Security Guard’s Romance



3Everything continued.    3


It was as if wine, from the moment it was born, were destined to give one an eternal fascination. Even when one knew it was intoxicating, even when one knew it would influence one's mind, there would always be people coming and going, tasting it, loving it, filling the emptiness in one's heart with it.    


Huang Xing advised Li Rong to drink less, Li Rong ignored him and continued to clink cups with Huang Xing, and soon, the second cup was drunk as well.    


When she was about to fill the cup again, Huang Xing grabbed the bottle of wine.    


Li Rong struggled for a bit, but was unable to break free. Her hand was firmly grasped by Huang Xing and could not move.    


Huang Xing frowned and advised: Stop drinking, you can't drink anymore.    


Li Rong asked: Why can't I drink it?    


Huang Xing emphasized: How are you going to go home after drinking too much?    


Li Rong rationally replied with a question: If I don't drink anymore, then what's the point of drinking anymore?    


That really stunned Huang Xing!" Although this theory sounded a little absurd, there was still some truth to it after careful consideration. If one did not get drunk, it would be a waste of money! This was a famous quote by an unknown friend. In reality, there were three main reasons why people relied on alcohol: one was for the occasion, one was for the mood, and three was for the habit. Drinking in wine on the winery to smooth out one's emotions naturally couldn't be lacking. Those who wanted to drink could drink as much as they wanted, while those who didn't really want to drink could not. This could be categorized as interpersonal relationships. In terms of emotions, there were times when people were happy and sad. When people were at a loss, drinking a few cups of wine would have a miraculous effect. Worry was more worrisome, since it was a minority. Drinking the wine into his stomach felt like he had been drinking opium. His spirit was high and a strong sense of confidence and honor even arose! As for habit, many people inherited and developed the wine culture passed down by their ancestors. Every time they had a drink during dinner, wouldn't that be a pleasure?    


But in reality, the current Li Rong had already drunk quite a bit. Her eyes even began to take on a complicated charm.    


While drinking, Li Rong began to excitedly narrate his life story.    


To a certain extent, Li Rong could be considered a small legend. She came from a respectable background. Her father was a business genius, and her mother was an important woman in the government. But when her parents were young, they gave her to a relative for their own future. Who would have thought that this relative was someone who didn't like gambling. He spent all his time gambling, turning his family upside down, and eventually abandoning Li Bong in the trash. At that time, Li Rong's adoptive father was picking up trash in the rubbish dump. When he heard the crying of his child, he carried Li Rong back to his house and stayed there for a long time.    


The adoptive father and mother were good to Li Rong, but their family was simply too poor. When Li Rong finished middle school, he dropped out and went home. Half a year later, Li Rong's biological parents suddenly found them and prepared to bring Li Rong back home. The angry Li Rong, although in a difficult situation, firmly refused the requests of his biological parents and insisted on staying with his adoptive parents. Immediately after, his biological parents used all sorts of methods to get rid of them, but they were still unable to save Li Rong's heart. To be exact, Li Rong's heart had already been hurt. She couldn't understand why her parents would so cruelly give her up to someone else. They are too selfish. The adoptive parents raised themselves to such a large age, unwilling to eat and drink to their heart's content. After finishing middle school, they grew up into a slim and graceful young lady. At this moment, his biological parents actually wanted to take advantage of him and bring him back, so what would happen to his adoptive parents? They had no children and no children, and they were getting older and older.    


The stubborn Li Rong, after experiencing the entanglement of her biological parents, still lived together with her adoptive parents.    


Perhaps it was because Li Rong was moved by their relationship, Li Rong's adoptive parents decided that even if they had to sell everything for money or beg for money, they had to think of a way to make this sensible adopted daughter go to school! They had to think of a way to give her a beautiful future!    


Just like this, after a year had passed, Li Rong once again returned to school.    


Only after losing them would one understand how to treasure them. Li Rong studied very hard and entered the Important High School. During high school, his result was always ranked in the top three or four in the entire school.    


Afterwards, Li Rong successfully obtained the university notice. But at this time, Li Rong's family was as poor as a pauper. Li Rong's adoptive parents made an important decision after a long discussion, and that was ? Selling kidneys to help Li Rong go to school! Unexpectedly, this decision was accidentally heard by Li Rong. At that time, she was crying her heart out, and it took great effort before she managed to persuade her adoptive father and mother, who were prepared to do foolish things, to stop. On this day, the three of them hugged each other tightly and cried in the middle of the night.    


After Li Rong's biological parents found out about Li Rong's situation, they arranged for someone to bring over a hundred thousand yuan to Li Rong's family for emergency use. But after getting the money, Li Rong chose to reject. After much questioning, she found her natural parents' home and threw the ten dollars on the table, solemnly warning them: You think you can stop disturbing the peace of our family!    


Just like this, with his stubborn personality, Li Rong resisted the superior conditions from his biological parents, preferring to stay with his adoptive parents and starve to death. The adoptive parents were not willing to let the sensible Li Rong give up on his studies, hence they started to look for people to borrow money from. But their family's income was so low that no one was willing to lend money to a family that could not afford to pay it back. With great effort, the Li family's eunuch managed to borrow over two hundred yuan.    


Just as the whole family was worrying about Li Rong's academic problems, a miracle happened! Li Rong's class teacher, who was in charge of high school, came to Li Rong's home on his own accord after hearing about Li Rong's situation. He said that he could bear all the expenses Li Rong incurred while he was in university!    


The Li family members were so grateful to the form teacher that their adoptive parents even knelt down to thank him for helping them when they were in danger.    


Just like this, Li Rong finally succeeded in stepping into the university.    


In college, Li really cherishes this hard-won opportunity, diligently studying, and using the holidays to go out to work, saving money to send to his parents' pocket money. However, he didn't expect that the teacher who looked like a gentleman and helped Li Banyan pay the tuition fees of the university was actually up to something. During the summer vacation, the homeroom teacher bought some things to look at Li Bong. The two of them had a meal outside, but the pure Li Rong didn't see clearly what this beast with a human face was planning. Although this form teacher's name was Liu Dezhong, he seemed to be loyal, but in reality, he was not virtuous at all. Relying on his great kindness to Li Bong's family, he insisted on letting Li Bong drink wine while eating. Liu Dezhong took the opportunity to help Li Bong to the hotel and found a room ?     


Just like this, the pitiful Li Rong was tainted by this beast's heart with a human face!    


This matter had created an enormous psychological trauma for Li Rong. The originally kind and pure her, with a kind of complaint to society about life, began to change subtly. She began to become extroverted, sometimes so extroverted that she could no longer recognize herself. She began to have meetings, drink, sing, and learn to use all sorts of methods to achieve her goals! She was still young. She wanted to use her young resources to climb higher and higher, until she stepped on all the people who had hurt her! To a girl, this was perhaps the best accusation against her fate, even a revenge.    


To be exact, Huang Xing had never thought that he would unreservedly tell her about his miserable life and experiences.    


After hearing this heavy story, Huang Xing's heart had an indescribable feeling of pleasure. Whether it was sympathy or a sigh. They pitied Li Rong's miserable encounters, and lamented the teasing of fate in the world.    


But at this time, Li Rong was in fact already extremely drunk.    


She had lost her mind. If she was sober, she would definitely not tell anyone about this shameful past.    


Huang Xing noticed that tears had begun to seep out of Li Rong's eyes. This moisture, perhaps not only because of the pain of the past, but more, is a yearning for a better future, is the pursuit of their own dreams. "Woo Huang Xing also instantly understood the real reason for Li Bong's unwillingness to be ordinary. This was simply because she was too strong. It was because of the complicated thoughts that were hidden in her heart.    


Li Rong looked at Huang Xing with intoxicated eyes, he laughed bitterly and asked: Will you ? Do you think that I... I'm very... Very cheap?    


Huang Xing was startled: "What do you mean?    


Li Rong blurted out: "I am the child of a poor family. Since I was young, I have always been very poor, very poor, so poor that I can't even fill my stomach. That way. I've rarely eaten snacks since I was a kid, and I can't afford to buy them... But I don't care about it, I really don't care... What I care about is why there are so many people who abandon me, deceive me and even hurt me ? The only ones who can truly love me are my parents, my adoptive parents ?    


She was at a loss for words.    


But Huang Xing could read her inner monologue.    


At this moment, with the help of alcohol, she must have had an even more complicated frame of mind.    


Huang Xing tried to console her: You have changed a lot now, at least, if you work hard, you will have a very good future. And your adoptive parents, you are fully capable of repaying them for their upbringing.    


The corner of Li Rong's mouth revealed a trace of indescribable pain: I have always thought so. But don't you think I'm going downhill?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Just because the Director Fu ? Director Fu did not arrange for you to be their leader?    


Li Rong frowned, he then raised the wine in his mouth: Isn't that enough, is it? She's insulting me, denying me! Why are you doing this to me!    


Huang Xing realized that Li Rong's hands were already starting to shake. He really wanted to advise her not to drink anymore, but he also felt that if Li Rong didn't release his feelings tonight, he would have a heart attack.    


So he gave up.    


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