Security Guard’s Romance



3To be exact, at this moment, Huang Xing had already guessed the reason for Zhao Xiaoran's visit.     4


She was here for this! There were some private photos and videos on the USB drive, but she ignored them, so she wanted to catch herself off guard and get the USB drive back before she could see it.    


After realizing the other party's true purpose, Huang Xing evaded by saying: I haven't even had the time to look.    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: You really didn't look?    


She relaxed a little, but there was still a hint of suspicion in her expression.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: How could I have the time? As soon as he came back ? He had just taken a bath and was about to take a look when something happened.    


Zhao Xiaoran frowned: What happened?    


Huang Xing sighed and recounted what happened tonight to Zhao Xiaoran.    


After Zhao Xiaoran heard this, he felt that it was unbelievable: there was actually such a thing? This is too... Isn't that too outrageous?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: It's just that ridiculous! "Say, I came all the way here to find a room. Did it make things easier for me, to think that I would actually ?" Sigh, forget it. Do you want to take the USB drive back or ? Or ?    


Zhao Xiaoran thought for a while, then said: Let's use the computer first.    


Huang Xing pretended to be confused and stared at Zhao Xiaoran.    


Zhao Xiaoran glanced at the table computer in the hotel, walked over, turned it on, and plugged in the USB.    


Huang Xing sat over, but his heart couldn't help but beat wildly.    


At that moment, someone suddenly pressed the doorbell.    


Huang Xing was startled, and his expression immediately changed.    


Not going to be... Tao Fei?    


What should he do! After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing walked to the door and placed his hands on the doorknob, trembling a little. A moment later, he opened a small crack.    


It really was Tao Fei!    


Her face was filled with fear, and just as she was about to speak, Huang Xing quickly shushed her.    


Tao Fei unnaturally glanced inside, and upon seeing Zhao Xiaoran's existence, he couldn't help but be startled, but he didn't ask further.    


Huang Xing said softly. Go back to your room first, I'll explain to you later.    


Tao Fei curled his lips in grievance, but still obeyed him.    


Closing the door, Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief and sat back down on the bed.    


Zhao Xiaoran turned his head and asked: Who is it that came to find you at night?    


Huang Xing said evasively: "You then." You're here.    


Zhao Xiaoran replied: I'm talking about the person who knocked the door.    


Huang Xing 'oh', and said: "It's a waiter, a waiter of the hotel."    


Zhao Xiaoran frowned: "It's so late, she ?" What was she doing here? Not going to be... Could it be that this hotel was providing some other service?    


What are you thinking! Didn't that happen just now? No, "That, when I was registering, I forgot to bring back my ID card. She sent it over to me.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: So careless!    


Huang Xing said: My memory has obviously declined.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: You need to replenish your brain, use it frequently, and drink an additional six walnuts.    


Her joke made Huang Xing heave a sigh of relief. Just as Huang Xing thought that he had passed the test, Zhao Xiaoran suddenly 'ah' and stood up.    


Then, he stared at Huang Xing like a tiger staring at its prey!    


Huang Xing was shocked, and asked while trembling: What's wrong?    


Zhao Xiaoran tilted his head, his mouth trembling. He used his hand to comb through his messy hair, and asked: "You obviously saw it, why did you lie to me?"    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be confused. How did she find out?    


But he still pretended to be very innocent. What did I see?    


Zhao Xiaoran said in a stern voice: Still pretending, still pretending! You've already seen this, haven't you?    


Huang Xing was still stubborn: I really didn't see it. Why are you so sure I've seen it?    


Zhao Xiaoran coldly snorted, he waved his hand and pointed to the computer behind him and stressed: There's a change in the time taken to modify almost all of these folders, and you say you didn't have the time to read it? And you've read every folder, haven't you?    


Huang Xing finally realised the truth of the matter. Zhao Xiaoran was indeed an expert in computers, but he was actually able to determine and confirm that he was lying through the time he spent modifying the documents.    


The paper could not contain the fire, so Huang Xing could only admit that he had read it. But all I saw was... Scenario.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: You're lying! You've seen all the other folders!    


Huang Xing then asked Zhao Xiaoran: "But what method do I have to not watch?" Your folders are all named in English. I don't know which one is the folder for the project, so I'll have to go through them one by one. This... What was going on?    


Zhao Xiaoran's face was filled with worry: You saw something that you shouldn't have seen. Sigh, it's still me ? I was careless.    


Huang Xing said: These are all very normal things!    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: This is abnormal! I don't want you to see...    


Huang Xing stood up, and surprisingly discovered that his eyes were drenched with tears. He wanted to take her shoulder and comfort her, but he couldn't muster the courage.    


Zhao Xiaoran bit her lips and said: "I was wrong to begin with, I betrayed you so cruelly." I have always been very regretful, very self-reproach, I try to erase that disgraceful history, reconstruct the image in your heart. However ? But on this USB drive, there was actually a picture of that beast. You know, I've deleted everything about him. This USB flash drive is... I just found it a few days ago, and it's got a lot of... Some of our stuff, photos, videos, videos. However, whatever I'm afraid of will happen. You still saw something that you shouldn't have seen ? Something. I really don't want to be like this. I don't want to be like this over your wound... Sprinkle salt.    


Huang Xing savored her words and said: "I don't think so."    


Zhao Xiaoran countered with a question: "What do you think?"    


Huang Xing said: I don't feel anything special about the picture inside! When I saw it, I was calm. It wasn't salt, as you said.    


Zhao Xiaoran opened his eyes wide, as if he was skeptical of Huang Xing's words: You really don't care anymore? Am I to understand that you've lost track of everything about me?    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, and asked a question in reply: Is there any meaning to this topic?    


Zhao Xiaoran touched his forehead, closing his eyes tightly, and then opening them, as though he wanted to take a closer look at the person in front of him, and see this illusory world.    


Zhao Xiaoran calmed his emotions: To you, it's meaningless. But to me, it was a heavy burden, a sin.    


Huang Xing said: You don't need to do this. Really, I don't blame you.    


Zhao Xiaoran emphasized: But I can't forgive myself! Recalling how much you treated me well and how happy we were together, I felt that I had committed an unforgivable sin. I failed you, hurt you, and blasphemed ? A blasphemous love.    


She looked to be extremely agitated, which Huang Xing did not expect.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Xiao Ran, it's already over. Didn't we already start anew? We are now friends at work, partners, and soon colleagues again. Although we had a failed marriage, we had all come out of it to face a new life. Why, why should you be troubled by the trivia of the past?    


After hearing that, Zhao Xiaoran's tears suddenly flowed down like a dam that had been broken.    


She even began to sob. I can't, I really can't! It is I, Zhao Xiaoran, who owes you so much, so much! I should have been a good wife to you, but I couldn't stand the temptation of matter... Every time I think of my mistakes, I can't forgive myself.    


Huang Xing didn't know what to say. At this moment, for some reason, he really wanted to go forward and hug this former beloved wife. Perhaps these thoughts didn't have the slightest bit of evil intent. He didn't blame her, he really didn't blame her. At least, she had made herself believe in love. She had brought some happiness and happiness to herself. But he still controlled himself. He didn't want Zhao Xiaoran to think that he still loved her.    


Zhao Xiaoran's emotions became even more agitated as tears of regret welled up in her eyes: It's all her fault for being too young, being unable to endure the temptation of materials. If the heavens gave me another chance, I would be willing to live with you for the rest of my life in a rented apartment of ten square meters, it would also be a type of happiness.    


Huang Xing felt an indescribable sorrow in his heart: Am I that useless? To live in a rented apartment for the rest of my life?    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed with tears in his eyes: I'm just making an analogy.    


Huang Xing said: Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. It's getting late, should I send you back?    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: Why are you chasing me away so quickly?    


Huang Xing said: Aren't we going to meet tomorrow, you still need to go see the representative tomorrow, you need to rest up and recover your spirit.    


Zhao Xiaoran thoughtfully nodded his head, before staring at Huang Xing again: "You've really changed."    


Huang Xing said: You have changed too.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: It's a pity that I changed it... It was too late.    


Huang Xing didn't say anything more, he only felt his emotions churning, and it was difficult to calm down.    


Zhao Xiaoran was conflicted and said: Forget it, since it's like this, I will be leaving first. You should rest early.    


Huang Xing asked tentatively: "How about I send you off?"    


Zhao Xiaoran shook his head: No need. What was the point of tormenting himself?    


Huang Xing said: Be careful on the way.    


Zhao Xiaoran walked to the door reluctantly. The moment she opened the door, she did not forget to turn around and take a look at Huang Xing. She raised her hand to wipe the moisture at the corner of her eyes that had not completely dried up yet.    


Right at this moment, a phone's ringtone sounded out, startling Zhao Xiaoran.    


She took out her cell phone and her expression could not help but change: It's Xiao Meng!    


After he answered the call, Zhao Xiaomeng's sobbing voice came out from the other side of the phone, "Sis, why aren't you back yet, I ?." I... I was bullied...    


What? When Zhao Xiaoran heard this, he was immediately shocked: Who ? Who is it? What was going on with Xiao Meng?    


Huang Xing also heard the sobbing sounds from the other side of the phone, and immediately felt his scalp tingling. Out of concern for Zhao Xiaomeng, he walked towards him and carefully listened to the sounds inside.    


Zhao Xiaomeng continued: I've been met by two people I don't know ? Male... They... They bullied me!    


Zhao Xiaoran asked: Hurry up and call the police, call the police! Silly girl! Just you wait, I'll be right back!    


Zhao Xiaomeng:...    


After hastily hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaoran rushed out without a second word.    


Huang Xing was also very concerned about Zhao Xiaomeng's safety. He had heard her crying on the phone and his words were unclear, making him very worried.    


So Huang Xing walked a few steps quickly and caught up to Zhao Xiaoran, saying, "I'll go with you!"    


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