Security Guard’s Romance



3Xie Yundan was obviously surprised by Huang Xing's performance.    0


He had something on his mind.    


This was Xie Yundan's first reaction under his meticulous treatment.    


But Xie Yundan did not pursue the matter further, and waited patiently for Huang Xing to speak. She knew that rather than worrying Huang Xing further, it would be better to use all of her skills and make Huang Xing forget about his troubles, and bring him some joy.    


The white wine was poured into the cup. Huang Xing did not wait for the wine to be served and immediately took a sip.    


Xie Yundan frowned slightly and said: "Director Huang...    


Huang Xing stressed: You don't have to be so distant from me, do you?    


Xie Yundan was startled, and immediately changed his words: Star, drinking wine at empty stomach is the most harmful to your stomach. Don't be in such a hurry, serve the food to your little sister and let her drink with you.    


Huang Xing laughed, his heart becoming slightly warm. Perhaps, when he was riddled with thousands of holes, anyone, even the smallest of concerns, would be a good healing drug.    


The salmon were brought up immediately. There was a huge ceramic plate with several kilograms of ice powder covering a small snow-capped mountain. On the snow-capped mountain, there were a few pieces of vegetable leaves. A bowl of prepared horseradish was respectfully placed on the table by the waiter. From within the liquid, the light of a headlamp could be seen.    


Huang Xing picked up his chopsticks, but didn't enjoy it for a long time.    


However, Xie Yundan took the initiative to pick up a piece of salmon, dipped it in horseradish and placed it next to Huang Xing's mouth: To Star, are you still considered expensive?    


Huang Xing didn't reject Ye Yun Dan's good intentions. While tasting the delicacy, he said: One hundred and ninety-eight taels, about two or three taels. "It's worth six or seven hundred yuan per catty, isn't it?    


Xie Yundan said: As long as you like it, it's worth it. I'm afraid many people don't have this kind of bliss.    


Huang Xing nodded: That's true. I'm afraid six or seven out of ten people won't be able to enjoy this.    


Xie Yundan replied: Of course not.    


After eating a few pieces of salmon, Xie Yundan took the initiative to raise his wine cup and clinked it with Huang Xing's.    


Huang Xing said: "Let's get to the point with this goblet of wine."    


Xie Yundan said: To use the wine to worry. Hopefully, he wouldn't worry.    


Very poetic. Huang Xing laughed and said: How do you know I'm worried?    


Xie Yundan said: By feeling. But with the little sister here, you will definitely get over it. Just eat and drink.    


Huang Xing asked: Is it really that magical?    


Xie Yundan curled his lips and said: Try it.    


It was strange, however, that the two of them seemed to have reached a tacit understanding. Ye Yun Dan and Huang Xing sat very close to each other. Ye Yun Dan and Huang Xing sat very close to each other. He felt that today's Ye Yun Dan looked even more charming than before. Her body was suffused with a fragrance that was similar to that of a beautiful woman. Her breath was fresh between her lips and she blinked slightly. She was actually so sexy and pleasing.    


There was no doubt that Xie Yundan could be said to be a devastatingly beautiful woman.    


Unknowingly, a bottle of wine had been drunk.    


Huang Xing felt that his face was a little hot.    


The so-called "drunk eyes" were even more beautiful than beautiful flowers. When the beauty sat by his side, it seemed as if it had taken away some of Huang Xing's affection for him. He had suffered a setback at Fu Jie's place, and now, he was being supported by a beautiful woman, how could he not be happy?    


Life is like this. When you are in pain, don't think about pain and deepen it. It's better to use the beauty before your eyes to dissolve the gloom in your heart. It was like a cup of bitter coffee. He could have added some sugar to mediate the taste, but why did he have to force himself to eat his taste buds?    


Xie Yundan opened his second bottle of white wine and was about to pour it when Huang Xing took the opportunity to ask: Can you do it, or what?    


Xie Yundan countered with a question: What, you look down on me?    


Huang Xing said: Don't push me if you cannot drink, I suggest that you should either change a bottle of beer or just drink together with me.    


A hint of cuteness and mischief flashed across Xie Yundan's eyes: No. I want to get drunk with you.    


Huang Xing had defeated her: "Don't you know that it is very dangerous to be unguarded in front of a man? Especially unprotected drinking.    


Xie Yundan said: I can guard against any man, including my father. But Unique... The only exception is your Star.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned.    


Xie Yundan said as he poured wine: Star, you are a very special person.    


"Oh?" Huang Xing asked: What's special about it?    


Xie Yundan raised his head and said: "I can clearly distinguish between kindness and resentment, and am filled with tenderness and blood, and I even have a little bit of it ?" He was cynical.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: The first two sentences are acceptable. After this... Disrespectful, I'm afraid?    


Xie Yundan countered with a question: You didn't even feel it yourself?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I think it's very polite to play with the world. At least, I am a good person.    


Xie Yundan emphasized: But deep down in your bones, you yearn for liberalism. You don't like being tied down by social rules, and you don't like it... Hide one's shortcomings from others. In other words, you are a person who often writes emotions on his face.    


Huang Xing said: I admit this. But what does that have to do with cynicism?    


Xie Yundan said: When a person is not very good at acting in society, he would act disrespectfully.    


Huang Xing laughed: Interesting. However, it sounded very philosophical.    


Xie Yundan replied: Of course, occasionally you are a philosopher.    


Huang Xing attacked her: I didn't see it.    


While speaking, Xie Yundan had already raised his wine cup, and quietly looked at Huang Xing: "This cup of wine, for you to meet me, for me to meet you."    


Huang Xing was startled. He kept having the feeling that Xie Yundan's words seemed to be a little repetitive, but a first rank was better for poetry. "Fate." Huang Xing agreed, which was a high degree of generalization of Xie Yundan's words.    


Xie Yundan emphasized: It's not just fate.    


Huang Xing asked: What else?    


Xie Yundan thought for a while, then said: There is still the future between me and you.    


Huang Xing was truly unable to fathom Xie Yundan's thoughts. Her sentences were profound, seemingly random, yet fascinating.    


Xie Yundan took a big gulp first. When the white wine was dipped in her smooth lips, it emitted a kind of enchanting brilliance. She wiped it with a tissue and also wiped the corner of Huang Xing's mouth with another tissue.    


Huang Xing was not used to her working for him like a servant.    


However, he couldn't deny that this feeling of enjoyment was quite a different one.    


Then, Xie Yundan raised his wine cup and said to Huang Xing: "Do you know, Star, you have changed me."    


Huang Xing was startled: I changed you?    


Xie Yundan retorted: "Don't you feel it?    


Huang Xing asked: What do you feel?    


Xie Yundan cautioned them: When I first met you, in between, after... This series of changes.    


Huang Xing thoughtfully nodded: You have indeed changed a lot. I remember the first time I went to your restaurant to eat wontons, you were as cold as ice, as if the world owed you billions.    


Xie Yundan sighed: That is what I do to life, to fate, to the future... Despair.    


Huang Xing said: There shouldn't be these two words in the young dictionary. You are young, beautiful, and capable. So you shouldn't be desperate.    


Xie Yundan said: To be honest, I really didn't think that you would help me. Perhaps in the beginning, I thought that you were ? Any bad intentions. But... But when I thought about it later, I realized how ridiculous that was. I am not a good woman. I have had a dishonorable experience. I believe that any man who listens to me will alienate me. But you didn't. You helped me anyway.    


Huang Xing laughed: Don't think too highly of me.    


Who said you were noble?" However, meeting you did give me a whole new understanding of my life and fate. Gradually, I also became more cheerful. It was a day to be happy, and a day to be unhappy. Crying was a day, laughing was a day. It would be better to face the world happily, and face life with a smile.    


Huang Xing nodded his head. I'm glad you think so.    


Xie Yundan said: That's why I'm very happy right now. I believe that nothing can stop my laughter anymore.    


Huang Xing said: That's right.    


Xie Yundan kept Huang Xing company as they clinked cups, drank wine and chatted.    


Unknowingly, the second bottle of white wine had also been quietly drunk.    


At this time, Huang Xing was already drunk. However, Xie Yundan's drunkenness had grown stronger. A flush rose on her face, and her body swayed uncontrollably.    


She put her hand on Huang Xing's shoulder and looked at him with an intoxicated look in her eyes, laughing foolishly.    


Huang Xing was annoyed by her stare, "What are you laughing at?    


Xie Yundan tilted her pretty head, her eyes were very close to Huang Xing's face: "What are you laughing about?"    


Huang Xing could feel the ends of her hair gently stroking his face. It was itchy and fragrant. It was unknown what brand of shampoo he had used.    


After the waiter came in to pour tea, Xie Yundan suggested to bring more beer. Huang Xing felt that he had already drunk to the limit. If he continued to drink, he would definitely puke. But in order to prevent himself from losing face in front of this woman, Huang Xing forced himself to accept the arrangement.    


Beer up, pop, two bottles open, into the glass.    


Clink glasses, drink.    


As he drank, he actually showed a heroic spirit.    


All things are mine, all things are mine, and all the people of the four audiences are mine. Wine can let a person in the mind, above all things.    


Including Xie Yundan.    


She had already unconsciously leaned on Huang Xing's shoulder.    


Everything seemed to be logical.    


But it was also a bit sudden.    


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