Security Guard’s Romance



1It was a beautiful and romantic story in the hearts of the stars.     2


It was a small mushroom. It brought the two people who were originally on the parallel line closer together, leading to a strange but beautiful emotional experience.    


To a certain extent, the reason why Huang Xing had such a day was because of that piece of mushroom. If not for it, he and Ouyang Mengjiao would not have been able to walk together, and even if they did walk together, it would be difficult for him to walk through the main entrance of the Xinyuan Company. After all, at that time when he went to Xinyuan Company, it was due to Ouyang Mengjiao's suggestion.    


But at this moment, Ouyang Mengjiao had once again mentioned the matter of the mushrooms, which gave Huang Xing a myriad of fantasies.    


Could this be a special hint?    


Seeing Huang Xing hesitate, Ouyang Mengjiao immediately asked: "What, have you forgotten about it?"    


Huang Xing couldn't help but shake his head.    


Ouyang Mengjiao continued to ask: "Have you forgotten about the matters in Beijing? No, no, no, I was the one who told you that. But if you look carefully, how much do you think I, Ouyang Mengjiao, will treat you?    


She tilted her pretty head, as if waiting for an affirmative answer.    


Huang Xing replied: Very good. I miss those days, too.    


'Really? ' Ouyang Mengjiao said excitedly: This is probably the only story that I, Ouyang Mengjiao, will have in my life.    


Huang Xing said: "How is that possible?" Your story is more colorful than mine.    


Ouyang Mengjiao replied: Tch. In my love life, you are the only one apart from my parents and family. But you, besides your family, there are no more than three or four of them, right? But I never cared, because... Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Come back to our rented apartment with me when you have time, okay?    


Huang Xing was startled. She mentioned this request again.    


He remembered that she had mentioned it before, but he had rejected it.    


But in truth, how could Huang Xing not miss it? It was just that he had Fu Jie now, and was no longer willing to let the past hurt his own heart.    


'How is it? ' Ouyang Mengjiao forced out a question before tilting his head, as if he wanted to use his sincere gaze to put pressure on Huang Xing so that he would have no way of resisting.    


Huang Xing really wanted to nod his head, but he restrained himself. He was worried that his heart, which already belonged to someone, would be completely disrupted. Huang Xing said: Let those past be in your heart. Sometimes, regret is also a kind of beauty.    


Ouyang Mengjiao drooped his head in disappointment, but then asked with his eyes wide open: "You mean, you are regretful about our current ending?    


Huang Xing was even more shocked: What ending? We can work together again now, can't we?    


Ouyang Mengjiao complained: Pretending to be stupid! However, I believe that this might not be the real ending.    


Huang Xing asked: What do you mean?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: One day, you will understand my painstaking efforts.    


'Hard work? ' Huang Xing was baffled.    


Ouyang Mengjiao slowly stood up, he did not turn around, but stared at the outline of Huang Xing's face without end. Huang Xing was frightened by her, and stood up as well.    


Ouyang Mengjiao laughed strangely, those white teeth, between her lips, released a wave of fresh air.    


This was an aura that Huang Xing was once familiar with.    


Ouyang Mengjiao moved his head closer to her, but still did not say a word.    


Huang Xing was a little embarrassed by her stare and took the initiative to turn her gaze away. Coughing lightly, he took this opportunity to suppress the various thoughts in his heart.    


At this moment, the sound of footsteps could be heard, bringing a familiar figure to the door. Huang Xing raised his head and saw that it was actually Fu Jie. But right after, Huang Xing was extremely shocked!    


Could it be such a coincidence?    


Fu Jie's attire was especially similar to Ouyang Mengjiao's!    


The style of the work clothes, the shoes, even the hairstyle, were astonishingly consistent. This was probably because professional wear was originally more solid, with simple styles and a single color. But Fu Jie seemed to have also noticed his and Ouyang Mengjiao's clothes, his eyebrows knitted together slightly, just in time to see the two standing face to face, he could not help but have more thoughts in his heart.    


Ouyang Mengjiao turned his body and took the lead to ask: What wind blew Director Fu over?    


Fu Jie said expressionlessly: No need for the wind. I came to the General Manager's side because I need to work. Do I need to use the wind?    


Ouyang Mengjiao walked over and stared at Fu Jie's clothes, and laughed: Hey, the clothes are not bad, where did you buy it from?    


Fu Jie kept feeling that there was a hidden dagger in her smile, hence she still asked in a neutral tone: "Really?" Thank you. It was just a work uniform. Many of the female managers in the mall had similar styles.    


Ouyang Mengjiao emphasized: The only difference is, the manager's professional attire was distributed by the merchant. On the contrary, Director Fu could choose her work clothes. As long as she was generous and decently dressed, it would be fine.    


Fu Jie purposely took Ouyang Mengjiao down: Supervisor Ouyang's meaning is, you want me to give you a set of equipment?    


Without waiting for Ouyang Mengjiao to reply, Fu Jie immediately responded: This is easy to do. There were a lot of them in the warehouse. I'll get someone to draw up the list in a moment. You can try it on yourself.    


Ouyang Mengjiao replied: That won't be necessary. I wear some.    


Fu Jie said: Oh? If you want to blend in, you should follow the rules here.    


Ouyang Mengjiao laughed: Really? I always followed the rules. This point, Director Huang was clearer. No, no, no. Director Fu was also clear about this. Don't worry, I will learn from Sister Fu and follow the rules like you.    


She looked at Fu Jie's professional attire, and saw that he was clearly playing a game.    


How could Huang Xing not understand that this seemingly calm conversation was actually a contest between them.    


Fu Jie did not bother with Ouyang Mengjiao anymore, and continued to speak. Director Huang, come to my office for a while. Others, go to the conference room and prepare for the meeting.    


Huang Xing replied with an 'oh' and walked in front of Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie turned and walked out of the Office of the General Manager.    


Huang Xing kept up, but he felt that her steps were fast, and she didn't have the intention to talk to him.    


Fu Jie's office.    


Huang Xing followed her in. Once Fu Jie entered the room, he took a sip of water and then sat on the sofa. He glanced at Huang Xing with a strange expression and said: "Close the door, sit."    


Huang Xing did as he was told and sat across from Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie said: When I went in earlier, were you meeting Supervisor Ouyang?    


Hm? Huang Xing hesitated, but then said: "What are you trying to do." Just a few words.    


Fu Jie said: It's not that simple, right? You don't need to say that? Can you tell me what she told you?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then replied: I didn't say anything, I was just casually chatting.    


'Really? ' Fu Jie frowned, suspicious. "Why do I feel like there's something between the two of you ?" Secret... Something. Forget it, it's fine if you don't want to tell me. I sent for you, that's all. You and I are at the helm of the building, and I hope that you will be able to keep up with me when the meeting takes place.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: I have always been very consistent with you. Even if there were differences, they were all opinions that stood on the side of the merchant house.    


Fu Jie replied: However, I hope you can save your opinion for this meeting. If you have any ideas, you can tell me in private.    


Huang Xing was startled, he felt that Fu Jie's words were very cunning.    


Just then, Fu Jie's assistant Yun Lu walked in hastily and leaned in close to Fu Jie: "Director Fu, everyone is in the conference room."    


Fu Jie raised his hand: "I understand, I will go over immediately."    


Yun Lu took Fu Jie's cup and rushed to the conference room.    


'Let's go. Fu Jie greeted Huang Xing and stood up first.    


The two of them walked into the conference room side by side. All kinds of discussions could be heard from inside.    


The moment Fu Jie and Huang Xing entered, the conference room instantly became dead silent. But Fu Jie did not directly walk to the side of the conference table, and instead stood in an empty spot at the side.    


All the managers were confused, they watched in confusion for a while, but a few managers who understood what was going on immediately stood up from their seats and stood in front of Fu Jie and Huang Xing. The other managers also seemed to understand what was going on and followed after him.    


Ouyang Mengjiao tilted his head and looked at it, holding his arms, he asked Fu Jie: Director Fu, what are you trying to do?    


'First name! ' Fu Jie emphasized her words sternly, then waved her hand at Ouyang Mengjiao: "Please stand in the group!    


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: Standing in line?    


Fu Jie emphasized: The Director Huang is already standing in there, but you didn't see it?    


At this time, Huang Xing was standing on the leftmost row in the first row. Ouyang Mengjiao took a few glances and unwillingly walked to Huang Xing's side.    


Fu Jie's expression changed, but immediately relaxed, as if he was joking: "You're not in sync when you're standing there. The line was originally very orderly, but when you stand there, it looks like a small tail."    


Ouyang Mengjiao's face flushed red. After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, she moved back a few steps and stood behind Huang Xing, bearing the humiliation.    


Fu Jie held onto the register, looked at the team, and sternly said: Name!    


'Huang Xing, Zhang Zhentao, Yu De Lu, Xu Wenguang, Hu Ping Yi ? Bao Shijie, Zhuang Shuwen, Ouyang Mengjiao ? After Fu Jie finished counting the people, he put the register to the side and continued: This morning, I will announce the three orders to be appointed to the position. The first order was to appoint Bao Shijie as the manager of the Enterprise Department. Everyone welcomed him!    


Bao Shijie walked out from the group, stood at the center of the group and bowed to everyone.    


Huang Xing was very surprised. Logically speaking, if one announced their position, they would normally go from having high and low positions to having high positions. However, Fu Jie had appointed Bao Shijie first, so there had to be an article written about this.    


Fu Jie then announced the second appointment, appointing Ouyang Mengjiao as the Supervisor of the merchant house, everyone applauded.    


Ouyang Mengjiao staunchly stood at the front of the line, shoulder-to-shoulder with Bao Shijie.    


After that, Fu Jie continued to speak. Finally, he appointed Zhuang Shuwen as the assistant to the manager of the floor, assisting the Manager Fang in their work.    


Zhuang Shuwen also stood out from the group.    


Fu Jie continued: I hope that everyone will coordinate properly in your future work. Next, I shall ask the Manager Bao to say a few words to everyone.    


Bao Shijie cleared his throat, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and arrogantly shook his head, preparing for the inaugural speech.    


Seeing that, Huang Xing couldn't help but curse in his heart: What are you pretending for! Look at this bear!    


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