Security Guard’s Romance



2This is bad!     3


It was obvious that they were going to rob him!    


There were very few pedestrians in this place. It was obvious that the two of them had set up a barricade and were only waiting for cars to pass by.    


Wu Qianqian's face had long turned pale from fright, she panicked and shouted: Call the police, hurry and call the police!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly. Even if he reported this remote place to the police, by the time the police arrived, the robbers would have already succeeded. If the robbers were angered, there was a chance of them dying in the wilderness!    


Huang Xing once again stepped on the gas pedal, trying to get past the barricade. However, the tires seemed to have caught onto something, making them unable to move.    


It's over!    


The two men with machetes moved to the sides of the carriage and signaled Huang Xing to get off!    


Cold sweat poured out of Huang Xing. Wu Qianqian quickly called the police. I met a bad guy with a machete... Scoundrel... This place has a bridge, and there's a... I don't know where this is either...    


In a moment of desperation, Huang Xing suddenly thought of a plan to escape. To be exact, it was a very risky method.    




He put the car in reverse, stepped hard on the gas pedal, and the car swished back.    


Through the reverse image, Huang Xing tried to leave this place as fast as possible. However, the road was very narrow, so the speed was not very fast.    


The two men with the machetes quickly caught up and smashed the windows.    


Seeing this, Wu Qianqian stammered: How about ? If they didn't want the money, they would just give it to them ?    


Huang Xing said. It's good that they can settle it with money.    


Wu Qianqian countered with a question: Then what do we do? Robbing a car?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly and did not say another word.    


The robber pounded on the window with his fists and roared something. The hazy night had coincidentally covered the bandit with a layer of terrifying veil, causing Huang Xing to not dare to imagine what kind of terrible consequences would occur once the carriage door was opened.    


The car was destroyed? Death? Stealing money? Lecherous?    


'Open the door, open the fucking door... ' The robber screamed, and the car shook.    


It looked like this trial was going to be very difficult to pass!    


Let's go all out! Huang Xing felt that it would be a disaster if he recklessly opened the door.    


He put the car in reverse and continued to reverse it!    


The robbers also continued to chase after them. They even picked up some unknown objects from the side and began to smash them on the car. Dang Dang Dang ? The sound was ear-piercing in the darkness.    


However, the surroundings were very empty. Not even a single person could be seen. I really don't know who had to build such a damn dangerous goat trail here!    


There was still a long way to go, Huang Xing realized that the carriage would probably be destroyed by these two bandits before he could get out of the car.    


What should he do? What should he do?    


Wu Qianqian stomped his feet anxiously. Why are you so unlucky? A bandit!    


Huang Xing considered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said: Why don't you stay in the car for a while, I'll go out and talk to them.    


Wu Qianqian shook his head: No, no, no, that's impossible, that's too dangerous! These people could do anything!    


Huang Xing retorted: But is there any other way?    


Wu Qianqian was so anxious that even her tears were about to flow: It's all my fault, why did I have to take such a shortcut, why did I ?    


"Enough, enough, stop complaining!" Huang Xing interrupted Wu Qianqian and reminded him: No matter what happens, you must not get off the carriage. There was no problem with the quality of the car, they wouldn't be able to get in for a while. I'll go out and talk to them. I can use money to solve things.    


Wu Qianqian suddenly grabbed Huang Xing's arm. "I won't let you go, it's too dangerous."    


Huang Xing shook Wu Qianqian's arm, he turned his head and pushed the carriage door.    


The bandit was quick on the uptake, and took the opportunity to fiercely open the carriage door, while using his blade to gesture in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing got off the car and closed the door behind him.    


The robbers on the other side saw that someone had gotten off their car and quickly came around.    


Of the two robbers, one was fat and the other was thin. The fatty was wearing an old military coat and the skinny guy was wearing a old gray down jacket. Both of them looked very excited as they stared at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing smelt a dense smell of alcohol.    


Passive crime? These four words quickly occupied Huang Xing's mind. From the looks of it, the two of them were using the alcohol to their advantage.    


Huang Xing forced himself to calm down and said: "Do you know what you guys are doing?    


fat robber said fiercely: Don't talk nonsense!    


Skinny Robber acted in concert and pointed his machete in front of Huang Xing's face as a form of deterrence.    


Huang Xing said: You need money, right? Yes, I can give you as much as you want.    


'So straightforward? ' fat robber said suspiciously: There must be a conspiracy! How could it be so straightforward to give money?    


Huang Xing immediately blushed with shame!    


Skinny Robber said: Hand over all the money you have, as well as all the valuable ones! Fast!    


Huang Xing emphasized: But you must promise me, after getting the money, you must leave immediately! Don't worry, I'll just pretend I didn't see you two.    


fat robber said: Is that possible? Maybe you haven't seen us? Who would believe it!    


Huang Xing asked: Then what do you guys want?    


fat robber looked at Skinny Robber, Skinny Robber said: Alright, I won't waste my breath with you, hurry up and take the money! Give me all the money you've brought, and I'll let you go! Car... As for the car ? You can drive away the car, and we can't match this broken car. We've never seen that rotten sign before, the front of the car looks like a toad's head.    


Huang Xing fainted! There was actually someone who treated the Porsche like a motor-car... This was too heaven-defying!    


Wu Qianqian's Porsche Panamera was the latest this year, with a total of nearly three million. It was ridiculous to think that such a luxury car could be taken as a motor-car by these two bros!    


But Huang Xing agreed with the two robbers and said with a sigh: "Well, it's a hard nut to crack. I can't afford a good car, so I have to take one of these, and it's a second-hand one, no, no, a third-hand one, for twenty thousand dollars.    


fat robber said in a stern voice: Don't be f * * king poor! No use crying about being poor, take the money!    


Huang Xing thought that since these two people didn't know what was good for them, he would just send them off with a few hundred dollars. Then, he reached for his wallet and pulled out a few hundred dollars from inside: Come, come, brothers, buy some wine.    


fat robber took the money and said: Your mouth is quite sweet! Hand over your wallet!    


Huang Xing hesitated, but Skinny Robber snatched the purse away.    


After searching through all the cash, Skinny Robber found a name card in his wallet.    


General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building Huang Xing    


These words caused him to be stunned for a moment. He turned around and said to Fatty, "Old Scarface, this guy still runs a supermarket. Look at this name card ?" And he's some kind of general manager.    


fat robber glanced at the name card and stressed, "Then for the big deal, we can't let him go with this money, can we?" Hold on tight, take the money! It's just a few coins, you must still have some money on you!    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said: "I really don't have it. It's just a small business, where did all that cash come from?" Now, they all used cards.    


fat robber said, "Card, card is fine too!" Hand over the card!    


Huang Xing said: I didn't bring it. I usually transfer money online. No need... No need for cards.    


fat robber turned his head and asked Skinny Robber: What online transfer? Do you understand what he means? Why is this guy so unruly with his words? He even transferred money online? Why are you changing your fart? How reliable is that?    


Skinny Robber said: Don't listen to his nonsense, he's trying to trick us, continue getting the money!    


The fat robber agreed. Right, take the money. If you want money to kill you, choose. It's not easy for us brothers to get a ticket, how can we let you go so easily?    


How f * cking difficult!    


Huang Xing frowned: I really have no money! It's all yours, already!    


As if suddenly realizing something, Skinny Robber whispered into his ear: Old Scarface, there's still one more person on the carriage, it's a woman.    


Ah? fat robber leaned closer to the window and looked inside. Let her down! The woman had money!    


The Skinny Robber said sinisterly: Maybe there's still sex!    


fat robber slapped Skinny Robber on the head: What are you thinking, we are not going to do something illegal!    


Hearing the conversation between the two, Huang Xing was both amused and angry! These two had quite the talent for comedy. Their expressions and words were very similar to the previous Zhu Shimao and Chen Pace. It was also known as' if you don't do anything illegal ', but if you want to rob someone on the road, you don't have to break the law? Brother, do you understand the law?    


'I'm looking at him. Go get that girl! ' The fat robber instructed.    


The Skinny Robber crept to the right side of the carriage and beat the car again, shouting for Wu Qianqian to get off.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but shout out: "It's useless calling her, she has even less money!"    


fat robber waved the blade in his hand again: Shut the f * ck up! It doesn't matter if she has money or not! Even if I don't have money, there must be a necklace or earring. Do you think I'm stupid?    


As for Wu Qianqian, who was anxiously sitting inside the car, she had already confirmed the location through the navigation system while they were blackmailing Huang Xing and reported the location to the police. But at this time, seeing Skinny Robber being entangled like a ghost once again, she was truly at a loss on what to do.    


The fat robber, inspired somehow, suddenly put his knife to Yellowstar's neck, stood in front of the window, and shouted through it, No, if you don't come out, I'll kill him!    


This move was indeed useful. Wu Qianqian was forced out of the car and begged the robbers: Don't hurt him, don't hurt him!    


However, the moment she got out of the car, the two robbers were immediately dumbfounded!    


Beautiful, so damn beautiful! fat robber could not help but exclaim: Oh, handsome, so handsome! Qiang Zi, come over here and look at this brat. I will go and search her for anything valuable.    


Skinny Robber said: Come on you, it's not like I don't have hands, I'll search. Oh wow, she's indeed pretty. She smells nice on her ? A little lecherous urge today...    


Facing the Skinny Robber's approach, Wu Qianqian was forced to retreat half a step in panic. But Skinny Robber waved his hand and got cut, warning, "Stupid girl, stand there and don't move, or else kill you!"    


Wu Qianqian was so frightened that his face turned pale and his body trembled.    


Then, the Skinny Robber walked up to Wu Qianqian, restricted him with his blade, and touched his shoulders with his free hand.    


Huang Xing roared: Stop right there! Don't touch her!    


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