomorrow, and Bao Shijie, both had to be matched with a car and a driver.    


Huang Xing said: Leave these trivial matters to me, according to my authority, this should be part of Xu Wenguang's job in the office.    


That's true, Fu Jie stressed. But we have to get out in one direction. For a matter like this, it was not a small matter. One had to consider both the image and quality of a commercial building, and at the same time, adopt a low-key and reserved style of doing so. The company didn't match cars as casually as playing with cars. What kind of car was suitable for business, it wasn't something that could be casually purchased. The Passat you drove before, although it is suitable for commercial use, it doesn't match up with your status as a general manager. The managers of the floors below all drove their BMW. There were even a few tour guides who drove hundreds of thousands of cars to and from work. "So, if you still use your car, you're already a head shorter in front of your subordinates.    


Huang Xing said: I don't think I'm a head shorter, it's only a car.    


Fu Jie frowned: This is definitely not just a matter of the car. The general manager is the general manager, and the department manager is the department manager. Alright, I won't give you an example. You can check the internet later. This is also a relatively important task.    


Huang Xing nodded. To be exact, there was a sort of pleasant surprise in his heart. After all, for men, it was a luxury car dream. Huang Xing was no exception. He did not expect that one day, he would be able to ride on an Audi A6. He remembered that back then, when Xinyuan Company Fu Jie had matched him with Passat, Huang Xing was already overjoyed. After all, he was from the countryside and had never dared to hope that one day he would be able to get into a four-wheeled car.    


Fu Jie brought up the matter of matching car, and immediately added: "Oh yes, Supervisor Ouyang also wants to give her a car. She has a sportscar, so of course this car cannot be used in the business. What kind of car do you think would be better for her?    


Huang Xing was startled, as if he had sensed something.    


Fu Jie asked tentatively: How about a Toyota Camry or a Honda Accord?    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, as though he had understood Fu Jie's real intention to ride on the carriage. Toyota's Camry and Honda Accord are on the same level as Passat, both of which are B-Class (Intermediate), Audi A6 is C-Class (Advanced, Medium and Large) and Patten is D-Class (Luxurious). As such, it was equivalent to Fu Jie becoming one with the army in the middle of nowhere. She wanted to demonstrate to everyone silently what kind of position and rank the Supervisor was in through different car distribution levels!    




Huang Xing never thought that Fu Jie could be so scheming! Ouyang Mengjiao wanted to fight her, but he was still lacking something.    


Fu Jie seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts, and asked back: What, you're not satisfied with what I'm thinking? What good ideas do you have? I'm talking to you right now.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: I don't have any thoughts. Since you've already written it, then just do it.    


Fu Jie said: Then you should look it over and help me book a specific car model. Also, we need to find a way to standardize the distribution of vehicles at the manager level. As for Bao Shijie, I am prepared to make an exception for him. The other managers do not have their own specialties, so I am prepared to give him a special car. Of course, as for the title, we will decide it according to the standards of the Supervisor, what do you think?    


And mentioned Bao Shijie! Moreover, she had to give him a car matching!    


Huang Xing forced himself to hide the anger in his heart, and said: Bao Shijie has just arrived at the company and is already assigned to work, will it cause any negative effects to the company?    


Fu Jie said: What, are you jealous? My, Fu Jie's, principle is that according to everyone's contribution, their positions and working years are not the only criteria to judge a person.    


I envy him? Huang Xing went against his heart and said: "I just feel that he isn't as outstanding as you think he is."    


Fu Jie said: Are you jealous? His constructive opinion on the business building, if implemented well, can increase the profits for the business building is very substantial.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What if it's not feasible?    


Fu Jie seemed to be angry: Why are you always opposing me?    


Huang Xing shook his head. I'm just stating my own opinion. Of course, as the general manager of a business building, I also hope that the performance of a business building will steadily increase. The larger the span, the better. But I still keep my idea, crops should be planted in a reasonable way, the same is true for the sales department, if the counter is placed too tightly, there is not much room for movement, it will bring a strong discomfort to the consumer, but will act as a counter force.    


Fu Jie said: Your logic might be right. Crops need to be planted in a reasonable way, but our plan to increase the counter doesn't go beyond this level of comfort for consumers. In the tech market, there were counters everywhere, one after the other. Consumers were jostling each other as if they were rushing to a market. But wasn't it still the same thing? What do you mean, reasonable? As a commercial building, it was most necessary to provide customers with more needs, a better after-sales system, and more comprehensive goods. Isn't it?    


Huang Xing replied: Fine, I won't argue with you.    


Fu Jie added: Also, the other ideas that Bao Shijie has proposed are all reasonable and practical. For example, the rules of duty set by the plainclothes guards, as well as the authority supervision of the Business management department, the reclassification of commodities, and a few targeted promotional activities could all be implemented effectively. I'll show you his improved plan one day, and you might change your mind.    


Indeed, this Bao Shijie had some sort of insight and unique insight, but because he was too close to Fu Jie, and was pursued so fiercely by him, Huang Xing was afraid that Cheng Ya Jin, who had appeared on the way, would threaten his relationship with him, or even steal his lover. Thus, in terms of personal psychology, Huang Xing had a strong personal opinion towards everything related to Bao Shijie.    


Huang Xing said. Look at Bao Shijie's performance in the future. Also, have you considered the matter of calling people from the Xinyuan Company?    


Fu Jie frowned slightly: There weren't many people who could look into this matter. Actually, I am more inclined towards Li Rong, and ?    


She faltered for a bit, but Huang Xing finished her sentence for her: There's still Zhao Xiaoran, right?    


Fu Jie thoughtfully nodded, emphasizing, "But I'm afraid of hurting you, so I can't make a decision.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: It doesn't matter.    


Fu Jie replied with a question of his own: "Doesn't it really matter?" Did you really, really get away with it?    


Huang Xing said: "So what if I don't want to see through it?"    


Fu Jie said: It seems that you are still not open-minded.    


Just as the two of them were speaking, an anxious figure suddenly walked over.    


It was him! It's him again!    


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