Security Guard’s Romance



0Fu Jie and Huang Xing were stunned for a moment.    2


Seeing this, the old lady's fat son and daughter-in-law hurriedly went forward to support the old lady who was sitting on the ground.    


Fatty nodded his head and bowed towards Xiao Chuanfeng: "We don't need to pursue the matter anymore, my mom is fine too, it seems like it won't be easy for her, right?" Just be careful when you drive.    


Xiao Chuanfeng countered with a question: Are you sure you don't want to pursue the matter? Are you sure?    


He looked from one to the other of the family, and the corner of his mouth was suffused with the dignity of a policeman.    


"I really won't chase them down." The daughter-in-law chimed in, "We are all part of the family, how can we not bite and bite each other?" It's not like I broke it again. I was just joking with them just now. Heh heh. Big brother police officer, why don't we go upstairs and take a seat first?    


The old lady was like a deflated balloon, her head drooping without a word. Obviously, she was hit seven inches by Xiao Chuanfeng who suddenly rushed out, and she was angry and helpless at the same time. How could he be willing to lose the piece of meat that was already in his mouth? However, even if he was unwilling, there was nothing he could do. The things that his family had done were stored in the police station, what if this Xiao Chuanfeng added fuel to the fire and charged his family as a scammer.    


Soon after, the family of three dejectedly went upstairs under the watchful eyes of the crowd.    


Fu Jie shook Xiao Chuanfeng's hand: Police Comrade, it's all thanks to you today. Otherwise I don't know how to get out of it.    


Xiao Chuanfeng laughed: Director Fu, you don't see anyone else as well. What are we police for? This family of three all have a criminal record. They have touched porcelain three times in this neighborhood alone. Whoever encountered them would be in trouble. However, I have to make a suggestion to Director Fu, when encountering this kind of matter, it's best not to be in a rush to compensate. The best way is to call the police. The police will have a way to find out. He must be careful when he goes out.    


Fu Jie nodded: Thank you, I will do as you said.    


Xiao Chuanfeng once again shifted his gaze to Huang Xing and asked: "This is?"    


Fu Jie glanced at Huang Xing and said: "He is General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building, Huang Xing."    


Xiao Chuanfeng was shocked. Of course, he would not think that this handsome young man in front of him was the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House. Being polite, Xiao Chuanfeng walked over and shook hands with Huang Xing, smiling and saying: "Director Huang is really young and promising!" Young and old! "There is a saying that goes like this: 'If you are not a good person, look at the times!'    


Huang Xing quickly replied: No no no, I'm just a follower of the Director Fu, I still need to cultivate further.    


Xiao Chuanfeng replied: Modesty, absolutely modesty!    


After the pleasantries were over, Xiao Chuanfeng gave Fu Jie and Huang Xing their name cards. At the same time, he also gave Fu Jie a phone number, telling her that there was something wrong with him.    


After the disturbance subsided, Fu Jie finally let out a sigh of relief. But for some reason, at this very moment, when she looked at Huang Xing, she actually felt a bit of disgust. After all, the disaster just now was caused by his text message. Fu Jie frowned, he did not say anything, opened the car door and got in, disappearing from everyone's sight.    


The majority of the spectators dispersed, leaving behind a middle-aged man who was not in his right mind. He laughed foolishly and shouted towards Huang Xing: "So handsome, so handsome, that woman just now was so handsome!"    


From his lifeless gaze and stiff actions, Huang Xing could also guess that he seemed to have a mental problem. However, for some reason, he liked and approved of others praising Fu Jie.    


Returning back to the building, Huang Xing got on the car and drove home.    


After returning home, Huang Xing felt extremely tired. He quickly took off his clothes and took a hot bath. It was f * cking comfortable.    


Lying on the bed, reflecting on today's experience, he was filled with emotion.    


The next day, it was the same as before, washing his face, brushing his teeth, and shaving.    


However, when he was shaving, he unconsciously froze for a moment. He remembered the expensive razor in his hands, which Fu Zhenxin had bought for him back then.    


An inexplicable bitterness surged in his heart.    


Last night, Fu Zhenxin's performance, was a bit too abnormal.    


Huang Xing could feel the conflict in his heart. She wanted to keep her distance, but she could not forget the beautiful times she had with him. She still loved herself. After her indifferent appearance, she finally could not control her emotions and hugged herself to pour out her feelings. And when Fu Jie arrived, her heart immediately turned into a different kind of entanglement. On one side was her beloved sister, and on the other was her unforgettable lover. But in the end, she gave up on her selfishness and used all sorts of methods to make peace between Huang Xing and herself. This point made Huang Xing extremely moved. And this feeling of gratitude also perfectly matched the guilt he had towards Fu Zhenxin in his heart, to the extreme.    


Everything from the past was so beautiful.    


Huang Xing also could not forget. He could not forget Fu Zhenxin's smile, could not forget Fu Zhenxin's concern, could not forget Fu Zhenxin's willfulness and cuteness, and even more so could not forget everything she had paid for him!    


But love and marriage, ethically speaking, are a separate issue. Amongst the Fu sisters s, he had to choose one. He had chosen Fu Jie, the woman he had deeply worshipped from the very first moment he had met her. They had walked through storms and storms together, but they had finally walked together. But who would have thought that in almost an instant, they would once again sink into an emotional crisis that was difficult to get out of.    


Maybe, Fu Jie no longer trusted himself. Huang Xing did not dare imagine that at this rate of development, the relationship between him and Fu Jie would come to an end.    


He was afraid. He was very afraid. He was scared to death. He felt that Fu Jie had already become a part of his own life. He would rather Fu Jie being indifferent to him than for the time being. It was just an display of how he was being suppressed. Perhaps, after a while, the rain would pass.    


To comfort is to comfort, to maintain this relationship, still need to work hard.    


After tidying up his instruments, Huang Xing took out his mobile phone, and after mulling over for a long time, he dialed Fu Jie's number.    


Amidst the sorrowful sounds of the ringtone, Fu Jie picked up the phone, but could only say an impatient word: Is there something?    


Huang Xing said: I'll take you to eat breakfast, then we'll go to work together.    


Fu Jie replied: I've already eaten.    


Huang Xing asked: What are you eating?    


Fu Jie said: Aren't you being a little too kind? What am I going to eat with three meals a day, for me to report to you?    


Although he felt wronged, he tried his best to control his emotions and said with concern: Breakfast is very important, don't leave it out because of being busy. Why don't we go have some porridge? It was still early for work.    


Fu Jie said: There's no need for you to remind me about the importance of breakfast.    


She said one sentence at a time, making Huang Xing unable to respond. Huang Xing said awkwardly: Then, how long do you need to go to the company?    


Fu Jie said: Right away!    


Huang Xing tried to calm himself down: Do you want to go with me? Save the gas.    


Fu Jie replied: No need. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first. By the way, don't call me if you're hung up. Remember the trouble you caused yesterday.    


After he finished speaking, the other side still hung up the phone.    


Huang Xing looked at the name 'Fu Jie' on the phone, and was stunned for a long time.    


Huang Xing drove the car along the crowded main street, and waited for a few red lights before he turned and arrived in front of Xie Yundan's wonton shop.    


The door was open, but there were still few guests. Huang Xing walked in and saw Xie Yundan cooking wontons in the kitchen. She was still wearing the flower apron as before, looking extremely focused.    


As if she had sensed Huang Xing's arrival, the moment she raised her head to caress her hair with her elbow, she said: "I knew you would come."    


Oh? Huang Xing asked: Why?    


Xie Yundan said, based on his intuition. She rubbed her hands together, scooped up a large bowl of wontons and carried it out.    


The newly famous wonton was steaming and was very appetizing. Furthermore, with the beautiful girl offering it to him, Huang Xing had long been impatient to replenish his energy.    


Huang Xing sat down and blew into the bowl. At this time, Xie Yundan brought out another bowl of wontons and sat across from Huang Xing. It was as if the two of them had formed a special kind of tacit understanding. They looked at each other, then simultaneously scooped up a wonton, raised their mouths in the same motion, and blew on it.    


Xie Yundan was not in a hurry to eat it, he warned Huang Xing: There's still more in the wok, I'll boil more after eating it.    


Huang Xing said that this bowl was more or less enough. Then he blew on the wonton in his spoon and said, How's your injury?    


Xie Yundan said, it's fine, it's fine. How are your injuries?    


Huang Xing said that it was much better now, so it was not difficult to walk now.    


Xie Yundan said, that's good.    


After eating, Huang Xing wanted to pay the bill, but Xie Yundan refused. The two of them were in a stalemate for a long time before Huang Xing had no choice but to put the money back into his pocket.    


The moment he took his leave, Huang Xing felt that he should help this woman who seemed cold on the outside but was kind on the inside. If he could help her out of this predicament, he had to at least let her earn some money! After all, her business was extremely cold at the moment, with few customers.    


On the way to the company, Huang Xing suddenly thought of a pretty good idea, that was enough to turn Xie Yundan's business into profit. After making up his mind, Huang Xing sped up and rushed to Xin Meng Merchant House.    


As usual, Huang Xing walked around the building, and reflexively went to the fitness equipment cabinet. He wanted to sit on it and massage it a few times to relax his muscles and bones. However, just as he had this thought, he became conflicted. As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, one is afraid of being bitten by a rope for ten years. Huang Xing was scared. He was afraid that there would be someone else who would make a big fuss about this.    


When he returned to his office, Tao Fei was making tea for him. Huang Xing said in time, I drank it for free today.    


At nine in the morning, Huang Xing asked Tao Fei to call Chief of Staff Xu Wenguang over to discuss a special matter.    


At half past nine, Fu Jie's assistant, Yun Lu came over to inform Huang Xing that they were going to meet each other in the conference room on the fourth floor at ten.    


Under normal circumstances, whenever there was a management meeting, Fu Jie would exchange views with Huang Xing in advance and only arrange for the meeting after they reached an agreement. But this time, Fu Jie did not do it the usual way. This made Huang Xing feel that Fu Jie was beginning to distance himself, or even isolate him.    


However, Huang Xing did not know what this meeting would mean to him.    


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