Security Guard’s Romance



3To be exact, Huang Xing was tired!     1


Thinking back to the love history between him and Fu Jie, it was practically like training in prison. Especially since Bao Shijie came to the merchant shop, this love that he thought was burning with passion, became more and more terrible, and became extremely weak.    


As the saying goes, you only want to own it after losing it. Losing Fu Zhenxin had always been a nightmare that Huang Xing found hard to shake off. Such a pretty and cute little girl had been cruelly abandoned by him. This demonic method was simply the wrath of humans and gods!    


And at this moment, in the midst of Fu Zhenxin's drunken mutterings, it was as if he had been reborn into love.    


He squeezed her small hand, afraid it would struggle away.    


Fu Zhenxin did not resist, her hands had even moved, to feel that warmth which had been gone for a very long time.    


However, just like that, they held hands and did not say another word to each other.    


Only the heart and heart resonate and confide.    


Xiao Hui's spirit was rekindled, she was singing nonstop. Her self-amusement made Huang Xing admire her very much. One person, singing and dancing emotionally, it was as if the world no longer existed.    


40 minutes later, Fu Jie called Fu Zhenxin.    


Fu Jie asked on the other side of the phone: You're not done singing yet?    


Fu Zhenxin said: Right away. Xiao Hui was still singing happily.    


Fu Jie said: Where did Xiao Hui get so much spirit! Okay, you guys go with her. I'll sleep in the car for a while.    


Fu Zhenxin said: Big Sis, why don't you go back first. After a while... I'll be with you in a moment... Brother-in-law, send Xiao Hui back together.    


Fu Jie repeatedly said: No, no, no, that Xiao Hui must pick on me, this sister, to be more of a problem!    


Fu Zhenxin said: "She's not that young..." She was narrow-minded.    


Fu Jie thought for a moment, then said: Alright, I'll go home first. I still have a plan to improve.    


Fu Zhenxin said: Hmm, be careful when driving!    


After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhenxin turned and looked at Huang Xing, and sighed emotionally: "It really wasn't easy for my sister." She was too tired.    


Huang Xing nodded her head: "She is too ambitious, she is not just an ordinary person."    


After Xiao Hui finished singing another song, he sat back down and ate a few mouthfuls of fruit. Then, he raised his wine cup and said to Fu Zhenxin and Huang Xing: "Come, come, let's drink a few cups together! There were still so many bottles left. Drink them all!    


Fu Zhenxin advised: Stop drinking Xiao Hui, it's getting late, if not ? Should we go back?    


Huang Xing also agreed: Right, end it, today. They were all quite tired.    


Xiao Hui drank a mouthful of beer and complained: It's boring! This customer hasn't done anything yet, so you guys should leave first. What, afraid of spending money? Can't I treat you tonight? It's only a few coins!    


Fu Zhenxin laughed bitterly: It's not a matter of money, Xiao Hui.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I still have a lot of work to do at work tomorrow, unlike you. At worst, I'll just wake up a little later tomorrow.    


Xiao Hui vividly waved his arms, and said with reason: "We're all bosses, if you guys were managers or employees, then you guys would be too busy to say these words, I'm afraid you might be late." It's all up to you, boss. Don't tell me there's someone who dares to issue you a ticket? Who am I fooling with? I just don't want to play with you!    


Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin looked at each other, at a loss for words.    


Helpless, he could only risk his life to accompany his guest for another half an hour.    


Xiao Hui could finally hold on no longer, he sat on the sofa with the microphone in his hand, dozing off and singing.    


Fu Zhenxin took the opportunity to advise her against it. Finally, Xiao Hui managed to say a few words and ended it.    


Walking out of the KTV, a gust of cold wind blew into his clothes. Huang Xing wrapped his clothes around himself for a bit, but he still couldn't help but shiver.    


Fu Zhenxin, who was not wearing anything heavy, immediately sneezed loudly. He covered his mouth and sighed emotionally: "The temperature difference between day and night is too great, it's not bad during the day, but at night it's unbearable."    


Huang Xing opened the lock remotely and brought Fu Zhenxin and Xiao Hui up the carriage.    


Xiao Hui hugged his arms, curled into a ball and urged Huang Xing: Quick, quick, turn on the warm air conditioner! Frozen into a dog!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "It's a waste to start it now, it's just a cool breeze if we start it now. The engine hasn't heated up yet.    


Xiao Hui asked: What does this have to do with engines?    


Huang Xing said: The car is not even warm yet, where is the hot wind coming from?    


Xiao Hui couldn't help but shout into the sky: The cold wind frozen me to death, tomorrow I'll set up camp ? The cold wind freezes me to death, so when I go back, I'll crawl under the covers ?    


What nonsense!    


As they drove onto the highway, Huang Xing asked, Who do you want to see off first?    


Fu Zhenxin said: Let's send Xiao Hui off first, see how tired she is, let her rest early.    


He looked at the time and said, If I send her off first, you'll have to ? It was almost midnight.    


Fu Zhenxin replied: Half the night is half the night. By the way, why don't I go down and take a cab? You go send Xiao Hui away, I'll take a taxi myself.    


She started to open the door.    


Huang Xing quickly replied: Don't! I'll take you over, and of course I'll be responsible for sending you home safely! What if a girl like you ran into a bad guy at night?    


Fu Zhenxin laughed: Why are there so many bad people?    


Huang Xing said: Tonight, treat it as me practicing my driving skills, I will send you off one by one!    


Half an hour later, the car arrived at the inn where Xiao Hui was staying.    


After sending Xiao Hui to his room, Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin quickly returned to the car, and continued their journey.    


Fu Zhenxin said apologetically: Brother-in-law, I've troubled you so much tonight. She ? She doesn't let people worry.    


Huang Xing replied: No, no, I just did what I can. After all, this is your biological cousin who has come over. You and Fu Jie should think of a way to spend more time to accompany her. Otherwise, if you stay with your aunt, you won't be able to explain.    


Fu Zhenxin nodded his head: Of course, I have already made a plan. Tomorrow, my sister, you and I will go climb Mount Tai together.    


Climbing Mount Tai? Huang Xing said: Mount Tai is quite far away from here.    


Fu Zhenxin said: Far from what? Climbing Mount Tai would be hard on her, and tomorrow night she would not be as excited as tonight. But I know her, and she likes to climb mountains. I'm tired and I like to crawl.    


Huang Xing said: Alright, then I'll leave earlier. But your sister, she ? I'm afraid her time...    


Fu Zhenxin stressed: Then let's keep you two company. Since we can't keep you three, then we can only do it both way!    


She fell silent for a moment before a pure and flawless smile blossomed on her face.    


Her smile always gave off a refreshing feeling.    


Huang Xing was almost drunk from it.    


There weren't many cars at this time of the year, and the road was clear and unobstructed. But for some reason, Huang Xing was eager to encounter a few traffic jams, because if he did, he would be able to stay in the car with his former lover for a while longer.    


Huang Xing didn't know why he felt that way. Perhaps Fu Jie was cold to him, but compared to Fu Zhenxin, it was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


Fu Zhenxin stopped the car at the bottom of the building. He undid his seat belt and said: Let's go up for a while.    


Huang Xing shook his head: I'm not going to sit down anymore, you should hurry up ? Rest early.    


'You really don't want to sit down? ' Fu Zhenxin did not open the car door for a long time. He stared at Huang Xing with a peculiar gaze, as if he was sincerely inviting him to go upstairs.    


Huang Xing stuttered: It's mainly because I'm afraid ? Afraid it will affect your rest.    


'It doesn't affect me! ' Fu Zhenxin emphasized: Anyway, I can't sleep at this point of time, what about you?    


Huang Xing shook his head: However, at 12 o'clock, I really have not slept.    


'Then... ' Fu Zhenxin paused for a moment, then said: Then let's sit here for a while before we leave.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: If I want to sit for a while, then I'll sit for a while.    


The moment he got off the carriage and looked at the starlight, Huang Xing felt a sense of guilt. It was almost midnight, yet he was chatting with another woman. To a certain extent, this seemed to be a betrayal of Fu Jie.    


But thinking about it, this kind of betrayal, gave Huang Xing the pleasure of revenge. She was too harsh on herself, too harsh to bear.    


Fu Zhenxin took the key to open the door, and a wave of heat assaulted him, making him feel extremely comfortable.    


She put on her slippers and found a pair of slippers for Huang Xing.    


Sitting on the sofa, Fu Zhenxin poured two cups of boiled water and sat beside Huang Xing.    


The two of them kept silent for a long time. This silence was perhaps an expression of mutual understanding.    


Huang Xing was the first to find a topic to talk, he asked: Have you been well recently, in terms of management and performance, were you not bad? It was not even the end of the year, but the high season was about to arrive.    


Fu Zhenxin nodded his head: They are all not bad! When you and my sister were here, they gave you a solid foundation. including the management model, the way you operate, the financial system, I've been using the same things you did when you were here... Those things. But to be honest, the person who did this... Li Rong and Zhao Xiaoran said as they left, I really am a little ? I can't do it. The two of them were the pillars of Xinyuan Company!    


Huang Xing said: The two of them did a good job at the Merchant Shop. Don't blame your sister. She did it for the greater good. Perhaps, when the time was ripe, she would transfer them back. When they came back, it would be completely different. They will bring the Xin Meng Merchant House's experience to help you further perfect your company and develop it.    


Fu Zhenxin said: That's true. My sister must have had her way with this.    


Huang Xing held onto a cigarette, and took out an ashtray from under the tea table.    


Huang Xing reflexively reached out to take it, but unexpectedly, he made an intimate contact with her hand. Fu Zhenxin's face reddened, and she quickly retracted her hand.    


Fu Zhenxin lowered his head and said: "I really didn't think that you would still... You're pretty good at it. Look, that Xiao Hui, she was infatuated with you to the point that she could sing and even hug you.    


Huang Xing was startled and quickly said: "What infatuation? I am also... Mainly... If he was angry, he would immediately get excited. Not to mention one Shan Dongyang, even two or three of them wouldn't be a problem!    


While talking, Huang Xing couldn't help but brag.    


Fu Zhenxin said. It was really quite infuriating! That Shan Dongyang. Why didn't I realize at the time that the quality of that person was so poor!    


Huang Xing said: He also drank too, if he doesn't drink, he definitely won't lose his composure.    


Fu Zhenxin sighed and gulped down a mouthful of plain water.    


At that moment, the sound of an urgent cell phone ringing rang. Huang Xing opened it to take a look, it was actually Fu Jie.    


What was she doing on the phone?    


An ominous premonition assaulted his heart.    


This was no wonder as every time he received a call from Fu Jie at night, it seemed to herald the arrival of a storm.    


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