Security Guard’s Romance



4To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing really wanted to hug her.    4


She hugged him without any evil thoughts.    


He felt as if he had lost her for too long. Every day she was so close, yet so far away.    


In the end, he shook her hand, not knowing what to say. He looked at her in silence, his eyes filled with love for her that he would never be able to see again.    


Fu Jie seemed to have sensed his presence and used her soft little hand to draw circles on his palm. This kind of small ambiguous feeling made Huang Xing intoxicated for a long time. He wanted to give her a light kiss, to express his feelings, but he was afraid that this act of his would disturb the beauty.    


So much so, that Huang Xing just foolishly said, "I'm not leaving anymore."    


Not leaving? Fu Jie raised his eyebrows and asked: Why aren't you leaving?    


Huang Xing finally replied smartly: I'll stay behind to take care of you. You're hurt, I can't rest easy.    


Fu Jie blinked his eyes with a complicated look on his face, but he immediately changed from his usual demeanor. Breaking free of Huang Xing's hand, he tyrannically sat back onto the sofa like a queen and ordered Huang Xing: Go, pour me a cup of water.    


Huang Xing happily gave her a standard military salute: As you command, I am happy to serve you!    


Looking at Huang Xing fart and searching for water, Fu Jie wanted to laugh, but he did not. At this moment, she seemed to have experienced the sweetness of love that she hadn't felt in a long time. This feeling had been sealed for far, far too long now.    


However, even after searching for a long time, Huang Xing was still unable to find any hot water. The kettle was empty. He frowned for a moment, then picked up the electric kettle and started another. Then, he returned to Fu Jie's side and explained: "Wait a moment, the water is already boiling."    


Fu Jie nodded: I want to eat fruits.    


Huang Xing patiently answered in a loud and clear voice, It's my honor to serve you! Then he started looking around for fruit.    


After finding a plastic bag of apples in the refrigerator, Huang Xing picked out the tastiest one and washed it on the water cage many times, afraid that it would be dirty. After washing up, he used the fruit knife to meticulously peel off the skin and sat beside Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie reached out his hand to take it, but Huang Xing hurriedly moved the apple to the side and emotionally said: "I, I'll feed it to you."    


Fu Jie immediately got goosebumps, and muttered, "So sour." But in reality, her heart was surprisingly sweet.    


Huang Xing used his fruit knife to carve a rectangle on the apple. He forked it and placed it next to Fu Jie's mouth, reminding him in a friendly manner: Be careful, don't scratch your tongue.    


Fu Jie complained, was he that useless? He bent his body and stretched his head over, carefully biting the apple.    


Just like this, as Fu Jie fed her food, he admired her unmatched beauty and felt intoxicated from it.    


A large apple was quickly eaten, leaving only an apple core in Huang Xing's hands. He had always been a thrifty man, so he simply chewed the apple core until he couldn't swallow it. Then, he threw the core into the trash can.    


Fu Jie looked at him with wide eyes: "Do you really need to go that far?" As if I mistreated you, I wanted to eat and get it myself, but it wasn't like I didn't have it.    


Huang Xing self-deprecatingly said: "Life is just like this."    


He then asked, "What else do you want to eat? I'll go get it."    


'I want to eat... ' Fu Jie raised his head and thought about it, then said: I want to eat porridge.    


Huang Xing was startled, then laughed bitterly: What porridge do you want to eat?    


Fu Jie replied: Rice porridge.    


Huang Xing raised his head to look at the wall clock, his face revealing a troubled expression. Fu Jie saw through his thoughts and added on: I'm not asking you to go out and buy it, I want to eat the porridge that you made yourself. Are you willing?    


Huang Xing stroked his hair, giving off the impression that he was going to climb a mountain of blades or descend a sea of fire. He had to be willing!    


Fu Jie supported his cheeks, pretending to look forward to it: Then I'll be waiting.    


Huang Xing rolled up his sleeves, feeling that this difficult mission wouldn't trouble him. In the ancient times, there were emperors who would play at beacons with their concubines smiling. Today, Huang Xing was going to cook porridge for his loved one.    


He went back into the kitchen and searched for rice and a pot.    


Tam. Delicate rice. Huang Xing felt that he was not looking for rice, but rather, the relationship between him and Fu Jie was getting better and better.    


Pour water into the pot and turn on the electric cooker. Huang Xing felt that the red lights were especially festive. The electric cooker's color was also quite sexy. Before the pot could heat up, he could already smell the fragrance of the rice coming from inside.    


Just then, the electric kettle started to boil. Huang Xing quickly turned it off and walked to Fu Jie, holding his hand. He asked: Would you like plain water, coffee or tea?    


Fu Jie said lightly: Bai Kai.    


Huang Xing respectfully poured a cup of boiled water. The steam rising from it was like clouds, like mist, but also like wind, causing Huang Xing's heart to feel warm and beautiful.    


Fu Jie blew the hot air in the cup of water. Huang Xing stood respectfully in front of him like a servant and said: Master, do you have any other needs?    


Fu Jie said: Can you give me a hint?    


Huang Xing rolled his eyes and said: For example, massaging, kneading the legs, thumping the back, etc.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing's loyal and foolish expression, and almost laughed out loud. Still, she tried to keep a low profile: we'd talk later.    


Huang Xing replied: Alright.    


Fu Jie was still unable to control his emotions, and casually said: "Eh, what's wrong, your performance today, is very abnormal!"    


Extraordinary? Huang Xing felt that Fu Jie was exaggerating when he used this word to describe his actions. However, one could see the satisfaction and happiness that Fu Jie was concealing deep within his heart.    


Huang Xing said: To make you satisfied and happy for the rest of your life, is my lifelong wish.    


Fu Jie was startled, but these ordinary words shocked her heart.    


Huang Xing turned around, and praised himself for saying these words that seemed like the truth. He started to feel smug again, but he didn't forget to secretly pinch his face. The pain made him even more sure that everything that had happened today was real. Love seemed to have returned!    


He went to the kitchen and took a look at the congee. The hot air was spreading around the wok, Huang Xing felt like he was riding on a cloud. He opened the pot and immersed himself in the warm atmosphere.    


Fu Jie sat down beside him and looked at him strangely.    


Huang Xing said: Master, if there is anything that you are not satisfied with, just say it, I will definitely change it!    


What a good comrade! Fu Jie praised: The kid is worth teaching.    


Huang Xing raised his head, and said with an imposing manner that pierced through the rainbows: To my honor!    


After Fu Jie's praise and orders, Huang Xing became even more motivated. He simply walked around Fu Jie's house a few times to see if there was anything else he could help with. In the end, he found a few unwashed clothes in the bathroom.    


It was time to show off again!    


Without saying a word, Huang Xing rolled up his sleeves, and without caring about what the clothes were, he pulled over a large basin, poured the washing powder and carefully soaked the clothes inside.    


He looked very professional.    


Fu Jie seemed to have heard the commotion, and rushed inside to ask: "What are you doing?"    


Huang Xing actively promoted the style of doing good deeds without leaving a name: No, I didn't do anything.    


Coming out from the bathroom, Huang Xing gave a creepy smile. Fu Jie thoughtfully sized him up and muttered: What are you doing, sneaking around?    


Huang Xing smiled and did not reply as he returned to the kitchen to observe the movement of the congee.    


F * ck me! The water was overflowing!    


Huang Xing quickly lifted the lid, and the boiling hot water slowly retreated. During this entire process, he accidentally got burned by the splashing water, but Huang Xing didn't feel anything unusual about it. Only after a few minutes did he realize that there was actually a large blister on his hand.    


He then looked around for a needle, preparing to prick the bubble open. However, no matter how he searched, he couldn't find a single needle. With no other choice, Huang Xing turned around and clenched his teeth.    


After using the most primitive method to solve the problem of bubbling, Huang Xing had prepared a set of chopsticks and waited patiently for the millet congee to come out of the pot.    


After about three to five minutes, Huang Xing felt that the porridge should be done, so he scooped up a bowl and carried it back to the living room.    


Fu Jie was focused on pruning her nails. When Huang Xing brought the congee to the table, she just happened to finish pruning it. Huang Xing's eyes were full of life, he anxiously used his hands to cut off the nails that Fu Jie had cut down, and placed them into his palm, looking as though he had found a treasure.    


To love a woman, anything in her body is a treasure. Huang Xing did not even plan to throw away these fingernails. He was prepared to put them away because they were once a part of Fu Jie's body.    


Huang Xing put the shattered fingernails into his pocket, Fu Jie pointed with his finger, and said: The trash can is right at your feet, thank you.    


Huang Xing was afraid that Fu Jie would mock his stupidity, so he made a gesture of throwing away the trash. In reality, those shattered nails were already in his pocket.    


Fu Jie used a spoon to heat up the congee and raised his head to ask. Are there still any dishes in the pot, come sit over and eat a bowl too.    


Huang Xing said: You eat first, I'll settle the rest.    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: Are we really that short on money right now?    


Huang Xing laughed, and indeed, he went in to get himself a bowl of congee, and sat down together with Fu Jie, to enjoy the way of life.    


The two of them practically finished the porridge in their bowls at the same time, Fu Jie wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and seeing that Huang Xing's pace was exactly the same as his, he could not help but smile, thinking that this scene was really funny.    


Huang Xing seemed to be able to read Fu Jie's thoughts, and said casually: "I need to follow your lead, Director Fu." Do you need me to serve you another bowl?    


Fu Jie looked playfully at Huang Xing, and asked: "Your question is not very wise."    


Huang Xing was startled: Why?    


Fu Jie looked down at his bowl and said: How do you want me to answer? If I answer, take it, as if I were gluttonous, if I say no, then I'll be sorry for my stomach, because I'm really not full yet.    


Huang Xing facepalmed himself and said: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I will definitely correct myself."    


In actuality, in Huang Xing's impression, Fu Jie was a woman who did not smile at all, and very rarely liked to joke around. But today, she seemed to have become much more cheerful.    


Was it because of the nourishment of love?    


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