Security Guard’s Romance



0The cup was split in half and she drank it all in one gulp!     0


After drinking it, she used a tissue to wipe the corner of her mouth. Holding an empty cup in one hand, she urged Huang Xing: Come, for us who once ? Once upon a time... Beautiful... Drink this wine!    


Huang Xing pushed his cup to the side: I'm not drinking anymore! I'm definitely not going to drink it!    


Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: What, I'm a girl and I've already drunk it, how can a man like you not dare to drink it? Is he still a man?    


Huang Xing stressed: No matter how manly you are, you can't just drink to the death! Tonight, we will stop here. Tomorrow, there are still a lot of things waiting to be settled in the Merchant Shop. You and I have had too much to drink, so it will be messy!    


Ouyang Mengjiao blinked his eyes: What you said is, causing trouble?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Very tricky! Someone was secretly trying to take advantage of us, but we didn't know what each other was up to.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Don't worry about it, look at him... How big an egg could they lay! It was just a bunch of ruffians. At most, they could just fight head on!    


Huang Xing said: Nonsense! If something happens, we'll be dragged in as well! This kind of thing is very sensitive. Even if it's our building's fitness equipment, the people think we have a problem. This is the irreconcilable contradiction between merchants and consumers. The other side was using this contradiction to stir up trouble, making it easy for the commoners to stand on their side. In addition, the credit standing of the mall was affected, and the turnover of the mall was seriously affected.    


Ouyang Mengjiao thought for a while: Then, don't think about it for now! Take it easy tonight.    


Huang Xing shook his head: I can't relax! I don't understand. As the Supervisor of a merchant house and the biological daughter of a Director Yu, under such circumstances, you actually ? You still want to relax? Even if Fu Jie and I do not care, you cannot ignore it!    


Ouyang Mengjiao said angrily: My family has a large share of the shares, why don't you let my family be your manipulator? Humph!    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Are you, a twenty years old girl, able to control the formation? It was better to cultivate honestly. Strengthening one's own abilities in all aspects was the key!    


The alcohol in Ouyang Mengjiao's body seemed to have started to boil, she blinked her eyes: What, do you look down on me? Do I need to cultivate? Let me tell you, if I were to set up a board, hmph, the store would be in a better condition than it is right now! Didn't you realize that Fu Jie is too harsh on his employees? His rules are too strict, and he is not human at all!    


Huang Xing frowned: I am in charge of supervising the implementation of the system! Harsh to the staff? May I ask, in the entire Jinan City or even in the entire Shandong Province, which supermarket has employees with better benefits than our employees? Annual leave, paid maternity leave, bonus system, year-end bonus, etc. To put it bluntly, the income of an ordinary employee of our mall has almost exceeded the income of other supermarket managers. Was this considered harsh? You say the system is strict right, you should know that the system is a fundamental thing of a business. Relying on others to manage others could only be considered a group. They were not a team. Xin Meng Merchant House was such a big family business. If the system wasn't strict, then Zhang San would be late for work tomorrow. Li Si Ming would have to go to bed on the sentry post the day after tomorrow ? What kind of mess would the store be in? I dare say the building will collapse in less than a month!    


Ouyang Mengjiao extended a finger. "What you said ?" What you say makes sense! However, I feel that there is a problem and a loophole in the management of the building! I don't mean that management is too harsh, but that there is a loophole. "And the loopholes are very large ?    


She was getting more and more incoherent!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly and said: "I will remember it. When I was in Xinyuan Company before, when I first went there, the whole company was in chaos. The employees wore all sorts of clothes, and there were even male managers who strolled around bareback. But you, you've always insisted on wearing work clothes. At that time, I had a deep impression of you. From the bottom of your heart, you want your company to be on the right track, with rules and regulations on the wall for everyone to follow. But now, you say something like this. What do you mean by 'the system is too strict?'? You really make me unable to see through you!    


'Stop, stop, stop! ' Ouyang Mengjiao waved his hand: "Why do you keep criticizing me, why aren't you continuing!" I said wrong, I said wrong, okay?    


Huang Xing realised that he had also drank too much. If Ouyang Mengjiao drank too much, what was the use of arguing with her here? Therefore, Huang Xing stood up, changed the pot of tea, and brought it over. However, he was surprised to find that Ouyang Mengjiao had taken this opportunity to fill his cup with wine.    


'Female drunkard! ' Huang Xing cursed as he reached out to grab her cup.    


Ouyang Mengjiao dodged to the side while holding the cup: You're the female ghost! I love it tonight. Not yet, me!    


Huang Xing stressed strongly: Drink more ? Drink some more and you'll puke! Even if he vomited, it would still be light! How do you get home?    


Ouyang Mengjiao reasoned, "I'm very awake right now!"    


Huang Xing said: You've already drunk too much! Obedient, stop drinking, will you?    


Ouyang Mengjiao pouted and said: I'm not in a beautiful mood, I'll use the wine to worry you.    


Huang Xing said: Worry is more worrisome!    


Ouyang Mengjiao chuckled: "How about this, this cup of wine of mine, I will drink it slowly, you accompany me." How about the last glass?    


Huang Xing was speechless, but seeing how determined she was, he could only nod his head: Alright, remember what you said, last glass! After drinking it, you think that I'll send you home!    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Then I will drink this wine until the sun rises!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: I can't accompany you all, I'm already tired.    


'Impatience! ' Ouyang Mengjiao frowned: Why are you so impatient with me right now? Hmph, if you were to drink with Fu Jie for three days and three nights, you would definitely not think that it was excessive.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Even Fu Jie couldn't do such a thing! She rarely drank in unnecessary situations. Unless it was a social meetup. There was no other way.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Then today, I have no other choice but to be forced into a corner!    


Huang Xing retorted: Who forced you to do this?    


Ouyang Mengjiao replied: My mood, my mood isn't beautiful! Not happy! Not happy!    


To some extent, Huang Xing actually likes this kind of atmosphere. Drinking wine with Ouyang Mengjiao and chatting about the past. Wasn't that a happy thing as well? However, Huang Xing didn't want to see Ouyang Mengjiao get drunk and hurt her body at such a young age. She was actually a very emotional girl. She had always held a deep love for him. But today, Huang Xing really didn't have the qualifications to bear her love! In the past, Huang Xing had also thought about marrying a girl like Ouyang Mengjiao in this lifetime. It could be considered as eight lifetimes of fortune. He had also tested Ouyang Mengjiao. But later, he wavered. He felt that as a second marriage boy, he had no money, no status, no house, and Ouyang Mengjiao was cute, beautiful, and at such a young age. In the midst of his many contradictions and many coincidences, he had first fallen in love with Fu Qianxin and then with Fu Jie.     


The current affairs make fools of men!    


Looking at Ouyang Mengjiao's gloomy face, she looked extremely similar to the modern version of Lin Daiyu. That kind of charm caused others to feel pity for it.    


Huang Xing's heart trembled, the effects of the alcohol, suddenly gave him a special impulse. He really wanted to embrace Ouyang Mengjiao in his arms and use his broad chest to comfort her injured heart. He did not want this beautiful girl who had accompanied him through countless lonely nights to suffer because of him.    


But Huang Xing endured it. Maybe the only thing he could do now was to advise her, talk to her, and chat.    


Ouyang Mengjiao was obviously drunk to the point of being floating, she held her head and looked at Huang Xing, her eyes filled with anticipation for the man in front of her. She suddenly raised a finger, pointed it at Huang Xing and said: "You, you're a bad guy!"    


Huang Xing was stunned: Why do you say that!    


Ouyang Mengjiao pouted: Not bad? I was happy every day before I met you. After meeting you, no, after, especially after the establishment of the Xin Meng Merchant House, have you ever seen me truly happy? It's all your fault, it's all your fault! Why when I appeared again, you had already... Already in love with someone else? Why?    


Huang Xing was speechless. Meng Jiao, why don't you say something happy? Let's not talk about this anymore.    


'Happy? ' Ouyang Mengjiao asked: What's there to be happy about? If there was something he needed to be happy about, it was ? That was the shabby rented room.    


Suddenly, Ouyang Mengjiao's expression became excited, his body also trembled a little as he stared at Huang Xing with an urgent gaze. He said excitedly: "How about this, you accompany me to take a look at that rented house, we'll go again ?." Go in for another night. Do you think the next room will be quiet in the middle of the night? Do you think the landlord would recognize us? Tell me, are there any more of the paintings that we posted on the wall? And ?    


She drank too much, incoherently, unexpectedly.    


But every time she mentioned the rental house, her face would brighten up with a happy smile. Perhaps that period of time was the happiest day for her.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You're still staying for the night? It has been so long, and the landlord no longer wants to rent out the house? Besides, the people who rented the house must have gone through another round and another round. It was not certain that the couple next door was still the same. Moreover, that place was already very dilapidated. It was most likely demolished and renovated.    


'No, no! ' Ouyang Mengjiao stressed: "I'll go..." I've been there a few times, just the same.    


'You... 'Been there? ' Huang Xing was startled, but he vaguely remembered her mentioning something to him.    


Ouyang Mengjiao bit her lips and said: I want to go take a look.    


Huang Xing frowned: Why are you so late? If you have time during the day, I will accompany you.    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook his head fiercely. "No, let's go now! Now!    


Huang Xing said: No, it's too late!    


Ouyang Mengjiao stood up: If you don't want to go, I'll go myself!    


In the end, Huang Xing was unable to endure Ouyang Mengjiao's pleadings. Adding on the fact that Huang Xing had also drank a lot, with the help of the alcohol, the two mental patients went downstairs and drove in the Audi car towards the village in the city that they had lived in for a long time.    


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