Security Guard’s Romance



4At this moment, Fu Jie was so anxious that his eyes were wide open.    1


Huang Xing was no exception.    


Fu Jie held both his hands together and pinched it tightly, as if this kind of muscle pain would somehow reduce the congestion of the cars.    


However, in reality, no matter how anxious he was, it was useless in the face of such a situation.    


Moreover, there were two car owners in front. Seeing that the car couldn't move at all, they got out of the car and began to chat with each other.    


Huang Xing followed suit and took off his seat belt, then got out of the car. He held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the blocked road, other than regret and helplessness, what else could he think of? The sound of people honking their horns was still resounding in his ears. How tragic! In front of him, the cars were stuck in a line with no end in sight, as if they had already reached the other end of the world. Huang Xing sighed and took a deep breath of the smoke, letting the nicotine rush into his lungs and going back and forth. In the midst of his heart that was clogged up, he found a trace of comfort from the cigarette.    


After a while, Fu Jie seemed to be unable to sit in the car anymore, he undid his seat belt and got off.    


Huang Xing laughed and asked: Can't hold it in anymore?    


Fu Jie frowned, and chided: "You can still laugh, if this continues, we won't be able to reach the company in the afternoon!"    


Huang Xing said: Then there's no other way! We live in a city that is so congested. Actually... Actually, the road they were on before wasn't too bad, as there wasn't a traffic jam. He had met an evil spirit today.    


Fu Jie surveyed his surroundings, crossing his arms, his eyes seemed to be filled with a thirst for miracles. Or perhaps, this damned traffic jam was suddenly improved by some superman descending from the sky. In fact, a handsome and cool looking viaduct appeared from the side, and the car was instantly moved away ? These complex and even childish fantasies rolled around in Fu Jie's mind. Although it was not realistic at all, it undoubtedly reflected her current anxious mood.    


There was no doubt that Fu Jie was a workaholic, he wouldn't allow himself to be late! In theory, as the boss of the Xin Meng Merchant House, the female emperor, she had the authority to go on an errand for him, what's the point in going to the mall later? She didn't even need to stay in the mall every day to keep an eye on him. After all, there were still so many people at the helm. There was a general manager and more than one vice general manager. And so on. However, she was precisely this kind of Wu Zetian who held all the power in a single body. She could not allow even the slightest deviation from the business district, and even more so, she could not allow anyone to escape their control under any circumstances.    


Seeing Fu Jie's frown, Huang Xing felt pity for the fairer sex. Her ambition was so strong that she was in such a hurry to get stuck in a car. Huang Xing comforted her: Fu Jie, it's good to be stuck in a traffic jam, this is a good opportunity to take a little rest. What you need the most right now is rest.    


Fu Jie criticized: If everyone thinks like you, then no one will think about work!    


Huang Xing said: If you can't rest, you can't work. Look, these are all office workers, they are in a good mood, who is like you, in such a hurry!    


Not in a hurry? Fu Jie replied with a question: Why would so many people honk their horns in such a hurry?    


Huang Xing asked: Is it useful? Even if you press down on the electricity and press the steering wheel into a hole, you should still block it!    


As the saying goes, don't talk too much. Fu Jie rolled his eyes at Huang Xing, and did not say another word. She raised her wrist to look at the time, and her frown deepened.    


In reality, the moment Fu Jie got off the car, he was already destined to become the focus of the traffic. The men who were already in the car chatting and smoking turned their gazes towards Fu Jie one by one. Even those who didn't get off the car began to get off one after another, all fighting to catch a glimpse of this peerless beauty.    


Of course, Huang Xing noticed the special gazes and attention of this group of vulgar men, it was the same for him as well. Ever since he met Fu Jie, he wasn't willing to give up even a single second of worship to beauties. It was a type of high-end enjoyment, one that could topple empires and topple kingdoms. The entire world would be filled with this kind of shocking woman, holding her breath.    


Even more so, the men in the cars at the side all took the opportunity to walk over at the same time to chat with Fu Jie.    


A man who looked to be around thirty years of age wearing a pair of glasses stood in front of Fu Jie. His large body was out of proportion to the small glasses on his face. The man nodded towards Fu Jie and took the opportunity to stuff a cigarette into his mouth. Then he smiled. Aiya, look at this traffic jam, I don't know how long it will last.    


The man muttered to himself, then quietly probed Fu Jie's reaction without batting an eyelid.    


Fu Jie casually glanced at the man and coughed lightly, but he did not say anything.    


The man didn't give up and continued to ask, "This beauty ?" On... Where do you work? If you take this path, it should be ? Go to the east side of the city, right?    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, perhaps because he did not want to make the man too awkward, hence he replied perfunctorily: That's right.    


This single reply caused the man to be overwhelmed by the unexpected favor. A smile blossomed on his face. He continued to take advantage of the opportunity and said, "This road has never been blocked like this before. There have been times where there were small blockages, but ?" Today, it was completely blocked. Look at this long line, it looks like that, like...    


The poor fellow, after hesitating for a long time, he was still unable to think of a suitable adjective! He couldn't help but suppress the redness on his face.    


Huang Xing, on the other side, is simply speechless!" [Isn't this guy too brazen?] With her boyfriend by her side, he even dared to majestically run over and chat up Fu Jie! This temper of mine... I really want to slap him flying! However, he endured his temper for a moment. In his heart, he was secretly trying to justify this unruly fellow. Everyone has a love for beauty! Even so, when Huang Xing turned his head, he found that there were a few men beside him, all staring at him in unison. Although Huang Xing wasn't a psychological expert, he could read a lot from their eyes. It was obvious that they were eyeing this bold dude, and were wondering if they could successfully strike up a conversation with Fu Jie. This way, they might be able to openly join the chat group.    


A beautiful woman, no matter what the situation was, her killing power and influence was immense and incalculable!    


Even in a traffic jam!    


Huang Xing coughed lightly at this time. He really wanted these men who wanted to worship him to turn their attention to him. Humans all had their own selfish motives. Good things could still be shared, but for a good woman, she really wanted to hide them from others. Danger!    


But as a man, how could he attract the attention of others?    


Right at that moment, Fu Jie's mobile phone suddenly rang. Fu Jie took out his phone and answered.    


Although the sound of the people and vehicles were in an uproar, Huang Xing could still vaguely hear who the person on the other side of the phone was. Who else?    


Bao Shijie!    


F * ck that bastard! Harassment Fu Jie everyday!    


Maybe this phone call was just for work. But in Huang Xing's opinion, Bao Shijie definitely had bad intentions! His desire for Fu Jie seemed to have already reached a level where it was known to everyone!    


He could not help but clench his fists, trying his best to focus his hearing to listen to what Bao Shijie was calling him for. But in actuality, Fu Jie didn't have much to say to him, she only told him a little about the situation here.    


After that, Fu Jie called her assistant, telling her to go to the different workrooms and see what the various managers were doing.    


As for the man who had been trying to strike up a conversation, he actually waited for Fu Jie to hang up the phone quietly before taking out a bright piece of paper from his pocket and respectfully handing it over to Fu Jie, smiling as he said: "Blocking a car is also a kind of fate. This is my name card, and I hope that we can strengthen our contacts in the future.    




Huang Xing almost spat at him!    


The wolf's heart leaped on his face. With his perverted look, was it as simple as wanting to get to know Fu Jie? There were so many traffic jams, there were also quite a few handsome men and women who got off the car to take a breather. Why did he have to come over to Fu Jie to offer him his name card?    


Fu Jie accepted the name card and nodded in a symbolic manner.    


The man advanced step by step and said, "I wonder if it would be convenient for a beauty to..." Give me your card?    


Fu Jie was startled, she also had a vague premonition of what this man was planning. I'm sorry, I didn't print my business card.    


The man said, "Then ?" That was simply ? What a pity. Then, if it's convenient, can you ? Leave a number for me. When there's no traffic, I'll treat you to a meal.    


As he said this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Perhaps, he was even giving a thumbs up to his wit and humor, thinking that the other party would not reject such a polite invitation. Furthermore, the name on the card was written with the words' General Manager of Scintillating Communications'. This identity was enough to make most of the opposite sex look up to him.    


But in reality, he was still disappointed.    


Fu Jie said: Sorry, I don't think that's necessary, right?    


The smile on the man's face froze. His slightly embarrassed expression turned into a living sculpture under the gentle breeze.    


Huang Xing was finally relieved in his heart! When facing this kind of man, one had to be ruthless and cold! Otherwise, if he was given a little sunshine, he would want to shine. If he was given a little smile, he would feel like he was in love.    


The man smiled unnaturally and said, Well... In that case, I hope we still have a chance to meet ? Not in this traffic jam, of course. Hehe, may we experience the traffic jam this time, never again suffer the pain of the traffic jam!    


He went silent, his eyes craftily testing Fu Jie's expression.    


However, Huang Xing just so happened to take him in first. Just now, Huang Xing had personally witnessed the entire process of him talking to Fu Jie, and had already developed a sense of disgust towards this shameless man. Thus, he quickly said: I don't want to block the road, it's simple, I want to buy a helicopter!    


The man was stunned. Good idea, good idea! However, who knows if they will be blocked in the future?    


Huang Xing immediately blushed with shame!    


If you can't be funny, then don't be ridiculous! If he didn't have those two brushes, what was he supposed to be?    


At this time, Fu Jie suddenly went close to Huang Xing's side and whispered into his ear. What do you think?    


Huang Xing immediately opened his eyes wide, thinking, could it be?    


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