Security Guard’s Romance



1This time, it was Zhou Mingjun who stood up and opened the door.     4


A pair of young beauties dressed in fine clothes were standing outside with a smile on their faces.    


Zhou Mingjun raised his hand: "Beautiful ladies, please come in."    


The two young women walked into the living room hand in hand. They had smiles on their faces the entire time, and their bodies were emitting a strong fragrance.    


What was going on?    


Zhou Mingjun stood in the middle of the two beauties and took the opportunity to introduce them. They were both American Chinese, one was called An Seer, the other was Sha Lin. They were all ? Top tier Dancer. I specially invited them to come and celebrate Little Princess Jingjing's birthday.    


Fang Jingjing seemed to have noticed something and could not help but point at the two of them and exclaim: "Aren't they ?" Wasn't it the same pair that had participated in the variety show "I Am a Dance Madman"? Year's runner-up! It really was them?    


Zhou Mingjun said: It's them.    


Fang Jingjing widened his eyes in shock: I really like their performance! The dance was beautiful.    


Zhou Mingjun said: It's exactly because you like them that I invited them.    


At this very moment, Huang Xing had long since been dumbstruck. Perhaps this was the extravagant life of a rich second generation. Rich people always liked to play different games. And behind every beautiful female celebrity in the entertainment circle, there would definitely be a large group of rich people or rich second generations. You all, support this group of gorgeous female celebrities.    


Zhou Mingjun returned to his seat and waved his hands at the two beauties, saying: "Come, come, let me introduce you guys to a cup of wine.    


An Seer and Sha Lin walked over with a smile, and stood in front of Huang Xing. An Seer laughed as he poured wine into Huang Xing's cup: "This guy is very handsome, very suave and outstanding, he must be a great character."    


Zhou Mingjun replied: Of course they're important figures! All the people I, Zhou Mingjun, know are all well-known people.    


Sha Lin laughed: Of course, like beasts. Gongzi Zhou disdains interacting with insignificant people that have no status. To you, that is a form of blasphemy.    


After Fang Jingjing heard this, he seemed to be unhappy, and unnaturally asked: "A nobody with no status, are you talking about me?"    


Sha Lin was startled, as if he had realized something, but he immediately added: "Since my sister is so beautiful, of course there would be an exception." Furthermore, your beauty is something that everyone would be envious of. Of course, you are also the target of people like the Gongzi Zhou who are wealthy.    


To be exact, Huang Xing did not have a good impression of these two bewitching girls, although they looked pretty good, and with the help of perfect makeup, they gave off a sexy and beautiful feeling. However, the dust on their bodies was very heavy, causing people to be able to tell by just a glance that they were a pair of nocturnal women who were relatively rich in nightlife.    


Zhou Mingjun took out two cigarettes from the box and handed one to Huang Xing while holding one to himself. "An Seer, Sha Lin, you two can begin your performance." I have a reward for your good performance. Of course, Miss Fang Jingjing also had a reward.    


An Seer said, then walked to the front of the television set and assumed a posture.    


Sha Lin also followed him, but he frowned slightly and complained: It's a pity that the space is a little small, I can't really use it.    


Zhou Mingjun emphasized: Based on the current situation, show me your enthusiasm. Come on, the music is playing.    


An Seer took out his own small sound box and connected it with his phone. A gentle yet strong rock and roll like music instantly filled the entire room.    


Then the two of them stood together, and after a moment of silence began to dance to the music. That sexy body, when combined with the beautiful music, would be sometimes quick, sometimes slow, sometimes tight and sometimes loose. It was truly a beautiful and passionate world for the observers who were sitting there.    


Zhou Mingjun clinked his cup with Huang Xing's, and laughed: Big Brother Huang, these two girls are still considered not too bad right?    


Huang Xing didn't know whether to say or not and touched the cup with Zhou Mingjun's face and said: You've known them for a long time?    


Zhou Mingjun laughed: We met each other in the bar, they once... Dancing in the bar. Then, she participated in that talent show of "I Am a Dance Madman" and became a minor celebrity. There were many television stations that had hired them to perform, and they were almost overwhelmed.    


Huang Xing said: That's not bad.    


Zhou Mingjun said: But no matter how well they muddle through, they will still be respectful to me, Zhou Mingjun.    


Huang Xing asked: Why?    


Zhou Mingjun said mysteriously: "Because I helped them a lot. Without me, Zhou Mingjun, there would be no such thing as them today.    


Although Huang Xing did not understand the meaning behind Zhou Mingjun's words, he did not pursue the matter.    


After the song was over, Zhou Mingjun clapped his hands and called for them to come over and toast. Huang Xing said that he did not need to, but Zhou Mingjun still insisted on calling the two of them, one to his left and one to his right.    


Brother," he said to Yellowstar, "let me first show you my respect, and then you will tell your sisters where you made your fortune.    


An Seer really finished all the wine in the cup in one breath.    


Huang Xing felt that An Seer's eyes were filled with an intense piercing pain, as if this look contained endless mysteries.    


Zhou Mingjun didn't miss an opportunity to introduce him to An Seer: I just said that he is a great character. Now I can tell you the answer. Saying it out loud will scare you to death!    


An Seer asked: Then I'm even more interested to know. Which young master was he?    


Zhou Mingjun coughed lightly and intentionally sat up straight. With a special tone and exaggeration, he said: "He's famous ?" The Xin Meng Merchant House is the family, the General Manager is the Director Huang!    


Hearing this, An Seer and Sha Lin immediately exclaimed.    


Sha Lin said: Oh my god, is this true?    


An Seer said: How is that possible, General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, how can you be so young? I thought it was an old man in his fifties.    


Sha Lin said: There has always been a special kind of mysteriousness towards the Xin Meng Merchant House. In such a rich and luxurious place, who would actually set a platter on it? Who would have thought that they would meet today, meeting the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. I'm so honored!    


An Seer said: Based on this, we must toast the Director Huang to this great man, whom we have not had the chance to meet for a long time.    


Listening to these few people flattering him, Huang Xing's heart was in turmoil.    


Although the position of General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building did indeed have a certain level of deterrence and influence in the business world, Huang Xing never dared to imagine that it could actually receive such heavy flattery in the eyes of the masses.    


Was this position really that important?    


Huang Xing could not understand no matter how much he thought about it. In his eyes, at least, this was just an ordinary management position. He was just one of thousands of workers, even the general manager, who worked for the boss. including Fu Jie, who was called the chairman. The Xin Meng Merchant House also had their shares, but the true overall planners behind the scenes, were the Dream Group and Yu Mengqin.    


Facing the flattery of this pair of beautiful Dancer, Huang Xing couldn't help but crease his eyebrows slightly: Beautiful girls, how can you not be exaggerated? I'm just a big shot.    


An Seer said: You're being too low-key! If you're working, then wouldn't we all be asking for food?    


Sha Lin nodded his head vigorously: Yes, yes.    


The cup had already been raised, and Huang Xing was forced to drink two cups of wine with the two Dancer s. He felt that he had overdone it.    


Soon after, Sha Lin and An Seer went up to perform a humorous scene. The background music is that song called "Little Donkey", I have a little donkey never ride... Amidst the music, An Seer and Sha Lin showed all sorts of sexy and witty postures and expressions, but for a moment, the three people watching couldn't help but burst into laughter, and the room was filled with endless cheers.    


After the two Dancer s finished performing, they made a face at each other before sitting back down to pour and toast.    


This repeated over and over again, these two beautiful Dancer's really brought endless joy and shock to everyone. They were indeed the darling of dances, no matter what kind of dance they were, they were all accurate, sexy and generous.    


Twenty minutes later, Zhou Mingjun stood up and said: How about this, Big Brother Huang will accompany Crystal Princess tonight, and I'll send An Seer and Sha Lin back. After all, they were girls. It was already so late ? Isn't it?    


While speaking, Zhou Mingjun gave Huang Xing a meaningful look, as though there was some hidden hint.    


Huang Xing naturally understood Zhou Mingjun's intention. He was leaving on purpose, and to create some space for and himself to develop. Huang Xing also understood in his heart that Fang Jingjing had been treating him very dubiously tonight. If he was to stay and sleep with her, Fang Jingjing would definitely be overjoyed. However, Huang Xing was a person who had a bottom line. Even though he could not control himself and had cheated on himself many times, he really did not want to create trouble for a car salesperson like Fang Jingjing who had a strong motive for selling cars.    


Therefore, Huang Xing also stood up. It would be better if we went together, I just so happened to be exposed to the light too and still had to trouble Gongzi Zhou to send me home.    


'This... ' Zhou Mingjun's eyes lit up, and laughed: That's right, why didn't I think of that! Since it was already so late, he probably wouldn't be able to catch a taxi. Otherwise, Big Brother Huang would have to stay here with Crystal for the night and leave tomorrow. This allowed Crystal's home to be stained with the spirit energy of the Big Brother Huang.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Zhou Mingjun, what do you mean?    


Zhou Mingjun moved closer to Huang Xing's ear and softly whispered: I just promised, I'll give it to you guys ? You know the Big Brother Huang.    


Fang Jingjing looked troubled and bashful as he looked at Huang Xing, and said: "That, isn't a good idea ?" Big Brother Huang, he ? I...    


Zhou Mingjun asked. What, you don't want it?    


Fang Jingjing bit her lips and said: Then why don't Gongzi Zhou go first, I'll help you think of a way out.    


Zhou Mingjun laughed, shook hands with Huang Xing, then led the way and left in a hurry.    


Huang Xing stood in place, feeling extremely troubled in his heart.    


Could it be that today, they really ?    


He calmed himself down and forced himself not to have any bad thoughts.    


But at this time, Fang Jingjing was looking at him with eyes filled with longing and longing.    


The almost flawless rose bloomed quietly.    


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