Security Guard’s Romance



1Huang Xing turned his body around and pinched his butt: "Hey, that's the action!"    


Fu Zhenxin's face was flushed red. She rushed forward and lightly patted Huang Xing's chest with both hands, cursing repeatedly, "You're so bad, you're so bad!" What a joke!    


Huang Xing smiled in relief and embraced Fu Zhenxin's small waist, saying, "Let's start, jump!" Fu Zhenxin was very quick. She grabbed Huang Xing's left hand with her right hand and started to twist her body gently. As she did so, she started to count the tempo: Tata, Tata, Seven Pagoda Towers...    


However, Huang Xing accidentally stepped on Fu Zhenxin's foot after following the music and just said a few words, 'Tata'.    


Huang Xing quickly moved his feet away and said, "Sorry." Fu Zhenxin said with a wry smile. I thought you really knew how to jump, but it turns out you don't know anything!    


Huang Xing said mysteriously: "Everything will be meaningless."    


Indeed, Huang Xing was a two-handed dancer, he wasn't good at any kind of dancing. Today was just a moment of inspiration, suddenly wanting to be in the music with this beautiful little beauty. Regardless of the tempo or melody, the highest realm of dancing was when one did as one pleased.    


Embracing a beauty and strolling slowly, there was no other paradise in this world.    


In this romantic and entertaining atmosphere, Huang Xing once again stepped on Fu Zhenxin's foot. Fu Zhenxin finally couldn't take it anymore. She kicked twice to the side, sending her slippers flying.    


Huang Xing followed suit and took off his slippers and socks. The two of them danced barefooted and they were overjoyed.    


When Huang Xing accidentally stepped on Fu Zhenxin's foot again, he couldn't bear to move away. Instead, he used the sole of his foot to gently caress her soft and tender foot. What are you doing? Huang Xing said, "Nothing."    


The friction of his skin created intense sparks. Huang Xing moved closer to Fu Zhenxin, leaving a light kiss on her forehead.    


Fu Zhenxin shyly raised her head to welcome Huang Xing's warm lips. The hot lips kissed her eyes, the tip of her nose, then her lips. Their bodies uncontrollably softened, relaxed, relaxed again.    


They held each other tightly.    


After leaving another kiss on Fu Zhenxin's cheek, Huang Xing couldn't wait to take her hand and walk towards the bedroom.    


Fu Zhenxin withdrew her hand and said, "Hmph, just thinking about …" I'm going to take a shower, I'm going to... I want you to see a fragrant me.    


Huang Xing caressed her hair: "You are already fragrant now."    


Fu Zhenxin said. I'm covered in sweat. A slender hand gently stroked Huang Xing's chest, then he turned around and walked to the corner of the wall, putting on a pair of pink slippers.    


Huang Xing followed Fu Zhenxin to the bathroom door and shyly said, "I want to bathe with you."    


Fu Zhenxin raised her head. "Pfft, that won't do!" You have to, line up!    


Huang Xing said: Time is life, time is money. One was washing, and the other two were doing the same. Besides, I can rub your back.    


Brawler! Fu Zhenxin scolded but didn't go straight to the bathroom. Instead, she took a key from the tea table and told Huang Xing to find her a set of pajamas for her in her room downstairs.    


Huang Xing was happy to help. To a man, it was a fortunate thing to be able to visit a beautiful woman's room. He took the key, went downstairs, and opened Fu Zhenxin's door. A fragrance that was similar to Fu Zhenxin's assailed his nostrils. Huang Xing followed the rich fragrance and walked straight into her room. It was a small bedroom, with a single bed for all of us and a yellow wall lamp. There were several cartoons on the wall. Beside the bedside cabinet, there was a four-storey shoe cabinet. There were all kinds of fashionable female shoes, and they were all filled to the brim. Huang Xing walked over and picked up a pair of High-heeled shoes s to take a closer look. "Loving the house, he thought each pair of shoes was beautiful.    


The wardrobe had a total of eight doors and four cabinets. Each time, there was a word written on the door: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. When he opened it, he found that the clothes had been neatly arranged and returned to their place according to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Such a meticulous and clean little girl. If he were to marry her, he would definitely be an expert in managing his family.    


However, when Huang Xing thought of the word "marry", he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He suddenly asked himself, was he really going to marry Fu Zhenxin into his family?    


This question mark bothered Huang Xing for two whole minutes, until she found a beautiful white nightdress in her 'summer cabinet'. "Smell the fragrance on it. It doesn't smell like washing powder at all. I don't know what Fu Zhenxin normally uses to wash clothes." On the inside side of the 'Xia' cabinet were a few fashionable and sexy lingerie. Huang Xing chose them and they both held them in his hands. At that moment, Huang Xing suddenly felt that it was funny. The plot developed a bit quickly, as if he had already started to take on Fu Zhenxin's husband's role.    


Before he left, Huang Xing even stuck his head into Fu Zhenxin's wardrobe evilly and felt the alluring smell of a beauty.    


Carrying the clothes back to their original place, the bathroom was filled with the sound of gurgling water.    


Huang Xing was at the door of the bathroom, quietly listening to the sound of water for a while and shouting, "The clothes are here."    


From the inside, Fu Zhenxin said, Let's put it in the bedroom first.    


Huang Xing did as he was told.    


When Huang Xing returned to the bathroom door and wanted to ask for a mandarin duck bath again, Fu Zhenxin had already wrapped a towel around her and walked out while wiping her hair with a towel.    


What a great picture of a sexy beauty, Huang Xing was completely mesmerized by it.    


Fu Zhenxin walked past him and said, It's your turn. Then he went straight into the bedroom.    


Huang Xing couldn't help smiling bitterly as he said, "If you take the towel away, how am I supposed to come out?"    


In the bedroom, Fu Zhenxin replied, Whatever you want! If you want to be naked, I have no problem with that.    


Helpless, Huang Xing could only accept his fate. The bathroom was filled with a special fragrance. Huang Xing turned on the tap, washed his body, and looked for something.    


But almost all of a sudden, Huang Xing felt that the water was getting colder and colder, so cold that it felt like it was covered in ice. He hurriedly adjusted the hot water raft's switch, but it was to no avail.    


Only then did Huang Xing realize that the solar energy was running out of water. Fu Zhenxin's bath had used up almost all of the hot water in the solar energy. No wonder this girl was so pretty. She must have wasted a lot of water in her life.    


However, he couldn't stop halfway even though he had already washed half of it. Huang Xing could only grit his teeth, slow down the flow of cold water, and carefully wash his body.    


After having a hard time washing himself, Huang Xing shivered. He used a towel to dry the water on his body, then put on a new undergarment and blew his hair dry in front of the mirror.    


Darling, I'm coming!    


Huang Xing walked into the bedroom as he hugged his arms against the cold.    


The lamp had been turned on, and a faint light covered the entire bedroom with an ambiguous tinge.    


Fu Zhenxin had already changed into her nightdress and covered herself with a blanket. She was lying on the bed, focusing on her cell phone.    


It's freezing me to death! Huang Xing let out an exaggerated blood-curdling screech as the wolf rolled over. It lifted a corner of the blanket and burrowed in without a word. His body was shivering from the cold.    


Fu Zhenxin felt a surge of cold air rushing towards her like a wave. Immediately after, Huang Xing's cold body went into his blanket. The difference in temperature and the collision made Fu Zhenxin abruptly shrink her body. She complained, "What are you doing? Did you just come out of the refrigerator? Your body is so cold!"    


Huang Xing smiled wryly as he wrapped a blanket around himself. "You still dare to say that!?" You ran out of hot water, I used cold water to take a bath!    


Fu Zhenxin giggled and cursed, 'Serves you right!'    


Huang Xing laughed and scolded, and was even gloating!    


Fu Zhenxin moved her body a little to the side and said, "You're feeling really cold. It's really cold."    


Huang Xing said pitifully, Chastity, give me some warmth.    


Fu Zhenxin put her phone on the headboard and stared at Huang Xing. How can you warm up like this?    


Surprisingly, she reached out a hand and placed it on Huang Xing's cold chest to warm him up.    


Friction can indeed create heat, Huang Xing felt the temperature of his body suddenly rise.    


The feeble lamp flickered with a faint light, shining on her face and causing people to feel pity for her.    


Under the frenzied actions of the two, the blanket was randomly thrown into a corner.    


Huang Xing kissed her greedily.    


Fu Zhenxin's eyes widened with excitement and fear.    




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