Security Guard’s Romance



1Seafood of nature.     4


The crowd outside was in an uproar, and one could faintly hear the sounds of laughter and discussion coming from inside.    


Huang Xing was a regular customer here, the moment he entered, he heard the front desk clerk say hello to him with a smile: Big Brother Huang is here, you haven't come here in a long time, right?    


Huang Xing and Fu Jie walked over and said to the Waitress: I was here last week.    


Waitress said: Oh, you came last week? Look at my memory! I feel so depressed when you don't come for a day!    


Such a small mouth was truly sweet!    


But Waitress immediately noticed the heavyweight beauty beside Huang Xing. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and ask: "Is this Big Brother Huang your girlfriend? Wow, she's so pretty!"    


Huang Xing rubbed his nose and replied humbly.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly, but emphasized: Unfortunately, I am not.    


Huang Xing was startled, but also wittily said: "I'm still too embarrassed to admit it." Haha. Congratulations, you got it right. She is what I rely on for my survival and pride... Girlfriend.    


He purposely stayed silent for a while, as he tried to test Fu Jie's reaction. He was worried that after such a long period of cold war, Fu Jie was already a little unfamiliar with each other. The moment he introduced her as his girlfriend, she actually denied it.    


Waitress said in shock: A perfect match, the two of you are a perfect match!    


Fu Jie crossed his arms, obviously flattering the Waitress in every way, as he was showing his disgust.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to ask: Are there still private rooms?    


Waitress laughed: "Has anyone else arrived? Can you still not come?" 101. There's only one room, you know, and our hotel is full of guests. If you come a little later, it might be gone.    


'Send the menu over in a minute! ' After Huang Xing left these words, he brought Fu Jie to the door of room 101.    


He pushed the door open and entered.    


This was a very simple but very clean small room.    


Huang Xing pulled back one of the chairs, raised his head, and smiled at Fu Jie: "Welcome to the seat!"    


Fu Jie sat down, looked around at the furnishings in the room, and said: The room is not big, but it is rather elegant. Do you come often?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: As they are close to home, I often come to eat seafood.    


Fu Jie said in good will: Corruption!    


Huang Xing took the opportunity and sat down, and said with a sorrowful sigh: Previously, my salary was too little, I didn't dare to eat anything. Now that his income had risen, why wouldn't he eat it?    


Fu Jie as a general: In my impression, you are not a glutton.    


As Huang Xing opened up the disinfection tableware, he said: "In the past, I really couldn't afford to eat that." When he was a security guard, including after selling things in Xinyuan Company, he only earned a thousand to eight hundred salary every month. At that time, when we bought vegetables, we only bought them at night. Why? The evening food was not very fresh, so the peddler could deal with it cheaply and save half the money in the day. He wanted to eat meat, but he didn't dare to buy more. Every time, he would buy two or three yuan worth of pig head meat and come back to eat and improve his life. When he thought about the hardships that had occurred at that time, his memories were still fresh in his mind. Fortunately, I, Huang Xing, was promoted by you, Director Fu, and have come to this day step by step. What I didn't dare to eat before, I dare to eat now too. What I didn't have the chance to eat before, I've eaten now.    


Just as Fu Jie wanted to open the tableware in front of him, Huang Xing had already opened up the set and placed it in front of her.    


At this time, a waiter walked in, put down the menu, and asked whether they should drink plain water or drink tea. Huang Xing set his gaze on Fu Jie. Fu Jie thought for a bit, then said, "Drink some plain water."    


After the waiter took the kettle and left, Huang Xing went over to Fu Jie and passed the menu to her: Let's order.    


Fu Jie looked at it briefly, then gave the menu to Huang Xing: "You can do it, I'll do it."    


Huang Xing stared at the menu: Then I'll start to order! This... This... And this ?    


When the waiter returned with the water jug, Huang Xing took the opportunity and said: Let's order. A large portion of salmon, fried seafood, Oyster Prawns... Squid Silk...    


Huang Xing ordered seven or eight dishes consecutively, then said: Let's do these first, and order again when there's not enough.    


Fu Jie frowned: "Do you think we can finish all of them?    


Huang Xing replied: I can't finish all of them. Not enough.    


Fu Jie said: As expected of a tycoon!    


The waiter then asked, What would you like to drink?    


'Wine... ' Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: There's no need for wine, I have some in my car.    


Just as he said that, Huang Xing realized that the car had already parked and returned to the residential area.    


The waiter took the menu and left slowly.    


Huang Xing asked Fu Jie: What do you want to drink?    


Fu Jie said: Whatever.    


Huang Xing said: Then, the Red Bar! Seafood with red wine.    


Fu Jie nodded. Beauty and beauty, red wine.    


Huang Xing joked: "You are already a devastatingly beautiful woman."    


Fu Jie said: Don't be so poor!    


Huang Xing stood up and said: Wait a moment, I'll be right back.    


After exiting the room, Huang Xing was still calculating whether he should directly order wine from the hotel, or go back to get them from the car, or perhaps buy from a nearby supermarket. After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing was still not afraid of hardships. He jogged back to the district, picked up two boxes of high-end red wine from the car, and quickly returned.    


When he appeared in front of Fu Jie, his face was covered in sweat.    


Fu Jie was very surprised. Is it hot today?    


Huang Xing wiped the moisture off his face and placed the alcohol on the table: Not bad. Mainly having dinner with the goddess made him feel a little nervous.    


'Tsk! ' Fu Jie coldly snorted. No shape.    


Huang Xing argued: But I was indeed not lying.    


Fu Jie did not make a sound again, at this time, the waiter had already brought a plate of salmon, which he carefully placed in the middle of the table.    


Huang Xing felt his stomach growl, and secretly ridiculed. Then he said to the waiter, Help me with the wine!    


The waiter was a little unhappy, but he forced a smile on his face. He accepted the red wine and turned the lid of the bottle using the decanter. At the same time, she also casually asked, "This wine isn't cheap, right?"    


Huang Xing said: Not bad. Hundreds of bottles. Would you like to sit down and have a drink?    


The waiter stuck out his tongue. I wouldn't dare. The boss will scold me.    


Huang Xing said: It can't be?    


The waiter said, Of course, our boss is very fierce! If you really want me to try it, just give me a bottle, and I'll be happy to accept it!    


Huang Xing was immediately flabbergasted! This waiter didn't take him as an outsider and actually asked for it.    


The waiter saw that Huang Xing was stunned and pursed his lips: I knew you wouldn't bear to part with it. I'm just joking with you, and I'm scaring you!    


Huang Xing felt as if he had been given a close shave, and his heart had an indescribable feeling of pleasure. Originally, she was just casually making small talk with the waiter, but now, she started to joke around with him!    


After the waiter had gone out, Fu Jie led the troops forward.    


Huang Xing was startled: "What do you mean?    


Fu Jie said: Did you see a beautiful girl? Even the waiters were not spared.    


Huang Xing's face was burning hot as he tried to explain: No need for that, I was just trying to liven up the atmosphere.    


Fu Jie replied: I don't think so.    


Huang Xing raised his head: "Do you still not know who I am? In my opinion, all the other women are nothing but fleeting clouds, and passing clouds. You, Fu Jie, are the eternal one."    


He felt that he had said all sorts of wonderful words, but he did not expect Fu Jie to crease his eyebrows and snorted coldly: I, Fu Jie am probably the true Floating Cloud.    


For a moment, Huang Xing was speechless.    


Holding the cup, Huang Xing looked at the fresh and tempting salmon on the table, and could no longer control his stomach and stomach. So he simply improvised the toast: I'm both excited and happy to sit with you and have dinner with you today. I'd like to have a word with you about this glass of wine.    


Fu Jie also picked up her goblet, gently shaking it, the extravagant alcohol on her face, matched well with her beautiful face, it was truly beautiful to the extreme. A beautiful woman toasts to him. This originally noble red wine instantly seemed to multiply in value, appearing extravagant and noble.    


Huang Xing drained all the wine in the cup in one gulp, and there was still some lingering fragrance in his mouth. Then he picked up a salmon and dipped it in horseradish and put it in his mouth.    


He was especially addicted to this kind of delicious feeling.    


Fu Jie also picked up a small piece, placed it in front of his eyes and looked at it, then said: Recently, your taste has become more and more picky. But if I had a choice, I would prefer tuna fillets.    


Huang Xing said. In terms of taste, salmon are far better than tuna.    


Fu Jie emphasized: "You're talking about taste." And I focus on nutrition. Salmon is high in fat, which may be the main reason it tastes better. However, tuna, which has a high cellulose content, has a particularly obvious nutritional value.    


Huang Xing was startled, he suddenly realised a serious problem. Just like how Fu Jie was borrowing people's lives! In her mind, between her and Bao Shijie, who was Tuna and who was Salmon?    


It was obvious that he was the good, but not nutritious, salmon, whereas Bao Shijie was the more nutritious tuna that Fu Jie liked.    


Huang Xing was a person who was good at imagination.    


Fu Jie took a bite of the salmon. His expression looked very calm, unlike when he was eating with high spirits and was unbearably beautiful. It was as if he had become a salmon master. Every time he ate salmon, he thought it was the most delicious food in the world.    


Huang Xing took this opportunity to ask: This thing is quite miraculous, the sashimi, but it is not fishy, it is so fresh and delicious. I used to be averse to eating raw, always feeling unsanitary and untasty, until the first time I ate salmon, I was no longer able to extricate myself. I finally realized that the original ecological, without any processing of things, is the best thing.    


Fu Jie put down his chopsticks and said: My views are different from yours. It's best to eat less of this kind of thorny body.    


Huang Xing stared at Fu Jie and picked up another piece of fish. Just like I can't help thinking about you. Fu Jie, do you know, in this period of time, I ? How dark it was for me.    


He thought he was very smart, and he confided his feelings subtly. But who would have thought, Fu Jie immediately asked a question: In your eyes, do I look like this plate of sashimi?    


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