Security Guard’s Romance



0This Dong Zi, simply opened Huang Xing's eyes.     2


First you set up a memorial archway, then you become a whore. To put it nicely, he had to be courteous before taking action. But there was only one goal in the end, to help that drunk Brother Fang achieve his overbearing goal.    


Was there anything more ridiculous than this in the world? Even when he came out to stay at a hotel, he was still worried about being robbed by this kind of evil people. It was the opposite. It was simply the opposite!    


How could Huang Xing not understand the principle of enduring a calm when the weather was calm, but to be bullied like that, that was intolerable! Even if the enemy had many people and they were destined to wound him, he could not take it lying down!    


Seeing that the evil people had gathered, Tao Fei's face was filled with anxiousness. On the surface, she seemed timid and cowardly, but at the critical moment, she was still fighting shoulder to shoulder with Huang Xing and her opponent. She was just a small weak girl, yet she still showed a fearless attitude as if she was facing death unflinchingly.    


Just as the Brother Dong ferociously waved his hands to signal for an attack, he suddenly shouted fiercely from the door: Stop!    


Everyone raised their heads to look and saw a middle-aged man in his thirties quickly walking over.    


It was none other than the owner of the inn, A Yong.    


In the middle of winter, A Yong wore a set of flowery clothes with a bald hairstyle. What was even more bizarre was his appearance, which was extremely ferocious and ugly. He looked very much like the movie star Cheng Quian. His facial features were rough, and his voice was thick.    


A Yong immediately walked to the front of Brother Dong, and before Brother Dong could speak, he began to interrogate him: "What do you mean, Brother Dong, you brought people to my hotel to cause trouble?    


Brother Dong turned his head and glanced at Brother Fang. He stood up with the help of the woman. It could be seen that at this moment, his alcohol tolerance had increased by a lot. His face was flushed and he could not even stand properly. It could be seen how much this fellow had drank tonight.    


A Yong said: Brother Fang, you should have let me know in advance and let me arrange things properly for you.    


Brother Fang answered back with his tongue hanging wide: What, arranging now ? Is it too late?    


A Yong repeatedly said, "Too late, of course it's not too late." Brother Fang is my benefactor, I, A Yong, am not an ungrateful person. Let's do it this way. I, A Yong, will pay for everything tonight. The car is outside. Why don't we go now?    


Brother Fang snorted and said: "I'm not interested." I've got you here tonight! I don't believe it, you are doing quite well now, you have set up several venues in the province, what, you don't care about the feelings between brothers right? I don't believe it. How hard it is to stay here for a night. What do you think?    


A Yong clenched his teeth and said: Brother Fang, if it's any other time, you can stay however you want. But today, the restaurant was full. You know my principles, I can't possibly ?    


Brother Fang interrupted him. No more discussions?    


A forced smile emerged from the corner of A Yong's mouth: My principles, even if you are my biological father, I will still not ignore my guests because of this. Guests are my foundation. Otherwise, if I agree with you today, how can I open this hotel in the future? Which customer still dares to come and stay at my place? Brother Fang, you are a wise man, I do not wish for you to make things difficult for me just because of this small matter.    


Brother Fang frowned: I'm even closer to you than your father! If it wasn't for me, would you still be alive today? You're so fucking early... He had long since become a disabled person.    


A Yong replied: I know. At that time, I didn't know better and offended Brother Yu and Brother Fatty. If it wasn't for Brother Fang pleading for me, I would really be crippled. But Brother Fang, how have I been treating you these past few years? I've always treated you like a brother, haven't I? Are our feelings really so weak that they can't even withstand a single blow? Is it really so ? Had he reached such a state of tension? Look, tonight, you called so many people to my hotel, yet you still beat up my guests. You want me to ? How could he endure this? How could he endure this!    


At this moment, Huang Xing could probably guess the real reason behind this matter from the conversation between the owner of the hotel, A Yong, and the Brother Fang.    


Huang Xing felt that the matter today was definitely not as simple as Brother Fang trying to act strong while drunk. There might be even more deeper reasons behind this. From the looks of it, Brother Fang only wanted to make trouble. Even if the restaurant was not full tonight, Brother Fang would definitely find a second way to stir up trouble in the hotel. His main target was of course, not the stranger Huang Xing, but A Yong. If he continued his analysis, then presumably, there were irreconcilable conflicts between A Yong and the Brother Fang, which needed to be resolved by force or violence.    


A Yong walked in front of Huang Xing and smiled apologetically. This kind of smile made Huang Xing's hair stand on end.    


A Yong handed over a cigarette and said: "Sorry brother, I apologize on behalf of the hotel." It's been a shock to you tonight. But don't worry, I will take care of this matter. I will be responsible for your shock. So, you and your friend go into the room first, and here, I'll take care of it.    


Then, A Yong turned his head to look at the front desk customer service personnel, and shouted: Bring the guests up!    


Just like this, Huang Xing and Tao Fei walked out of the nervous atmosphere, following the service personnel to the entrance of the room.    


The two of them went into one room, and Tao Fei boiled a pot of water. Huang Xing frowned and thought for a moment, then took out the other room's key, and said his goodbyes.    


However, Tao Fei nervously stopped Huang Xing, begging him: "Director Huang, please don't go, please don't go?"    


Huang Xing was startled, seeing the nervousness and fear on Tao Fei's face, he said: "It's getting late, I need to rest early." Tomorrow morning, I still have to meet with Zhao Xiaoran with my client.    


Tao Fei frowned as she looked at Huang Xing: "I'm scared, I'm scared."    


Huang Xing asked: What are you afraid of?    


Tao Fei said: Those people, including the owner of the inn, are all so... So barbaric. I'm afraid... You're gone, they... What if they broke in?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "Silly girl, that's impossible. You're overthinking it." Can't you see that they're not targeting us at all? This is just a premeditated battle. The Brother Fang borrowed wine to make trouble at the hotel, but he only borrowed such an absurd excuse. His real target is the owner of the hotel, it has nothing to do with us.    


Tao Fei emphasized: But they were almost ? He almost attacked us! People like them would use any means possible.    


Huang Xing comforted her: "Don't worry, everything will be fine." Full... It was a false alarm.    


Tao Fei opened his eyes wide, as though he was still afraid. Otherwise, if Big Brother Huang...    


She was at a loss for words.    


Huang Xing laughed: Weren't you supposed to be brave on the surface down there just now, why are you acting so cowardly now?    


Tao Fei said: There was no other way around it, the situation has worsened, and I could only... He could only die together with the enemy. But now ? Now that we are safe and at peace, I'm afraid this is just a moment of security and peace. I'm worried about them... They're going to make trouble for us.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment, then said: How about this, I'll go back to my room first, and then I'll come back and see you later, okay?    


Tao Fei tugged on Huang Xing's arm: Then I will also go to your room! No no, I really ? Afraid.    


Huang Xing shook his head: Definitely not. It was already night.    


Tao Fei curled her lips, the look of panic reflected in her black eyes: Director Huang, I don't have any other intentions, I'm just scared.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I know, but... But for a man and a woman alone together, do you think it's dangerous? I know you are a girl who talks about principles, but I, Huang Xing, am not as strong as you think.    


Tao Fei's pupils enlarged: You mean...    


Huang Xing laughed: You understand. To protect you, we'll stay in separate rooms. OK?    


Tao Fei's body trembled slightly as he argued, "But ?" But I really don't feel safe right now, Director Huang. You don't know, I... How worried I am. Touch... Here.    


She picked up Huang Xing's hand and placed it on her chest.    


Huang Xing was startled, maybe because he was worried that he accidentally touched a place that he shouldn't have, so he pulled his hand back. However, she was still unbiased and placed in front of Tao Fei on her chest.    


At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was unusually quiet.    


But within Huang Xing's heart, there were fluctuating waves. They didn't know, but facing such a sexy and enchanting secretary like Tao Fei, what kind of special state of mind would he have?    


Tao Fei looked at Huang Xing, his big eyes like he knew how to speak. In the blink of an eye, it was surprisingly beautiful.    


Her heart was beating really fast.    


Huang Xing did not dare to stay in her heart for too long, hence he quickly retracted his hand.    


Tao Fei used his own hands to cover his chest, and said thoughtfully: Big Brother Huang, I ? I was a little flustered. And then I felt... His heart was beating so fast. I'm so timid.    


Huang Xing nodded his head. However ? Really not. With me here, you won't be in danger.    


Tao Fei emphasized: "What I'm most worried about is that you will encounter danger.    


When these words came out, it caused Huang Xing to be violently stunned.    


Tao Fei immediately added: You are a big shot. I'm just a little secretary. This time I have the honor of accompanying you on a business trip to Zibo, but if anything really happens to you, I can't explain it.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What are you talking about? Who are you talking to?    


Tao Fei said: I can't explain it to anyone, and, especially... Director Fu.    


Huang Xing's face changed. Don't mention her, okay?    


Tao Fei asked: "What exactly happened to you two? In my memory, the two of you should come together ?" Sigh, I'm worried for you guys.    


Huang Xing pulled at the door and said: Alright, let's rest early and see you in the morning.    


Tao Fei was startled, he wanted to urge her to stay, but he could not muster up the courage.    


But just as Huang Xing opened the door, he heard a burst of ear-piercing sounds of arguing and cursing coming from downstairs.    


Presumably, the conflict between A Yong, Brother Fang and the rest, had intensified.    


Many of the tenants came out of their rooms to listen. Some of them were more curious, either by taking the elevator or by going down the stairs to see what was going on.    


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