Security Guard’s Romance



0Han Dongxu was a little short, but he was not small. His entire body was about the size of a person and his face was covered with something that looked like pimples, but with his age, he shouldn't be growing this kind of thing any longer right?    


And at this moment, in Huang Xing's heart, there was indeed an unspeakable awkwardness. He had unlocked the door wrongly and was treated as a thief. Furthermore, he had even opened the door of his own employee's house. If this matter were to be spread out, it would be truly embarrassing.    


When Han Dongxu saw Huang Xing, he was shocked. The steel pipe in his hand unnaturally slipped and fell to the ground. He looked at Huang Xing in shock and stuttered: Huang, Director Huang ? How to... Why is it you?    


The middle-aged woman was also startled when she heard him. She turned her head and asked Han Dongxu: "He is ?" Your boss?    


Han Dongxu's voice changed slightly. "Yes, yes! General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building!    


"Aiyo, Mom!" The middle-aged woman's face was pale white, and quickly changed into an amiable look, saying to Huang Xing: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I treated you as a thief. This happened a few days ago right? There was a burglary, and when we heard something at the door outside, we ? They thought that it was ?    


Han Dongxu took the opportunity to interrupt: Come in, come in Director Huang, come in. Why are you here?    


Huang Xing turned his head to look at Fang Jingjing and couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "Don't mention it, a friend drank too much and when I sent her home, she actually found the wrong house and ran over to your house."    


Ah? Han Dongxu looked at the girl beside Huang Xing. She did indeed look very gentle and attractive, especially after drinking. But at this moment, Han Dongxu finally understood. There must be a reason why Director Huang was bringing a beauty around so late at night! Could it be ?    


Normal! As a rich and powerful general manager, keeping a beautiful lover outside was a completely normal occurrence!    


Han Dongxu tried to stop himself from making a fuss as he greeted the two into the room. Unexpectedly, when Fang Jingjing came in, he started shouting: Hey, who are you? Who is it? Why is it in my house? Ouch ? How did my family change? How could they ?    


She spoke incoherently, her logic in disarray. The effect of the alcohol seemed to have reached a certain level.    


Huang Xing initially did not want the employees to know too much about his private life, but seeing that Fang Jingjing was already so drunk, he had no choice but to think it through. He somewhat awkwardly sat on the sofa and instructed Han Dongxu to brew a pot of tea for Fang Jingjing to sober up. Han Dongxu gave the difficult task to his wife, while he sat down respectfully by her side. He looked at her with deep concern and said: Director Huang, you drank a lot, right?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Not bad, at least I can distinguish between north, south, east and west.    


Han Dongxu asked tentatively, "Then why did you come here?"    


Huang Xing said: Aren't you going to send her home? She told me her address and then came here.    


Han Dongxu said: What a coincidence! But since Director Huang was able to visit our home due to a coincidence, it must be because our house is full of honors! I'm sorry about that, Director Huang, don't mind me, but our family is ? The conditions were not very good. It was a bit messy.    


Huang Xing looked around and asked: When did you buy this house?    


Han Dongxu replied: I didn't buy it, I rented it. Four hundred and fifty-one months, and the rent was hard enough. Sigh, now that the price of the house has skyrocketed, how could he dare to buy a house?    


Huang Xing said: Then we have to buy even more! As the saying goes, buy more, don't buy less. The price of the house is definitely not going to fall, do you believe it?    


Han Dongxu nodded his head: I will believe you! Every word that you say, Director Huang, is very philosophical. However ? Sigh, how can we afford a house with our wages?    


Just then, Han Dongxu's wife had already brought tea over and respectfully served it to the two. Fang Jingjing sat at the side, his legs swinging as he hummed a song, filling the room with a strong and strong smell of alcohol.    


In order to prevent Han Dongxu from misunderstanding and go to the Merchant Shop to create some rumors, Huang Xing took the initiative to introduce this beauty to him. Her name was Fang Jingjing and she was an employee of the Audi 4S Shop. Well, tonight, I had dinner with her and another friend, and... Isn't this too much to drink? I went out to take her home, and after a long search I couldn't find where she lived. Sigh, you're so worried about me.    


Han Dongxu was startled: From the Audi 4S store? He particularly liked four circles, but unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to do it in this lifetime.    


Huang Xing asked: Why? You don't have that much confidence?    


Han Dongxu smiled bitterly and shook his head: The ideal was very full.    


Fang Jingjing's eyes suddenly lit up. He bent his body and argued, "No no no, that's not right. When I was eating, I didn't drink too much."    


Huang Xing asked in reply: Haven't you drunk too much yet? Look how much you've been drinking.    


Fang Jingjing emphasized: It's because I drank too much during singing, not because I... Drinking too much at dinner...    


What nonsense! Huang Xing was speechless!    


Han Dongxu looked at Fang Jingjing carefully, as if he was trying to guess something.    


Of course Huang Xing couldn't stay for long, after all, he still had to work tomorrow morning, even if it was his own staff, it wouldn't affect their rest. Therefore, Huang Xing continued to ask Fang Jingjing: "Think carefully about it, about the details of your home address. I need to get you back!    


Fang Jingjing pursed his lips: Didn't I tell you already? It's just the address ? Ru Yi Garden... Block 3, Unit 4... The seventh floor, yes, the seventh floor!    


Han Dongxu frowned and laughed bitterly: This is my home, it's obviously my home.    


Han Dongxu's wife also agreed in surprise: Yes, this is my home address. This is the address.    


Fang Jingjing scratched his head anxiously: How is that possible!    


Huang Xing felt an extreme headache. However, it was impossible for Fang Jingjing to lie or even make it up.    


What was going on?    


Han Dongxu thought for a moment, then said: How about this, Director Huang, let this girl stay at my house for the night, tomorrow then ?    


After Fang Jingjing heard this, he immediately opened his eyes wide and interrupted his words. "What are you trying to do? Do you want to... You're up to no good, aren't you?    


Han Dongxu laughed bitterly: "What scheme do I have? My wife is here."    


Yellowstar thought for a moment, and decided that this was a solution. However, Han Dongxu suddenly leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Boss Huang, why don't we just take her directly to your house? It's great that you gave her away for free ?" No, no.    


This kid had an honest appearance and a wild heart! Huang Xing laughed and said: Don't let me make a mistake, I don't have that kind of thought.    


Han Dongxu laughed: Then we can only... Or, the Director Huang would also be here for one night?    


Huang Xing shook his head, he could not help but smack his lips and weigh the pros and cons.    


Obviously, it was not suitable for Fang Jingjing to stay the night at Han Dongxu's place. He did not want to be caught by the employees because of a girl he had just met, and even wanted to give him a big favor. Furthermore, they could not prepare for it. This Han Dongxu would accidentally spread the news of today's matter in the merchant house. In that case, his situation would be equivalent to danger. If Fu Jie knew about this, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Hotel! Huang Xing thought about the hotel!    


The only thing he could do now was to send Fang Jingjing to a hotel to get a room. After settling down, he would be able to go home.    


After making this decision, Huang Xing stood up and waved towards Fang Jingjing: "Let's go, we need to continue searching for our home." Gone!    


Fang Jingjing stood up as if he was injected with chicken blood, he walked to Huang Xing's side and was about to pull his arm. Huang Xing hurriedly pushed her, maintaining a certain distance from her.    


Han Dongxu did not expect Huang Xing's plan to change so quickly, and asked anxiously: "Director Huang, are you really leaving? It's so late ?"    


Huang Xing waved his hand and interrupted his speech: Sorry for disturbing you guys, you guys should get some rest soon.    


Han Dongxu walked her to the door, not knowing what to say.    


After they went downstairs, Huang Xing supported Fang Jingjing out of the residential area and took him to a taxi.    


At the entrance of a hotel, Huang Xing got off the car and helped Fang Jingjing enter the hotel. Although Fang Jingjing was drunk, the moment he entered the guesthouse, he was still stunned. He asked Huang Xing: "Big Brother Huang, we ?." We're going to... Where to?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Open a room.    


Fang Jingjing opened his eyes wide and stared at Huang Xing: Ah? We... Do we live here?    


Huang Xing nodded, but immediately shook his head: It was you who was living here. It was getting late, so he needed to rest.    


Fang Jingjing suddenly pulled Huang Xing's hand: "You ?." You're with me?    


Huang Xing did not answer, but went to the front desk and booked a standard room. He paid the deposit and registered the information.    


In room 201, Huang Xing opened the door and inserted the card into the room. When Fang Jingjing entered the bathroom, he heard a faint sound of water splashing. It seemed like it had been there for a long time.    


Huang Xing boiled a pot of hot water and when Fang Jingjing came out, he told her to drink more water and not dry her throat. Then he wanted to leave.    


Unexpectedly, Fang Jingjing pulled him back, eyes full of grievance: Big Brother Huang you ? You can't be... Leave me alone?    


Huang Xing was startled, upon seeing Fang Jingjing's pitiful gaze, he could not help but feel pity for him. After all, she had too much to drink with him, and it was her responsibility to avoid it. However, he wasn't someone who would take advantage of someone when they were in a dangerous situation. How could he make use of the fact that the other party drank too much to do something irreparable?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I have to go home.    


Fang Jingjing shook Huang Xing's hand: If you want to return home, then you have to take me as well... I'm alone... Scared.    


Huang Xing stressed: What are you afraid of, this is an official hotel.    


Fang Jingjing's face revealed fear: This ? It's very messy in the hotel.    


Huang Xing let out a light sigh, but felt that leaving Fang Jingjing alone here seemed to be a little inappropriate. After all, she was too drunk. If no one around her took care of her, once she was dehydrated, it would easily lead to a disaster.    


What then?    


Huang Xing's heart was tangled, but he did not think that Fang Jingjing would actually throw himself into Huang Xing's embrace, and mutter repeatedly: Don't go, don't leave me, don't go ?    


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