Security Guard’s Romance



0It was actually Wu Qianqian!    4


Her few hasty words to help had caused Huang Xing to sink into nervous thoughts, what was the situation now?    


Could it be that they really did what Wu Qianqian said and chased those two robbers into the hotel for revenge?    


Logically speaking, the chances of this happening were close to zero.    


But after Wu Qianqian shouted for help a few times, he ended the call. Huang Xing sensed that the situation was bad, so without much time to think, he quickly put on his jacket and prepared to go over to take a look.    


Tao Fei asked curiously: What's wrong, Director Huang, why are you going?    


Huang Xing said: It's urgent. Xiao Hui and you should rest up quickly, I will be back after I finish handling this.    


Tao Fei retorted: Do you want me to go with you?    


'This... ' Huang Xing thought for a bit and felt that bringing Tao Fei along would indeed be a good plan. After all, if Fu Jie were to find out through other channels that he was going to meet Wu Qianqian in the middle of the night, then something bad would definitely happen. And if they brought Tao Fei along, not only would they be able to take care of each other, they would also have a witness who could prove their innocence at the critical moment. After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing nodded his head: Alright, hurry up and follow me!    


Without further ado, Huang Xing got on an Audi and rushed back to the inn where Wu Qianqian was staying.    


It could be said that he was running like mad!    


Tao Fei saw the loophole and asked: Director Huang, what happened?    


Huang Xing said: Something seems to have happened to Wu Qianqian.    


'Ah? ' Tao Fei said: What, what can happen to her? Where is she now?    


Huang Xing emphasized: We're staying at a nearby hotel. Just now, she had called out for help several times and then ? That was it.    


Tao Fei frowned, he thought and said: "Oh no, was I kidnapped?" She was a celebrity, and if she was an outsider, it was very easy for her to be targeted by people with ill intentions ? Furthermore, she was the host. She would usually be careless when hosting a program ? He had offended many people before. We... Should we call the police?    


Huang Xing shook his head: Let's make a phone call. Perhaps ? Maybe not as bad as we thought.    


Tao Fei said: "If you say the number, I will dial."    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Who could remember her number? You open my cell phone, you see, in the call log, there.    


Tao Fei took Huang Xing's phone, and the moment it lit up, he could not help but let out a bitter laugh: Director Huang you, you ? You set up the password to turn on the lock, I know, hmph, there must be some unspeakable secret inside, right?    


Huang Xing was also lazy to argue, and urged: Hold on tight, three two three three three three, unlock mark.    


Tao Fei pressed Huang Xing's instructions to enter, and indeed unlocked and entered the call record, but he did not find Wu Qianqian's name. Tao Fei continued to ask: "Which one is Wu Da-jie Wu Qianqian? There isn't any here."    


Huang Xing said: How can I not? I am the first one to call you!    


Tao Fei's face revealed suspicion: Wu ? Wu Yawen...    


Huang Xing emphasized: Yes, Wu Yawen, that's Wu Qianqian.    


Tao Fei suddenly understood: "Oh, I understand, this move is called..." Li Dai peach rein, to hide eyes and ears. He purposely used a fake name.    


Huang Xing was getting impatient, and reprimanded: Grasp tight! What are you wasting your time here! I realised that on the day you followed Xiao Hui out, you were corrupted by your studies. What nonsense, blind suspicion!    


Tao Fei pouted and directly used Huang Xing's phone to dial Wu Qianqian's number.    


After a moment of standby, the phone rang: The number you have dialed is temporarily unanswered, please try again later...    


He hung up and dialed again. There was still no answer.    


With this, Huang Xing felt that Wu Qianqian might have met with some kind of trouble!    


Using the limited road conditions, Huang Xing stepped on the gas pedal hard, using limitless space, shuttling, shuttling. The original thirty minute journey, Huang Xing only took twenty minutes to arrive at the hotel where Wu Qianqian stayed at.    


"There, there..." Is it there? ' Tao Fei suddenly pointed to the left and exclaimed, as if he had discovered a new continent.    


Huang Xing looked over to see a car parked by the side of the road. Taking a closer look, it was actually Wu Qianqian's Porsche that was so eye-catching.    


Fiercely stepping on the brakes, Huang Xing turned his head back, but did not dare to recklessly drive over. What if there were gangsters and robbers hidden inside the car? Just to be safe, Huang Xing slowly drove past the Porsche. He could vaguely see that Wu Qianqian seemed to be the only person sitting in the car.    


Parking by the side of the road, Huang Xing anxiously got off the car, and Tao Fei quickly followed.    


Keeping a vigilant stance, Huang Xing gradually walked towards the Porsche. After confirming that there were no abnormalities, he went around to the window of the car and knocked a few times.    


Wu Qianqian opened a bit of the glass window, anxiously saying, "Get in," before closing the glass again.    


Huang Xing did not understand, but went around to the front passenger seat, opened the door and sat down.    


Wu Qianqian looked around a few times, took off the sunglasses in his eyes, laughed and said: You came quite quickly, not bad, not bad.    


Huang Xing was confused and confused, but seeing that Wu Qianqian was still able to chat happily, even though his heart was at ease, he was angry: You called for help at night, what's going on? Save what, save?    


Wu Qianqian extended a finger and pointed it to his lips as he 'shushed' them: "Of course there's a situation, if not I wouldn't bother you so much."    


Through the window, Huang Xing saw Tao Fei pacing to the side of the carriage and said to Wu Qianqian: "Oh right, I brought Tao Fei here. It's cold outside, so let her get on the carriage."    


Wu Qianqian was startled: Ah, why did you bring her here?    


Huang Xing replied: I have to take care of him. We really thought you'd been kidnapped, that the phone wouldn't work, that you'd almost called the police, both of us.    


Wu Qianqian said: Phone ? I left my cell phone in the hotel and had time to take it out. Ouch, you don't know, today I... Today was truly a bad day.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: What's wrong, exactly?    


Wu Qianqian took a glance in front of him and said: "Let your secretary get in the carriage."    


Huang Xing opened the right window and shouted out: Secretary Tao, come up, come up, it's cold outside.    


Wu Qianqian touched his arm against Huang Xing: Are you stupid? Let her use your Audi. I was just telling you something. Can I get her in my car?    


'Why not? ' Huang Xing emphasized: It's not like there's any secrets, what's there to be afraid of if I let her come along to help you look into it?    


Wu Qianqian replied: Of course there is! You know my identity. Sometimes, it's inconvenient for me to interact too much with the outside world.    


Huang Xing said: Heh, you even dared to act like a big shot of the Big Star, carrying a person on your back. Alright, then I want to hear the reason why you, Wu Da-jie, called me over so late at night!    


Then, Huang Xing opened the window and said to Tao Fei who was walking in his direction: "Go to our car, she has some things to tell me alone."    


Tao Fei froze for a moment, then stopped and reached out his hand: Give me the car key.    


Huang Xing took the key off his waist and passed it outside.    


Tao Fei walked over, took the key, and quickly returned to the Audi.    


Wu Qianqian looked around, and said indifferently: "Just now ?." I was really nervous just now. You didn't see that, I almost called the police. However, after some thought, he decided to forget about it.    


Huang Xing asked: What happened?    


Wu Qianqian said. Waiter, recognizing me, I brought four or five colleagues to my room to ask for a photo... Good boy, I really submit. There really is a character who only wants the world to be chaotic. When they did, the door of my room was full of people.    


'Just because of this? ' Huang Xing frowned.    


Wu Qianqian nodded his head: That's it, so... So I asked for help.    


Huang Xing raised his eyebrows angrily, a fire seemed to have been ignited in his chest. He stared at Wu Qianqian, trying to keep his tone a little calmer, a little calmer: "Old classmate, are you playing with me?" You want to call me for help?    


Wu Qianqian's face sank: What's wrong with you, and you're panicking?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Yes, you are a celebrity, a famous host of the variety channel, a public figure. I, Huang Xing, am just a laborer. But you don't have to play around with me all night, do you? You should have heard a story, the story of the wolf coming.    


Wu Qianqian reached out to support Huang Xing's arm: I'm sorry, please don't ? Don't be angry first. Old classmate, listen to me.    


Huang Xing asked: What else are you talking about? Are you showing off to me? You have fans, Tie Shuang'er, and then coincidentally met here, recognized you, and asked you for a photo... What a sight to be proud of. So you called me to show me off, didn't you? Showing off your fans is crazy, isn't it?    


Wu Qianqian anxiously emphasized: That's not what I meant!    


Huang Xing coldly snorted: Then what do you mean?    


Wu Qianqian said. There's really no such thing as you say. You might not believe it, but as a public figure, do you really think you like to show your face and let your fans chase you? No, no! Actually, what I want to lead the most is a normal person's life. When I go out on a mission, I don't have to worry about being recognized and wearing black sunglasses and a big hat ? I just want to have my own private life. I was really frightened at the hotel. Those hotel attendants were so crazy, I couldn't get away from them, and then... That's why I called you for help. Afterwards, when the waiters left, I came out without thinking and hid in the car to drive this way. He had even left his cell phone at the hotel. I'm afraid, I'm afraid that the waiter will bring more people, I really... I really can't take it anymore. I don't want people to pay too much attention to me when I don't want to be noticed.    


Huang Xing asked Wu Qianqian: "Just one fan asking for a photo, are you going to use the word 'save me' to offend?"    


Wu Qianqian explained: Save me sometimes might not save your life. The Chinese language is vast and profound, save lives sometimes... Sometimes it was just asking for help, asking for help.    


Huang Xing lightly tapped his forehead, the anger in his heart had not dispersed yet: Alright, since your life is fine, then I will return first.    


'Wait, wait .' Wu Qianqian grabbed Huang Xing's arm.    


Huang Xing asked: Wu Da-jie, is there anything else?    


Wu Qianqian's lips lightly trembled a few times, then said: I don't want to stay in this hotel anymore, can you do me a favor?    


Huang Xing sneered and said: "You want me to accompany you to find a hotel again?" I'm sorry, but I think you, as an adult, can handle this. I'm your old classmate, but not your assistant. OK?    


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