Security Guard’s Romance



3Facing Li Rong's pestering, how could Huang Xing not want to stay and bathe in spring wind with her a few more times? However, he still had a certain bottom line in his heart, especially at this critical time, where he had to be extremely careful.    


After driving back, he returned to his own building. When he went upstairs, he felt a slight discomfort on his waist, which made Huang Xing realize that his relationship with Li Rong had been too fierce, as if his waist had been twisted. He propped up his waist and took the elevator up. When he walked out of the staircase, he was startled by what he saw.    


There was a woman's back by his door.    


To be exact, it was a very sexy and three-dimensional figure.    


Huang Xing's first thought was that he went to the wrong building, but when he looked up at the entrance, he found that the building number and door number were correct.    


This woman seemed to have sensed Huang Xing's arrival and turned her head at the right time. She smiled at Huang Xing: "You're back, I have been waiting for you for a long time."    


Huang Xing was shocked! It turned out to be beautiful sand!    


Why was she here?    


Huang Xing calmed himself down and asked: Big Sister Sha, why are you looking for me so late at night?    


Sha Sha's beautiful face bloomed with a trace of laziness and helplessness. "I want to talk to you. Talk to you." You don't mind?    


Huang Xing could smell a strong smell of alcohol from her body, it seemed that she had drank too much, her little face was flushed red, and her speech was a little disjointed.    


Huang Xing wanted to say, of course I mind. However, he still spoke tactfully: "Big Sister Sha, you don't need to worry just because your daughter is home alone?"    


She's not at home. The point is! She and her other two classmates had booked a room in the internet cafe and were preparing to surf the internet all night long!    


Ah? Huang Xing was startled: "She's still used to this?"    


It's not a bad habit, Sha Mei said. As long as you don't take drugs like the other rich second generations, that's understandable. After all, he had not reached adulthood yet. Isn't it? Director Huang, you're still not letting me in? I'm going to freeze to death.    


She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and looked at the half-open window.    


Huang Xing was instantly speechless. It would be strange if a child didn't learn to be bad when you taught him like that.    


In fact, from Huang Xing's perspective, he did not want anything to happen between him and Sha Mei. At least, he had no interest in it tonight. The secret meeting he had with Li Rong just now had already caused him to feel extremely uneasy. He was worried that if he continued to act unscrupulously, sooner or later Fu Jie would sense him and the relationship between the two would sink into a situation that was even more irreparable.    


Sha Mei then said, "My husband is pissing me off!" He then said, "Another one!"    


What? Her husband?    


This description immediately provoked Huang Xing a little.    


Her husband was Huang Jinjiang, the name Huang Jinjiang, and he would always be Huang Xing's nemesis.    


Huang Xing's heart quietly developed anew. If you didn't mention Huang Jinjiang, when you mentioned him, Huang Xing felt that other than revenge, nothing else in his life seemed to be important anymore.    


This wasn't just a competitive spirit, this was the dignity of a man! If you sleep with my wife, I'll f * * king sleep with your wife too!    


Huang Xing evilly nodded his head, and unexpectedly said: "Your husband is an animal!"    


As soon as he said it, he realized that he had misspoken.    


Sha Mei was stunned for a moment, but then she smiled. Right, right, he is an animal! An animal that would lose its temper at the sight of a female dog!    


Huang Xing opened the door with the key, and Sha Mei followed him in.    


The room immediately reeked of a special aroma mixed with alcohol and fragrance.    


Sha Mei took the initiative to walk in front of the sofa and sat down. She stroked her hair a few times, as if she was trying to put on an even sexier pose, and started dancing in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing took a sip of cold water, put a cigarette in his mouth, and sat across from Sha Mei.    


Shamei nodded. Just a little red wine.    


Huang Xing said: You're in quite a good mood.    


Sha Mei sighed. A lonely woman like me, apart from alcohol, what other true friends do I have? Even my husband is a fake. Sigh, do you think it's too much of a loss for me to live my entire life?    


Huang Xing was startled: "Husband is fake?"    


Isn't it? It wasn't even as good as a fake one! What did he give me besides money? Yes, I got a lot of benefits from him. Money, a lot of it. But that's not what I need. What I need is a reliable and secure home! I don't need too much money, I don't need my husband to be capable, I just want the family of three to be able to live happily and peacefully. However, even this little bit of extravagant hope was unable to be fulfilled by me.    


Huang Xing said: Your husband can really earn money! What does he do?    


Brother Huang, I thought I told you that he was a civil servant.    


Civil servant? Huang Xing pretended to be surprised: "But a mere civil servant's salary only amounts to a few thousand, but Big Sister Sha, your expenditure, is far more than several hundred thousand per month!" Driving a luxury car and living in a mansion.    


Sha Mei raised her head and smiled condescendingly. You don't understand? If an official were to live off the dead salary of several thousand yuan, he would have starved to death long ago. They had other income, of course, and they even had their own businesses in private.    


Huang Xing said: Industry? You mean, your husband has a part-time job?    


A part-time job? Why does it sound so bad! That was called the Second Industry!    


Huang Xing said: As far as I know, the law clearly states that civil servants are not allowed to engage in business.    


The system is dead, and man is alive. There are various ways of doing business. Our family member is actually very business minded. He owns shares in several places, and his dividends amount to close to ten million a year. But few people knew. Besides, he had his own company. He got a cousin to run it for him, so he barely needed to go there. Let me tell you, brother, his income in all aspects adds up to an astronomical figure.    


Huang Xing thoughtfully nodded his head: "So it's like that, that Big Sister Sha sure is blessed, not lacking money at all."    


Fortune? Shamei frowned. A lucky hammer! The husband is not up to the task of making money and having an affair, but he is not up to the task. I almost forget what he looks like now. Sigh, a husband and wife pair, yet now they were on the same side. Brother Huang, you said that my life is not miserable?    


Huang Xing said: It is indeed a bit miserable, but Big Sister Sha, don't you want to divorce him?    


Divorce? Sha Mei harrumphed coldly. Wouldn't it have been more appropriate for her to divorce him if she was stupid enough to do so? As soon as I divorce him, he will choose one of his many little lovers to marry as his first wife, and then, of course, he will end up like me. A man like him, playing with women, there was never an end to it. Besides, I wouldn't be so stupid as to give men and so much agriculture to someone else. I wouldn't be able to do that. Can you do it?    


Huang Xing commanded her: "It seems you claim that money isn't important, but what you care about is money and property."    


I'm so poor now that I only have money left. That would be the best phrase for me. What else do I have besides money?    


Huang Xing emphasized: You still have a daughter! You have to do your duty as a mother and educate your daughter well.    


Sha Mei said, Daughter? That was Huang Jinjiang's daughter! I'm just a tool for one of his children. Of course, it was once a tool for him to satisfy his beast desires. Now that he has more tools, he doesn't need me. Ai, reality is cruel. Women are simply, simply too difficult in this society.    


Huang Xing said: That proves that you are not strong enough! In this society, there are many strong women. Don't you want to emulate their example and start your own business?    


Shamei shook her head. Didn't the ancients say that a woman is virtuous when she is untalented? Why would I waste my effort like that? So, still stay at home obediently, have nothing to do to do beauty shopping, also quite beautiful. As for the husband, hmph, he should be a machine for making money. If he makes money, I will spend it.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but give her a thumbs up: Big Sister Sha was right.    


Sha Mei forced a smile and said, "What else can I do if I don't think this way?"    


Huang Xing said: But have you thought about it? Your youth, is only temporary.    


Huang Xing's original intention was for Sha Mei to die, he wanted to advise Yue Yang to break all ties with that bastard Huang Jinjiang as soon as possible, and find a new, happy home. However, from Sha Mei's point of view, she had a different understanding of his words.    


Sha Mei's eyes blinked sharply, emitting waves of sexy light. Of course. That's why I came to see you.    


Huang Xing suddenly shook.    


But before he could react, Shamei had taken the initiative to sit beside him, a hand around his neck.    


Huang Xing could smell an even stronger smell of alcohol, but sometimes the smell of alcohol on a beauty's body didn't feel disgusted at all, but instead made people feel that she was very sexy and charming. Furthermore, Sha Mei was a very beautiful woman in her own right. She was wearing a famous brand and had an aura of nobility. Huang Xing said hesitantly. Big Sister Sha, don't be like this.    


Sha Mei frowned, "What's wrong? Why are you pretending to be a righteous man in your own home?"    


Huang Xing said. I, I'm mainly ?    


I, Big Sister Sha, really like your little brother. I don't dare to say that I fell in love with him at first sight, since I really want to be with him. Don't worry, big sister won't treat you unfairly.    


Her spirited and flickering eyes seemed to hold a hidden power that Huang Xing did not dare to look at.    


Huang Xing wanted to urge Sha Mei to go back earlier, but after thinking about it again, he couldn't bear it.    


Thus, he tactfully freed himself from her wrapped arm, stood up and said: Big Sister Sha, how about I pour you a cup of water?    


I'm not thirsty. Sit down first and talk to your sister.    


Huang Xing hesitated for a while, before sitting a short distance away from Sha Mei.    


However, Sha Mei immediately sat over and looked at him dubiously. She even let go of one hand to caress Huang Xing's thigh.    


A layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on Huang Xing's leg.    


How could he not be tempted? How could he not want to steal something? But because he had been intimate with Li Rong just now, he felt even more guilty towards Fu Jie, as well as worry for his actions, and so he became even more cautious.    


However, there was another voice in his heart that had grown stronger. Revenge.    


Ever since his wife had been snatched away by Huang Jinjiang, this thought had never stopped!    


He had always been at a loss. Should he seize this opportunity to seek revenge?    


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