Security Guard’s Romance



1It was Zhao Xiaoran.     3


After answering the phone, Zhao Xiaoran's voice came over: Are you up yet?    


Huang Xing said: I'm up, just about to eat.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Then hurry up and come over after finishing your meal. It's an appointment, the agent will come to the hotel in the morning.    


Huang Xing asked in reply: Why did you choose to meet at a hotel?    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed: After we meet at the guesthouse, no matter how we arrange it, it will depend on what Director Zhang plans to do. We are guests, she is the Lord.    


"Director Zhang?" Huang Xing asked: The surname of the agent is Zhang?    


Zhao Xiaoran replied: That's right, her name is Zhang Lulu. He wasn't very old, but his career wasn't small. A strong woman. She was just like the strong lady in Director Fu.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but say: There was actually no need for a woman to be so forceful. Only by being gentle and weak would one be more like a woman.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: What kind of logic is this? You are obviously looking down on us women, aren't you?    


Huang Xing shook his head: No, no.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing washed up and started to eat with Tao Fei.    


After dinner, Huang Xing gave a few instructions to Tao Fei, and then drove back to Zhao Xiaoran's guesthouse.    


However, there was no response when he knocked on the door. Huang Xing dialed Zhao Xiaoran's number. Zhao Xiaoran told him that she was on her way back. Just now, she called TXC and sent Zhao Xiaomeng back to school.    


Huang Xing sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby and lit up a cigarette, waiting for Zhao Xiaoran to return.    


About ten minutes later, Zhao Xiaoran walked in, covered in dust. She rubbed her cold face as she walked towards Huang Xing.    


It was indeed cold outside. After all, it was winter, especially at dawn, and the temperature was rather low.    


Zhao Xiaoran sat over, rubbed his hands together and said: It's still pretty cold in the morning.    


Huang Xing nodded his head and asked: "That LuLu, what time will she be coming over for?"    


Zhao Xiaoran looked at the time and said: There is still half an hour. However, he expected that she would arrive early.    


Huang Xing 'oh', then said: "Then I want to sleep for a while longer."    


Zhao Xiaoran was startled: Didn't sleep well last night?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: There were so many things to do last night, it would be weird if I could sleep well.    


Zhao Xiaoran said, then that's fine, then you can go to my room and take a nap first, once Director Zhang comes, I'll call you.    


Huang Xing followed Zhao Xiaoran upstairs to his room. Inside the room, Huang Xing couldn't help but yawn, and the Trapped Worm immediately gained the upper hand. It didn't stop at all, and as Huang Xing laid on his bed, it kicked off his shoes and closed his eyes.    


Zhao Xiaoran covered Huang Xing's body with a blanket and sat on the edge of the bed.    


Maybe because he was too tired, not long after Huang Xing laid down, he started to snore and dream.    


As he was sleeping soundly, he was woken up by Zhao Xiaoran's gentle shake.    


Rubbing his eyes, he asked, She's here?    


Zhao Xiaoran nodded his head: We are almost at the hotel entrance, let's go greet them.    


Huang Xing reflexively sat up, he calmed himself down and ruthlessly rubbed his face a few times to let his sleeping skin wake up as soon as possible.    


Zhao Xiaoran suddenly crouched down, grabbed one of Huang Xing's hands and gently put it on his feet.    


Huang Xing was startled, and quickly replied: No need, I'll do it myself.    


Zhao Xiaoran was somewhat touched as he said, "What are you afraid of?" Let me serve you once, I'll be happy to.    


Huang Xing said: How can that work!    


Zhao Xiaoran replied: Why not? As your wife before, I didn't do my job well. Now I want to make up for it.    


Huang Xing emphasized: But it's obvious... It was obviously inappropriate. Xiao Ran, you ?    


While she was speaking, she had already put on one of her shoes. Zhao Xiaoran then picked up another shoe and very gently put it on, his movements filled with a kind of special warmth.    


Huang Xing stood up awkwardly, he went closer to Huang Xing and used his hands to help pull his clothes that were actually not messy at all. Like a husband on his way out of the house.    


Huang Xing felt that this was a little exaggerated. After all, she was not his woman any longer.    


She had no obligation to do so.    


He went to the bathroom to wash his face and grabbed a towel to wipe his face.    


How fragrant! This was a smell that Huang Xing was once familiar with!    


Turning around, he saw a colorful towel. To be exact, it was the towel that Zhao Xiaoran had brought. It was completely different from the pure white towel in the hotel. She kept her old habits to herself and was a little squeamish. Moreover, this towel smelled exactly the same as it did a few years ago. This meant that when she used perfume and cosmetics, she was very professional.    


A small detail unconsciously strummed Huang Xing's heartstrings.    


Zhao Xiaoran opened the door and the two of them went out.    


In front of the inn, Huang Xing looked outside a few times, but did not see any signs of Zhang Lu.    


Zhao Xiaoran laughed and asked: Guess what kind of car this Director Zhang will drive?    


Huang Xing shook his head: There is no place to guess. However, if she was a strong woman, then the car she drove would be more commercial. Just like Fu Jie.    


Zhao Xiaoran nodded his head.    


At that moment, an unmarked Volkswagen slowed down and stopped in front of the hotel's parking lot.    


Zhao Xiaoran muttered to himself.    


Huang Xing said, almost.    


Zhao Xiaoran's face flashed with a tinge of disappointment: It seems that this Director Zhang is very low-key.    


Huang Xing carefully looked at the Volkswagen, and could not help but be shocked. Holy shit, Hui Teng! It was known as the lowest grade luxury car in history! It was also Fu Jie's ride!    


Zhao Xiaoran pulled Huang Xing's arm, and the two walked over side by side.    


A young and beautiful woman pushed open the door and lightly stepped out. She was wearing a fashionable mink jacket, a black leather skirt, and crocodile boots. A rare aura of a woman seeped out from his body. Her hair was very simple, but it also looked very generous and neat. There seemed to be a domineering aura around him when he smiled.    


Zhao Xiaoran extended out his hand first: Director Zhang, nice to meet you.    


The woman laughed and also extended her hand: Manager Zhao, nice to meet you, good to meet you. I thought you were coming today, but you arrived yesterday.    


Her voice was masculine, but it matched well with the expression on her face. It did not lose the charm of a mature woman.    


After the pleasantries, Zhang Lu looked at Huang Xing who was beside Zhao Xiaoran and asked: "This is ?"    


Zhao Xiaoran tilted his head in confusion: "Guess."    


Zhang Lu laughed and said, "Where should I guess?" After carefully examining Huang Xing a few times, she frowned and couldn't help but be startled. She went close to Zhao Xiaoran's ear and whispered: "Could it be you ?." Yours?    


Zhao Xiaoran complained: What are you guessing about! I'm telling you, he is...    


Zhang Lu interrupted Zhao Xiaoran and joked, "You're the one who made me guess."    


Then, she extended a hand towards Huang Xing: No matter who you are, you and Manager Zhao are Zhang Lu's friend. Welcome to Zi Bo.    


Huang Xing shook hands with her and nodded in greeting.    


Zhang Lu once again opened the car door and took out a simple but very high quality woman's bag.    


Zhao Xiaoran could not help but ask: "Is this car new?"    


Zhang Lu nodded her head and said with a smile, "I just mentioned it a few days ago." This is the latest model for this year, and its configuration is quite plentiful.    


Huang Xing looked at the low-key luxury car, and spoke without missing a beat: Director Zhang is truly rich! Phaedon, this is a nice car.    


Zhang Lu frowned slightly, she could not help but look at Huang Xing again: "There are not many people who could tell that this was Hui Ten." As far as I know, there are very few people in China who can recognize him, and even fewer.    


Huang Xing laughed: Didn't Fu Jie have one Hui Ta?    


Zhang Lu keenly asked: "You are someone close to Director Fu?"    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Zhao Xiaoran took the opportunity to say: Alright, I won't keep you guessing anymore, let me introduce this handsome and suave guy! Director Huang Huang Xing! Despite his young age, he was a leading figure in the business world of the provincial capital!    


Zhang Lu's face was filled with astonishment.    


Zhao Xiaoran continued: Fu Jie's partner, General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, Huang Xing!    


'What?! ' Zhang Lu was shocked, as if she couldn't believe it: He... He is Huang Xing?    


Huang Xing laughed and said: It's true.    


Zhang Lu once again stretched out her right hand, repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry!" With such a big shot driving here, I, Zhang Lu, am very ashamed!    


Then, he couldn't help but complain to Zhao Xiaoran: Manager Zhao, you should have greeted such an important person who came with you in advance. Look, I'm kind of... He was a little flustered.    


'Is that really necessary? ' Zhao Xiaoran said: Director Huang is very approachable.    


Zhang Lu held Huang Xing's hand, gently shaking it, and said: Apologize, apologize. To think that I, a small merchant from a remote place, would have the honor to meet such a great figure like you.    


Huang Xing humbly replied: "What kind of big shot am I? At most, I'm just a worker working for the Dream Group."    


Zhang Lu said: Director Huang is really modest.    


Zhao Xiaoran said: Alright, let's head into the guesthouse. It's pretty cold outside.    


Zhang Lu nodded and said, "Okay."    


The three of them returned to the hotel. As they entered, a wave of heat welcomed them.    


Huang Xing and Zhang Lu sat on the chair, while Zhao Xiaoran busily brewed three cups of tea. Then he sat down on the edge of the bed.    


Zhang Lu kept on turning her head to look at Huang Xing, as if she couldn't believe that the young and handsome man sitting beside her was the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


This was indeed the case. Perhaps, in Huang Xing's opinion, this position was not worth showing off. However, in the eyes of others, especially those in the business world, this was a high and mighty place. After all, Xin Meng Merchant House was a dark horse that came from the business world of Shandong Province and was a leading enterprise. Furthermore, behind the Xin Meng Merchant House was one of the top financial groups in the entire country--Dream Group!    


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