Security Guard’s Romance



3Fu Zhenxin grabbed the bag on the table and the car keys, then hastily left the room. Opening the door, she said to Huang Xing, you come with me!     3


Huang Xing shook his head and said, I still have other things to do.    


Fu Zhenxin did not insist and ran downstairs.    


Huang Xing paced back and forth in his office, feeling extremely emotional. He understood, for the 5 million, Fu Jie had nowhere to go. She wanted to sacrifice herself to protect the interests of the company and its employees. She was too stupid!    


In order to prevent Fu Jie from doing anything stupid, Huang Xing was willing to give it his all. Huang Xing opened his phone's contact list and looked at it several times. In the end, he decided to shamelessly ask Wu Qianqian to help him out. Wu Qianqian is a trump card host, she definitely has a way to raise five million! had similar thoughts before, but after considering the fact that he and Wu Qianqian had once been classmates, their relationship didn't get too deep. It was inconvenient for them to talk about money, and it was an astronomical number at that. Moreover, if Fu Jie loses this investment, if he did not even get the five million, he would become a true 'million poor man'.    


But now, seeing that Fu Jie was about to do something stupid for the five million, Huang Xing couldn't care less anymore. He knew what it meant for Fu Jie to go and throw himself into the arms of the tiger. Furthermore, he might not even be able to get the five million. He could tell that Ji Dahai was too sinister, that Fu Jie was not his match at all.    


Huang Xing felt that for Fu Jie's sake and in order to protect her from harm, not only was his own face nothing but he would also become a 'millions of scapegoats', and that it was all worth it!    


He did not know why he had such a thought.    


With a nervous heart, Huang Xing dialed Wu Qianqian's number.    


Waiting for the other side to answer the call, Huang Xing said: "Old classmate, I want to ask for your help."    


Wu Qianqian laughed: Say it, as long as it's something that I, Wu Qianqian, can accomplish, I will definitely help you. Do you want me to become your on behalf of?    


Huang Xing said: I want to borrow some money from you.    


Wu Qianqian was startled, then laughed: What, you lack money? How much?    


Huang Xing gathered his courage and said: Five ? Five million!    


Wu Qianqian exclaimed: "Ah!" What? So many? What are you doing with all that money?    


Huang Xing said: Anyway, it is of great use! Urgent use!    


Wu Qianqian said: Did something happen? How about this, come to the television station, I'll wait for you at the door.    


Huang Xing replied: Alright, I'll be there right away!    


Huang Xing quickly caught a taxi and rushed to the entrance of the television station.    


Wu Qianqian was waiting at the door.    


After Huang Xing got off the car, he walked over. Wu Qianqian's expression looked somewhat conflicted, but just as he was about to speak, Wu Qianqian asked him: You can say it now, why are you spending so much money for?    


Huang Xing truthfully said: The company wants to use it.    


Wu Qianqian was even more surprised: You crazy old classmate, if the company wants to use it, does it have anything to do with you? You're just a worker... You have no obligation to borrow that much money for a company's employees. What's more, have you thought about what would happen if the money went down the drain and the company didn't return it to you?    


Huang Xing anxiously said: "Trust me, trust our Xinyuan Company."    


Wu Qianqian said: How can I trust a company like this? What's wrong with her ability? Letting a director like you come out to raise money, this might be a trap!    


Huang Xing frowned: What are you thinking! Alright, this is a matter between you and me, so don't involve the company and Fu Jie. If you can borrow it, I'll write you an IOU right away. No, I'll think of something else.    


Wu Qianqian shrugged his shoulders and laughed bitterly: "Old classmate, you are making things difficult for me." You asked me for five million, do you think I have a bank?    


Huang Xing could not help but get angry, he wanted to ask her, then why did you call me over, and just directly reject it on the phone?    


Still, he suppressed his emotions and said: "In that case, I'll think of something else!"    


Just as Huang Xing was about to leave, Wu Qianqian shouted out: If you want me to lend you the money, then at least let me know where to use it. At the very least, I have to assess the risks!    


Huang Xing turned around, yet, he did not know how to respond to Wu Qianqian's concerns.    


He knew in his heart that the risk was not as big as it usually was. Perhaps all his money would go down the drain.    


Wu Qianqian saw Huang Xing's hesitation. In fact, she was even more hesitant than Huang Xing. Wu Qianqian lightly patted Huang Xing's shoulder, and said: "Since we are old classmates, let me help you analyze it." Come on, have a drink.    


Huang Xing replied: I don't have time to drink, nor am I in the mood. Now... I...    


Wu Qianqian retorted: "Old classmate, you're being too impatient!" I wasn't sure I wanted to help you, but I didn't say I wouldn't.    


Huang Xing said. Okay, let me buy you a cup of coffee.    


In a well-decorated coffee house, the two of them sat down.    


In fact, Huang Xing could not sit still at all. When he thought of how Fu Jie had gone to Shun Jing Street for the five million, it felt like his butt had become sore.    


After the servant brought the coffee over, Wu Qianqian added sugar and said, "You seem to be very impatient?"    


Huang Xing replied: It's not that I'm impatient, it's that I'm anxious. All you have to do is tell me if you want to borrow it or not. I'll think of something else if I don't.    


Wu Qianqian said as he stirred the coffee with a small spoon. On the account of my old classmate, I can help you with some money. But five million is too much. I really can't get it.    


Huang Xing's eyes lit up: How much can you help?    


Wu Qianqian stretched out two fingers: Two million at most. This is almost all I have. But before I help you, you have to tell me, what are you going to do with the money?    


Huang Xing told her the truth: the company had invested into the concept phone and the prototype had already come out, but a partner had suddenly withdrawn its investment, creating a 5 million gap in the company's capital. The five million was important to the company.    


Wu Qianqian replied. Then you are a good, dutiful worker. you're not afraid, if the investment fails --    


Huang Xing interrupted Wu Qianqian and said: Alright, let's save your words. Once the conceptual machine makes a profit, the company will immediately return your money to you. I'll write you a promissory note now.    


Wu Qianqian asked: "Then what if I lose money?"    


Huang Xing frowned: Please trust Director Fu, trust him. Once the new computer went on the market, there was no mention of losing money.    


Wu Qianqian said: You're really confident. Right now, the shopping mall was ever-changing. Who could guarantee that they wouldn't be able to make a profit?    


Huang Xing emphasized: Even if we are to lose money, we can at least recoup most of the costs. So you don't have to worry about losing your money. Furthermore, I am here to hold you back.    


Wu Qianqian laughed: How much are you worth? What do I want you to do?    


Just as Huang Xing was about to speak, Wu Qianqian suddenly took out a Industrial Bank card from his bag, placed it on the table and pushed it towards Huang Xing, saying: Alright, I won't joke with you, looks like you really need it urgently. Take it. There are two million on it. I really can't take out any more. The code was my birthday, six digits.    


Huang Xing was stunned. When he took out this bank card, his hands were trembling.    


He knew it wasn't just a card. On this card, there was's trust, his fate, and the life and death of the company.    


To be exact, Huang Xing did not expect that Wu Qianqian would lend him money so easily. This undoubtedly meant two things. One, Wu Qianqian was indeed rich, and two, Wu Qianqian trusted himself greatly. But in reality, he and Wu Qianqian hadn't met for many years, because they didn't have a deep relationship when they bumped into each other at the company's press conference. It was hard to believe that Wu Qianqian could lend him two million so easily. At least, Huang Xing felt that it was incredible.    


Huang Xing picked up his bank card and said excitedly: I'll write you a promissory note.    


Wu Qianqian waved his hand: No need. Don't you have such a little bit of trust between old classmates? Besides, if you don't pay me back, I can find your house!    


Huang Xing was startled for a moment, and then forced a smile. Although Wu Qianqian said this in a joking manner, Huang Xing could sense that this was perhaps Wu Qianqian's hint.    


Wu Qianqian took a sip of his coffee and reminded him: Don't forget about me, you have to help me.    


Huang Xing couldn't think of what it was that he wanted to ask, but suddenly felt that there was an even more important matter that he needed to resolve. So he asked: Oh right, old classmate, what's your birthday?    


Wu Qianqian was startled: "That depends on your memory."    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: But you also didn't tell me!    


Wu Qianqian said: Then it will depend on your sincerity! Old classmate, remember our agreement.    


She stood up, and Huang Xing also stood up, frowning as he stared at Wu Qianqian, thinking to himself, what a joke, giving her a bank card but not a password, letting her guess the password for the six digits, when would she be able to guess?    


Watching Wu Qianqian's footsteps as he left the coffee house, Huang Xing's heart was filled with a strong sense of loss.    


Was Wu Qianqian fooling himself today?    


Along the way back, Huang Xing kept thinking about the word 'password'.    


Back in the office, considering that Wu Qianqian was a public figure, Huang Xing tried searching for "Wu Qianqian's Birthday" in the Baidu, and a lot of words came out. Opening them one by one, Wu Qianqian found that none of them had anything to do with his birthday. He opened up Wu Qianqian's Encyclopedia, but there was no information about his birthday either.    


Bullshit, he was obviously trying to swindle her! Huang Xing suddenly had the feeling that he was being deceived. No wonder Wu Qianqian gave her bank card so easily. She actually sent a blank cheque!    


F * ck! Huang Xing threw the bank card on the table, touched his phone and wanted to call Wu Qianqian, asking her if she wanted to borrow it or not, if she did not, don't use this method to torture others. However, just as he was about to dial, he found a text message coming into his phone.    


It was sent by Wu Qianqian.    


Huang Xing opened it in surprise and was surprised. He was surprised to see the 17: 30 program at the Variety Channel the day before.    


Huang Xing was so confused that he couldn't think straight. Fuck, they were already on fire. How could they have the mood to watch a show? Huang Xing paced around the office in a huff. He was starting to doubt whether this card contained the two million that Wu Qianqian had mentioned.    


Empty City Strategy?    


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