Security Guard’s Romance



0Zhao Xiaoran and Zhao Xiaomeng came over. Zhao Xiaomeng said, brother-in-law, I don't want you to leave, I haven't talked to you enough.    


Huang Xing lightly patted Zhao Xiaomeng's shoulder: There will be another opportunity in the future. When you're on vacation, go ahead and find me at Xin Meng Merchant House. I'll treat you to a big meal.    


Zhao Xiaomeng said: Really? That's great, don't deny it.    


Huang Xing retorted: When did I break my promise?    


Zhao Xiaoran took the chance to interrupt the two of them. He looked at Huang Xing seriously and said: Wait a moment, I'll give you the plan.    


'A plan? ' Huang Xing was stunned: What plan?    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: What are you doing here?    


Huang Xing asked suspiciously: "Didn't you say ?. Will you give it tomorrow?    


Zhao Xiaoran raised his head and said: "I'll give it to you today to allow you more time to manipulate and improve. Furthermore, you promised to meet a customer with me, so I trust you. I think you are a man of integrity, and you can certainly do what you say.    


Huang Xing replied: That's right, that's right. Thank you very much.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Then come to my hotel tomorrow morning.    


Huang Xing nodded. I will come over and invite you to have breakfast with Xiaomeng.    


Zhao Xiaomeng was pleasantly surprised: Really? That's great.    


Zhao Xiaoran walked to the small table and sat down. He took out a USB flash drive from his computer and inserted it into the left side of the computer.    


Two to three minutes later, Zhao Xiaoran pulled out the USB drive and handed it over to Huang Xing. He smiled and asked, "Does this count as a leak?    


Huang Xing laughed: It doesn't count! I was only drawing lessons from them, not copying them all.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: There are a few schemes inside, which involve all the information about the past activities of several celebrities.    


Huang Xing said: Great, how can I thank you?    


Zhao Xiaomeng didn't miss the opportunity to joke around: That's easy to deal with, marry my sister!    


When these words left his mouth, both Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaoran were stunned.    


Although it was only a joke from Zhao Xiaomeng, it made Huang Xing and Zhao Xiaoran feel extremely awkward.    


Since they had already separated, it was impossible for them to remarry. Being able to be friends with each other was already a very rare thing.    


Then, Huang Xing took his USB and walked out of the hotel.    


The Zhao sisters sent them off. Huang Xing hailed a taxi and bid them farewell with a wave of his hand.    


In the taxi, Huang Xing could not hide the joy in his heart. He was glad that Zhao Xiaoran had changed. It was fortunate that under Fu Jie's instigation, they did not end up as enemies after their divorce, but instead became helpers for each other.    


Just as he was about to arrive at the hotel, a burst of urgent cell phone rings.    


It was Tao Fei.    


Huang Xing answered the phone and immediately said: I'll be there.    


Tao Fei anxiously said: "This is bad, Director Huang, something has happened."    


Huang Xing was startled: "What?    


Tao Fei said: The waiters at that hotel are too inconsiderate, they insisted on us returning a room to another person.    


Huang Xing was shocked: What, there's actually such a thing?    


Tao Fei replied: I'm also very confused. But from the looks of it, the customer who came later seemed to be very rich and powerful. Say yes... He said he was the patron of the owner of the hotel. So... So the waiter talked to me and asked us to make a room for him.    


Huang Xing scolded: "How could this happen, this is too..." Isn't that too outrageous?    


Tao Fei said: Yes, it's very outrageous. I'm so pissed off.    


Huang Xing said: Wait for me, I'll be right there. I don't believe it at all! There's no justice left in this world!    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing was extremely furious! It's a fucking big forest, with all kinds of birds. It was simply a fantasy that such a thing could happen in a hotel!    


In front of the inn, when Huang Xing got off the carriage, he heard a commotion coming from inside. He took a few quick steps and entered the hotel lobby.    


Tao Fei was anxiously arguing with the hotel attendant. On the sofa at the side, a well-built man in his thirties sat. Beside him was a thin, weak, and fashionable young lady.    


Huang Xing walked to the front desk and asked Tao Fei: What's going on?    


Tao Fei pointed to the Waitress at the front desk and said: "This is too bullying!" It was him, it was them!    


She pointed at a man and a woman who were sitting on the sofa with her mouth tilted upwards, feeling wronged.    


Huang Xing asked the Waitress: Why must you withdraw from our room?    


On the other hand, Waitress was not angry at all. He said, "Our boss's friend is here. He wants to live in a room." But there was no more. Considering that the two of you have booked two rooms, I think... There could have been a room. For you...    


Huang Xing could not help but interrupt her and scolded her: Other people might not even have rooms in their rooms, why would you try to take over our reserved rooms? Isn't this a huge joke? Then what do you want us to do?    


Waitress said: Aren't you guys... Not a couple?    


Huang Xing said: Love my ass! Even if we're lovers, we have to live together?    


Waitress said: Then there's no other way. Either I'll refund you guys, and you guys can go over to the other house to take a look. Either you will stay here all night.    


Huang Xing was so angry that his lungs was about to explode. This was too unreasonable! We booked a room first, didn't we? And we paid, didn't we? Everything has to be done first come first served, right? Your nature is much worse than cutting in line!    


Waitress said: I know it's not appropriate for us to do this, but there's really no other way. That customer was a friend of our boss, and also our boss's big brother. He drank too much tonight and then insisted on staying here. You said... Sigh. I got a slap in the face just now. I Really... There was really no other way. I can only let you guys suffer. I'll return fifty yuan to you guys. You guys can go to another hotel, okay?    


She lowered her voice a little, as if afraid the big man would hear her.    


Huang Xing saw that although she looked pitiful, she was not willing to compromise. This sort of joke was like a fantasy story, and it actually happened to him. It was something intolerable!    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: It's not easy to deal with, right? Let the police handle this! I don't believe that there is no law in this world!    


Waitress said nervously: Don't, don't, don't. We can negotiate, we can negotiate.    


Huang Xing asked: How do I negotiate?    


At this moment, the burly man suddenly stood up and shakily extinguished the cigarette in his hand. He shouted, "What are you arguing about? Why isn't it over yet? Why isn't it over yet?"    


Huang Xing smelt a strong smell of alcohol, and looking at this man's appearance, he looked like he was really drunk, his entire body was overbearing. The flirtatious girl beside him was smearing a bright lipstick on her mouth, causing her to turn into a chicken butt in an instant.    


The burly man came closer. With his muscular body, it was easy to think that he might be a weightlifter.    


Huang Xing and he looked at each other, and the burly man stared: What are you looking at, brat?    


The Waitress didn't miss the opportunity to speak. "Brother Fang, I'm really sorry, this guest here doesn't ?" No. How about you... Would you like to take a look at the hotel next door?    


'Say what? ' The sturdy man who was called Brother Fang frowned, his face full of anger: Let me go?    


With a "pa" sound, Brother Fang's big hand hit the front desk, startling everyone.    


Waitress trembled, he was completely terrified.    


Huang Xing was extremely angry, thinking that he would know his surname after drinking a bit of cat urine. Huang Xing had also drunk his wine at night, but he was still a coward. He really wanted to fix this brute in front of him. However, some of them still tried to remind themselves that it would be better not to cause trouble. After all, they were out on their own.    


Brother Fang shouted. Was it him? Did he disagree?    


Waitress nodded his head: Yes, it's him. He did come early, earlier than you, Brother Fang. Now... How about... Best... Anyway ? Once the police arrive, it will be bad, Brother Fang.    


She spoke incoherently, as if she had drunk more wine.    


Without a doubt, this was a very timid little girl, as if she didn't want to offend anyone.    


'The police are coming? ' Brother Fang frowned even deeper as three deep scars appeared on his forehead. They seemed more like the word 'King' on the head of a tiger.    


Waitress pointed at Huang Xing with a trembling finger: Guest ? If the customer disagrees, then... Call the police.    


Brother Fang stretched out a finger and pointed it at Huang Xing's forehead: Brat, so cocky, do you know whose territory this is? Knowing me and this hotel, he, he, he... His boss? Let me tell you, the owner of this inn, A Yong, if it wasn't for his pleas for mercy at the start, he would have already f * cking ? He was crippled! You want to fucking call the police and see what you can do!    


Huang Xing realized that today, he had met a scoundrel. Although he was a little nervous, he was not afraid at all.    


Huang Xing asked in reply: What does the relationship between you two have to do with me? I'm here to stay in a hotel. I paid for a hotel and booked a room. Everything is legal and reasonable.    


The drunk Brother Fang seemed to have some blurry consciousness as he asked stiffly: "What ?" What nest? Magpie nest? Grilled Nest Coffee? Who the fuck stole your coffee?    


No culture, terrible!    


Although the scene in front of them was extremely tense, seeing Brother Fang ask that, the previously nervous Waitress was suddenly amused.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Alright, I'm too lazy to follow you. Today's matter wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. If you're drunk, I won't argue with you. If you know what's good for you, get out of here, or I'll call the police.    


Brother Fang pointed at his nose: Fuck, you want me to leave here?    


Huang Xing said: Not you, could it be me?    


Brother Fang snorted: My territory, do you understand? This father has the final say! I just have to live here today.    


Huang Xing replied: It has nothing to do with me. But it's impossible for me to give up a room!    


Hearing that, the Brother Fang was enraged, he immediately grabbed Huang Xing by the collar: Damn, are you going to let me go?    


Huang Xing calmly shook his head.    


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