Security Guard’s Romance



3These words made Huang Xing's heart churn.    


Huang Xing admitted that he had indeed done something that let Fu Jie down, including having an abnormal relationship with him. He, too, had been trying to end it.    


However, regarding the various crimes that Bao Shijie had habitually accused him of in front of Fu Jie, they were all born out of nowhere, catching up to him.    


"The one who deceived me, was you, Huang Xing."    


What a heavy sentence!    


Thinking back, the relationship between him and Fu Jie was really hard to come by. After going through all sorts of hardships and hardships, she had grown from a small salesperson to a Office Chief. Only Huang Xing knew the difficulties involved in it. What came next was Fu Jie's increasing trust and trust in her. The feelings between them seemed to have come about as well, as if it was a natural thing to do.    


However, ever since they had entered the Xin Meng Merchant House, Huang Xing and Fu Jie's career had once again risen to a whole new level. Starting with the massage in the fitness equipment section, a series of rumors and slanders never stopped. Especially after Bao Shijie took the photo of him and Fang Jingjing getting a room ? Although he and Fang Jingjing had never cheated, who would believe it? After all, it was true.    


Is it possible that nothing happened to a man and a woman who were living in the same room, even though it was an act of desperation?    


Of course Fu Jie wouldn't believe it.    


Thus, Fu Jie's words, from an objective point of view, were not excessive.    


Huang Xing tried again and again, and after experiencing many fantasies, he further emphasized: I'm not deceiving you, nor am I deceiving you. But you don't believe it. You would rather believe Bao Shijie's photos with ulterior motives.    


Fu Jie frowned: I don't want to argue with you about this. Even if he has other intentions, what is recorded in the photo is the truth.    


Yellowstar said, It's true. However, other than the photos, the rest of the judges were not as they had imagined. In other words, Bao Shijie had taken a photo of me and Fang Jingjing having a room. On the surface, it seemed to be a suspicion. But in reality, it wasn't there at all. I've already explained it to you. It sounds far-fetched, but it's true. And the picture I showed you, maybe, as you said, is normal, of an older man and his girlfriend. But I tell you, no. That girl was not Bao Shijie's girlfriend at all, but ? It was the Miss of KTV. I met them when I was singing in KTV. Furthermore ? And they're in the bathroom... It was the same thing he had done in his house. "As disgusting as I can get.    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said: "I've changed the subject again." What I'm talking to you about is something that's going on with the lyre.    


Huang Xing said: It's still the same principle, this is my responsibility. Of course I'm not going to shirk my responsibility. But if you really want Bao Shijie to have anything to do with this event, then I'm sorry, but I won't accept it.    


Fu Jie raised his voice to emphasize: But Bao Shijie is the person in charge of the Enterprise Department, do you dare say that this event has nothing to do with the long-term planning and development of the merchant house?    


Huang Xing replied: Yes, there definitely is.    


Fu Jie asked: Since there is, then as the person in charge of Enterprise Department, why is Bao Shijie not related to this event at all?    


Huang Xing said: I can allow him to spectate, but I will not allow him to point fingers and interfere with our work. As you just said, I don't think he has that much power to supervise this activity.    


Fu Jie sighed: Fine, since you don't think highly of him, I will respect your choice as well. But I still hope that you and Bao Shijie can work together and fight side by side. And I don't want you to bring your grudges to work.    


Huang Xing ruthlessly emphasized: There is no grudge between him and I. There was hatred.    


Fu Jie asked: Is it even necessary?    


Huang Xing said: Why not? He had ruined the relationship between me and my most beloved, and I hated him for that.    


Fu Jie shook his head, and frowned: Alright, let's not talk about this. A headache. This topic was too heavy. I'm leaving, take good care of yourself.    


She stood up and walked out of the room without looking back.    


Huang Xing sighed helplessly. He didn't know when Fu Jie would be able to believe in his innocence.    


Or could it be to believe in the ugly face of Bao Shijie, that hypocrite?    


After Fu Jie left, Xie Yundan and Hua Jingjing immediately returned to the ward. What surprised Huang Xing was that the two who were at loggerheads just a moment ago, were now like sisters. They were talking and laughing, and their relationship seemed to be harmonious.    


Xie Yundan sat at the end of the bed, and then he sat down beside Huang Xing. Hua Jingjing asked: She left so quickly?    


Huang Xing asked in reply: Are they really going to stay here?    


Hua Jingjing said, but she did not look well. What happened between the two of you?    


Huang Xing said: This is not something you should know.    


Hua Jingjing's face reddened, and said awkwardly: Alright, I won't ask anymore.    


But right after, Hua Jingjing suddenly stood up like a corpse, and screamed: It's bad, it's bad! Look, look, call the nurse!    


What's wrong? Huang Xing knitted his eyebrows, looked in the direction that Hua Jingjing was pointing, and could not help but be shocked. It turned out that during his conversation with Fu Jie, he did not realize that he had lost all of his water, and now, his pipe was completely red.    


He recovered his HP!    


Only now did Huang Xing realize that there was some pain and discomfort on his arm.    


Xie Yundan was also extremely scared, he immediately walked over and closed the valve to adjust the flow of the blood, while Hua Jingjing quickly ran out, shouting as he ran: Quick, quick, the nurse, quickly come over, you have recovered your blood, you have recovered ?    


The way she was at the peak of her craziness did make her look quite adorable. Moreover, it had made Huang Xing feel touched for some reason.    


Soon, the nurse came in with a new bottle of liquid.    


Huang Xing asked: Lose one bottle?    


The nurse said as she changed the fluid, After this bottle, there's still one more.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: Is this the tempo of losing to me?    


The nurse only smiled wryly.    


However, Hua Jingjing was extremely anxious, he ruthlessly urged the nurse on, and said all sorts of unpleasant words. Furthermore, she even imposed the responsibility of causing a bloodbath on the nurses. She complained to her, "How did you become a nurse?" I don't care about it after I hang up the water, I don't want to check it, right? He was still sitting in the office chatting and looking at himself in the mirror! I'm so free! If something were to happen to my friend, don't you see... How am I supposed to fix you!    


This nurse was also rather gloomy. They, who were irreconcilable just a moment ago, how could their relationship become so intimate at this moment?    


The nurse explained, "Usually, the relatives and friends of the patients are watching over them. When the loss is almost over, notify the nurses station." Moreover, there is a button on the head of the bed. If there is anything you need, just press it and we will immediately come over.    


Hua Jingjing said in a domineering tone: "Then you guys are too passive!"    


The nurse said, Well, it's not really my responsibility.    


Hua Jingjing scolded: You still dare to talk back! If it was wrong, he wouldn't know his mistake! Do you believe that I can make you unable to stay in the hospital with just one word?    


The nurse looked at the unreasonable Hua Jingjing and argued, "I have done my duty, but ?"    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to interrupt her. No one was wrong. If I was wrong, it was caused by my own carelessness. Moreover, it had only recovered a little bit of HP. Wasn't it just lost again?    


Hua Jingjing stressed: Then we can't let them off too easily! He had already recovered a lot of his HP.    


The argument ended after the nurse left.    


Hua Jingjing crossed his arms, and muttered to the nurse who was about to leave: "What kind of quality is that!?"    


Ten minutes later, another person suddenly appeared in the ward.    


It was Tao Fei.    


Huang Xing's secretary.    


Huang Xing was very surprised with her arrival.    


Tao Fei placed the things he bought on the bedside table and asked with concern: Director Huang, are you feeling better?    


Huang Xing nodded: It's just a little wound, nothing serious. Why are you here?    


Tao Fei said: Director Fu arranged for me to come.    


Huang Xing asked: Fu Jie?    


Tao Fei nodded. Director Fu said he wanted me to take care of you.    


Huang Xing let out an "oh". However, he did not know what Fu Jie was thinking. Was he really worried, or did he have some sort of ulterior motive?    


Hua Jingjing took the chance to say something: As expected, the beauties around Director Huang, swarmed over one after another wherever she went.    


Huang Xing frowned: Don't speak nonsense, these are all my colleagues.    


Hua Jingjing raised his head and laughed: It's not that simple right?    


Tao Fei glanced at Hua Jingjing, then turned to look at Xie Yundan, and asked Huang Xing in confusion. Director Huang, who are these two big sisters?    


Huang Xing said: Hua Jingjing, Xie Yundan. One is the daughter of our merchant, and the other is the owner of a fast-food restaurant that has a working relationship with us.    


Tao Fei was a little confused and couldn't help but ask: "Which one is Hua Jingjing, which one is Xie Yundan?"    


Hua Jingjing took a step forward and introduced himself: I am Hua Jingjing. Hua Chenghui is my Dad. My family came to do all of your building's fitness equipment.    


'Hua Chenghui? ' Tao Fei also thought that this name was rather funny, but he didn't realize for a moment that it was funny. Tao Fei laughed: Then I'll match your number. Your family's stuff is selling pretty well.    


Hua Jingjing arrogantly raised his head. Of course. Good stuff.    


However, he then added: "Of course, it is also due to your mall's cooperation with marketing." Especially in Director Huang, the policies were good and the guidance was good.    


Tao Fei said: Sister Hua really knows how to speak.    


Xie Yundan also took this opportunity to take a step forward, as if he wanted to raise his viewership ratings in front of Tao Fei.    


Tao Fei only smiled at her, but did not ask further.    


After a while, Tao Fei stood up and said to Hua Jingjing and the others: Sisters, thank you for coming to see Director Huang. How about this, I'll stay here and take care of it.    


Hua Jingjing and Xie Yundan were both startled.    


Tao Fei said: I am his secretary, it is only right for me to stay and take care of him.    


But just as he finished speaking, footsteps sounded from outside the door.    


This time it was the two ladies.    


Who could it be? Huang Xing speculated in his heart, but he could vaguely tell the identity of the person who came based on the characteristics of the footsteps.    


Why was she here?    


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