Security Guard’s Romance



1However, what was displayed on the screen was actually a text message. After reading this message, Huang Xing was extremely shocked. Li Rong said. He scrolled down, there were still a lot behind him. Huang Xing did as he was told, the contents of the short letter gave him goosebumps.     4


To be exact, before he saw these text messages, Huang Xing never dared to imagine that words could be this numb. What love and affection, they were all fleeting clouds. Only after seeing these messages did he realize that there were people outside the human world and people outside the human world. There were even more people outside the jute. It seemed like Li Rong did not lack crazy suitors. Moreover, this suitor could be considered to be one of the best in the world. One of them was very yellow and violent: banyan, love tiger oil. From the first time I saw you, you are destined to be my legend. I wish I could put you in front of me, see you inch by inch, feel your warmth inch by inch. Let your hair scratch my nostrils in a way that is also a kind of happiness. I sneeze, and every molecule of water is full of my obsession with you. I know my chest isn't as straight as yours, but I'll take it in my mouth and melt it inch by inch. The distance between a man and a woman is actually just this pair of rooms, but the distance between you and me is only because you still don't dare to open your sexy red dress for me ?    


The other was also quite explosive: Your palm itchy, that's because you lack my caress; Your mouth itchy, that's because you're calling my sweet kiss; My body itchy, that's my longing, it's all over your body. I want to be a worm in your body so that I can take you for myself and invade you. I want to be the chair you always sit in so that even if you leave me, I still have the warmth of your little ass on me ?    


After reading about dozens of text messages, Huang Xing asked: Who sent it? Your boyfriend?    


Li Rong frowned: "Men ? friends?" Do I look like someone who has a boyfriend? I told you, I've been possessed recently. I get this message every day. Especially that one... I'm willing to make the chair you always make, so I'll have the temperature of your ass... How dirty. Guess what I gave him?    


Huang Xing asked: What did you return?    


It was only now that he understood that Li Rong's so-called "upper body of ghosts" was not actually "upper body of ghosts", but rather that he was being entangled by Sirius.    


Li Rong blinked his eyes and said with his mouth slightly raised. I told him that most of the time, what you felt was my aunt's temperature.    


Huang Xing blushed red. He thought to himself, young people nowadays are truly invincible.    


Is it your turn? Li Rong leisurely picked up a strand of noodles and sucked it into his mouth. While chewing, he said, "But I think it's pretty fun right now too. He also sent a short message saying that he liked it when I was wearing High-heeled shoes. The little feet inside made him yearn for it for a long time, it must be pure white like jade, he really wanted to kiss it and feel its beauty and cuteness ? Guess what I did with him? Haha, I said I haven't washed my feet in a month. If I take off my shoes, I can smoke half of the world. Guess what he replied, he replied in a text message. That's good too, like stinky tofu. Smell it, eat it...    


When he heard Li Rong's narration, Huang Xing seemed to have become immersed in the play uncontrollably, and he felt as if there was a special smell coming from his legs. However, from this, it could be more clearly judged that there were too many pedophiles in the world, and almost every man had some kind of preference in this regard. The person who sent a message to Li Rong was extremely mischievous and despicable to the extreme. However, for a beautiful girl like Li Rong, even if her feet smelled bad, she would definitely not hurt Da Ya. Because Huang Xing had seen her little feet before, that kind of shocking beauty, even if it was not washed for a year, it would still not be able to conceal her peerless beauty.    


Seeing Huang Xing's blank look, Li Rong leaned his head over and laughed. What's wrong, Big Brother Huang? How could that be, I lied to him, who can not wash their feet for a month! Haha! I just think he's too vulgar, and all the texts he sends are provocative! If he chooses me, then I'll choose him too. We'll choose each other and see who can disgust who!    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: You are truly a talent! However, I suggest that you should not retaliate. The more you retaliate, the more intense his counterattack will become. If you don't like him, just tell him straight out... However, looking at the contents of his text message, I feel that there is a problem with this person's character, so it's better not to socialize too much.    


Li Rong replied: But the problem is, this person ? His identity was very special.    


Yellowstar gaped. A special identity?     


Li Rong said: Let's see what you're thinking. You know this person.    


Huang Xing was even more shocked: What, I know him? Is he from our company?    


Li Rong nodded, conflicted.    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and said: I already guessed it. Other than Cao Aidang, Great Manager Cao, who else would do such a despicable thing?    


Li Rong mysteriously shook his head: But you did guess wrong this time, it had nothing to do with the Cao Manager.    


Huang Xing countered: Who else?    


Li Rong prompted: Can't you just look at the number to find out?    


Huang Xing looked at the "From" column on his phone. There was no name, only a bare phone number. Huang Xing punched in the number on his phone and realised that it was not the person from his communication device.    


Li Rong started to talk about this matter, but didn't mention who the person who sent the message was. Huang Xing counted the number of men in the company. He felt that other than Cao Aidang, who could send this kind of vulgar text message, there was no one else. He was even more perplexed.    


After the meal, Li Rong wanted Huang Xing to make a trip to his residence after the celebration tonight, but he felt that it was too inconvenient so he rejected Li Rong's good intentions. Li Rong was unreconciled, and suddenly asked Huang Xing: Big Brother Huang, do you really think I'm only your passerby? Or was it a shooting star?    


Huang Xing didn't expect her to say this, and for a moment, didn't know how to reply.    


Li Rong brought Huang Xing home dejectedly.    


When Huang Xing got off the car, he was coincidentally seen by Fu Zhenxin who was standing by the window upstairs. When Huang Xing went upstairs, he received a preemptive interrogation and was forced to ask: What happened, why did you get on Li Rong's car again?    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment, then explained: She drove out to eat, and asked me to come back.    


The sensitive Fu Zhenxin said aggressively: "It probably isn't that simple?" Once again, I solemnly remind you to pay attention to your identity.    


Huang Xing was baffled. He thought to himself, I have only taken Li Rong on the car a few times, but you have taken more cars than me. Everyday, I only take you on the car every day, don't you have to be so indignant?    


But he didn't argue any further. Silence was the best weapon against jealous women. The more he argued, the more intense the attacks would be. This was Huang Xing's personal experience and comprehension after coming into contact with Fu Zhenxin.    


Huang Xing took out a charger and connected it with his phone. When he started up the phone, he found that the battery symbol on the screen was full. He was stunned for a moment. He thought, since the battery wasn't damaged in the first place, why did it automatically shut down just now? Could it be that he accidentally bumped into the shut down button?    


At half past three in the afternoon, Huang Xing brought Li Rong and rushed over to the celebration meeting place. After carefully considering the details and making sure that there were no mistakes, he sat down and waited for the celebration meeting.    


When it was five o'clock, Fu Jie arrived first. She was an exceptionally cautious person. Only after taking a serious look at the venue did she feel at ease. Fu Jie told Huang Xing that there would be a few important figures present at night. As the Office Chief, Huang Xing naturally had to be the host of the celebration ceremony. Huang Xing's memory was not bad, he had long memorized the script. But Fu Jie still did not seem to be at ease, he simply went through the motions in front of her face.    


Around 5: 30, the company's managers and employees began to group up to the venue to take a seat.    


Huang Xing was busy adjusting his seating position, when he suddenly received a phone call. When he was about to answer, he suddenly realized that the number looked so familiar.    


When he pressed the "Answer" button, Huang Xing suddenly realized: wasn't this the phone number that had been sent to Li Rong to harass him?    


Huang Xing's computer did not have this account, so the moment he answered, he kept on guessing who this person was. When he heard the familiar voice, Huang Xing could not help but be shocked.    


It was actually Liu Jinming!    


In other words, the person who had been harassing Li Rong with trash messages was Liu Jinming.    


Liu Jinming had an ordinary appearance, and his appearance was unkempt. This meant that he might not be as good as he liked in terms of relationships. Although Huang Xing could see the lustful look in Liu Jinming's eyes, he had concealed it well ever since he entered the company. He wasn't like Cao Aijiao, who openly teased and coveted female employees. However, who would have thought that this fellow would actually use such a despicable method to chase after a girl? No wonder he was single all this time. "Other than a girl like Qi Jie, a girl who every man has a chance with, who else would give him a chance?    


In that moment, Huang Xing felt that Liu Jinming's actions, was the greatest opportunity for him to retaliate. He could have reported this matter to Fu Jie and let Fu Jie's impression of this trump card of his, the Trainer, be greatly reduced. But when he thought about it again, he felt that doing such a small thing like reporting to others was not his own way of doing things. It was just like when he impeached Cao Aidang in front of Fu Jie. Fu Jie was a very strange strong lady, she valued good points more than others. Cao Aidang had made such a huge mistake last time, but she had only expelled the other party, Qi Jie, and turned a blind eye to Cao Aidang. Presumably, Fu Jie would use the same method to deal with Li Rong's harassment. In other words, Huang Xing felt that Liu Jinming was a talented person too. His strong point of view had overshadowed his weak points in terms of looks and character. Of course, Huang Xing didn't want to completely exterminate him just because he lost in the competition.    


Most of the time, kindness was a fatal flaw.    


On the other side of the phone, Liu Jinming laughed and said: Director Huang, I'm rushing to the meeting place, help me pick up a few people from the North Garden Main Street.    


Huang Xing asked: Who?    


Liu Jinming said: My seniors and juniors are all here to support the company.    


Huang Xing then asked: Your junior brother, is it appropriate for me to come and pick him up?    


Liu Jinming said: Why not? You are the Office Chief's General Manager of Logistics! It is your duty to send and receive these things. Besides, wouldn't it be more sincere if you went to pick up our company?    


After Huang Xing heard this, he became a little angry and asked a question in reply: Your Training Department is also part of the main branch. No one knows them except you. Besides, there are a lot of things I have to deal with at the celebration.    


Liu Jinming was displeased: Director Huang, you really aren't giving me any face, this is the first time I'm asking you for help, how can I not be satisfied?    


Huang Xing raised his voice to emphasize. I don't know how to drive, and I'm not your operator!    


Liu Jinming said: This director is truly incompetent.    


Then he hung up.    


Huang Xing thought, who the hell was this person! It was obvious that he was deliberately giving her a hard time. Immediately after, he saw Fu Jie who was not far away answering a phone call. He felt that the situation was bad.    


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