Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing never thought that Huang Jinjiang would actually come!    


He was wearing a very gentleman's suit and shiny leather shoes. He had his hands behind his back and was brimming with authority.    


Huang Xing unwillingly went forward and stood in front of Huang Jinjiang. Huang Jinjiang looked around and fixed his gaze on Fu Jie. Huang Xing mechanically reached out his hand and said expressionlessly, "Let's go this way."    


Huang Jinjiang reached out and lifted the hem of his suit, releasing a weird laughter from the corner of his mouth.    


Five minutes later, after Fu Jie received a call, he stood up anxiously, went to the entrance of the hotel and looked outside. Huang Xing asked who she was waiting for, and Fu Jie said that a big shot would come later.    


Huang Xing could tell that Fu Jie was very nervous, as if a country's leader wanted to come over to inspect. Fu Jie looked around and asked Huang Xing to gather all the managers in the company to stand on both sides of the door to welcome them. Huang Xing thought that Fu Jie was making a big fuss out of nothing.    


But he could not disobey the boss's orders, Huang Xing immediately gathered all the managers and stood inside the door quietly.    


About ten minutes later, a luxurious Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of the hotel. Shaoqing was the first to step down from the carriage. He was an extraordinarily noble lady.    


Ah? Huang Xing was immediately stunned.    


~ Isn't this the person in charge of Dream Group, Yu Mengqin? Why is she here too?    


Huang Xing thought that Fu Jie was really something, to be able to get his hands on Yu Mengqin. She was one of the most influential figures in the country's business world, a female hero.    


Fu Jie hurriedly went forward to welcome her. The dignified and graceful Yu Mengqin smiled at her and said, "Am I late?" Fu Jie hurriedly said, no, the Director Yu just happened to be here. After shaking hands, Fu Jie personally led Yu Mengqin into the hotel.    


To be exact, the moment Yu Mengqin arrived, the entire venue went from active to silent. Almost everyone was staring at the legendary queen of the business world, unable to believe their eyes. and even more so, could not believe that Yu Mengqin would appear at Xinyuan Company's celebration.    


How much face would he need to have in order to invite this legendary business woman?    


Even the influential trump card host Wu Qianqian was stunned when he saw Yu Mengqin. He took the initiative to get up from his seat, walked to Yu Mengqin and extended his hand out, attempting to get close to him. Although Yu Mengqin was a big shot, he was exceptionally affable. She took the initiative to say to Wu Qianqian, Eh, aren't you the host of that Shandong television station? Wu Qianqian felt overwhelmed and said, "Yes, yes, I am Wu Qianqian." Director Yu, I have heard a lot about you.    


Yu Mengqin turned his head to look at Fu Jie, and laughed, "How could I not attend this little Fu's celebration party?    


Fu Jie's face flickered with a burst of glorious light.    


After leading Yu Mengqin to a seat, everyone crowded around the legendary Queen and sat down. Fu Jie, Huang Xing, Fu Zhenxin and the others were accompanied by Fu Jie who was considered the main guest. Wu Qianqian was the secondary guest, and sat on both sides of Fu Jie. Huang Xing originally wanted to add a cup of tea to the cup of purple sand pot, but Liu Jinming, who was quick on the uptake, stopped him and snatched the purple sand pot away, while snatching the opportunity to display his skills. Huang Xing thought that this bastard was truly too f * cking shameless, but for the greater picture, he couldn't possibly fight Liu Jinming head on. Liu Jinming respectfully poured tea for Yu Mengqin, then stood up and started to introduce everyone present.    


When Fu Jie introduced him to Huang Xing, Liu Jinming suddenly seized the initiative. After pouring Yu Mengqin a cup of tea, he took the initiative to introduce himself: Director Yu, we have met not long ago, I am Teacher Chen Anzhi's student, Liu Jinming. The last time you came over, I even paid a visit to the host.    


Yu Mengqin glanced at Liu Jinming and said: "I remember, I remember."    


Liu Jinming originally wanted to hear what Yu Mengqin had to say, but after she said that, her gaze stopped at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing felt goosebumps all over his body. Seeing Yu Mengqin again, Huang Xing felt that this person was even more familiar. But he really couldn't remember where he had seen it before. Fu Jie was about to introduce Huang Xing, when Yu Mengqin suddenly said: Young lad, the last time I was at the venue, I felt like I've seen you somewhere. It was very familiar.    


Huang Xing was startled, Yu Mengqin thought he looked familiar too?    


What did this mean? Could it be that she had really met Yu Mengqin before, or that she had come into contact with him by chance?    


Nervous, Huang Xing self-deprecatingly said a few words. Maybe it's because I look more popular.    


On the other hand, Yu Mengqin was quick to say: Young lad, you don't look like a popular person. A very handsome young man. Before you... Had he stayed in Beijing?    


Huang Xing wanted to say something, but suddenly, Liu Jinming interrupted: Director Huang has always been born and raised in the mountains, I'm afraid they have never been to Beijing. Director Yu, have you still not returned to Beijing?    


Yu Mengqin replied: Not yet. There's something here that needs to be coordinated.    


Liu Jinming said: Then you are truly a busy man. You came to our company today to support us, we are really honorable!    


Seeing how anxious Liu Jinming was to show off in front of Yu Mengqin, Fu Jie could not help but be angry. He thought to himself, now that I've used up all my lines, what can I use as an opening? When Liu Jinming finished flattering her, Fu Jie continued to introduce her to him. Director Yu, the handsome young man that you mentioned just now, is our company's Office Chief, Huang Xing. Director Huang was a capable person, the company's regulations and long-term plans were all drafted by him. Also, the concept of mobile phones in our company was first proposed by Director Huang.    


Yu Mengqin said: "Looks like this Xiao Huang has a good eye for business, not bad not bad." Young people have to be innovative and creative.    


After receiving Yu Mengqin's praise and advice, Huang Xing was surprisingly proud of himself.    


Now that everyone was here, Fu Jie saw that the time was right, and walked to the front, and gave his impassioned opening statement: Today, let me represent the Xinyuan Company, and all members of the company, to express our heartfelt gratitude and sincere wishes to all of you for your arrival. Of course, today I have to pay special tribute to Dream Group, the chairman of the Dream Group, Yu Mengqin, for her great visit. Her arrival shocked me greatly and immediately raised the standard and scale of the celebration by a few hundred times. Let us use our warm applause to express our heartfelt gratitude and our most noble respect for the Director Yu!    


The applause was thunderous.    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing, and continued: Next, we will ask our company's Office Chief Huang Xing to report to everyone on the development achievements of Xinyuan Company this year.    


Under the gaze of everyone present, Huang Xing walked up to the front, took the wireless microphone that Fu Jie handed over, cleared his throat and said: "This year, to Xinyuan Company, is an extremely important year, and also a year of flourishing and flourishing." During this year, under the joint efforts of the Director Fu and all the employees and the unremitting care of friends, we grew up and launched the best-selling phones such as Xin Fang A1, A2 and B1, which caused a huge reaction in the market. The sales points spread to hundreds of cities and towns all over the country. In the wireless telephony business, we follow the carrier policy and regulations, expanded a large number of new customers, and obtained the unanimous affirmation of several operators, such as mobile, Unicom and so on. Of course, our company also took over a few brand phone customer service points, this year, the customer service centers did not complain, and got the same praise from the manufacturers and customers ? Not long ago, Xinyuan Company actively launched a new concept phone, the first stage and second stage. Within half a month's time, he had achieved a net profit of more than ten million. Maybe this 10 million was just like a drop in the bucket for a lot of big corporations and corporations, but to Xinyuan Company, it was a sign of success. I believe that before long, the Xinyuan Company will definitely step onto a higher stage and establish a stable foothold in the communication world, creating an even more brilliant performance. Now, the company is actively preparing for the third issue of the concept of mobile phone, and I hope that you will advise and advise the company, my company will listen to you wholeheartedly.    


After pausing for a moment, Huang Xing continued, Today, at the initiative of the Director Fu, we will gather here to witness and celebrate this great moment. On this extraordinary day, on behalf of the Xinyuan Company, on behalf of the Director Fu, I would like to express once again our warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all of you, and through you, my sincere wishes to your companies and families. I hope that everyone will be able to achieve their dreams and make a fortune at the end of the year. Congratulations on getting rich!    


As Huang Xing finished his last sentence of 'I congratulate you on getting rich', a burst of clear firecrackers sounded out outside the hotel. At the same time, at the celebration party's venue, a few explosions occurred in quick succession. The colorful sticks that filled the sky flew overhead as everyone could not help but applaud and cheer. At this time, the small music team, which had been preparing for a long time, began to play a cheerful melody. Everyone raised their glasses in this atmosphere of joy and tranquility.    


Fu Jie walked to the front once again and stood together with Huang Xing. They raised their cups and drank heartily.    


Just as everyone was drinking and discussing, Fu Jie quietly said to Huang Xing. Director Huang, when did you learn to speak in an official tone?    


Huang Xing was startled: Is that so?    


Fu Jie blinked his eyes in a completely different way: Not yet? Under the combined efforts of something, under the care of something... This was obviously the tone of an official.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: You should at least be courteous.    


Fu Jie said: I can see that you are actually a good material for being an official! You didn't take the civil servant exam, you are such a waste of talent!    


Huang Xing asked: What do you mean?    


Fu Jie said: "I can write and speak, but my tone of voice is not bad." If you were in the government, you would be like a fish in water.    


Huang Xing quickly said: I'm flattering Director Fu.    


Just as Fu Jie was about to sit with Huang Xing, she suddenly felt that something was up. She looked at Yu Mengqin and realised, she could not help but break out in cold sweat. Today, she had not been in a good condition. Especially when she found out from Huang Xing that there was a high possibility that there was a technical problem with the third batch of conceptual phones, she became even more absent-minded. So much so that she neglected a very important part of the celebration. After all, this celebration party was attended by business legends like Yu Mengqin, and media celebrities like Wu Qianqian. Although the two of them only came to participate in the celebration at the last moment, but according to the rules, any sort of gathering should have important people speaking. Otherwise, he would make the other party feel that he didn't hold them in high regard.    


Thinking about it, Fu Jie called Huang Xing to the side and told him that he made a mistake.    


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