Security Guard’s Romance



0To be exact, Huang Xing did not expect the lamb soup that Xiao Yan was referring to to to be from Xie Yundan's fast food restaurant.     0


The Xin Feng fast food was something that Huang Xing had planned himself. The starting point was only two words: Repayment. That pitiful woman Xie Yundan had given him too much regret and helplessness. At the most critical moment, she risked her life to save herself. Huang Xing would never forget this kindness for the rest of his life.    


Seeing that Huang Xing seemed to be deep in thought, Xiao Yan was puzzled: What's wrong? What are you thinking about? A bowl of hot lamb soup.    


Since he was already here, he might as well settle for now. Huang Xing clenched his teeth, and forced himself to walk in.    


However, the moment he entered the door, he was stunned by the sight of a woman in a qipao in front of him!    


Xie Yundan, it's actually Xie Yundan! She was wearing a beautiful velvet cheongsam, and her every action was filled with the charm of a beautiful woman.    


The moment she saw Huang Xing, it was as if Xie Yundan had discovered a new continent. She could not help but jogging up to him and greet him: It's you. It's really you!    


Huang Xing laughed: What, I can't come?    


Xie Yundan complained: In my impression, you rarely come uninvited. It's been a long time since you...    


While talking, she suddenly saw the elegant lady beside Huang Xing, and was startled: "This sister ?." So familiar.    


Xiao Yan said: I've come here to eat mutton soup before.    


"Oh, oh" Xie Yundan nodded in realization: "You came with Director Huang?    


Xiao Yan replied. Today I'm going to treat him to a bowl of hot mutton soup. From the looks of it, you seem to be very familiar with Director Huang?    


Xie Yundan said: Familiar, of course I'm familiar with them. We have a cooperative relationship with the Xin Meng Merchant House. The staff of the Merchant Shop use the card in our store.    


Xiao Yan turned his head and glanced at Huang Xing, his eyes blinking rapidly: I understand, I understand.    


Of course Huang Xing could tell what she meant. But he was not in a hurry to argue, he only waved his hand, indicating for Xiao Yan to go in.    


Under Xie Yundan's guidance, they found an elegant room. After telling them to sit down, Xie Yundan left full of thought. The sensitive Huang Xing could faintly feel that there was something wrong with Xie Yundan.    


Xiao Yan placed his sunglasses on the table and stared at Huang Xing suspiciously. He used a special tone of voice and said, "Tell me honestly, what's the situation?"    


Huang Xing asked: What's the situation?    


Xiao Yan said: This fast food restaurant.    


Huang Xing said: Didn't I already say it? This fast food restaurant is the cooperation unit of the Xin Meng Merchant House. Every employee of the Xin Meng Merchant House has a meal card allowance of a few hundred yuan per month, which can be consumed here.    


Xiao Yan leaned in and said: There must be an essay in this.    


Huang Xing asked: What article?    


Xiao Yan smiled mysteriously. "Undercover operation, benefit relationship ?" You understand.    


Huang Xing took a deep breath, and did not hide anything to tell Xiao Yan the truth: there was indeed a secret operation, but there was no relationship between them. The policy of the employee welfare card was set by me.    


Oh? Xiao Yan tilted her pretty head: "This isn't related to benefits?"    


I have made two considerations, Huang Xing said. One is public and the other is private. From a public point of view, it is a welfare for employees and a guarantee of food safety. From a personal point of view, I am here to repay the debt of gratitude. I have received a favor from the owner of the restaurant, a saving grace. However, at that time, she had been in a very dire state and had always been in a very depressed state. "I'm just trying my best to help her.    


Xiao Yan asked curiously: Restaurant owner? Who was that? It was this Lady Boss's ? Husband?    


Huang Xing shook her head. She had no husband.    


'No wonder, no wonder... ' Xiao Yan sighed in praise, as if he was mumbling to himself, but also as if he was projecting sand.    


Huang Xing explained: It's not what you think! Sister Xiao, you should be clear about my character.    


Xiao Yan laughed: What do you think? I didn't say anything, did I?    


Huang Xing said: Sister Xiao is laughing at me again. Now, tell me, what else do you have besides a bowl of lamb soup? There are also some special dishes here, so I suggest you try them.    


Xiao Yan said: You sure know how to change the subject. You want to bribe me? Alright, since I'm already here and fate has brought me here, I might as well try it all. I'm afraid I'll be a frequent guest here in the future. Look, the hygiene here is no less than a five-star hotel. There was not a speck of dust on the floor, and the walls were brand-new. There was not even a speck of oil on the table. This is rare. Even the big restaurants couldn't do that!    


As she spoke, she pulled out a piece of paper from the box, wiped it on the table, and turned the tissue over. It was indeed very clean.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: Xie Yundan was a very clean and careful person.    


Xiao Yan asked: Xie Yundan?    


Huang Xing explained. It's the one who brought us in just now ? The Lady Boss here.    


Xiao Yan nodded his head: This name, was very elegant. But for some reason, based on my impression of her, I think ? I don't think she has the temperament of a restaurant owner. She should be an experienced woman.    


Huang Xing agreed: Not bad, not bad, Sister Xiao has good eyes indeed.    


Xiao Yan said. From the looks of it, you understand her well.    


Huang Xing said. She had sold wontons before, and I knew her when I went to her place for wontons.    


Xiao Yan said: Then you're amazing, you can recognize a beauty just by eating wontons.    


Just as Huang Xing wanted to reply, Xiao Yan suddenly changed the subject, and said: "The one you mentioned just now..." Could you explain about those Food Street s in detail? My question is, that would also require hiring a lot of chefs.    


Huang Xing laughed: What you want to build, is not a street, but a food city. This food city should be divided into several streets and several flavour huts. Just like the Xin Meng Merchant House, you have to do it yourself, but you can also do it by recruiting merchants.    


Xiao Yan was suddenly enlightened and asked: Merchants? Good idea! This way, it will save me a lot of unnecessary trouble.    


Huang Xing replied. Moreover, it would be much easier to operate and manage.    


Xiao Yan couldn't help but give Huang Xing a thumbs up: "No wonder Yu Mengqin made you become a General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, your way of thinking is indeed extraordinary.    


Huang Xing replied: It's just a simple theory.    


Xiao Yan pursed his lips: You're scolding people again!    


Huang Xing was startled: "Where?"    


Xiao Yan said: "You are obviously trying to imply that I am you, an idiot who can't think of anything." Answer me honestly, is my problem solving ability... Bad, very bad?    


Huang Xing shook his head: I don't think so.    


Xiao Yan said: I know you don't want to say it. It doesn't matter. I know what I am. So even if the Food and Foods City were built, I wouldn't be able to hold the helm. So I had to find a butler to share my worries with.    


Huang Xing laughed: "Divine State City, I think so."    


Xiao Yan bent his body, stared at Huang Xing and said: "I think you're okay!    


Huang Xing was startled, unable to understand his meaning.    


Xiao Yan straightened his body, his expression becoming more solemn. The relaxed and humorous look on his face also disappeared. In its place was a quiet and elegant beauty. No one dared to look into her beauty. There were too many noble elements in it, like an ancient princess and queen. If he looked at her more, he might be beheaded.    


Huang Xing seemed to have sensed something, but he did not point it out.    


Xiao Yan tilted his head a little and used one hand to hold onto a cup, carefully examining it. But he kept observing Huang Xing's expression from the corner of his eyes: Fight with me! The treatment I'm giving you is definitely many times that of the Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Huang Xing was surprised and said awkwardly: Sister Xiao... This... I can't let this joke go, I can't let it go...    


Xiao Yan furrowed his brows, replying with a question: "Do I look like I'm joking?"    


Huang Xing was startled: "But...    


Xiao Yan emphasized: I'll give you 20% ? No! 30% of the shares! It was dry stock! I'll pay for the shares, but you have to take it for yourself! You know what that means, and what a figure it is.    


Huang Xing's face flushed red, her heart rapidly beat. Sister Xiao, what virtue or ability do I have to... I... I'm afraid... I'm afraid I won't be able to do it...    


'Can't do it? ' Xiao Yan exhaled: Don't be in such a hurry to answer me, you can definitely settle this debt first and think about it. I, Xiao Yan, will never force others. But what I want to tell you is, the Gourmet City that I want to build, in terms of area, should be dozens of times larger than the Xin Meng Merchant House! Also, your Xin Meng Merchant House is on the high end, I can still take the high end route. I'm in high school and low school. Besides, your annual salary is no problem at all. It can be three times or five times your current salary, no problem at all. If you nod, I can... I'll write you a check. Half a year... No, it was an annual salary advance!    


F * ck me!    


At this moment, Huang Xing was stunned!    


He truly did not expect that Xiao Yan would actually trust and think so highly of him!    


The temptation she offered was simply too great. It was terrifyingly high, unbelievably high. But he understood Xiao Yan's character, her words were always true. Furthermore, a woman of her status and status would not lie. In her opinion, the condition she offered was probably close to an astronomical figure. But to her, it was just the price of a few luxury items.    


Huang Xing pinched his nose, seemingly wanting to use this casual action of his to alleviate the conflict in his heart. To be precise, she was very conflicted. As the saying goes, people die for money, while birds die for food. To be able to obtain a high salary and an unimaginable share, this was something he had never dared to even think about before! As long as he nodded his head, his current worth would be astounding!    


Seeing that Huang Xing was still hesitating, Xiao Yan added: You shouldn't be so hesitant. You will soon become the second largest shareholder in the largest unique delicacy in the entire nation, with a scale that is tens of times larger than that of Xin Meng Merchant House's. This height, will be difficult for you to achieve even after staying in the Xin Meng Merchant House for ten to twenty years. Because above you, there's also Fu Jie. Above Fu Jie, there was still the Dream Group. And the Xin Meng Merchant House, was just a small testing ground for the Dream Group! Luxury goods are likely to be out of fashion, and more likely to be a gust of wind. But the people eat the sky, as long as the operation is proper, our food city, the prospects are limitless!    


Huang Xing bit his lips, and a complicated scene appeared in his mind.    


It was too complicated.    


So much so that he was unable to comprehend the meaning behind it.    


After a full minute, he looked like he had made his decision. He raised his head and said: "Sister Xiao, I ?."    


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