Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing glared at the furious man fiercely and warned him: I have already apologized to you, you don't want to push your luck!     3


Hearing this, the man became even angrier. He frowned and a faint 'King' character immediately appeared on his forehead. It was a domineering looking crease that created a domineering man.    


The man stared at Huang Xing like a tiger staring at its prey: "What the f * * k did you say?" Heng, why are you being so unreasonable?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Who was it?    


Tao Fei saw that the two of them were already at loggerheads, he hurried to advise them: It's not easy to go out, it's not worth it to fight over such a small matter. This big brother, our Director Huang has already apologized to you.    


The man sized Tao Fei up. Seeing that she was pretty, he did not have the heart to interrupt her. What relationship? He didn't bring you to get a room, did he? I understand, this is called... This was an unspoken rule!    


Tao Fei was a little angry as he said: "Big brother, don't speak nonsense. Director Huang and I are here on a business trip.    


The man smiled sinisterly. Concealment, absolutely concealment!    


Then he turned to Huang Xing and pointed a finger at his face. You, leader, right? I didn't know you guys, you beasts, were! How many innocent girls have your so-called leaders caused trouble?    


Huang Xing said in a stern voice: "You better shut your mouth!" Let me remind you again, do what you have to do before I can restrain myself!    


'Ouch! Ouch... ' The man laughed sarcastically. You? So what if you can't control yourself? F * ck, I'll do three like you! You're still bragging, f * * k!    


Tao Fei saw that the man had a thick and burly face, and thought that if this development continued, Huang Xing would definitely suffer, thus he continued to smooth things over: Big bro, you go back first, I'll apologize on behalf of our leader later, that's all for now, let's do it this way. "Really, it's not easy to be out in the world. It's important to make peace, to make peace, to make peace ?"    


'Listen! ' The man nodded slightly. "Listen to my sister's words. She is much better than your stupid leader!"    


Huang Xing could not control himself any longer. Clenching his teeth, he started roaring: Are you f * cking done yet? Either get lost or get beaten up!    


Beating up? The man looked at Huang Xing's average stature and chuckled. Who beat who up? Do you believe that I can punch you in a big circle?    


He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his thick and tanned arms.    


At this time, from the guest rooms at the side, there were people coming out to watch the commotion. However, no one came over to stop them.    


With a punch, the man was the first to make a move.    


Huang Xing nimbly dodged to the side, and used his leg to kick the man's butt.    


'Ouch ? ' The man groaned. He was a little surprised, but he steadied himself and waved his fist to meet the attack.    


To deal with this kind of people who had never trained before, Huang Xing was definitely not a problem. Without waiting for the man to get close, Huang Xing took the initiative to launch a counterattack. After a series of punches and kicks, the man was instantly knocked to the ground, and no longer had the courage to resist.    


Huang Xing stared angrily at the man who was lying on the ground and wanted to stand up, and said fiercely: If you don't accept it, we will beat you up again if you don't accept it!    


The man did not speak, but he did not admit defeat. He shifted his body in embarrassment.    


'Get up! Huang Xing urged.    


The man climbed up tentatively, patted on his clothes and sized Huang Xing up. He couldn't believe that this scholarly young man in front of him, who had such a simple body, would actually fight! He underestimated his opponent, underestimated him, absolutely underestimated him!    


Huang Xing stared intently at his guilty gaze: What do you think, do you want to fight or not? If you continue, I will continue to play with you!    


The man's eyes darted around but he still remained silent. After standing still for a moment, he turned around.    


Huang Xing called out to him: What, you want to leave?    


The man stopped. You want to... What do you want?    


'What? ' Huang Xing walked in front of the man and stared at him angrily. What are you trying to do? Apologize, you have to apologize to me!    


You're the one who affected me, you're the one at fault, why should I apologize? Besides, you hit me again, so you should apologize!    


Huang Xing emphasized: I had tried my best to apologize to you just now, but you kept on talking and you still made your move. Just like Tao ? What Little Tao said is that it's not easy to go out. I've been enduring you and I don't want to argue with you. But you, you don't know how high the heavens is and how deep the earth is. Do you think that just because you've gained a few kilograms of fat on your body, your fists will become especially hard, and your words especially horizontal? Let me tell you, if you meet me today, consider yourself lucky. I'll give you a lesson. I hope that you won't trip over the same thing a second time in the future! Shouldn't you thank me for that?    


Tao Fei pulled Huang Xing's arm and advised him softly: Forget it Director Huang, don't lower yourself to the same level as him.    


The man's cheeks tensed up a few times, probably because he hated Huang Xing to death in his heart. However, after seeing Huang Xing's strength, he was not confident that he could win back some face by fighting with Huang Xing. He paused for a moment, then said, I was drinking today, and I was slow to react, and if I hadn't been drinking, I wouldn't have killed you!    


Huang Xing was startled, you're already like this and you still want to argue? Huang Xing then said to him: Fine, I'll wait for you! When you wake up, how about we play some more?    


The man said, Okay, wait! I won't stop!    


Huang Xing scolded: "Dogs can't stop themselves from eating feces." Do your best. Don't worry, I'll accompany you anytime.    


The man snorted and walked into his room.    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that the boundless universe was filled with all sorts of strange things. This man could be considered an exceptional person, he was like a firecracker, a little bit of a firecracker would burn and explode.    


Tao Fei said worriedly: Director Huang, will he really come and cause trouble for us?    


Huang Xing said: Just look for it, I'll wait.    


Tao Fei grumbled: Director Huang, you too, just now you were beaten to the ground, why are you still saying those words to provoke him, if not he would be out of luck and go to sleep. After provoking him, he feels even more humiliated, and even wants to find an opportunity to take revenge.    


Huang Xing emphasized: For this kind of person, if you don't let him teach you a lesson, he won't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is.    


Tao Fei replied: But what if he again ? Behind him... What if he shot someone in the dark?    


Huang Xing said: He dares!    


Tao Fei didn't speak anymore, and only pondered for a bit in his heart.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette as he calmed the anger in his heart.    


But Xiao Hui was still nowhere to be seen, who knows what this girl had done. A faint sense of worry quietly arose in Huang Xing's heart. Huang Xing took out his phone and was about to call Xiao Hui again, but he was surprised to find that the phone's screen had broken.    


F * ck, he must have accidentally pushed his way into his cell phone because of the large movement from earlier.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: My phone has been destroyed!    


Tao Fei was startled, he took Huang Xing's phone and said: The screen is broken, what do I do?    


Huang Xing frowned: If there's an urgent matter at the Merchant Shop that I can't contact, I'll be in trouble ? I have to hurry out and get a new phone.    


Tao Fei said: "It's already so late, are there any more shops?"    


Huang Xing raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already around 9: 40 PM, so both the supermarket and the communication shop were already off work.    


For a moment, Huang Xing was exceptionally anxious. After all, he was the General Manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. If the other side couldn't contact him, wouldn't that be terrible? Helpless, he unconsciously increased his hatred towards the provocative man. It was all because of this dog shit. He got beaten up in the middle of the night, yet his cell phone was broken!    


What should I do, what should I do?    


The considerate Tao Fei took out his own phone, opened the back cover and fished out his own phone card: You can use mine first, I won't use it, I don't have any work to do anyway.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: This ? Is that okay?    


Tao Fei took the initiative to take Huang Xing's fragmented phone, and took out the Value Storage Card from inside and placed it into his own phone.    


Huang Xing took Tao Fei's phone, and said gratefully: Thank you, Secretary Tao.    


Tao Fei laughed and said: What are you thanking me for? I am your secretary, at a critical moment, I have to help you solve your problem!    


Huang Xing thoughtfully nodded.    


Tao Fei immediately realized another serious problem: Where did Xiao Hui go?    


After thinking for a bit, Tao Fei discussed with Huang Xing: Let's go look for Xiao Hui first. She shouldn't be in the room, if not she would have opened the door earlier.    


Huang Xing sighed, and said something, it was truly worrisome! This job, how useless! He then opened his phone and searched for Xiao Hui's number in his contact list, but to no avail. Huang Xing gradually realized that perhaps he had saved Xiao Hui's phone number into his phone memory, and not into his Storage Card.    


'It's gone, the phone number is also gone. Huang Xing laughed bitterly.    


Tao Fei said: Then you must have saved your account number in your phone. By the way, you can... Take a look at the chat log!    


'Why didn't I think of it? ' Huang Xing flipped through the chat logs, and sure enough, he found Xiao Hui's phone number.    


He quickly dialed the number.    


However, there was still a prompt: The phone you dialed is turned off...    


'What the hell is this mechanism? It infuriates me to death. Huang Xing muttered, but did not know what to do.    


Tao Fei suggested: Let's go look.    


Huang Xing asked in reply: The key is, where can I find it? In the middle of the night... Ai, I can't f * * king let people relax! Look, if I find her, I'll teach her a lesson!    


Tao Fei stretched out a finger and 'shushed' her: "Stop swearing, pay attention to your image."    


Huang Xing sighed, looked around, and felt that there was no way to start. As a living person, he disappeared from the hotel and his phone was turned off. Even if the God controlled Di Renjie to come, it would be very hard for him to find a way to find Xiao Hui, right?    


But Huang Xing was still Huang Xing after all. After his mind was a complete mess, he still found two small holes from their appearance that looked like they had no place to start.    


The first was to find a hotel attendant to open Xiao Hui's room, and see if anything happened to the girl inside.    


Of course, this possibility was extremely unlikely. However, it must also be taken into account.    


The second was to look for the monitoring system of the hotel, to find clues from the monitoring system regarding Xiao Hui's time and area.    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing felt that there was no time to lose. After all, if a living person suddenly disappeared into his hands, how could he not be burning with anxiety?    


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