Security Guard’s Romance



2Inside the private box, it seemed to be filled with a special kind of ambiguous atmosphere. Li Rong's body was releasing a kind of indescribable fragrance, this kind of smell, was the kind that had once captivated Huang Xing.     1


Still, of course.    


Huang Xing continued to console her: Li Rong, you must think it through. There must be a reason behind the Director Fu arranging such arrangements. I've already told you this before, I've communicated with Director Fu before, Director Fu has some expectations for you. Do you understand?    


Thinking back to the conflict between him and Li Rong, the drunk Huang Xing, she was clearly unable to restrain herself. Facing this beautiful, kind and somewhat vain girl in front of him, Huang Xing didn't know what to say. She was drunk, drunk to the brightest, drunk to the brightest.    


Li Rong raised his cup, which reflected the light above his head. It was as if the wine inside was not wine, but a deep sense of worry.    


Huang Xing continued to advise her not to drink anymore. Drink it again... Then something happened!    


Li Rong raised her head, tilting her beautiful little head, and asked: "Something happened?" What happened?    


Huang Xing said: Listen to me. After finishing this cup, I will send you home!    


Go home? Li Rong scoffed, and still drank half of the wine in his cup: I actually hope that I don't have a home. This way, it would make sense for me to ? I came home with you.    


Huang Xing felt embarrassed. What nonsense!    


But in reality, Huang Xing's advice now had no meaning.    


Li Rong muttered to himself drunkenly as he drank. As a result, Huang Xing was unable to hear what she was saying to herself clearly.    


Following that, he vomited!    


Huang Xing supported her to the washroom, and washed her face and rinsed her mouth. But Li Rong suddenly retched again, and then rushed into the bathroom.    


It's a men's room!    


Huang Xing wanted to stop him but he was already unable to.    


Two minutes later, Li Rong returned with a hazy expression. The alcohol had already made her unsteady on her feet. As a result, he almost fell down the moment he stepped out of the door.    


Huang Xing realized that her face was actually glowing white. It was tears. Huang Xing was unable to judge if this flickering light was from the bottom of his heart, or just a reaction from his stomach.    


Huang Xing supported her as she smiled and asked mysteriously: "Is it really that ugly when I look at things like this?"    


Huang Xing shook his head. Wash your face and go home.    


Li Rong countered: Go back to your house, or go back to my house?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I'll send you home first!    


Li Rong muttered: I want to ? I want coffee.    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: Go home and take a bath. You can drink as much as you want.    


After finally persuading Li Rong, Huang Xing helped her onto the carriage. In the darkness of the night, Huang Xing finally realized that he himself had drank quite a bit. As for the cars and pedestrians, they all had multiple images in front of them. Helpless, he could only close one of his eyes to clear the path.    


Li Rong District.    


He stopped the car. Originally, Huang Xing did not want to get on, but seeing the drunk Li Rong, he could not bear it anymore. So he helped her up the stairs.    


As soon as he entered, the unique scent of a single woman emanated from the living room. Huang Xing felt that he had entered into a very warm atmosphere.    


At this time, Li Rong had actually habitually put on her slippers and stretched lazily. Even though his face was still hazy with drunkenness, he seemed to have sobered up quite a bit. She took a bag of yogurt out of the fridge, broke it open with her teeth, and drank it down quickly.    


Huang Xing coughed lightly and said to Li Rong: You rest early and drink more water. I have to go back now.    


Li Rong excitedly walked over and used one leg to step on the wall to block Huang Xing's path: What's wrong? You want to leave?    


Why does it feel like an underworld robbery?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Why can't I go?    


Li Rong replied with a question: Just now ? What I just said ? Coffee?    


Coffee? Huang Xing was suddenly enlightened! He never thought that Li Rong, who had already gotten this drunk, would still remember such a thing.    


Huang Xing evaded: Tomorrow! I'll buy it tomorrow! Want to drink instant or unsweetened?    


Li Rong pointed to the refrigerator and said, "There is one inside." All kinds of coffee. Soak me a cup of Nestle, save your time.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly as he walked to the fridge and opened the door. As expected, he found a few jars of coffee. He turned his head and looked at Li Rong, thinking that if a good person kept drinking, they would have the ability to sober up. He then took the jar of Nestl, found two cups, and scooped a spoonful each. Just as he was about to pour water from the thermos, Li Rong reminded him: Partner!    


What partner? Huang Xing frowned, he did not understand what he meant.    


Li Rong asked back: Can I not put in a coffee partner for coffee?    


Huang Xing felt that the drunk Li Rong was too clear-headed, and thought that he was inferior. But then again, Nestl? was mostly prepared, so what other coffee partner was there to add?    


Thus, he went closer to smell it and said to Li Rong: I think we are partners inside.    


Li Rong suddenly realized and patted his head: Yes, yes. I was wrong. That... That... The other can needs a coffee partner. I won't use this bottle.    


Huang Xing sighed and continued to brew the coffee. However, Li Rong seemed to have thought of something and anxiously said: The water in the kettle probably won't heat up anymore, I should make another pot of it. What do you think?    


What about me? What else can I say?    


Huang Xing endured the humiliation and boiled a pot of water, waiting for the water to boil.    


Li Rong snickered, suddenly he threw the slippers on his feet to the side, and stared at Huang Xing like he was trying to hook his soul. He extended a hand, and waved it: Come, come, let's dance together.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Not interested.    


Come on! Li Rong urged. Not caring if Huang Xing agreed or not, he walked over and pulled Huang Xing's arm.    


Huang Xing was passively grabbed onto her arm, and following that, with a few movements, Li Rong did a sexy somersaulting motion, spinning three times around Huang Xing's arm. Then she giggled.    


Li Rong was so close to Huang Xing that her body softly pressed against his.    


Li Rong looked at Huang Xing with a special gaze: "Now, it's just the two of us, the two of us."    


Huang Xing replied: I know. So what?    


Li Rong lightly scratched Huang Xing's face: Since you know, why ? Could it be that facing such a lively and cute little beauty like me, you aren't even a little ? Not interested?    


Good boy! Huang Xing stuck his tongue out, cold sweat overflowing his forehead: What nonsense are you spouting! Look at what you're drinking, you're talking nonsense, all of you!    


Li Rong frowned: Who is talking nonsense? Why is she so unromantic?    


Huang Xing said: Both of us are tired, rest early. OK?    


Li Rong shook his head.    


Just then, the electric kettle began to whistle, Huang Xing looked over, steam had already leaked out from the lid.    


The water was boiling!    


Huang Xing unplugged it and let the boiling water settle.    


Li Rong watched him intently, as if he felt that every movement he made was filled with boundless charm.    


Two cups of steaming hot coffee were brought over to the tea table, Li Rong sat down and stared at the steam rising from the cup. She could feel a desire in her body rising with the fiery gas.    


She smiled, as if lost in the past. In actuality, she seemed to be a little infatuated with the man in front of her. There was no doubt that his motives were not too pure when he applied for the position in Xinyuan Company. In order to be promoted, in order to succeed in taking the position of Assistant to the General Manager, she did not hesitate to use underhanded methods to bet with her body. Although he did not get the position, he was like a fish in the water in the Xinyuan Company, a green light. What made her even more glad was that she had met Huang Xing, her superior who possessed both political and talent.    


But to Huang Xing, the two words "unwritten rules" was a precedent set by Li Rong. But there was no follow-up.    


Li Rong was lost in his memories, he raised his coffee and touched his lips, but cried out in pain. He suddenly put down the cup, his face turning ugly.    


She rubbed her lips with her hands. She was in so much pain that she nearly burst into tears.    


Huang Xing stood up in shock: Why are you so careless?    


Li Rong clenched her small fists and punched Huang Xing twice on the chest: It's all your fault, it's all your fault!    


What does that have to do with me? Huang Xing secretly complained, but seeing Li Rong's wronged look, and how she had already drunk too much, Huang Xing really couldn't blame her. He could only ask with concern, "How is it? Do you want to go to the hospital?"    


Li Rong said with his mouth raised: How can I be so hypocritical? It doesn't matter. However ? You... Don't you see?    


Huang Xing was startled: "What did you see?    


Li Rong's eyes blinked rapidly, and she lightly bit her lips: I ? I... Coffee... All of them...    


She stuttered as she spoke, which made Huang Xing a little confused.    


Li Rong seemed to muster up a lot of courage, as he quickly followed: "I want to drink coffee ? ?" All of them... Because of you!    


Because of me? Huang Xing was so shocked her eyeballs nearly popped out: Why is it because of me?    


Li Rong said: Can't you tell? I want you to make me some coffee... Actually... It's actually to keep you! I think... I want you to stay with me!    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned!    


To a certain extent, he might be able to understand Li Rong's heart.    


However, he was unable to do anything about it.    


Maybe her encounter with Li Rong was a mistake in itself. It was already wrong, why continue to be wrong?    


Furthermore, he already had a loved one, Fu Jie. For Fu Jie, he could give up everything. Of course, it could also create everything. The more deeply he and Fu Jie loved each other, the more he felt that he owed Fu Jie back then. She was a proud, cold, and beautiful woman. If he was lucky enough to befriend her, what reason did he have not to cherish her?    


Just as he was thinking, Li Rong walked over gently and wrapped her arms around his neck.    


Then she looked at him deeply.    


Huang Xing did not dare to look into her eyes, he was worried that he would be lost within.    


It was already hard to count how many times he had already tried to sever the abnormal relationship between him and Li Rong.    


Huang Xing ruthlessly controlled his heart, the two rows of teeth in his mouth, seemed to be fighting in a complicated way. He wanted to say something, but he was too stiff to speak.    


Until Li Rong took the initiative and kissed him ruthlessly.    


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