Security Guard’s Romance



2As the saying goes, there are no ugly women, only lazy women. Fang Jingjing could be considered a beauty without her makeup. Now that she had put on makeup, her face looked even more radiant, a sight to behold. What's more, she had changed into a young and fashionable beautiful outfit, a black and purple tight suit, exposing her long and beautiful legs. This set of clothing was extremely beautiful and sexy. A pair of long black boots on her feet echoed her skintight short skirt and made the young fashion beauty look as if she were a poem or a painting.     


As a result, the moment she appeared, both of Zhou Mingjun's eyes widened, and almost drooled. On the other hand, Huang Xing was the one who stopped his appreciation of this beautiful feeling and said to Fang Jingjing: Isn't it cold?    


On the other hand, Fang Jingjing could also speak. Walking over, he smiled and said: With two brothers by my side, this little girl is already very warm.    


Huang Xing smelt a sweet and elegant scent on her body, as if she was using some expensive perfume. The playboy Zhou Mingjun naturally took the opportunity to reveal the name of the perfume.    


This name was very kind, of course Huang Xing wouldn't remember it. But he seemed to have heard of it somewhere. However, although it was an imported French perfume, it was rather expensive, but it did not have the qualifications to enter the Xin Meng Merchant House. Because fame and luxury were not equal, those who were able to move into Xin Meng Merchant House were definitely the luxury brands.    


Fang Jingjing was a little shocked at Zhou Mingjun's sense of smell, and couldn't help but praise: Gongzi Zhou is so strong, you even know what perfume he's wearing. Presumably, there were many women around him, and he was used to all kinds of perfumes.    


Zhou Mingjun acted like a philosopher and laughed: "What affects the value of perfume is not her charm." One was human, the other was the environment. For such a devastatingly beautiful woman, even if she was sprayed with trash from the streets, she would still be enchanting. On the contrary, a disgusting woman who looked like a dinosaur, even if she sprayed the perfume from the Xin Meng Merchant House's cosmetics cabinet, would still make people nauseous.    


Fang Jingjing asked: "Then does Gongzi Zhou think that I am a dinosaur, or ?"    


Zhou Mingjun said: Of course you are not a dinosaur, you are a beauty in the world. However, although Spirantmeeln perfume is expensive, it is not elegant. At most, they were only enjoyed by ladies of the upper middle class. As a result, this perfume couldn't enter luxury businesses like the Xin Meng Merchant House. I suggest that the time has come for Director Huang to have tender feelings for the fairer sex. Xin Meng Merchant House has many cosmetics brands, and all of them are truly the world's biggest. Why not ask Director Huang to give you a bottle some other day?    


Fang Jingjing said gratefully: That's great! I just don't know if Director Huang is willing to give it up.    


Zhou Mingjun joked: "Of course I will bear to part with it, that will depend on whether you are willing or not.    


Fang Jingjing frowned slightly: "What can I bear?"    


Zhou Mingjun emphasized: Any random perfume in Xin Meng Merchant House would cost a thousand. There were even tens of thousands of them. You need to repay this enormous kindness of Director Huang with your body.    


Fang Jingjing's face reddened, she looked at Huang Xing shyly and laughed: I'm willing, I'm afraid that Director Huang will not agree. I know my own identity, and I know my own identity.    


At this moment, Huang Xing seemed to be aware that he was trying his best to create an atmosphere. Maybe it was in response to what he had said just now, as he wanted to encourage Fang Jingjing to do good deeds with him. He was a real playboy, and in his eyes, beauties should serve the rich and powerful. Perhaps it was to make up for his recklessness, or to clear the hidden dangers of his stepmother's cooperation with Xin Meng Merchant House, Zhou Mingjun did not hesitate to use a beauty's trick, wanting to use Fang Jingjing to achieve her goal.    


Huang Xing lightly coughed, and said: "If it's a discount, then I will be the one in charge."    


Zhou Mingjun was startled, but perhaps it was because of Huang Xing's pettiness, but he immediately helped him resolve the situation: Then if the crystal went, he would definitely enjoy the discount.    


Fang Jingjing looked at Huang Xing with anticipation, as if he was waiting for an answer.    


Huang Xing did not answer, he only picked up a cigarette. Zhou Mingjun tactfully took out her lighter and helped him light it up. Then, she took out her birthday hat from the cake before handing it to Fang Jingjing and putting it on.    


This time, wearing it, Fang Jingjing had the bearing of a princess from a rich family.    


Zhou Mingjun lit the candles one by one and looked at Fang Jingjing deeply: Make a wish, my little princess.    


Fang Jingjing happily held his hands together, his eyes revealing a special kind of luster. Her mouth murmured softly, as if she had made a wish.    


Her eyes blinked, looking exceptionally adorable.    


Then she smiled, widened her eyes, and said: 'I've let it go. Do you want to blow the candle now?    


Zhou Mingjun asked: What wish do you have, can you publicize it?    


Fang Jingjing stressed: My private wish. If it's made public, then it's not allowed.    


Zhou Mingjun stood up, walked to the door and turned off the light in the living room. In the blink of an eye, the living room became dark, only leaving behind a few candles' brilliance, making the entire room look exceptionally beautiful.    


Romantic, warm, cozy. Huang Xing suddenly glanced at Fang Jingjing beside him and couldn't help but be shocked. This dim color made her even more dazzling. Her face was faintly reflected in the candlelight, releasing waves of sexy brilliance. Those thin, hairy eyelashes and eyes that were filled with spirit seemed so mesmerizing.    


Fang Jingjing seemed to have noticed Huang Xing's attention on him, and giggled at him, pretending to be cute and spirited.    


Zhou Mingjun sat back down on his seat and said to Fang Jingjing: "My little princess, you can blow the candles now."    


Fang Jingjing took in a deep breath, as if he was sucking all the air in the room into his lungs and was trying his best to blow the air out. In a blur, he could even feel the undulations and magnificence of her chest.    


Puuu ? ?    


A birthday candle should be blown out in one breath. This time, it really tested Fang Jingjing's lung capacity. She shook her head and waved her tail, pointing at the cake with her mouth and wildly shooting away. The 20 odd thin candles were immediately blown away by the wind and extinguished one by one.    


Huang Xing could feel that the breath that brushed past Fang Jingjing's mouth contained a delicate fragrance unique to girls. Although it was not directly facing the wind, he could still feel the sweetness in her mouth.    


In just a moment, Fang Jingjing was so tired that he was already panting heavily.    


This breath had been going on for so long that she was already feeling a little breathless.    


Fortunately, the candles had been extinguished, and the entire living room had sunk into darkness.    


In the silence, Fang Jingjing suddenly realised and said: Don't turn on the lights yet, allow me to make one more wish.    


Ye Ci could no longer see the posture of her two hands as one. She could only hear a whisper from the corner of her mouth.    


Zhou Mingjun took this opportunity to turn on the light.    


The light returned to the living room.    


As Zhou Mingjun sang his birthday song, he handed Fang Jingjing a plastic knife and cut the cake into three parts.    


Fang Jingjing started humming as well, excitement written all over his face.    


Zhou Mingjun took the opportunity to say: Don't worry, there's still the show later.    


Fang Jingjing was shocked: What program?    


Zhou Mingjun said mysteriously: Of course it's a good program.    


He looked at his watch and thought for a moment, but then dialed a number and said, Come on up.    


Huang Xing and Fang Jingjing did not know what Zhou Mingjun was doing.    


Sure enough, after a while, someone knocked on the door.    


Fang Jingjing walked over to open the door suspiciously and was immediately shocked.    


Outside was a young man, carrying a bunch of flowers. While he was still puzzled, the man smiled and said, "Happy birthday, Miss Fang." This is a gift that a certain gentleman entrusted to you.    


Fang Jingjing asked: Who sent it?    


There's a note in the flower, the young man said.    


Fang Jingjing accepted the flowers, his face was filled with a satisfied smile.    


The young man then handed over a box to Fang Jingjing, telling him that the two gifts came from the same person.    


After that, the young man left the room without even entering. Fang Jingjing returned to the sofa excitedly with the two gifts. She was not in a hurry to look at the notes inside the flowers.    


At this moment, Fang Jingjing was stunned!    


It was a complete set of makeup! The name tag was from the Merlot. Although it wasn't some international brand, it still costed at least a few thousand yuan.    


Immediately after, Fang Jingjing took out the note from the flowers again. It read: Wishing our little princess happy birthday, beautiful forever.    


No signature.    


However, Fang Jingjing had already guessed who would be the one to gift these two gifts.    


Who else but Zhou Mingjun could call him "Little Princess"?    


Fang Jingjing looked at Zhou Mingjun gratefully. He smiled mysteriously and asked: "Do you like her, my little princess?"    


Fang Jingjing nodded his head fiercely. Gongzi Zhou, you treat me too well.    


Zhou Mingjun laughed: Of course.    


To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing felt a little awkward. Due to some coincidental circumstances, the fact that he was able to stay at Fang Jingjing's home for his birthday was completely snatched away by Zhou Mingjun, who had spent a great deal of money.    


Or perhaps, what Huang Xing cared about was not being in the limelight, but having such a complicated feeling.    


Zhou Mingjun immediately looked at Huang Xing, and said: Director Huang can give you something even better, he has more economic strength than me.    


Fang Jingjing was startled, he did not understand what Zhou Mingjun meant, but he still instinctively looked at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing lightly coughed, and said evasively: "I will make it up another day."    


Fang Jingjing laughed: I'm serious, I'm really looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it.    


However, at this moment, there was another knock on the door.    


Huang Xing was startled, Fang Jingjing also looked at Zhou Mingjun suspiciously.    


Zhou Mingjun raised his hand: Go open the door, I have ordered delicacies.    


A waiter?    


Fang Jingjing walked over to open the door, and sure enough, there were two people outside carrying a huge food box.    


Dozens of rich and steaming dishes were placed on the tea table one by one. Even people who weren't hungry would definitely be unable to refrain from eating when they saw the table full of delicious food.    


Fang Jingjing was surprised and pleasantly surprised. He thought that if he was not there, this girl would have jumped over to kiss him to show her thanks.    


However, the true surprise was yet to come.    


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