Security Guard’s Romance



2Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly asked: "Do you want to go back to take a look?"     1


Her words confused Huang Xing. Go back, go back where? But right after, Huang Xing seemed to have felt something, and the place she was pointing to, was definitely the rented apartment that she had left behind for the two of them to reminisce about.    


With these words, Huang Xing seemed to have found the beloved girl that he had once lost. Her every frown, every movement, and every memory of her past seemed to revive in an instant, to become vivid and lively.    


Huang Xing shook his head: I have never gone back, mainly because I don't have time, I think things at that place have already changed.    


Ouyang Mengjiao asked: What do you mean by 'people are different'? At least, the landlord hadn't changed.    


Huang Xing joked: I don't have any feelings for the landlord, I have been pressing for rent all day, my salary was already low. Every time I pay the rent, I feel a pang in my heart.    


Ouyang Mengjiao burst out laughing: You are no longer the same as before, with your one month salary, I'm afraid you can rent the entire rental house. No, no, it should be, he could rent a dozen of those. That's not even counting the dividends you had at the end of last year.    


Huang Xing said: You really know how to calculate.    


From Ouyang Mengjiao's words, Huang Xing seemed to be able to understand her feelings towards that rented house.    


Ouyang Mengjiao looked at the time and said: It's not too late yet, how about we go out and reminisce about old times?    


Huang Xing was worried that his close relationship with Ouyang Mengjiao would cause Fu Jie to feel even more repulsed, so he shook his head. He was a little tired and wanted to rest early.    


Ouyang Mengjiao was slightly disappointed: Tired? You weren't like this before. Why, is it that the longer you live, the weaker you become?    


Her words made Huang Xing think of something. Huang Xing replied: I'm tired from work. Every day was an endless process.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Oh come on, I heard that you are eating while looking at the pot in your bowl, on one side you have Fu Jie, the great beauty, and on the other you are flirting with the flowers and grass. Your EQ is so high, why didn't I see it then?    


Huang Xing was startled, he never thought that Ouyang Mengjiao would say all these. She was still so carefree in front of him. She never covered up her words and actions.    


Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts, and said: "I'm just teasing you, don't mind me." By the way, when you're free, I'm going to take you somewhere.    


Huang Xing asked: Where?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said mysteriously: You will know once we get there. If you don't go, it will forever be a mystery.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly, thinking that Ouyang Mengjiao still could not change his habit of selling suspense.    


Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to have thought of something and said: That's right, how is Fu Zhenxin right now. That girl has a personality similar to mine. Actually, she and I are more like sisters.    


Huang Xing said: She is no longer a little girl, she is the boss of the Xinyuan Company.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: We should still take advantage of the Elder Director Fu. These two sisters were the best in the world.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Don't speak ill of others behind their backs.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Bad news? Please, I'm praising them. I mean, these two sisters are both so pretty, one calm and capable, one capricious and lively, the other sexy and cute. If I were a man, I'd take them both. Oh right, Huang Xing, what exactly is going on between you and Fu Jie? Why did I hear that there was a problem with your relationship?    


Huang Xing said: The reason is very complicated.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Can you tell me? Maybe I can help you.    


You? Huang Xing shook his head: Forget it, I'll just do it.    


Ouyang Mengjiao pursed his lips: What, are you looking down on me? Let me tell you, don't always look at others with the old eyes, I'm no longer the little Ouyang from the past, I'm already very skilled in cultivation!    


Huang Xing gave her a thumbs up: It is indeed powerful! Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to pick out so many flaws in the Xin Meng Merchant House!    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook his head: What, you're blaming me? Then you can't blame me. I'm just doing my duty. You know, I'm a very serious girl, oh oh, never sloppy at work.    


After she said these words, Huang Xing quite agreed with her.    


In Huang Xing's impression, she was indeed a good employee who was meticulous to her work. It might have something to do with her family background. Firstly, she had never been late before. Furthermore, when Huang Xing first entered the Xinyuan Company, the management of the place was in chaos. However, Ouyang Mengjiao had always insisted on wearing work clothes and never let it drift. Although due to her age and other reasons, she did not achieve much in Xinyuan Company, her strict working attitude left a deep impression on Huang Xing.    


As he recalled the past, his heart was filled with endless emotions.    


Ouyang Mengjiao retorted: Why aren't you speaking, you're not admitting it?    


Huang Xing admitted it. Of course. There was no doubt about that. You are probably the most serious employee in Xinyuan Company.    


Ouyang Mengjiao laughed complacently: You actually have a conscience! But you're always so lazy. You have to wake me up every day.    


Huang Xing laughed: Dependence, a type of reliance. You're the one who's used to me.    


Huang Xing remembered the details of how Ouyang Mengjiao told her to get up. Every morning, she would pat her buttocks a few times, saying that since the lazy pig had woken up, the sun was about to set on her fart.    


That sweet sound of someone calling out to her bed still remained in Huang Xing's memory.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said while grinning: I spoilt you, here.    


Huang Xing scratched his head in embarrassment.    


Looking at the noble and beautiful Ouyang Mengjiao, in his memories, other than sighing and regretting, what else could Huang Xing do?    


There were too many details, and they were unforgettable.    


Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to have thought of something again, and asked: The couple next door, are they still so restless?    


When these words came out, Huang Xing couldn't help but blush. Of course he knew what Ouyang Mengjiao meant. Back then, when he lived in the rented apartment, he and Ouyang Mengjiao had fought with the couple next door quite a bit. As the saying goes, it was a beautiful night. But for some reason, ever since Ouyang Mengjiao had left, the fighting strength of the couple seemed to have decreased greatly, and Huang Xing could barely hear the battle horn from the other side of the door. After that, Huang Xing also left the rented room, but he had never seen the young couple that had forgotten themselves.    


Huang Xing shook his head: It's been a long time since I last saw him.    


Ouyang Mengjiao blushed when she realized what was going on, and said, "Time flies, there are still a lot of scenes in front of me."    


Huang Xing was startled, but he could not help but nod his head.    


Just as the two of them were immersed in a unique atmosphere of nostalgia, a crisp knocking sound came from the door.    


Ouyang Mengjiao stood up and asked: Who?    


A sweet and crisp female voice came from outside: It's me, Fu Jie.    


Ouyang Mengjiao opened the door and saw that it was indeed Fu Jie. Huang Xing also stood up and walked to the door. He looked at Fu Jie awkwardly: Director Fu, you're here.    


He didn't know what to say, so when he opened his mouth, he actually stuttered.    


Fu Jie said indifferently: Could Miss Ouyang please leave for a moment? I want to talk about some work matters with our Director Huang.    


Ouyang Mengjiao hesitated a little before saying: "You guys talk, you guys talk, I'll be leaving first." He called out to her.    


She stiffly waved her hand towards Huang Xing, making a gesture of goodbye.    


Fu Jie slammed the door, the sound seemingly filled with disappointment and dissatisfaction towards Huang Xing, and even reprimanding him.    


Huang Xing stretched out his arm and courteously said. As Fu Jie sat on the chair, he said: Your conversation is very interesting, your Director Huang is truly capable, the daughter of the Director Yu is actually on such good terms with you.    


Huang Xing frowned: "She's still the same, she's only here to reminisce about the past."    


Fu Jie sat down and wrapped his right leg around his left leg. The room was filled with an overwhelming fragrance.    


Huang Xing looked at Fu Jie, and in his heart, he hoped to hear her warm words the most. He didn't want the two of them to continue the cold war. He loved her so much that he loved her so much.    


Fu Jie did not bring up Ouyang Mengjiao again, but changed the topic to work instead: "The reason I called you over, is to discuss tomorrow's matter with you. From your point of view, what is Director Yu planning to do by keeping us here?    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: "I'm not sure about the specifics, but Director Yu is too secretive."    


Fu Jie nodded: Maybe. He had originally thought that he had done a good job in the business district, and that his performance had also continued to increase. He never thought that Director Yu would make such a scene today. His previous results, alas, had all been for naught.    


Huang Xing said: The results are obviously still the results, even if there are some problems with the management, it will not affect the rapid progress of the business district. This point, Director Yu was also certain.    


Fu Jie said: Hopefully. But I was always nervous.    


Huang Xing replied: Calm down. The only thing we can do now is to play it by ear.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly: "There's one more thing, I feel like I'm stuck in a knot right now."    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Fu Jie said: It is about that Supervisor. Do you think that Director Yu has some motive for doing this?    


Huang Xing replied: Of course there's a reason, otherwise I would not have sent Supervisor over.    


Fu Jie said as if he had thought of something: I have a bad premonition, do you think the Director Yu is using this method, The Right to Drink and Release of Soldiers?    


Huang Xing burst into laughter: What are you thinking, Director Yu isn't that kind of person.    


Fu Jie shook his head slightly. I don't think the Director Yu is such a person. However, a shopping mall was like a battlefield, changing constantly in the blink of an eye. If Director Yu wanted to achieve some of his goals, he would definitely not be lenient when the time came. See, now that we have put the business district on the right track, what the Director Yu hopes for the most is, of course, to place himself in an important position. This is the normal mentality of a person.    


Huang Xing thought about Fu Jie's words. It was not that there was no possibility of such a thing happening, but Huang Xing felt that it was extremely unlikely.    


Fu Jie supported his cheeks with his hand, his eyes suddenly blinked, opening his eyes wide, he said mysteriously: "Tomorrow, return to the business district, I have one thing to do."    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Fu Jie said: You'll know tomorrow.    


What is this Fu Jie doing now! Huang Xing felt that the current Fu Jie was very strange.    


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